- Author: lettara
- Date: November 7, 2022
- Updated: March 6, 2025
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Welcome to the Holy Paladin PvE guide for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.
You are a beacon of light in a dark world. A sacred shield.
Blessed with divine favor, you wield the greatest healing power in all of Northrend.
Hone your skills and your allies shall never falter.
Read this guide in its entirety to start your journey to true healing mastery.
Holy Paladin in Wrath of the Lich King
Holy Paladin is widely regarded as the most powerful healer in Wrath of the Lich King. Using Beacon of Light, we are able to be both the strongest tank healer in the game, and a raid healer, simultaneously. Unlike TBC Holy Paladin, which was brought almost exclusively for a 3rd blessing, WotLK Hpal is a healing powerhouse and a necessity to any raid team due to its absurd output. Between Holy Paladin’s unbeatable healing with Holy Light and raid cooldowns such as Divine Sacrifice, our value in raid is unparalleled.
To understand how Holy Paladins went from the worst healer to the best healer in a single update, read below.
Holy Paladin Strengths and Weaknesses
Here we will discuss Holy Paladin’s many strengths, and their few weaknesses.
- Insane Output
Holy Light is crazy enough on its own, but when modified by Beacon of Light and Glyph of Holy Light it becomes the strongest healing ability in the game. - Endless Cooldowns
The Holy Paladin toolkit is the largest of any healer. Between Divine Favor, Avenging Wrath, Lay on Hands, Hand of Sacrifice, Divine Sacrifice & Aura Mastery, the playstyle is extremely active. As you become more and more experienced with your class and the content, you’ll be able to find a cooldown for any scenario. - Great Utility
As a Paladin, we provide necessary buffs to the raid in the form of Blessings. As a holy Paladin, we specialize in Improved Blessing of Wisdom, making our Blessing of Wisdom the strongest Mp5 buff in the game. We also spec into Improved Devotion Aura, boosting the healing received by everyone in the raid by 6%.
On top of these passive buffs we provide, through our ‘Hand’ abilities, we provide very useful active utility as well. Hand of Protection (previously Blessing of Protection or BoP) can save an allies life by rendering them immune to physical damage for a duration. If a DPS or Healer pulls aggro off a tank, quickly use Hand of Protection on them and the mob will return to the tank. Note that this won’t work against caster mobs, as Hand of Protection only protects against physical attacks.
Hand of Freedom (previously Blessing of Freedom) removes any slow/root effects from the target, and renders them immune to such effects for 10 seconds. Hint: use this on the Sapphiron encounter to quickly escape Blizzard. Lastly, Hand of Salvation can be used on the biggest pumper in your raid to ensure that they don’t need to hold back on damage. This spell is a rework of the classic/tbc spell Blessing of Salvation. Hint: Use this on an Unholy DK pre-pull, because Gary is a threat fiend. - Low skill floor, but infinite skill cap
Whether you’re new to healing or a veteran, you will quickly fall in love with this class. While you can be a competent Holy Paladin by simply keeping Beacon of Light up on the tank and mashing Holy Light, advanced players will still find it immensely challenging trying to perfect things like swing timing, CD usage and mana management.
- Lack of Mobility
Not only do Holy Paladins not have any movement speed increasing abilities (unless you’re an Engineer!) like Resto Druids and Holy Priests, we also don’t have a huge arsenal of instant casts to use on the move. During movement heavy fights, Holy Paladins may be inferior to druids and disc priests who can spam HoTs and bubbles. Read the Forced Movement section of this guide to learn how to handle movement heavy encounters like a pro.
I hope this overview provides the base knowledge needed to understand the raw, unbridled power of a Holy Paladin. Please navigate to the other pages to get information on gear, rotation, talents, & more.
If you have any questions that aren’t answered in this guide, please leave a comment below.
Hi. I love Warcrafttavern wotlk guides. Congratulations to your very didactic and intelligent texts.
Please. One question:
Does the Paladin’s shadow, frost and fire resistance auras stack with shaman’s resistance totens or priest’s shadow resistance buf?
I ask that becouse I know that mana regenerate toten from Shaman’s doesn’t stack with Paladin’s Blessing of Wisdom (and I understand that Holy version of this Paladin’s buff is much more superior than Shamans’ totem becouse it’s improved by talent in holy tree).
Ohhh…. Considering that in WotLK the politic “bring the player, not the class” make different class and specs to share buff effects (not stacking anymore)… Does anything else fro. Paladin’s toolkit (as buff, aura, seal, etc.) does stack with anyother class and/or spec in the game?
Tx again Lettara. You r a legend 🙌