PvE Holy Paladin Talents, Builds & Glyphs

pve holy paladin talents, builds & glyphs

In Wrath of the Lich King Classic there are two primary spec outlines, with several variants for each. If your raid team has two Holy Paladins (which is standard), one of you should assume the ‘carry’ role, and the other should assume ‘support’. Since the talents Improved Blessing of Wisdom and Improved Devotion Aura do not stack, it is optimal for only one of you to run them, leaving the other to use powerful talents otherwise unavailable to them. 

Carry Build Variants

Standard Carry

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If you are blessed with the luxury of not having to run Improved Blessing of Wisdom and/or Improved Devotion Aura, you are able to max out both Improved Lay on Hands and Blessed Hands. You are also able to put 3 points into Benediction, for a small mana savings. 

Carry Without Aura Mastery

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Aura Mastery is a great defensive cooldown, particularly when you’re battling foes with high elemental damage (i.e. Saphiron, Sartherion). However, if you are fighting a boss in which physical damage is the greatest threat to your tanks, it is wise to drop Aura Mastery in favor of a third point in Benediction for a small mana savings.

Carry Without Righteous Fury

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While Improved Righteous Fury is the best defensive talent available to us, using Righteous Fury can often be problematic. On add fights such as Gluth and Sartherion, RF will all but ensure that all stray mobs run straight to you. You can use this to your advantage by ensuring that all adds run to a single target, making it easier for your tank to grab them, but most of the time this proves to be more problematic for you than helpful to your tanks. 

Support Build Variants

Standard Support

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One Holy Paladin on your raid team must take the talents Improved Blessing of Wisdom and Improved Devotion Aura. Improved Blessing of Wisdom will boosts the Mp5 of every mana user in the raid, and Improved Devotion Aura will increase healing done from all sources by 6% as well as give additional armor. Unfortunately, the Paladin forced to take this spec will miss out on some nifty utility, output and mana talents.

Support Without Aura Mastery

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Aura Mastery is a great defensive cooldown, particularly when you’re battling foes with high elemental damage (i.e. Saphiron, Sartherion). However, if you are fighting a boss in which physical damage is the greatest threat to your tanks, it is wise to drop Aura Mastery in favor of a second point in Improved Lay on Hands. Using Aura Mastery + Devotion Aura will provide around 1% physical mitigation to your raid for just 6 seconds, whereas a second point of Improved Lay on Hands will add an additional 10% physical mitigation to your tanks for 15 seconds.

Support Without Righteous Fury

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While Improved Righteous Fury is the best defensive talent available to us, using Righteous Fury can often be problematic. On add fights such as Gluth and Sartherion, RF will all but ensure that all stray mobs run straight to you. You can use this to your advantage by ensuring that all adds run to a single target, making it easier for your tank to grab them, but most of the time this proves to be more problematic for you than helpful to your tanks. 


Major Glyphs

Possibly the strongest Glyph in the entire game, and certainly the strongest Glyph for a Holy Paladin. This turns us into proper raid healers, by allowing a percentage of our Holy Light healing to splash to 5 additional targets. This works with Beacon of Light as well, so with each Holy Light you cast you have the potential to also heal ten additional targets: 5 near the player that you cast Holy Light on, and 5 near your Beacon of Light target. 

Another beautiful and necessary Glyph for any Holy Paladin. Since Seal of Wisdom should always be active, this is a permanent 5% mana cost reduction to all of your abilities.

Beacon of Light has an extremely high mana cost. By using this Glyph, you are not only increasing your output by having to refresh Beacon less often, but also saving yourself a large chunk of mana, as Beacon of Light has a very high mana cost.

Major Glyphs Alternatives

This is not recommended once you are geared, since you should rarely, if ever, cast Flash of Light. If your gear is weak and you find yourself casting FoL a lot out of necessity, use this Glyph over Glyph of Beacon of Light.

This is generally not recommended, as it forces you to use Lay on Hands on yourself to see any value from it. In the most dire of mana situations, however, you should consider using this over Glyph of Beacon of Light.

Minor Glyphs

This Glyph is amazing and an absolute necessity for any Holy Paladin. This reduces the cooldown of your Lay on Hands by 5 minutes, allowing you to use this massive cooldown far more often.

A useful Glyph, especially if you are the only Paladin blessing kings. It will save you a boatload of mana when applying blessings to the entire raid, and a decent amount in combat, if you ever have to rebuff a battle res’d ally.

A good Holy Paladin should find themselves attacking quite a bit. On bosses, you may attempt to auto attack in order to regen mana via Seal of Wisdom. On trash, you may find yourself using Concecration or Holy Wrath when no healing is needed. All of these abilities will benefit from this Glyph, albeit only by 1% (and only if the target is undead).


About the Author


World of Warcraft veteran of 18 years. Ex world first raider and rank 1 healer. Slayer of dragons. Lover of cats.
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3 years ago

I feel Imp LoH is so situational. Almost always you should never have to rely on it and if you do it shouldn’t be more often then 15min. The 20% damage reduction is decent I admit, but I really feel you are much better investing these points into improved devotion. 6% additional raw healing and gives 50% more armor from devo, which probably mitigates more dmg overall throughout the course of a fight. Not only that but it frees your actual protection paladin to sink those points into something else like reckoning or guardian’s favor, which if your min/maxing dps taking every bit of threat is helpful. Just my 0.02¢

Reply to  Sassbringer
2 years ago

Hey and thank you for your comment!

Unfortunately Improved Devotion Aura’s 6% increased healing does not stack with a Resto Druid’s Tree of Life aura, as a different commenter mentions. As most raids will have a Resto Druid, and their aura has a 100 yard range vs our 40 yards, that part is unfortunately almost completely wasted.

The armor component also doesn’t stack with a Shaman’s Stoneskin Totem. Our version is slightly better when both are improved (1807 armor & 40 yards on Devotion vs 1380 armor & 30 yards on Stoneskin) but that difference is generally too small to really make this talent all that attractive.

It’s not at all necessary, and you’re right that in most raids you shouldn’t really need the reduced CD on Lay on Hands. However in the grand scheme of things, I’d say Improved LoH is probably slightly better than Improved Devo, even though both are perfectly viable talents. 🙂

2 years ago

Improved devo aura doesnt stack w tree of life, iirc. And tree has 100 yard range effect.

Last edited 2 years ago by swoggie
3 years ago

my tbc server died and they wouldn’t offer any free server transfers so i’m playing private woltk ty for ur list

Reply to  cooki
3 years ago

Hey there cooki, glad you are enjoying the guide!

Absallom the Corrupted
Absallom the Corrupted
3 years ago

Thank for yor guide,
On the holy light spec talents
I traded Enlightenment for Improved Devotion Aura plz tell what do you think.

2 years ago

could i get talent guide for 3.3.5 but going through TBC? my wotlk private server just started TBC and i dont think i get any instant cast spells as holy

2 years ago

Why would you waste points in toughness? Improved Righteous Fury with the 6% damage reduction with raid wall (Divine Sacrifice) The threat you gen will not be enough to pull off of a tank, and it is by far more useful in every single situation. You are a bloody pally you have blessing of freedom if you ever need to move which is what Sindragosa? Never say a pally doing hard modes take toughness over IRF.

Reply to  Pyret
2 years ago

Righteos Fury is a tanking talent that generates alot of aggro.
As a healer you should never have righteos fury active.
Thats why you don´t spend the points in imp.r.f.

Reply to  Flax
2 years ago

That’s simply not true. While this talent is geared towards a tank spec, it is true that you shouldn’t be anywhere close to pulling aggro during a raid, even with it up.

Reply to  Derp
2 years ago

In general, yeah your tanks will be dealing far more threat than you will be while healing, even with Improved Righteous Fury on. However, there are some bosses where adds spawn, and tanks haven’t yet generated threat on them – so having Righteous Fury active there will make things harder for your tanks, and increase your chances of death.

Improved Righteous Fury isn’t completely useless, you can use it just fine on many boss fights, however it’s generally just safer to take Toughness instead, on your way to Divine Sacrifice.

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