In this section we will be covering the stat priority list for an Affliction Warlock when it comes to PvP combat in Wrath of the Lich King!
Spell Power
Hit Rating
Critical Strike
For PvP, Resilience is the most important stat you can acquire and you will want to play with around 1400 resilience as a caster.
Haste is one of the most important stats as a caster because you will want to spam your abilities as fast as possible to overpower your opponent so be sure to acquire quite a high amount of haste, especially as an Affliction Warlock. The Haste Rating you will aim for is between 950 and 1050.
Spell power is one of the main stats for spell casters, it amplifies the power of our spells, increasing the overall destruction that we wreak upon our enemies. The more spell power you acquire, the more damage you will deal. You will aim to have at least 3200 with Fel Armor active and without trinket procs.
When it comes to Hit rating you will want to have 3%.
Spirit is a stat that will benefit your Fel Armor; the more Spirit you have, the larger the amount of spell power you gain from Fel Armor. However, you should not try to utilize too many items that offer spirit or gem too many sockets with spirit. 250 Spirit will be more than enough to amplify your Spell power.
Critical Strike Chance will improve our damage-over-time abilities. Due to the way Pandemic works, our DoT spells will do massive amounts of damage with the help of Critical Strike Chance. You should aim to have at least a 24% Critical Strike Chance.
Stamina is a stat that is inherently found on all of our gear pieces, increasing our health. You can opt to gem your sockets with stamina gems in order to abuse this stat, but beware of overly gemming stamina since you do not want to lose other important stats.
About the Author
Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
Yup, 130 Spell Penetration allows you to offset both Shadow Protection and Shadow Resistance Aura, which are both very strong against Warlocks otherwise.
That is actually my mistake, I simply forgot to mention it. You will require 130 spell penetration to be efficient against Shadow Protection and Shadow Resistance! You can choose to use only 75 Spell Penetration if you only take into consideration the Gift of the Wild.
Another thing that you can take into consideration is that you may use Curse of the Elements to weaken targets that benefit from Shadow Protection/Shadow Resistance/Gift of the Wild if you don’t have enough Spell Penetration.
Hi there! This guide was created with the last phase of the expansion in mind, for earlier phases, all stats will be considerably lower. I will provide an update soon!
1 year ago
this res sounds high – everyone ive talked to in arenas or in the sewers says like… closer to 1100, some play even lower. Anyone know if this 1400 goal is realistic?
Most Warlocks I’ve seen land towards the high 1100s or low 1200s, but Resilience is very much a personal preference thing. You should tailor it towards your gameplay and your experiences in PvP.
It really depends on your preference and the type of comps you encounter. Depending on where you are on the ladder, you might encounter a lot of Melee comps that will simply shred you. This guide was created with the last phase of the expansion in mind! I will provide some further updates that will cover the other phases as well. And in regards to the 1400 resilience, it can be achieved but it does consume other valuable stats that you may gain from using some strong PvE off-parts. It also depends on what partner you choose when you think about optimizing your stats. With double DPS comps, you will want to focus less on resilience and more on offensive stats.
where would spell pen be?
I’ve been told 130 spell pen is what us affliction locks want to get, to help with spriests.
Yup, 130 Spell Penetration allows you to offset both Shadow Protection and Shadow Resistance Aura, which are both very strong against Warlocks otherwise.
That is actually my mistake, I simply forgot to mention it. You will require 130 spell penetration to be efficient against Shadow Protection and Shadow Resistance! You can choose to use only 75 Spell Penetration if you only take into consideration the Gift of the Wild.
Another thing that you can take into consideration is that you may use Curse of the Elements to weaken targets that benefit from Shadow Protection/Shadow Resistance/Gift of the Wild if you don’t have enough Spell Penetration.
how are you getting that much haste?
I was wondering that too – all the tier pieces has crit. i literally have on piece of gear with haste >_<, and thats with 4.7k gs
I assume the Haste listed is for the later seasons, alongside ICC gear.
In Phase 2 you will likely end up somewhere around 300 Rating.
Hi there! This guide was created with the last phase of the expansion in mind, for earlier phases, all stats will be considerably lower. I will provide an update soon!
this res sounds high – everyone ive talked to in arenas or in the sewers says like… closer to 1100, some play even lower. Anyone know if this 1400 goal is realistic?
Most Warlocks I’ve seen land towards the high 1100s or low 1200s, but Resilience is very much a personal preference thing. You should tailor it towards your gameplay and your experiences in PvP.
It really depends on your preference and the type of comps you encounter. Depending on where you are on the ladder, you might encounter a lot of Melee comps that will simply shred you. This guide was created with the last phase of the expansion in mind! I will provide some further updates that will cover the other phases as well. And in regards to the 1400 resilience, it can be achieved but it does consume other valuable stats that you may gain from using some strong PvE off-parts. It also depends on what partner you choose when you think about optimizing your stats. With double DPS comps, you will want to focus less on resilience and more on offensive stats.