In this section we will be covering two optimal builds for a Retribution Paladin in PvP during Wrath of the Lich King. These builds are fairly similar but they offer two different playstyles; one defensive and one offensive.
This build works best if combined with a one-handed spell power weapon and a shield for half of the fight’s duration or until the enemy has used their offensive cooldowns and then switching back to a two-handed weapon.
The second build has more of an offensive playstyle. While not as focused on defensive capabilities, it does provide a more burst-type gameplay which allows you to decimate your opponents with the help of a crowd control lock situation. It offers more points into Righteous Vengeance while also offering five points into Seals of the Pure to maximize the damage that your seals will cause.
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Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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2 years ago
i personally had righteous vengeance on 1 point since its dps is really low and i mostly wanted it to keep an extra debuff on the enemy to have to cleanse or keep a rogue out of stealth, instead i had it on seal of command. depending on how numbers work on retail when wrath classic comes out command might or might not be the play though xD
i personally had righteous vengeance on 1 point since its dps is really low and i mostly wanted it to keep an extra debuff on the enemy to have to cleanse or keep a rogue out of stealth, instead i had it on seal of command. depending on how numbers work on retail when wrath classic comes out command might or might not be the play though xD
exactly what I did as well
Put some punctuation mate, I don’t understand anything.
And the rotation?