- Author: Kurathis
- Date: January 25, 2023
- Updated: January 31, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
In this section, we will be covering each and every mount that you can obtain through raising your reputation with specific factions – most of the time each faction requires you to be Exalted with them to purchase mounts.
As future phases are released, this guide will be updated to better reflect the available mounts.
Classic (Vanilla) WoW
Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber

This mount is exclusive to the Alliance!
In order to purchase this mount, Alliance players must first reach Exalted with the Wintersaber Trainers, which is a very long process! You can purchase the mount from Rivern Frostwind in Winterspring.
The Burning Crusade
Cenarion War Hippogryph

Players can purchase this mount from Fedryen Swiftspear in Zangarmarsh, once they have raised their reputation with Cenarion Expedition to Exalted.
Note: This is a flying mount, and does require the player to have 300 Riding (Epic Flying) unlocked to be able to use it.
Blue Riding Nether Ray

Players can purchase this mount, along with some color variations (Green, Red, Purple, Silver) from Grella in Terokkar Forest, once they raise their reputation with Sha’tari Skyguard to Exalted.
Note: This is a flying mount, and does require the player to have 300 Riding (Epic Flying) unlocked to be able to use it.
Reins of the Azure Netherwing Drake

Players can purchase this mount, along with some color variations (Cobalt, Onyx, Purple, Veridian, and Violet) from Drake Dealer Hurlunk in Shadowmoon Valley, once they reach Exalted with The Netherwing
.Note: This is a flying mount, and does require the player to have 300 Riding (Epic Flying) unlocked to be able to use it.
Reins of the White War Talbuk

Players can purchase this mount, along with several variations (Cobalt, Silver, and Tan) from Trader Narasu in Nagrand, once their reputation has been raised to Exalted with the Kurenai, if they are Alliance, and Provisioner Nasela once Horde players reach Exalted with Mag’har.
Reins of the White Riding Talbuk

Players can purchase this mount, along with several variations (Cobalt, Silver, and Tan) from Trader Narasu in Nagrand, once their reputation has been raised to Exalted with the Kurenai, if they are Alliance, and Provisioner Nasela once Horde players reach Exalted with Mag’har.
Wrath of the Lich King
Reins of the Green Proto-Drake

Players interested in obtaining this beast will first need to raise their reputation with The Oracles to at least Revered. This status will allow you to purchase a Mysterious Egg, which has a small chance of containing this mount.
Reins of the Ice Mammoth

Players interested in obtaining this mount will first need to raise their reputation with The Sons of Hodir to Exalted, and visit Lillehoff in the Storm Peaks.
Note: There is a slight color difference between Horde and Alliance mounts.
Reins of the Grand Ice Mammoth

Players interested in obtaining this mount will first need to raise their reputation with The Sons of Hodir to Exalted, and visit Lillehoff in the Storm Peaks.
Note: There is a slight color difference between Horde and Alliance mounts.
Reins of the Red Drake

Players interested in obtaining this mount must first raise their reputation to Exalted with The Wyrmrest Accord, and then visit Cielstrasza in Dragonblight.
Note: This is a flying mount, and does require the player to have 300 Riding (Epic Flying) unlocked to be able to use it.
Very useful thankyou!!
yes, useful x