- Author: Passion
- Date: October 9, 2023
- Updated: October 10, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Alongside his brother, Rotface guards the Plagueworks, violently discouraging anyone from disturbing his work.
This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to deal with Rotface and his caustic ooze.
Role Summaries
- Make sure you stay at least 8 yards away from other players.
- When Unstable Ooze Explosion is cast, be cautious to not move into a spot where someone was already standing.
- Communicate with your team before dispelling Mutated Infections.
- Shift to the other side of the boss whenever Unstable Ooze Explosion is cast.
- The off-tank needs to make sure they grab any ooze that spawns.
- Call out Mutated Infection targets.
- Call out Slime Spray targets.
- Call out Unstable Ooze Explosion casts.
Raid Composition & Preparation
Heroic vs Normal
Mutated Infection deals less damage, Vile Gas will not be used, and Ooze Flood will not slow players.
The Pull
Ranged players want to make sure they have at least 8 yards between each other for this fight, so plan accordingly. As usual, a portion of the raid needs to remain outside of melee range at all times.

The Fight
This encounter is primarily focused on avoiding the bad. Periodically, Putricide will throw Vile Gas at a random player from his balcony. This disorients anyone hit for 6 seconds, as well as dealing damage over time. This debuff will spread to any player within 8 yards, making remaining spread vital. Additionally, Putricide will also open the ooze tanks in the room. This will visually flood out of the tank, leaving a pool of ooze on the floor after a delay. This will never reach the middle of the room, but it will lock off portions of the room regularly.
Roughly three times per minute, Rotface will channel Slime Spray at a random raid member, dealing Nature damage every second for 5 seconds to everyone within the cone. All players will want to reposition to avoid taking damage from this, while still staying 8 yards away from each other to avoid Vile Gas spreading.
The most important mechanic for this encounter is Mutated Infection. Rotface will infect a random non-tank with a disease, massively reducing their healing received as well as dealing heavy damage every second. This needs to be dispelled, but once the debuff is gone, a Small Ooze will spawn. This ooze will stick to the previously diseased player, using Sticky Ooze and Weak Radiating Ooze on the player. To avoid these dealing unnecessary AoE damage, run the Ooze away from the raid.
When two Small Oozes are brought together, they form a Big Ooze. Any nearby oozes will also be absorbed into the Big Ooze. Big Oozes will still use Sticky Ooze, alongside an upgraded Radiating Ooze. Every time a Small Ooze is absorbed, the Big Ooze will gain a stack of Unstable Ooze, stacking up to 5 times, giving it 20% increased damage per stack.
Once a Big Ooze goes over 5 stacks, it will begin channeling Unstable Ooze Explosion for 4 seconds. When this is finished casting, ooze will be flung at every player in the raid, dealing AoE damage if they hit. These have a short delay before hitting the ground, necessitating the entire raid shift at least 6 yards, without moving to a spot where someone was already standing. Melee players should shift to the opposite side of the boss, similar to fighting Algalon.
The off-tank will want to build a threat lead on the Big Ooze before it gets too strong and kite it around the room once it has a few stacks going. While kiting, make sure to swing by any lone oozes to absorb them into the master ooze. While kiting you may be forced to run through Ooze Floods, building stacks slow. This can be mitigated with spells like Anti Magic Shell, or broken with abilities like Hand of Freedom & Every Man For Himself.
The longer the fight goes on, the more often Rotface will use Mutated Infection, going potentially as low as 5 seconds between casts. Because of this, you need to make sure the boss is burned down as fast as possible, otherwise, the raid can very rapidly become overwhelmed by ooze.
Here are some of the main things that can typically go wrong in this fight:
- Ooze.
- Standing in ooze.
- Tanking ooze.
- Sprayed by ooze.
- Exploded by ooze.
- Sprayed by slime.
- Sprayed with gas.
Congratulations on defeating Rotface! Don’t forget to open the valve before you leave.