- Author: lettara
- Date: June 27, 2023
- Updated: June 27, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic

ToC Achievement Guide
Servents of the Lich King himself, Fjola Lightbane and Eydis Darkbane were tasked with terrorizing the Argent Tournament. Harness the very essence of light and dark itself to defeat this deadly duo.
Role Summaries
- Right click a dark essence or Light Essence in order to gain its respective buff. Ask your raid leader what color your team plans on starting with if you are unsure.
- Stack very tightly.
- When a same color orb is about to miss the stack by a few yards, leave the stack to go grab it. Remember to restack with your raid afterwards.
- Use defensive cooldowns during Light Vortex or Dark Vortex.
- Be ready to switch targets to break Shield of Darkness and Shield of Lights.
- Be ready to change colors and replace a soaker if they die and cannot be battle res’d.
- If you get Empowered Light or Empowered Dark, immediately pop every offensive cooldown.
- Stay mobile throughout the encounter and be ready to grab same color orbs about to miss the raid stack. Rejoin the raid stack afterwards.
- If you get Empowered Light or Empowered Dark, immediately pop every offensive cooldown.
- Keep soakers topped off at all times.
- Focus your healing primarily on targets effected by Touch of Darkness & Touch of Light.
- Healing cooldowns should only be used during a Vortex, or when an opposite color orb hits the stack.
- Stay mobile and be ready to stop any opposite color orbs from entering the raid stack.
- Use defensive cooldowns during Light Vortex and Dark Vortex.
- Have a pre-planned list of callouts for every special ability. For example, on same color vortexes you could say “Soakers swap! AM+Dsac!”
- Announce when soakers are effected by Unleashed Light and Unleashed Dark.
- If a soaker dies, quickly assign a ranged DPS to take his place.
- Zoom into the raid stack and tell people how to adjust to ensure the raid stack is as tight as possible.
- Keep an eye out for any incoming opposite color orbs missed by a soaker. Call for a Divine Sacrifice or Aura Mastery in these scenarios.
Abilities Relating to Orbs
Shared Abilities
Darkbane Abilities
Lightbane Abilities
Raid Composition & Preparation
Heroic Mode
Like every Trial of The Crusader boss, Twin Val’kyrs health has been increased by 30% in the Heroic version. Aside from this, the Heroic version of the encounter has many key differences:
- Twin’s Pact heals for 50% instead of 20%. If you fail to pop Shield of Darkness/Shield of Lights and interrupt this cast, you will almost certainly wipe.
- Light and Dark Orbs deal significantly more damage to players effected by the opposite essence. If more than 1 opposite color rbs hits the raid stack, you will likely wipe.
- Touch of Light and Touch of Darkness debuffs are introduced. They deal damage over time to players with the opposite color essence.
The Pull
Begin by having your entire raid, except for 3-5 designated soakers, grab the dark essence buff in the bottom right of the arena. Move to the top right of the arena, next to a Light Essence buff and stack tightly.

The entire raid positions near the opposite color essence. In this guide, we are demonstrating what positioning would look like if you instructed your raid to go dark essence at the start of the fight.
The Fight
This fight revolves around your raids ability to react to each one of the Twin Val’kyrs four special abilities. These explanations assume that your raid starts under the effect of dark essence.
Dark Vortex:
Assuming your raid is under the effects of dark essence, only your soakers will need to swap essences. Divine Sacrifice and Fire Resistance Aura + Aura Mastery should be used in case any light orbs hit the raid while your soakers are swapping.
If your raid is under the effects of Light Essence, (because you switched essences earlier in the fight to counteract Light Vortex) everyone except the soakers should swap to dark essence. Divine Sacrifice, Shadow Resistance Aura + Aura Mastery AND Fire Resistance Aura + Aura Mastery should be used in case any orbs hit the raid while your raid is in the process of swapping.
Light Vortex:
Assuming your raid is under the effects of dark essence, everyone, including your soakers, should swap essences. Divine Sacrifice and Shadow Resistance Aura + Aura Mastery should be used in case any Dark Orbs hit the raid while your raid is in the process of swapping. For the remainder of the fight your raid should stay Light Essence and your soakers should stay dark essence.
If your raid is under the effects of Light Essence, (because you switched essences earlier in the fight to counteract Shield of Darkness) only the soakers should swap to Light Essence. They should switch back to dark essence as soon as Light Vortex is over. Divine Sacrifice and Shadow Resistance Aura + Aura Mastery should be used in case any Dark Orbs hit the raid while your soakers are in the process of swapping.
Shield of Darkness:
Assuming your raid is under the effects of dark essence, you have two choices: If your raids DPS is very good, you should be able to break the Shield of Darkness without changing essences. It is worth it to use Bloodlust during this period to ensure that you meet the DPS check.
If you feel your raid will be unable to meet this DPS check, have them all switch to Light Essence to counter this ability.
If your raid is under the effects of Light Essence, (because you switched essences earlier in the fight to counteract Light Vortex)
Shield of Lights:
Assuming your raid is under the effects of dark essence, getting a Shield of Lights should be the easiest special ability to deal with. Simply continue attacking Fjola Lightbane and use an interrupt ability near the end of the Twin’s Pact cast.
If your raid is under the effects of Light Essence, (because you switched essences earlier in the fight to counteract Light Vortex or Shield of Darkness) you have two choices: If your raids DPS is very good, you should be able to break the Shield of Lights without changing essences. It is worth it to use Bloodlust during this period to ensure that you meet the DPS check.
If you feel your raid will be unable to meet this DPS check, have them all switch to dark essence to counter this ability.