- Author: Passion
- Date: November 27, 2022
- Updated: February 2, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
The hand-crafted “son” of Mimiron, XT-002 Deconstructor patrols the scrapyard of Ulduar, playing with the discarded nuts & bolts left in his father’s wake.
This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to break XT-002 Deconstructor’s heart and progress into the depths of Ulduar.
Role Summaries
Phase 1
- Get away from the raid when debuffed with gravity-bomb or searing-light
- Use defensives during tympanic-tantrum to minimize damage taken
Phase 2
- Make sure Boombots and Scrapbots don’t reach the boss or raid
- Don’t accidentally destroy the boss’s heart if you don’t want to activate Hard Mode
Phase 2
- Focus on killing Scrapbots and Boombots
Phase 1
- Most healers should prioritize raid healing during tympanic-tantrum
- Both tanks will need extra healing during tympanic-tantrum to make sure they always stay at very high health
- Grab Pummelers and tank them away from the raid during Phase 2.
Phase 1
- Call out for players affected by Searing Light or Gravity Bomb to move away from the group
- Call out a few seconds before Tympanic Tantrum is cast to make sure the group is ready for big damage
Phase 2
- Make the raid aware of the current priority target, either adds or the heart
- Make your raiders aware of when adds are not being handled
- Call out for DPS to stop if you are in danger of killing the heart and do not want to do hard mode
Hard Mode
- Call out Void Zones placed by Gravity Bomb v2
- Call for Life Sparks to be DPSed after Searing Light casts
XT-002 Deconstructor
Hard Mode
Raid Composition & Preparation
Hard Mode
Hard Mode for XT-002 Deconstructor is activated by killing the heart-of-the-deconstructor during any of the add phases. This will immediately heal the boss to full health, stop adds from spawning, and modify the boss’s abilities.
These modified abilities effectively put the boss on a ticking timer, making the fight harder and harder to manage effectively the longer the fight goes on. Any guild looking to beat this fight on Hard Mode will need to make sure all DPS players are performing to the absolute best of their abilities!
Defeating the boss on Hard Mode adds several items to the loot table; these items are:
- breastplate-of-the-devoted
- charm-of-meticulous-timing
- gloves-of-the-steady-hand
- grasps-of-reason
- sorthalis-hammer-of-the-watchers
The Pull
The boss is pulled by proximity and, when pulled, the gate will close. Make sure everyone runs in for the pull so that no one gets locked out, and no one is too far away from the raid when the boss is activated.
The Fight

Phase 1
Phase 1 is a fairly simple tank-and-spank phase. Players will be periodically debuffed with searing-light or gravity-bomb. A player with these debuffs will need to make sure they get away from the raid, as anyone close to them will be damaged by these debuffs. Other than that, there is nothing special to consider, and the fight will enter Phase 2 at 75% health.
During this Phase the boss can cast tympanic-tantrum, dealing 80% of every player’s max health as damage over 8 seconds, as well as dazing them. This ability is on a 1-minute cooldown, and the cooldown is restarted each time the phase shifts. This means that high-DPS groups can avoid this mechanic entirely, as long as they can deal 25% of the boss’s health as damage within the 1-minute window.
If the boss does get to throw a tantrum, every healer will need to focus on raid healing. A full channel of this spell will not kill anyone in the raid, but when combined with other sources of damage, such as Pummelers, searing-light, gravity-bombs, and even self-damage like shadow-word-death, this can easily kill raid members.
Phase 2

Phase 2 is often referred to as the “Add Phase”, and this phase is where you will be given the ability to activate Hard Mode. If your raid kills XT-002 Deconstructor’s heart during the Add Phase, Hard Mode will activate for the rest of the fight.
The heart takes double damage from all sources, and any damage dealt to the heart will carry over to the boss, making this the best possible time to burst down the boss. But remember, if you do not want to do this fight on Hard Mode, make sure that your raid knows not to destroy the heart.
During the Add Phase adds will spawn from the various junk piles around the room. Scrapbots and Boombots should be killed at range as fast as possible, without being allowed to reach the raid or boss. Stacking Scrapbots and Boombots together will allow you to kill both simply by killing the Boombots, allowing DPS to deal with them faster. Pummelers should be grabbed by the off-tank and held away from the raid. These can be DPSed during this phase, but the heart will generally be the ideal DPS target.
After 20 seconds the boss will return to Phase 1, no longer spawning adds and covering his heart again.
Here are some of the main things that can typically go wrong in this fight:
- Low DPS causes the boss to overwhelm the raid over time
- Adds are not handled appropriately, causing cascading effects to wipe the raid
- Players don’t move out when debuffed, dealing massive damage to everyone instead of just themselves
- Healers cannot keep up during tympanic-tantrum, leaving the entire raid at low health
- The heart is unintentionally killed, activating Hard Mode and healing the boss to full health
- The Siege of Ulduar
- Defeat the bosses of The Siege area in Ulduar. These bosses are Flame Leviathan, Razorscale, Ignis the Furnace Master, and XT-002 Deconstructor.
- Nerf Engineering
- Defeat XT-002 without allowing any XS-013 Scrapbots to heal him. This is simply done by killing them before they can reach him.
- Nerf Scrapbots
- Defeat 20 XS-013 Scrapbots within 12 seconds, using the explosions from XE-321 Boombots.
- Nerf gravity-bombs
- Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor without anyone dying to a gravity-bomb. Make sure your healers are paying attention to the player with the debuff, and that they move out of the raid quickly.
- Must Deconstruct Faster
- Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor within 205 seconds. Make sure your DPS are blasting!
- Heartbreaker
- Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor on Hard Mode.
Congratulations on defeating the XT-002 Deconstructor. Proceed to the teleporter up the stairs and teleport to the Antechamber of Ulduar, finally breaching the gate and walking the first steps of Yogg-Saron’s prison.
Hi, have you considered positionning the boss between two trashpiles on one side, so the adds only come from the 2 opposite trashpiles. Thanks for the guide!
Hey, I’ll look into that, thanks for the tip!