Yogg-Saron DPS and Parse Guide

yogg saron

To maximize damage on Yogg-Saron, there are two basic strategies explained below.

The Speed Kill

Phase 1:
To maximize DPS in phase 1, you’re going to want to touch a lot of clouds. You can have your tank and/or some melee hitting a cloud or two in a controlled fashion when there are fewer than 4 adds alive. The ranged should all stand perfectly still and let clouds roll over them.

This creates a scenario where ranged are able to spam AoE abilities on a group of several mobs, making this phase extremely fast. Melee will need to use a combination of personal defensive cooldowns and ducking in and out of the add clump to stay alive.

Your ranged will want to play a larger role in interrupting Shadow VolleyShadow Volley than they normally would, as your melee will often be unable to kick.

Divine SacrificeDivine Sacrifice and/or Shadow Resistance AuraShadow Resistance Aura + Aura MasteryAura Mastery should be used if two or more adds are at risk of dying simultaneously.

Phase 2:
The duration of phase 2 can be shortened significantly if your raid is able to push Yogg‘s brain to 30% and enter phase 3 in a single portal phase. This has an extraordinary DPS requirement. Unholy Death Knights and their Summon GargoyleSummon Gargoyle are your friends here.

You’re going to need to give your portal players a BloodlustBloodlust when they reach the brain to make this possible. Your ranged and healers should move to the edge of the arena just before the shaman down below pops BloodlustBloodlust. They’ll want their own lust in phase 3.

Phase 3:
To kill the boss as fast as possible, you’re going to want as little damage on the adds as possible. Before the first Shadow BeaconShadow Beacon the adds can be passively cleaved down. They will only need direct AoE damage after the first Shadow BeaconShadow Beacon, or your tank will surely die. You should assign only a handful of DPS to attack the adds at this point. Shadow Priests, Demo Warlocks, Fire Mage and Boomkin are all good candidates, in addition to melee cleave.

If your team was not already doing this, make sure that the Shadow BeaconShadow Beacon are being handled entirely by tanks, or you will lose significant DPS uptime.

Glyph of Heroic StrikeGlyph of Heroic Strike
Glyph of WhirlwindGlyph of Whirlwind
Glyph of RendingGlyph of Rending OR Glyph of ExecutionGlyph of Execution OR Glyph of CleavingGlyph of Cleaving

The third glyph slot has a lot of viable options as none are particularly great on this encounter.

Begin the encounter using Nitro BoostsNitro Boosts to get to the center so you are positioned to begin attacking the adds as early as possible. 

As this is a rather lengthy fight, we have 3 opportune Death WishDeath Wish timings: 

  1. As soon as we engage combat with the adds in Phase 1
  2. First brain room while attacking the brain 
  3. Phase 3 against Yogg

In Phase 1, try to maintain as much uptime as possible while weaving out of melee range of the adds if your health dips too low. 

In Phase 2, try to squeeze as much damage as you can onto the Corruptor Tentacle and Constrictor Tentacle as long as you still make it to your portal assignment in time. 

In Phase 3, position yourself in such a way that your WhirlwindWhirlwind is hitting Guardian of Yogg-Saron. Bear in mind that all damage done to the Guardian of Yogg-Saron count (even when at 1 HP).

Turn towards the boss for a very brief moment to squeeze in a GCD in between Lunatic GazeLunatic Gaze ticks and then quickly turn away again.

Opener: N/A

Pre-Pot: Flame CapFlame Cap for Searing PainSearing Pain snipes

Glove Usage:
Phase 1 after the first two Guardian of Yogg-Saronspawns
Phase 2 with first Crusher Tentacle & the last Crusher Tentacle
Phase 3 at Execute

2min Trinket Usage:
Phase 1 with first 2 Guardian of Yogg-Saron spawns
Phase 2 with 2nd or 3rd Crusher Tentacle (depending on kill time)
Phase 3 during execute

Talents: Default 55/0/16

Glyph of Quick DecayGlyph of Quick Decay
Glyph of Life TapGlyph of Life Tap
Glyph of HauntGlyph of Haunt

Phase 1:

Pre-placing a Demonic Circle: SummonDemonic Circle: Summon just outside of the pool around Sara on the entrance side can prove incredibly useful for teleporting to avoid clouds or mobility during Phase 2.

The Guardian of Yogg-Saron die very quickly, and we will not gain very much value out of Curse of AgonyCurse of Agony. Instead, CorruptionCorruption, HauntHaunt, and Unstable AfflictionUnstable Affliction will be our bread and butter in this phase, with Shadow BoltShadow Bolt fillers.

If a Guardian of Yogg-Saron will not live long enough to cast a Shadow BoltShadow Bolt, cast Searing PainSearing Pain instead.

If your teams Phase 1 strategy involves dodging clouds, focus on moving into opportune positions during any downtime.

Phase 2:

The key to maximizing DPS in Phase 2 is going to be a high DoT uptime on as many targets as possible. As such, positioning is hugely important.

The optimal positioning is going to greatly depend on your raid DPS and how fast the tentacles die. The best position is always going to be within range of as many Corruptor Tentacle Tentacle and Crusher Tentacle as possible.

If standing in the optimal position requires a lot of movement to reach, then it is better to only move on open global instant casts such as CorruptionCorruption, Curse of AgonyCurse of Agony, and Life TapLife Tap. Movement outside of these grace periods will hurt your DPS especially if it results in dots falling off the primary Crusher Tentacle target.

If you have very high raid DPS where the Crusher Tentacle die quickly then the uptime lost moving into this optimal position will result in a lower DPS due to the lower total effective uptime.
Utilizing your Demonic Circle: TeleportDemonic Circle: Teleport from Phase 1 will help tremendously, and don’t be afraid to reposition your Demonic Circle: SummonDemonic Circle: Summon in Phase 2 downtime into more optimal positions.

Phase 3:

To start this phase, you are going to want to position yourself as close to Yogg as possible to reduce travel time on your Shadow BoltShadow Bolt and HauntHaunt making it easier to maintain Shadow EmbraceShadow Embrace stacks.

As the first three Immortal Guardian spawn, look to apply your CorruptionCorruption and Unstable AfflictionUnstable Affliction to them, while still fully prioritizing the boss.

Once Yogg hits execute we will no longer be looking to dot any of the incoming Immortal Guardian to maximize our uptime with Drain SoulDrain Soul.

Every time you cast a Drain SoulDrain Soul begin shifting your character to face away from Yogg in preparation for her Lunatic GazeLunatic Gaze.

Set Yogg to focus during this phase so that you can easily reapply our dots as well as keep CorruptionCorruption from falling off using HauntHaunt.

Depending on your kill time in Phase 3 you will look to InfernoInferno as close to the 1-minute time to kill as possible, but the highest parse strategy method will use InfernoInferno on the grouped Immortal Guardian.

Once the Guardian of Yogg-SaronImmortal Guardian are brought back to the raid after the 1st Shadow BeaconShadow Beacon expires the methods of killing the boss and parsing begin to differ.

*The highest way to parse will be to maintain CorruptionCorruption and Shadow EmbraceShadow Embrace via HauntHaunt while casting as many Seed of CorruptionSeed of Corruption into the Guardian of Yogg-SaronImmortal Guardian as possible. This includes the window of time where they are actively healing with Empowering Shadows, but this is ONLY for parsing purposes.
Continuing to properly execute while keeping full dots up and utilizing our trinket, potion, racial, and on use gloves will result in the highest effective DPS for killing the boss. Once Empowering ShadowsEmpowering Shadows has fallen off the Guardian of Yogg-SaronImmortal Guardian then Seed of CorruptionSeed of Corruption can be an effective method of reducing their damage on your tanks since they do reduced damage at lower health pools.

*All Seed of CorruptionSeed of Corruption damage done to Guardian of Yogg-Saron while they are affected by Empowering ShadowsEmpowering Shadows is wasted and ineffective. This damage counts towards parsing but has no benefit to the fight itself since the Guardian of Yogg-Saron will immediately out heal all damage done to them. This can be highly detrimental to your raid as Affliction Warlocks are the primary source of damage to Yogg and any downtime may result in missing a kill that would otherwise have been secured through proper play.

Opener: Shadow BoltShadow Bolt and CorruptionCorruption until you get DecimationDecimation and attempt to chain DecimationDecimation to cast Soul FireSoul Fire all of p1. If there are 3 adds or more than simply seed.

Pre-Pot/Second Pot: Flame CapFlame Cap. Potion of SpeedPotion of Speed in p3.

Metamorphosis: Around when the second Guardian of Yogg-Saron spawns so you don’t waste as much of your MetamorphosisMetamorphosis duration waiting for new Guardian of Yogg-Saron. Second MetamorphosisMetamorphosis is used on Crusher Tentacle #2 or #3 unless you one brain phase, then save for phase 3. Third MetamorphosisMetamorphosis is used in Phase 3 during BloodlustBloodlust or on the Immortal Guardian right after the first beacon goes out (this is usually at the expense of your raid as the add damage doesn’t matter until after they are done healing and is essentially padding the parse).

Gloves Usage: During first MetamorphosisMetamorphosis and on cooldown if you think you’ll use most of the buff on a tentacle in p2 or anytime during p3.

Nitro Boots Usage: Whenever you need to reach a new Crusher Tentacle to increase dps uptime in p2.

Ideally, you have 4-5 Guardian of Yogg-Saron alive at any given moment so that you can get a ton of AoE damage and get out of phase 1 very quickly.

When there is only one or two Guardian of Yogg-Saron alive then simply CorruptionCorruption and Shadow BoltShadow Bolt until you get DecimationDecimation to do Soul FireSoul Fire instead on the next Guardian of Yogg-Saron.

If there are ever at least 3 Guardian of Yogg-Saron up at the same time, then you seed instead. As mentioned above, pop MetamorphosisMetamorphosis and gloves when the second Guardian of Yogg-Saron spawns for solid uptime and to also put them on cooldown in a timely manner.

Phase 2 is all about uptime and reducing movement as much as possible. You’ll typically send your pet in on any Corruptor Tentacle that is up and single target rotation into a Crusher Tentacle. If a Corruptor Tentacle is within range of a Crusher Tentacle (and if melee aren’t up top annihilating the Corruptor Tentacle) then feel free to put up an ImmolateImmolate and CorruptionCorruption on the Corruptor Tentacle while single targeting the Crusher Tentacle.

Stay around the middle of the room circling Yogg so that you do not have to move as much to reach the other side of the room. Demonic Circle: SummonDemonic Circle: Summon can also be used to go from one side of Yogg to the other.

Beyond this, the best way to increase your parse in Phase 2 is to have your melee one brain phase and to simply skip a large portion of Phase 2. If you happen to one brain phase or are expecting to one brain phase, then save MetamorphosisMetamorphosis for phase 3. 

As for Phase 3 you are simply single targeting Yogg until the adds really start to accumulate.

If you want to pad damage (at the expense of the raid), then you will save all cooldowns and speed pot for when the adds return after being healed from Shadow BeaconShadow Beacon and seed your little heart out for around 15 seconds until the adds are back down to 1 health. Be very careful about aggro here and expect to SoulshatterSoulshatter or receive a Hand of ProtectionHand of Protection

Ideal Duration: 240s-420s

Guardian of Yogg-Saron rotation:

Cleave and AoE as many adds as your group can possibly handle.

Use Shamanistic RageShamanistic Rage if two adds are going to die simultaneously. Run out if no CDs are available or 3+ adds will explode simultaneously.

Keep Magma Totem down so you can Fire NovaFire Nova when moving in and out.

Crusher Tentacle rotation:

When Corruptor Tentacles are dead and there is nothing to melee you can hard cast Chain LightningChain Lightning, Lightning BoltLightning Bolt, or shocks on Crusher Tentacle.

Yogg-Saron’s Brain opener rotation:

Standard single target rotation

Yogg-Saron opener and rotation:

You can cleave off of Yogg onto the adds but will want to do a cleave/AOE rotation as soon as adds start spawning. Fire NovaFire Nova > Chain LightningChain Lightning > single target

Immortal Guardian rotation:

  • Run spell power setup as you will be cleaving and AOEing for much of this phase.
  • AOE these mobs as their damage counts uncapped for parsing.
  • Use a Potion of Wild MagicPotion of Wild Magic when adds are at a maximum to achieve best possible AOE damage (15 seconds prior to final kiting if kiting for second heal

Encounter specific notes:

  • Fire Elemental TotemFire Elemental Totem is a dynamic choice for this fight. If your raid team is struggling to meet the single brain phase DPS requirement, use it in the brain room. Securing a single brain Phase 2 is more important to your parse than anything else. If your raid is meeting the check handily, using Fire Elemental TotemFire Elemental Totem in Phase 1 or Phase 3 is best.
  • If 2 braining, you can drop Fire Elemental TotemFire Elemental Totem near the brain and then stand near Yogg during the up-phase to keep Fire Elemental TotemFire Elemental Totem alive and damaging the brain. When sent back down be careful not the range it when killing illusions or it will despawn.
  • Fight length determines best time for Feral SpiritFeral Spirit. You may be able to use Feral SpiritFeral Spirit for all 3 phases, but you should know your groups strategy and timing to choose optimal Feral SpiritFeral Spirit timing. Spirit WalkSpirit Walk can be used for uptime on tentacles or brain.

Cooldown Usage:

  • As mentioned above, certain cooldowns depend on kill time and group strategy/performance. Below cooldown recommendations assume a 2-brain phase kill in 6-7 minutes.
  • As always, use gloves on cooldown
  • Fire Elemental TotemFire Elemental Totem in phase 1, trying to snapshot with any spellpower/attack power procs
  • Use Feral SpiritFeral Spirit on the opener along with gloves as you’ll get 3 uses out of them in a 7 minute kill.
  • Use Feral SpiritFeral Spirit in brain phase along with gloves and any haste buffs as wolves will benefit.
  • Use Feral SpiritFeral Spirit as soon as they’re up in P3 and call for a second heroism if necessary to buff them
  • Use Shamanistic RageShamanistic Rage between spell cooldowns and Maelstrom WeaponMaelstrom Weapon procs if mana is needed
  1. At this current time the adds at the start still count for damage, so try and do as much as you can. This will vary in groups but doing a single MutilateMutilate and EnvenomEnvenom (2-4 CP) is standard for myself. Keep FeintFeint us as much as possible for when the adds die. 
  2. If you have Sara's FervorSara's Fervor or Sara's BlessingSara's Blessing, the first one you can Cloak of ShadowsCloak of Shadows off and be fine. If you get it again and a mob dies near you, you are most likely dead so just run out for the aoe damage.
  3. Focus the Corruptor Tentacle during phase 2. Constrictor Tentacle die very quick and paladins can bop the target to save them so uptime can be very bad for damage.
  4. Brain room – 1 phase is what you want, ideally with getting Icecrown and having 2 shamans with 1 being sent down to provide BloodlustBloodlust while the rest of the raid up top goes to the sides to avoid getting sated/exhaustion.
  5. Pop everything all cooldowns on the brain, except Global Thermal Sapper ChargeGlobal Thermal Sapper Charge
  6. The raid should position behind Yogg to eliminate parries.
  7. Wait until there are multiple targets before doing using a Global Thermal Sapper ChargeGlobal Thermal Sapper Charge.
  8. If doing Yogg 0, the adds once they reach 1 health will no longer count toward your damage in the log.
  9. Yogg 0 also has a time where adds need weakened before the Shadow BeaconShadow Beacon needs to be taunted and moved away. For this you can use your weapon swap macro to Titansteel SpellbladeTitansteel Spellblade and FelstrikerFelstriker and Fan of KnivesFan of Knives the adds down.
  10. Watch your sanity, if you didn’t use Global Thermal Sapper ChargeGlobal Thermal Sapper Charge till phase 3 you won’t want to turn away during the Lunatic GazeLunatic Gaze but only if you have the sanity to afford to do so. 
  11. You can weave in attacks/casts during the Lunatic GazeLunatic Gaze and take 0 sanity. This requires a weakaura to track the ticks, during the window in-between you can deal damage and turn away without losing any sanity.

Glyph of ShadowGlyph of Shadow
Glyph of Mind FlayGlyph of Mind Flay
Glyph of Mind SearGlyph of Mind Sear

Potion: Potion of SpeedPotion of Speed

Opener: Standard

Phase 1: Guardians

Single-target rotation on the kill target and maintain DoTs on all others. Use Mind SearMind Sear to AoE if your group decides to pull 3+ Guardian of Yogg-Saron.

Phase 2: Tentacles and Portals

Single-target rotation on the Crusher Tentacle and maintain DoTs on the Corruptor TentacleCorruptor Tentacle Tentacle if they are in range to be attacked. Use DispersionDispersion and Hymn of HopeHymn of Hope during downtime. Pre-position behind Yogg-Saron before the transition into Phase 3.

Phase 3: Yogg-Saron

The unfortunate truth to parsing on Yogg-Saron is that padding on the Immortal Guardian is included even if they are at 1 HP. If you can get away with it, then you should maintain DoTs on Yogg-Saron, Vampiric TouchVampiric Touch the Guardian of Yogg-Saron as they come in, and spend the rest of your time using Mind SearMind Sear off of a Guardian of Yogg-Saron at 1 HP.

This is detrimental to the raid, but it is the optimal way to parse.

Seal: Seal of VengeanceSeal of Vengeance + Seal of CommandSeal of Command + Seal of RighteousnessSeal of Righteousness

Glyph of JudgementGlyph of Judgement
Glyph of Seal of VengeanceGlyph of Seal of Vengeance
Glyph of Reckoning

Phase 1:

  • Pop Avenging WrathAvenging Wrath when the first 2 adds are up and stay in Seal of CommandSeal of Command, make sure to get out
    your Hammer of WrathHammer of Wraths during the short execute window, you can use your The Art of WarThe Art of War procs on Flash of LightFlash of Light to help keep yourself alive here when adds blow up.
  • If you are in a tight spot near the very end of phase 1, you can bubble to keep uptime on the
    adds as high as possible

Phase 2:

  • You want as much uptime on the Corruptor Tentacle before you go into brain room as possible, youre fighting the clock in p2 when it comes to uptime, so any form of damage that you can reliably do to any adds is good (besides meleeing the crusher)

Once you’re in the brain room, your Seal usage vastly depends on which room you are in.

Save your Saronite BombSaronite Bomb for when you get to the brain as well as your gloves/potion/wings.
If you don’t one phase, then leave a ConsecrationConsecration just before you exit the brain room for the first time.

Phase 3:

  • Use Seal of VengeanceSeal of Vengeance for the start, then after the waves of adds start to come in you can swap to Seal of CommandSeal of Command
  • If you really want to parse, then you sadly have to pad as much as possible on the adds during the last phase. Mouse over Hammer of WrathHammer of Wrath on adds, dropping ConsecrationConsecration on the adds, etc.
  • Make sure that when you turn away from the boss you are still always meleing the adds for maximum uptime

Coming Soon!

The pre-pull:

●     The fight starts as soon as you cross the threshold into the room. Nitro BoostsNitro Boosts into position with the rest of the raid and use a Flame CapFlame Cap before entering combat. This will leave it available for the last phase of the boss to use a Potion of SpeedPotion of Speed.

Phase 1: 

Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Use a Flame CapFlame Cap instead of a potion. Use Nitro BoostsNitro Boosts immediately and run towards the center of the arena to drop an Explosive TrapExplosive Trap. Continue to do this as your trap comes off cooldown, using DisengageDisengage (carefully) to rejoin the ranged clump.

Phase 1:

  • Land as many Kill ShotKill Shots as possible.
  • Use VolleyVolley if there are 3 or more mobs.

Phase 2:

  • Pop your CDs on the first Crusher Tentacle.
  • Find a Corruptor Tentacle and send your pet on it. Do not send your pet on a Crusher Tentacle or it will die.
  • Once the melee gets to the brain and freezes the tentacles, send your pet in and start doing your normal single target rotation on the highest health tentacle.

Phase 3:

  • Get to the back of Yogg and drop a trap on the add closest to the boss.
  • Perform a normal single target rotation, but use VolleyVolley instead of Steady ShotSteady Shot.
  • If your only goal is to parse, you can spam VolleyVolley, but this will increase the length of the fight and grief your raid.

Glyph of Insect SwarmGlyph of Insect Swarm
Glyph of StarfallGlyph of Starfall
Glyph of StarfireGlyph of Starfire

Potion: Potion of SpeedPotion of Speed

Opener: Standard

Phase 1: Guardian
Single-target rotation on the kill target. You can safely use all CDs in this phase as this is a very long encounter. Use HurricaneHurricane to AoE if your group decides to pull 4+ Guardian of Yogg-Saron.

Phase 2: Tentacles and Portals
Single-target rotation on the Crusher Tentacle.

If you’re assigned to a portal, then make sure to position accordingly.

Ensure that StarfallStarfall and BarkskinBarkskin are available for the portal room.

You will die extremely quickly while StarfallStarfall hits multiple targets in the portal rooms, so heal yourself with RejuvenationRejuvenation and NourishNourish as needed.

Pre-position behind Yogg-Saron before the transition into Phase 3 if you’re not entering a portal.

Phase 3: Yogg-Saron
The unfortunate truth to parsing on Yogg-Saron is that padding on the Guardian of Yogg-Saron is included even if they are at 1 HP.

If you can get away with it, then you should maintain your single target rotation on Yogg Saron until there are 4+ Guardian of Yogg-Saron to AoE. Channel HurricaneHurricane on the Guardian of Yogg-Saron while also hitting Yogg-Saron.

You can also single target Yogg-Saron while he is not casting Lunatic GazeLunatic Gaze and turn around to cast HurricaneHurricane while he is.

Recommended Talents & Glyphs

240s – 420s Ideal Duration


Yogg-Saron is a very advanced encounter. There’s several mechanics to be respected, moderate positioning rules, and some strict timings to be met.

Mechanics Briefing

  1. Shadow NovaShadow NovaBarkskinBarkskin and Survival InstinctsSurvival Instincts this damage.
  2. Death RayDeath Ray – Deals massive damage, avoid it at all costs.
  3. Malady of the MindMalady of the Mind – This can hop players, avoid others with it.
  4. Brain LinkBrain Link – Inform your partner to stand near your portal.

Pre-Pull Checklist

  • Yogg-Saron has no pre-pull, but there are moments to get Clearcasting.

The Encounter
Perform a single-target or Swipe (Cat)Swipe (Cat) rotation with BerserkBerserk on the Guardian of Yogg-Saron.

If you receive Sara's FervorSara's Fervor or Sara's BlessingSara's Blessing, you should likely escape.

After Sara dies, ensure all the debuffs you receive are dispelled.

Ignore Crusher Tentacle, but attack Constrictor Tentacle and Corruptor Tentacle.

After entering the portal and killing your assigned tentacles, use Feral Charge - CatFeral Charge - Cat on the brain to be placed behind it.

If you’re one phasing the brain then use BerserkBerserk on it, if not, save BerserkBerserk.

Once you enter the last part of the fight, begin a single-target non-BerserkBerserk opener and rotation on Yogg-Saron.

Turn and auto-attack the Immortal Guardian on Lunatic GazeLunatic Gaze.

When the first set of Shadow BeaconShadow Beacon Guardian of Yogg-SaronImmortal Guardian return, turn to them and perform a Swipe (Cat)Swipe (Cat) rotation with BerserkBerserk and use your Potion of SpeedPotion of Speed.

Finish Yogg-Saron.

Parsing on Yogg-Saron is a combination of Swipe (Cat)Swipe (Cat) maximization, rotational cleanliness, mechanical excellency.

Glyph of the GhoulGlyph of the Ghoul
Glyph of Death and DecayGlyph of Death and Decay
Glyph of Icy TouchGlyph of Icy Touch

Encounter notes:

  • Summon GargoyleSummon Gargoyle in phase 1 if it will be up in time for the first Brain
  • Summon GargoyleSummon Gargoyle AND army in the Brain phase if your guild lusts the melee to 1-phase it, otherwise, just pop Summon GargoyleSummon Gargoyle and use Army of the DeadArmy of the Dead later in p3
  • Use Dark Death glyph, Icy Touch could be good for Immortal Guardian padding but the Death Coil damage on Yogg in p3 is juicy.
  • Leeway your DND and PestilencePestilence casts in p3 to help cover more targets
  • If your guild is pumping and 1 phasing the brain, you will only have enough time for ONE Summon GargoyleSummon Gargoyle Maximize it and then chill in Blood Presence for the entire p3


About the Author


World of Warcraft veteran of 18 years. Ex world first raider and rank 1 healer. Slayer of dragons. Lover of cats.
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