Faction Change Added To WotLK Classic With 30% Discount

WotLK Faction Changes Featured Image

Out of the blue Blizzard has decided to surprise the player base by adding faction changes on a Tuesday night. These can be purchased in the in-game store at the following prices:

1 Faction Change – $21/€21/£13.30
3 Faction Changes – $42/€42/£25.90
8 Faction Changes – $95/€95/£60

Regional pricing may apply. The 8 pack is not currently on sale, but is still the best value if you do happen to need 8 faction changes. Faction changing will apply a 30 day cooldown to that specific character, restricting you to one faction change per month per character.

This offer is only available until the 27th of February, after which the 8 pack will be discontinued, being replaced with a 6 pack for the same price. The 1 pack and 3 packs will also no longer be 30% discounted after this date.

So far we do not have any information on when Race Changes will be added. Faction changes cannot be used as a race change within your faction, you cannot choose another race within your faction, only the opposite faction.

The full announcement can be found below.

Blizzard Entertainment – (Source)

Paid Faction Changes are now available to Wrath of the Lich King™ Classic players.  Get more on Faction Change Bundles during our introductory offer*.

Faction Change Bundles

Take a walk on the other side with 30% off one or three Faction Changes, and until February 27, you can get two additional Faction Changes for the price of six. The Faction Change item will now allow the purchase of multiple Faction Changes at one time or save some for future use.

Changing your faction also includes a free race change** for your class, so you’ll fit in with your new friends when you join them on their adventures all over Azeroth.

Available Faction Change pack options:

  • 1 for $21.00 (Regularly $30.00)
  • 3 for $42.00 (Regularly $60.00)
  • 6 8 for $95.00

To learn more about the Faction Change service and any restrictions, visit our support page.

Ready to make your move? Purchase Faction Change Packs from the Battle.net shop or launch World of Warcraft and click on the Shop button on the character select screen.

Once you’ve purchased your Faction Changes within the Battle.net shop or the in-game shop, a new icon will appear on your character selection screen. To activate a game service, click on the token, then select the character you wish to change. Any unused Faction Change tokens will remain on your account for use at a future time.

* Offer only available for Wrath of the Lich King Classic through February 27, 2023. After February 27, the largest available Faction Change will include 6 Faction Changes for the current offer price of 8.
**Wrath Classic Faction Change service cannot be applied to a character that completed a faction change in the past 30 Days.

About the Author


I love MMOs of all shades, especially the nitty gritty numbers parts of them. You might recognize me from the Shadow Priest discord, otherwise I play a little bit of everything, especially games with support roles available.

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2 years ago

Nice… that’s all I can say.

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