A bluepost today has confirmed the names and release dates of the “Fresh Start” realms for WotLK Classic.
The servers will be Skyfury for the North American region, and Thekal for the European region. These realms will be released August 30th and August 31st respectively, alongside the WotLK Classic pre-patch.
Interestingly, these realms are both PvP. This means that anyone looking to play on the Fresh Start realms will be playing on a PvP server. With only one realm per region, this could provide a lot of world PvP opportunities that are not present in most current realms.
Blizzard has previously clarified a few of the specifics of Fresh Start realms: players will not be able to create a Death Knight on these realms unless they already have a level 55 character on the same realm. In addition, boosts and realm transfers will be locked for at least 90-days.
Updated Final List of Realms
- US
- Skyfury (PvP)
- Maladath (Normal)
- EU
- Thekal (PvP)
- Giantstalker (Normal)
On Tuesday, August 30, there will be a new Fresh Start realm available for character creation and play immediately after patch maintenance is complete. That realm will be:
Skyfury (PvP)
On Wednesday, 31 August, there will be a new Fresh Start realm available for character creation and play immediately after patch maintenance is complete. That realm will be:
Thekal (PvP)
We’re really looking forward to seeing you there next week!
has been out for 24 days now? not released with the expansion? thats the dumbest shit ever, not playing any more, fuck it
how is a “””fresh””” realm any different if people can just prepare their characters beforehand? seems pointless to me
i thought there would come 1 server for each european region…. wtf blizzard
At least Europe gets one. *Cries in a land down under*
just check the source, it’s updated with an andditional server