Blizzard has implemented a Sons of Hodir Tabard that will give Reputation Boosts when doing Northrend Dungeons. This tabard will function like any other reputation tabard. It will be purchasable from Quartermaster Lillehoff once you have reached Friendly reputation with the Sons of Hodir.
With the next update to Wrath Classic, we’re adding this new item:

Our plan is for it to function just like other Northrend tabards, giving reputation boosts when doing normal and heroic dungeons in Northrend.
Pointless tabard no one asked for. Also dropped randomly into the game 6+ months in after everyone would have done maxed hodir.
The point is for people that haven’t maxed Hodir yet. Anyone jumping into WotLK right now would be behind on reputation and would have to grind this one out in a different way to literally every other faction.
Along with that, Hodir is the most useful faction out of all of them to have maxed, so instead of making people do dailies or buy rocks, they can now get the reputation while actually doing dungeon content, driving more people into playing together.
Those players would simply buy the dirt cheap relics, not use this tabard. Regardless of how you slice it, the tabard is too little too late. It could have been useful day 1 before everyone maxed hodir and relics were expensive. Now most people have already maxed it and relics are worth less than the snow in northrend.
I agree that the tabard is coming in oddly late, but it isn’t exactly doing harm just by existing.