Over the past two weeks, a few hotfixes have been primarily related to stacking things that shouldn’t be stackable.
The first instance of this was another fix for Volley stacking, which allowed Hunters to cast multiple ranks of Volley at the same time. While this was already “fixed” on the 6th, clearly something was missed on the way.
To go along with the theme of stacking, Death Knights had a very brief window in which they could stack Icy Talons & Desolation by progressively adding more points to the talent during combat. This lasted until the 16th and while it lasted many other classes tried to find similar exploits.
Blizzard very quickly tried to handle that, and on the 19th we received a much more generalized fix for talent stacking.
DECEMBER 14, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Classes
- Hunter
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to have multiple ranks of Volley active at the same time. This is a second version of the hotfix that deals with new reports of alternate ways to do this.
DECEMBER 16, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Fixed an issue where holidays on the calendar could be off by one day.
- Classes
- Death Knight
- Frost
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to have multiple ranks of Icy Talons active at once.
- Unholy
- Fixed an issue where multiple ranks of Desolation can be stacked at once.
DECEMBER 19, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Fixed an issue where some talents could have multiple ranks of bonuses active at the same time.