- Author: lettara
- Date: October 22, 2022
- Updated: October 22, 2022
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Blizzard has fixed an exploit with Heigan the Unclean in Naxxramas, in which players were able to avoid the safety dance entirely by standing in a specific spot. Those seeking The Safety Dance (25 player) will now have to do it the old-fashioned way.
Boomkins rejoice, as your typhoon ability will no longer break your UI every now and then. Blizzard has this fixed this as well.
There are other minor class and interface improvements listed below.
Linxy – (Source)
Here are today’s hotfixes to Wrath Classic:
OCTOBER 21, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Classes
- Fixed an issue where Druid’s Typhoon spell could cause the User Interface to become unresponsive.
- Fixed an issue with the Hunter talent Master Marksman (Rank 5) not properly applying its mana cost reduction benefit to Aimed Shot.
- Death Knight’s Glyph of Death Strike now properly increases Death Strike damage by 1% per Runic Power (was 1% per 2 Runic Power).
- Dungeons and Raids
- Naxxramas
- Heigan the Unclean’s Eruption should now cover the entire affected section of the floor.
- Naxxramas
- User Interface and Accessibility
- The Raid Info Frame now distinguishes between different raid difficulties.