Another round of hotfixes has been pushed, fixing mostly minor bugs.
Seal of Corruption can no longer be dispelled, the same as all Paladin Seals, as well as Dual Talent Specialization no longer being non-functional for some unlucky players.
You can read the full set of changes below.
SEPTEMBER 20, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Paladin’s Seal of Corruption can no longer be dispelled.
- The PvP window should now move or hide itself as necessary when other UI is opened.
- Fixed a very rare issue where a player could be unable to access their second talent specialization after learning Dual Talent Specialization.
- Fixed an issue where the bonus armor was not being granted on some rings.
- High Test Eternium Fishing Line that was applied prior to Wrath of the Lich King Classic pre-patch should now correctly grant +5 Fishing Skill (was +2).