Zombie Event Ends Early in WotLK Classic Prepatch

zombie event ends early in wotlk classic prepatch
  • Author: Amery
  • Date: September 11, 2022
  • Updated: September 11, 2022
  • Expansion: WotLK Classic

With the server restarts on NA realms, the ability to be turned into a ghoul has been prematurely removed with the plaque crates as well as the plaque insects being removed allowing Cities and Towns to rejoice over the zombie invasion having ended. While the zombie invasion has ended, the scourge invasion is still underway.

So far this only seems to have been ended on US realms, as players on EU realms report that the zombie invasion is still ongoing.

wotlk classic scourge invasion npc

About the Author


Hey guys! My name is Amery and here is a little something about me: I've been playing WoW for about 15 years now. With that experience, I wanted to share all the things I have learned over the years.

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2 years ago

Too many cry babies on the forums. This event was actually a lot of fun.

Reply to  Arugal_Raider
2 years ago

Absolutely, I really enjoyed this and people need to get a grip if a once in a lifetime thing gets in their way of doing some auctions on their banking alts

Reply to  Jam
2 years ago

people have to feed their families. How else will their bots generate gold.

2 years ago

I think the primary issue was on fresh start servers. New player trying to level up before launch have to deal with a plague they cant fight back. Then the fresh 70 players having nothing to do before launch, and therefore just causing chaos and preventing those playerss from leveling.

Reply to  Bisbeaar
2 years ago

thats actually not true lol, most people on Skyfury doing the infecting were indeed lower levels, most 70’s weren’t in the zones getting infected but others were killing them if they could. People were exploiting it so the nps in cities and towns that respawn fastest would get infected and be ?? mobs to even 70’s.