Blizzard clarifies number of character slots in WoW Classic
May 3, 2019 • Furious
Kaivax posted today replying to another user on the WoW Classic forums today. Kaivax Community Manager In WoW Classic, you’ll have the following character limits per WoW…
Itemization in WoW Classic explained by Blizzard
April 27, 2019 • Furious
Blizzard Community Manager Kaivax posted on the WoW Classic forums today the plans they have for itemization in World of Warcraft Classic. The information should not be a surprise…
The Classic Beta on the CDN is actually an employee Alpha
April 20, 2019 • Furious
Blizzard has posted an update to explain the what people are seeing as it relates to the WoW Classic Beta that appeared on their CDN. Bornakk Community Manager Hey folks! I’ve got…
WoW Classic Beta show up on the Blizzard CDN
April 17, 2019 • Furious
Earlier today users noticed that the WoW Classic Beta is now showing up in the list in Blizzard’s CDN. This has been confirmed across multiple sources:…
Blizzard releases the PVP content plan for WoW Classic
April 9, 2019 • Furious
Today Bornakk posted the PVP content plan for WoW Classic. It will be rolled out across the previously mentioned phases with only world PVP and no honor system being in place at la…
Blizzard talks about Spell Batching in WoW Classic
March 29, 2019 • Furious
The WoW: Classic development team has been trying their best to emulate the gameplay experience of Vanilla WoW. With recent announcements detailing their phases content releases an…
Loot Trading in WoW Classic
March 22, 2019 • Furious
One of the bigger nuances of Vanilla WoW involved loot. When you looted a soulbound item, whether by accident or intentionally, it quite literally meant the item was bound to you….
Blizzard posts World of Warcraft Classic’s plan for Alterac Valley
March 20, 2019 • Furious
The WoW: Classic team has been fairly vocal lately on aspects of the game they plan to implement. This is a stark difference from Winter, when Blizzard was fairly quiet on news abo…
Blizzard shares the WoW Classic release schedule
March 11, 2019 • Furious
When WoW: Classic was announced at BlizzCon, the content release schedule seemed questionable at best. They’ve since revised the schedule, and now will release content over six dif…
WoW Classic Demo bugs update & fixes
March 2, 2019 • Furious
The WoW Classic demo was a flash of nostalgia from many, returning players to the infamous zone of The Barrens. While the demo did capture that feeling, the demo was far from perfe…
Ythisens laid off from Blizzard, signals loss of most vocal community manager for WoW Classic
February 12, 2019 • Furious
Today marks a very unfortunate day for those interested in WoW: Classic. Former community manager, Ythisens, was laid off from Blizzard just today. As of today I’m no longer an emp…
WoW Classic Interview for Computer Bild with Brian Birmingham and Omar Gonzalez
January 19, 2019 • Furious
This past week, two developers on the WoW: Classic team sat down with German magazine company, Computer Bild. They answered some key questions about the development of WoW: Classic…
Blizzard Responds to WoW Classic Development Community Questions
January 14, 2019 • Furious
Since the announcement of WoW: Classic towards the end of November, Blizzard has been fairly quiet when it comes to updates on the project. The silence has finally been lifted, and…
World of Warcraft Classic is compelling in ways that modern WOW isn’t
November 16, 2018 • Furious
When I booted up the World of Warcraft Classic demo for the first time a couple of weeks ago – while BlizzCon was still in full swing, and the servers were busy – the general chat…
Restoring History: Creating WoW Classic (BlizzCon Classic Panel)
November 4, 2018 • Furious