WoW Classic 19 Twink Hunter Guide

Wow Classic 19 Twink Hunter Guide

Hunters are both one of the easiest, yet one also one of the most complicated classes to play.  Simply, because you are not just playing your own character, but also your pet. Fights are often easier, but you also have to balance your own abilities with that of your animal companions.  This is sometimes difficult to master, especially for those whose first character is not a Hunter.  That being said, Hunters are also one of the most fun and rewarding characters to play.

Having a pet alone is worth the price of admission for a Hunter character.  Not only can you eventually get an animal companion through the use of Tame Beast, but you also can eventually have multiple animal companions.  Each one able to suit a specific situation. Not only that, but Hunters can literally see through the eyes of their pets with Eyes of the Beast. Hunters can also track multiple different enemy types on their minimaps – similar to how a Dwarf’s Treasure Hunting ability works and can actively spy on distant locations with Eagle Eye.

All in all, the Hunter brings a lot to the table, but there’s also one other aspect of playing them that’s pertinent to this guide.  Hunters are amongst the best classes to play as a Twink.


  • Races:  Which Races can be Hunters and what racial abilities are useful to them?
  • Professions:  Of the many professions to take up, which are the best for Twink Hunters?
  • Spells and Abilities:  What abilities are at the Hunters disposal and how can they be best employed in PvP at level 19?
  • Talents:  What talent builds are the best for level 19 Twink Hunters?
  • Pets:  How do you acquire a Hunter pet and which is the best for a level 19 Twink?
  • Gear:  What is the Best in Slot (BiS) gear for a Hunter and where can you get it?
  • Enchantments:  What enchantments are the absolute best for a Twink Hunter of level 19?
  • Buffs:  Of the many available consumables, which is the best for a Twink Hunter?

Twink Hunter Races

The options for race for Hunters are not as limited as some classes, but also not as broad as others.  There are only 5 to choose from and all have their advantages and disadvantages. Figuring out which race you want, for a Hunter, isn’t something to take lightly, but it is also not your most important decision.  All of the available races for a Hunter are listed below, along with all of their racial traits.


  • Dwarf:  Gun Specialization is probably the best racial trait for Hunters that Dwarves possess, followed swiftly by Stoneform.  Being better with a gun is only slightly cooler then shrugging off poison and disease.  Frost Resistance is a great trait that is useful to any class and so is Find Treasure, if only because Twinks are expensive.
  • Night Elf:  Nature Resistance is good, because again, any kind of resistance is.  Quickness is also a great, simple protection that stacks with some abilities offered by certain equipment.  Finally, Shadowmeld is a great, free-but-crappy, stealth ability, which can be used to great effect in PvP arenas and Battlefields.


  • Orc:  Command is easily the best orc racial trait for Hunters and might be the best racial trait at all.  Axe Specialization is good for getting your weapon skill up to get higher level melee weapons more quickly.  Blood Fury is good if you find yourself in melee range, just don’t do it when you are at low health.  Finally, one of the best Twink abilities, Hardiness is one of the best, passive crowd control (CC) abilities there is.
  • Troll:  Of all of the races, Trolls have the most abilities that are of use to a Hunter.  Beast Slaying, while only useful against other Hunter’s pets in PvP, is still very important for you to get more pets.  Berserking increases your attack speed, which increases your DPS and more DPS is always a good thing for a Hunter.  As with the Dwarf, the Troll has an increased aptitude for ranged weapons in the form of Bow Specialization and Throwing Specialization.  Finally, perhaps the best racial trait that the troll offers, Regeneration helps to mitigate damage and keep your healer happy.
  • Tauren:  Once again, Nature Resistance offers a solid passive damage resistance that no one’s sad about.  The added health from Endurance is nothing any Tauren ever complained about, either, but the real winner here is War Stomp, which gives you a short CC burst, allowing you to retreat and let your pet deal with all of those nasty people for you.

Twink Hunter Professions

Your choice of professions is one of the more important decisions for your character in general.  Fortunately, your first choice is almost made for you, with this class in particular. As with any other Twink, Hunters benefit from Engineering a lot and actually even more than any other class.  The reasons why will be discussed below, but suffice it to say, you will want Engineering.

That said, your second choice of Profession is also very important.  Again, especially for Hunters. There are also options for Hunters that might not be as good for other classes.  So read ahead and choose carefully.

  • Engineering:  Hunters, more than any other class, benefit heavily from taking Engineering.  Like all other classes, they will have access to neat and kitschy gadgets like  Minor Recombobulator, or the Flame Deflector.  They also will have the ability to craft really decent head slot pieces while working their way up to that BiS hat that Nat Paggle gives you.

Unlike all of the other classes, Hunters benefit from Engineering simply because they focus on the use of ranged weapons, which Engineering provides in spades.  Not only will you have a decent gun to use at almost every stage of the leveling process, but when you hit level 19, if you’ve kept up with your Engineering, you can craft the Lovingly Crafted Boomstick.  This weapon does the same base damage as Venomstrike (one of your choices of BiS weapon), just without the Venom Shot chance.  That’s not bad at all, for something you can craft with items you can get in any of the main cities.

  • Enchanting:  Enchanting is great second choice for a Profession, especially if you have funding for your Twink.  You’ll be able to Disenchant any green or better non BiS gear that you find to get the raw enchanting materials from it.  You’ll also notice that some of those disenchanted materials will do better on the AH than the items themselves.  You can also trade the mats to a higher level enchanter in exchange for them getting you the higher level enchants you’re going to need for your own gear.
  • Alchemy:  Alchemy is great way to mitigate the cost of consumables that you’re going to want.  Healing Potions can be had cheaply, as long as you have your herbs supplied to you.  While not the most mana hogging of classes, you still may find yourself in need of a Lesser Mana Potion.  Alchemy also gives access to a number of other consumables like Elixirs, which will be discussed later on.  These temporary buff providers are nigh on essential for any player getting into Twinking.
  • Other Professions:  Out of the remaining professions, HerbalismMining, and Skinning should only be taken if you are hoping to compliment your Engineering with Mining and take some pressure off of your benefactor character.  Blacksmithing and Tailoring are of no use to a Druid of any level. Which leaves only Leatherworking and it might not be a bad choice, provided you have a leather supplier.

Secondary Skills

Cooking:  If you are only getting food to restore health between fights, simply purchase it from a vendor.  Cooking is a long and involved process that has really only one reward for a level 19 Twink of any class – the Well Fed buff.  If you want this advantage however, you have two options.  Either purchase food cooked by another player on the AH, or acquire the Recipe: Curiously Tasty Omelet.  It offers the best Well Fed bonus at this level and is available for purchase from Kendor Kabonka in Stormwind and Nerrist at the Grom’ gol Outpost.

First Aid:  Being able to heal yourself is always a welcome boon to any character.  Some classes get this benefit in the form of spells, while others have to resort to more mundane measures.  First Aid is versatile character’s back up plan for when the healer is havin’ a little trouble.  Make sure you pick up Expert First Aid – Under WrapsManual: Heavy Silk Bandage and Manual: Mageweave Bandage  so that you can max out your healing skill quickly.  Once you’ve done so,  you can use both use Mageweave Bandages and Heavy Runecloth Bandages, but you will only be able to make the Mageweave Bandages. Use your Main, an Alt, or get a friend to make the Heavy Runecloth Bandages for you, so that you can use them.

Fishing:  Whether or not Lucky Fishing Hat is a Hunter’s BiS head slot item is definitely a matter of debate.  The same goes for the Nat Pagle’s Extreme Anglin’ Boots, honestly.  So fishing isn’t exactly as important to a Hunter as it is to other classes wanting to Twink.  That being said, one good reason to raise it up quickly is Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight, especially for Horde players, who will spend a lot of time in the Barrens.  In Classic WoW, there are only so many items that change your appearance as drastically as this weird fish dish.  Which is why it usually sells pretty well on the AH.

Spells and Abilities

The Hunter has an assortment of amazing abilities at their disposal.  Learning when and how to employ them is a difficult task, and is likely a matter of trial and error.  That being said, what follows is a list of all of the Hunter abilities pertinent to a level 19 Twink Hunter in no particular order and how they benefit such a character.

  • Hunter’s MarkThis ability is, perhaps, one of a Hunter’s most useful, especially in a group with another Hunter.  Not only do you single someone out to get heavy damage, but you can also stop Rogues from doing what they do most which is stealth and force them to do what they do best…which is die.
  • Tame BeastNot something you’ll likely be using in the middle of a fight, but as a Hunter’s pet is one of the most important aspects of the class, it’s worth mentioning.  Once you’ve completed the relevant Hunter class quest, you will be able to use this to get your first pet.
  • Eagle EyeThis one is really great for spying on other groups and is kind of like a free Ornate Spyglass.  Really a good ability to have in a Battleground.
  • Immolation TrapThis one is great for setting an ambush (like any trap, really), but is also a cool thing to throw right down in front of you if you are engaged at melee range.
  • Aspect of the HawkAlways have this on!  Seriously, there is no time limit and no cooldown.  If you are not using it, you’re just doing worse than any other Hunter out there.
  • Track UndeadWhile not universally useful in PvP, Alliance players will find this of great help in tracking Forsaken players.
  • Concussive ShotWhen juiced with related talents, this is one of your most useful abilities.  Stunning enemies is always a good thing.
  • Track HumanoidsMost other players are humanoids, so this is a pretty important ability and only the Hunter has it.
  • Mend PetNever forget to heal your pet!  They’re not only the other half of your character, but they are also a living animal that you stole from the wild and have a responsibility for!
  • Eyes of the BeastGood for scouting, can also be used in conjuction with Eagle Eye to get your view into an area that you yourself cannot see.
  • Mongoose BiteVery situational.  First, you have to be in melee range in the first place, then you need to have just dodged.  Keep it on your ability bar, but expect to not use it much.
  • Multi-Shot:  You’ll have just gotten this at level 18 and it is amazing.  Really great when engaging multiple opponents.
  • Aspect of the MonkeyThe only time this should be active is when Aspect of the Hawk is not and that should usually only be when you are taking a lot of damage.
  • Revive PetBad things happen when you don’t feed and take care of your pet…fortunately this ability exists for negligent Hunters.
  • Arcane ShotNot a whole lot of extra damage, but better than Auto Shot and an instant attack.
  • Wing ClipThis one is good when you happen to be in Melee range and a foe is trying to escape.  Like Mongoose Bite, you might keep this on a bar, but don’t expect to get much use from it.  Especially when Concussive Shot exists.
  • Scare BeastThis one is awesome for a little out of nowhere CC for Druids, Shaman and other Hunter’s Pets.  No one expects you to use this, so bust it out when it’s least convenient for your enemies.
  • Raptor StrikeA nice little Melee attack that does a modest amount of damage.  This will get more use than some of your other Melee abilities, but not much.
  • Serpent StingProbably your most damaging ability and the one you will be waiting to cast more often than not.  Use on big, tough enemies with a lot of health.

in PvP, especially at this level, you’re going to want to stay at range and let your pet do almost all of the up close fighting, if you can.  That being said, if you find yourself in a melee, don’t hesitate to use your pertinent abilities, but also be trying to get away from that fight if you can.  Make sure to use Concussive Shot on key foes and pick and switch your targets often.


Talents are another great simplicity of playing a level 19 Twink Hunter, as there is really only one way to go with it.  The key to victory in just about all PvP is CC, coupled with ridiculous damage output. In that vein, your talents selection is going to want to revolve around maximizing your ability to do those two things.

To start, make sure to max out Improved Concussive Shot for a lot more CC and Humanoid Slaying, as your only opponents in PvP that aren’t humanoids are other Hunter’s pets.  The last two points you have, you really can put wherever you like and you’ll have few bad options for this really.

Why not take a look at the talents yourself with the Hunter Talent Calculator?  You can see all of the talents left and choose the one you like the best, or throw out the above suggestions and create your own spec.  It’s your character, after all.  Even though you came to a guide about how to play specifically a level 19 Hunter Twink, but whatever.  You can do as you like.

Twink Hunter Pets

One of the most important aspects of any Hunter, Twink or not, is your Hunter pet.  Unlike in modern WoW, Hunters do not start out the game with their pets. At level 10 there is a quest called The Hunter’s Path, which has four different versions based on race and faction.  Upon completion of the quest, the Hunter learns the ability Tame Beast, which they can then use to acquire their first pet.

There are also far fewer choices of pets and pet abilities in WoW Classic, so the choice for a Twink Hunter is pretty straight forward.

The best damage pets in general are by far cats, as they often have the fastest attack speed and always have a 10% bonus to their damage stat off the bat.  The best cat pet to be had at level 19 is The Rake, because it has the absolute quickest attack speed at that level. Attack speed is really important for pets, so is Spell Knock Back, which is something the Rake is also the best at in this level bracket.

If you want something a little more durable, you might try the Slavering Worg, especially in a group, as it too has a fast attack speed at level 19 and also possesses a very useful ability called Furious Howl which gives a damage buff to any ally within 15 yards of the Worg.

BiS Gear

* This item may be difficult to acquire with the necessary suffixes and might be easier to find on the AH

**  While not the BiS item for this slot technically, this item is much easier to acquire and is still very helpful.

Something else to keep in mind with Hunters is ammunition and the containers for it.  Alliance characters are going to want to acquire Quiver of the Night Watch or the Bandolier of the Night Watch depending on your weapon.  Horde, unfortunately do not have access to green or better pouches.  Fortunately though, the best white ammunition pouches can be purchased from Vendors.

You will also want to look into getting good ammunition in and of itself.

Twink Hunter Enchantments

As with any other class, the Hunter benefits heavily from enchantments.  Thus, you are going to want to get the best ones for your Twink Hunter, to round out your character and give them the best possible advantage.  These are going to likely be the hardest, or most expensive necessity for you to acquire, but it’s worth it. So have a Main or Alt that can enchant, or make friends with an enchanter.  Following is a list of all of the best enchantments for a Twink Hunter of 19th level.


Before heading out into the wide world to see what trophies can be mounted above your hearth, you might want to make a stop at the outfitter to pick up a couple of these choice consumables.  Some can be purchased from certain vendors sometimes, some can be found on the AH, or directly from other players. Regardless of where you find them, you are going to want to acquire these items, as they will offer you a decided edge in battle.


Elixirs provide fantastic long term buffs that are great for long, drawn out campaigns.  Only one Battle and one Guardian Elixir can be active at a time, fortunately for you, there is only one of each that is helpful to a Hunter at this level.

  • Elixir of Lesser Agility:  A great boost to both Attack Power and Armor, not to mention your chance to dodge.
  • Elixir of Defense:  Pretty simple.  Gives you 150 armor.  When you have it and your opponent doesn’t, you will notice.  So will they, frankly.


  • Healing Potion:  No one was ever sorry that they brought along a healing potion to anything.  Nobody.
  • Minor Rejuvenation Potion:  Because the Hunter is as often in the thick of a fight as they are at range, these aren’t a bad idea.  If you’re in a rough spot and a little bit more of everything might help, these will give it to you.
  • Minor Magic Resistance Potion:  Everyone wants to kill you, and or your pet, only slightly more than they want to kill a Mage or Healer.  When the multicolored fireworks display starts and different types of magical energy is being thrown all around, you will not regret bringing this with you.
  • Swiftness Potion:  Outnumbered?  Outmatched? Never fear!  Pop one of these and send your pet to its doom as you flee the scene, you monster.


  • Scroll of Agility:  Probably the best of the scrolls for you, since there aren’t many Agility buffs to be had.
  • Scroll of Protection II:  Don’t use with the Elixir of Defense, but if you don’t have one of those, it’s pretty great.
  • Scroll of Stamina:  More health and durability never hurt any Hunter…or anyone else, for that matter.
  • Scroll of Strength:  This one should only be used if you find yourself in a Melee fight.
  • Scroll of Intellect:  This is good for increasing your mana, but Arcane Intellect is better, so if you can, get that.
  • Scroll of Spirit II:  This will help with health and mana regeneration, but not much else

Team Buffs

Pretty much, if there is a class buff to be had, a Hunter wants it.  Arcane Intellect, Power Word: Fortitude and Mark of the Wild are all spells that will help a Hunter.  If your party has the casters that know these spells, ask for them.

Other Consumables

  • Rumsey Rum Black Label:  Gives a good stamina boost, but your drunkenness may affect your aim.  Drink responsibly.
  • Curiously Tasty Omelet:  Maybe eat this before getting three sheets to the murloc and you won’t have a hangover?  It’s easy to get, as stated, and has the best Well Fed buff at this level.
  • Heavy Sharpening StoneIf you need to use your melee weapon, this will help.  If you don’t, well it’s cheap.

You are not locked and loaded with all you need to be the best possible level 19 Twink Hunter you can.  Now go out and perforate your friends with extreme prejudice. Have fun!


About the Author


If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.
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3 years ago

You guys and gals are great

Jack Shaw
Jack Shaw
Reply to  Larry
1 year ago

are you kidding me neither of these enchants are doable on a level 19.

  • Head:  comment imageLesser Arcanum of Voracity
  • Shoulders:  comment imageMight of the Scourge
Reply to  Jack Shaw
1 year ago

In Classic Era they are usable on level 19 gear, even if you cannot obtain them at level 19.

You simply need to get a hold of them through another character, or purchase their use from someone else.

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