WoW Classic Level 29 Twink Mage Guide

Wow Classic Level 29 Twink Mage Guide

Still, easily the most popular class in the entirety of World of Warcraft (WoW), Mages are particularly popular in Player Vs Player (PvP) for their powerful Crowd Control (CC) abilities.  Mages have the benefit of both the slowing an stopping power of their frost abilities, as well as the absolute hindrance of Polymorph at their disposal. The number of other classes that can match the Mage for raw damage at range are few as well and any group in a Battleground (BG) will always welcome the presence of a master of the Arcane.  Mages are also great, because they can learn to teleport to different world locations at this level, which is extremely convenient.


  • Races:  Which races can play as a Mage and which races have the best racial traits to compliment one?
  • Professions:  Which professions are the best for a Twink Mage and which should be avoided?
  • Spells and Abilities:  What spells can a level 29 Mage cast and how best can they be employed in PvP?
  • Talents:  Which talents make the best build for a Twink Mage at level 29 and which specs are the best for PvP?
  • Gear:  What is the Best in Slot (BiS) gear for a level 29 Mage and how can it all be acquired?
  • Enchantments:  Which enchantments are the most useful to a level 29 Mage?
  • Buffs:  Which potions, elixirs, scrolls and other consumables are useful to a level 29 Twink Mage and for which situations should they be saved?


The races available to Mages aren’t as numerous as they are for some other classes, but there are still plenty of options.  They are also more balanced than other classes on faction lines, with two races from each faction being able to play as Mages.  Some races have better advantages than others, especially with respect to PvP, but some races have traits that most would not expect to be useful past a certain point that gives drastic advantages in Battlegrounds and Arenas.

Look over this section carefully and make your choice based on the traits will benefit you and your play style the most.

Or, just pick the little gnome guy, cause you always wanted to know what it was like to be a leprechaun.  It’s whatev’s, really.


Gnome:  Every one of the racial traits that the gnome possesses is of direct benefit to any mage, but in particular one engaging in PvP.  This is an aspect not shared by any of the other races available to the class.  Arcane Resistance, like any magical resistance, is valuable to any class and will protect you from many of the abilities of other Mages, Caster Druids and Hunters.  All Twinks will benefit from Engineering Specialization, as it allows Gnomes access to more gadgets and bombs that are highly useful in BGs.  Every class engaging in any kind of PvP will make liberal use of Escape Artist to break out of physical CC effects.  Lastly, Expansive Mind might be the best racial trait to be had for a Mage, or any caster that wants to do more damage.

Human:  Of the five traits that humans offer, only three are of any value to a mage and even these are minor benefits to the class.  There is an indirect benefit to Diplomacy as it allows you to get some of your BiS items from Battleground vendors more easily.  Perception and The Human Spirit are the most obvious boons to a Twink Mage.  The former, for the increased ability to spot Rogues, Druids and Hunter pets that are in stealth, and the latter for the Mana and health regen, but mostly the health.


Troll:  Trolls have few racial traits which are directly beneficial to any Mage, even a Twink.  There is some situational usefulness to Beast Slaying when you are fighting a Druid in animal form, or a Hunter’s pet and not much else.  Berserking offers a nice speed increase to your spell casting, which can help to drop some foes more quickly.  Regeneration is the only other trait that is useful to a Mage, though it is also quite potent.  In a long, protracted battle, you will just outlast other Mages, especially if you use potions to augment your natural healing ability.

Undead:  Shadow Resistance proves, once again, that everyone benefits from magical resistance in any form.  Cannibalize is a neat extra heal between battles, but leaves you vulnerable while in use.  Will of the Forsaken, almost the mirror of the Gnome’s Escape artist, allows you to cast off mental CC effects.

Unlike a lot of other classes in WoW, there is a clear winner for Mages when it comes to race and that is the Gnome.  There’s just too many benefits here to ignore, and some of them offer bonuses that you just can’t find in other aspects of the game.  If you’re Main is a Hordie, then go for the Undead, because in PvP, escape from CC trumps almost anything. In the end though, the choice is assuredly yours and if you’d rather not look at zombie, or a chubby little Gnome, do as you like.


There are a lot of professions to choose from, which can make deciding which ones to go with hard.  Fortunately, one of the coolest professions is also an absolute necessity for a Twink of any class. Engineering.  There are a plethora of gadgets, devices and bombs that are extremely useful within Battlegrounds and you won’t want to miss out on them.

While Engineering is a necessity, you’re other Profession is also important.  Which ones you’ll be interested in will largely depend on your class and your play style.

What follows is a description of each of the Professions that should be of interest to a level 29 Twink Mage, and why.


For any Twink, at almost any level, Engineering is a must-have.   You’ve got explosives that offer CC effects, like the Mithril Frag Bomb (the stun effect of which can work against even level 60 characters).  Plus some bonus CC with the Discombobulator Ray and anti-CC from the Minor Recombobulator.  Not to mention the Goblin Jumper Cables, grant the potential ability to resurrect a fallen ally.  This is especially useful when the group’s Healer goes down.

Mages also benefit from Engineering from the head slot gear that it offers.  The Spellpower Goggles Xtreme are your BiS headslot item and the only way to get them is through Engineering.

Mages who are also Gnomes will find extra benefits from Engineering in the form of the Rose Colored Goggles, which are arguably better than the Spellpower Goggles Xtreme.  There’s also the Hi-Explosive Bomb, which does more damage than the Mithril Frag Bomb and holds a stun for one more second.


Enchanting is probably the best choice for players who are not supporting their Twink with another character.  It has few expensive reagents that must be truly gathered, most being products of disenchanting items you are already likely to pick up.  It also offers lucrative selling opportunities with the many materials you will acquire from breaking down all of the Green and Blue items you do not need.  It can also offset the cost of getting your own enchantments some, as higher level enchanters are sometimes on the lookout for lower level materials.


If you are being supplied herbs and reagents by another character, then Alchemy can be an extremely useful Profession to endeavor upon.  The ability to simply create the many potions and elixirs that offer decided advantages in PvP at this bracket, instead of having to go shop for them, almost pays for itself.  Alchemy can also be a great way to make money, especially if the reagents and materials can be acquired cheaply.

Other Professions

The only other professions even worth considering are Tailoring and Mining.  Tailoring for obvious leveling and Pre BiS gear and Mining as a means to support Engineering.  Everything else is a waste of time and energy.

Secondary Skills

CookingCooking has but one benefit to any Twink at any level bracket.  The Well Fed Buff.  The food that offers the highest possible Well Fed bonus at this level is the Soothing Turtle Bisque, which gives a +8 bonus.  You can get the recipe to cook these food from Kelsey Yance in Booty Bay.  Some players may wish to go for the Giant Clam Scorcho, as it is acquired through a faction based cooking quest.  This is still viable, but is more complicated to acquire than the Turtle Bisque.  The choice is, of course, yours.

First Aid:  The only thing to worry about here is to get your First Aid maxed as high as it will go, so that you can use the Heavy Runecloth Bandage, which can heal you almost completely full with just one bandage.  To do this, you will need the three books Expert First Aid – Under WrapsManual: Heavy Silk Bandage and Manual: Mageweave Bandage.  The only trouble is that, because you still can’t get your Secondary Skills up to 300 yet, you’ll have to find someone to craft the bandages for you.  Alternatively, you could simply purchase them off of the AH.

Fishing:  This skill is not as important at this level bracket, but it’s still a great way to increase your income, especially while you’re bored and waiting around near some water.  Take any opportunity you can to fish, because each time you fish is a chance to catch a rare fish that can earn you some good money. It’s also not a bad way to get Cooking and Alchemy reagents to increase those skills.

Spells and Abilities

The Mage has a large repertoire of very useful spells at their disposal.  All of these abilities can be easily broken down into three categories. Arcane, Fire, and Frost.  Frost and Fire spells are largely damage dealing abilities, with some very rare exceptions. Arcane spells are all of a Mage’s more practical, or utilitarian abilites.  The following is a breakdown of all of the abilities available to a Mage of level 29.

Arcane Spells

  • Arcane Explosion:  This is a great spell for when you get surrounded, but doesn’t have much use outside of that.  Still, it’s better than trying to melee enemies
  • Arcane Intellect:  Arguably the best buff for casters and definitely the best one that the Mage can produce.  Always have this on.  There is really no reason, or excuse not to.
  • Arcane Missiles:  This is actually your most damaging spell at this level.  So even though it isn’t Frostbolt and can’t give you any CC benefits, it is not to be ignored.
  • Amplify Magic:  This one should really only be used on a party member who is not taking much damage, but still needs a lot of healing.  Like a Rogue whose just had threat pulled off of him, or a Druid in Bear form that’s just finished Off Tanking for the moment.  Use it sparingly and when the situation calls for it.
  • Blink:  The first of many powerful teleport spells, Blink is a fantastic tactical ability in almost any situation.  Not only does it let you instantly disappear and reappear 20 yards in front of you, it also frees you from a number of CC effects.  This spell isn’t just good for a tactical retreat, as it makes the Mage one of the better Flag Carriers (FC) at this level.
  • Conjure Food/ Conjure Water:  These two are awesome in a pinch.  No Well Fed bonus here, but always having mana and health restoring food and water is an amazing boon.
  • Conjure Mana Agate:  If you have this spell, always cast it before you even enter a dangerous area.  The Mana Agate is basically a free, cheap Mana Potion.
  • Counterspell:  Use this against enemy spell casters to prevent them from using their best abilities for a time.  Very effective against Healers.
  • Dampen Magic:  Another oddball buff, only use this spell on an ally when they haven’t taken any damage at all and never use this on the healer.  Ever.
  • Detect Magic:  Allows you to see what buffs an opponent has.  Somewhat situational, but any insight into your enemies is never a bad thing.
  • Evocation:  This spell is an amazing way to increase your mana regen for when you’re completely out of Mana and just need a regen boost mid fight.
  • Mana Shield:  If you’re low on health, but regenerating mana quickly, try this spell.  It makes physical damage drain mana instead of health.
  • Remove Lesser Curse:  Good for countering some of the abilities of the Priest and Warlock. Pretty straight forward.
  • Polymorph:  Maybe the best and most useful spell in the Arcane category next to Arcane Intellect and your most important CC effect.  SHEEPED!
  • Slow Fall:  This is a great spell for when you’ve had a misstep.  Make sure to carry a Light Feather!

Fire Spells

  • Fireball:  One of your two mainstays, Fireball is one of your most damaging spells.  When not casting Frostbolt, be casting this spell, or Arcane Missiles.
  • Fire Blast:  Pretty good damage, but kind of a mana hog if you could have been casting Fire, or Frost bolts.  A good one to throw out after either of those, since it is instant cast.
  • Fire Ward:  Absorbs a bit of fire damage.  Useful is certain situations against other Mages, Warlocks or Shaman, but not much else.
  • Flamestrike:  This one is fantastic for setting people on fire…way over there!  Great against groups, but not much else.  Most other spells at your disposal do more damage.
  • Pyroblast:  Another highly damaging fire spell.  Has the longest casting time of spells at this level, but the damage is worth it.
  • Scorch:  Decent damage for the Mana and a short casting time make this a great new addition.

Frost Spells

  • Blizzard:  Your absolute best frost damage Area of Effects (AoE) spell.  Also, one of your most damaging ones.
  • Cone of Cold:  A great source of AoE damage and CC.  One of the best spells at this level, really.
  • Frost Armor:  This is another spell that it is foolish to not almost always have active if you can.  It’s also really handy if you happen to be running away from someone who is attacking you in melee.
  • Frostbolt:  This is your absolute go-to, work horse spell.  When you are not actively casting any other spells, be casting this.  With the increased efficacy from talents, this spell will be responsible for most of the CC effects your produce.  Even if they aren’t the best one.
  • Frost Nova:  The second of your best CC abilities, Frost Nova can trap multiple enemies at once, allowing your comrades to move in for the kill.  With talents, the length of your freezing can be increased, leaving a longer window of opportunity for you and your allies to seize the day.
  • Frost Ward:  Like Fire Ward, this spells protects against a moderate amount of elemental damage.

The greatest advantage that a Mage offers a party or battle group is either raw damage, or CC.  Keeping enemies off balance is almost as important as outright killing them. Make sure to watch out for opportunities to use Polymorph and Frost Ward effectively and make sure to upgrade your frost bolt to maximize it’s slowing abilities.  Always be slowing.


At this level and in PvP, there is really only one way to go to make the best possible Mage Twink with respect to talents.  The Frost tree increases your ability to control the action with halting and slowing CC spells immensely. There are those who would argue for the fire tree, to increase damage output, but the Mage already does a ton of damage.  Where their true advantage in PvP comes in is in their multiple forms of CC. Most of which are found in the Frost Tree.

  • Elemental Precision:  Max this out, as it effects both your fire and frost spells, ensuring that more of the spells that you cast actually do damage.
  • Improved Frostbolt:  Max this one out to increase the speed at which you cast the Frostbolt spell, because that is only a good thing.
  • Permafrost:  This is how you maintain control over an entire battlefield.  By increasing the duration and speed reduction of all of your frost spells, and making sure to attack multiple opponents, you can keep a fight moving in the direction you want it to.  Very slowly.
  • Frostbite:  The chance for your Frostbolt to simply freeze a target, is almost better than the benefits of Permafrost, but the fact that Frostbite also has a chance to do absolutely nothing makes that still an almost.
  • Improved Frost Nova:  The more often you can do a Frost Nova, the more often you can stop your opponents in their tracks, so that your friends can beat the crap out of them later.  So max this one out.
  • Improved Blizzard:  Put your last two points into this, to turn Blizzard into the best way to start a fight against a large group.  If you get an entire party with this and then pelt them with chilling frost bolts, you and your allies may just kill them all before they’ve had a chance to move at their normal speed.

While this guide focuses on the best all over Mage build for a level 29 Twink, there is a school of thought for a fire build that is more esoteric.  If that’s your thing, or if you just want to see what else the Mage’s talents have to offer, check out the mage talent calculator and see what you can come up with.

BiS Gear

While clothies aren’t the most gear centric of classes, that doesn’t mean that gear isn’t important.  In fact, you can get some amazing advantages from the right gear. Besides, you’re trying to build the best level 29 Twink, right?  And Twinks are all about the gear. So here’s a list of all of the BiS gear for a level 29 Twink and how to get it. The best way to acquire most of these is on the AH, because most of the items on this list have a very low drop rate.  Good luck, you’re going to need it.


The enchantments for your gear are almost as important as the gear itself.  Make sure to get all of the best enchantments for each gear slot item that can be enchanted.  If your Main is not an enchanter, then acquiring these enchantments will be expensive, so keep that in mind.  Here are all of the best enchantments for a level 29 Twink Mage


Battle Elixirs

  • Elixir of Frost PowerTranslates to about +15 more Frost Damage.  This is uniquely useful to the Mage and even more useful to a Twink Mage in PvP

Guardian Elixirs

  • Elixir of FortitudeEverybody likes more health, especially squishy Mages
  • Mighty Troll’s Blood PotionThis can help give your healer a bit of a breather, or swiftly bring you back from the brink, if the Healer is lost.
  • Elixir of Greater DefenseThe huge jump in armor this gives is like having two more sets of robes on.  Definitely use it if you have it


  • Minor Magic Resistance PotionMakes other caster’s colored light hurt you less, while you are throwing colored light.
  • Lesser Invisibility PotionVery useful and often unexpected.  Turn the tables on a sneaky Rogue or Druid
  • Swiftness Potion:  This, coupled with the Blink spell, can help in a retreat, or in Capture the Flag.
  • Jungle Remedy:  Even though you’ll have to farm these, the benefit of curing your own disease and poison is worth the work.
  • Minor Rejuvenation PotionPop one of these when you are taking damage, while also dishing it out.
  • Greater Healing PotionNot your go to as a Mage, but still a classic that you will want to have on hand.
  • Mana PotionThe classic Mage consumable, in every world where Mana is a thing.  Keep a couple of these on hand.


  • Scroll of Protection II:  Don’t use with the Elixir of Defense, but if you don’t have one of those, it’s pretty great.
  • Scroll of Stamina:  More health and durability is always a good thing.  This might be your best choice of scrolls, in fact.
  • Scroll of Spirit II:  Again, not as good as Divine Spirit, but if you don’t have a Paladin in your party and are doing a lot of healing, this is fantastic.

Team Buffs

Arcane Intellect should always be on, end of story.  All classes want Power Word: Fortitude and the health it gives.  Mark of the Wild raises all of your stats a little and stacks with most buffs.  Blessing of Kings does kind of the same thing as Mark of the Wild, only a bit better and only for Alliance players.

Other Consumables

  • Soothing Turtle Bisque – OR – Giant Clam ScorchoAcquired from cooking as explained above.  Make sure to eat some before a fight to get that little extra bonus of Spirit and Stamina.
  • Rumsey Rum Black LabelAn inebriated Mage is a scary thing.  For everyone really, but mostly your enemies.
  • Minor Wizard Oil:  These things are great, because imbues will stack with weapon enchantments.  So Mage up and get that extra damage.

Now you know all you need to, to create the best level 29 Twink Mage ever.  Go now, let them taste your arcane might and let your wrath unfurl! Freeze your foes in their tracks, that they might stop and fully appreciate the folly of ever even considering attacking you!  Have fun!


About the Author


If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.
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5 years ago

I really appreciate the time you took to post these guides but as I mentioned on the Priest & Warrior Guides – would you be able to post other gear/item options that would be 2nd/3rd “tier” as some of the items listed have VERY low drop rates? Thanks a bunch!

Last edited by Bieski
Reply to  Bieski
5 years ago

Hey Bieski,

Thanks so much for reaching out about this. We’re currently working on getting out the last of the 39 bracket Twink guides and then moving on to the 49 bracket. We might revisit the previous guides and check on alternate gear options at a later time. When and if we are able to do that, we’ll be sure to keep your request in mind.

Thanks again for taking the time with this. Have a wonderful day.

Last edited by OrinDac
4 years ago

gallan cuffs > mindthrust bracers

acrobatic staff of the eagle > rod of the sleepwalker

elder hat of the eagle = spellpower goggles xtreme

plains ring > all other rings

Also, you didn’t mention any of the important engineering items: gnomish shrink ray, net-o-matic projector, goblin/gnome rocket boots, goblin rocket helm (for gnomes only)

Last edited by Mike
4 years ago

Ring one and ring two are the same ring, but its unique. Are you certain you can equip both>?

Last edited by bigkrit
Reply to  bigkrit
4 years ago

Hey bigkrit,

Thanks so much for catching this. No, they cannot both be equipped and we’ve made changes to the guide to provide alternatives. Sorry if this slowed you down, but thank you again for spotting this error and helping us improve the guide. We appreciate it! Have a wonderful day!

Last edited by OrinDac
4 years ago

Isn’t Holy Shroud better than the goggles?

Last edited by Goobersnooch
4 years ago

Thanks for the guide! I might have missed something, but I think the talents listed leave 2 points to be spent. I was able to max imp blizzard and grab cold snap.

Last edited by Carl
Lee White
Lee White
4 years ago

Cerulian ring of the eagle is min lv 30, but thanks for the guide otherwise

Last edited by Lee White
4 years ago

Excellent guide. This has become my go-to reference. Thank you so much for putting this together.

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