- Author: OrinDac
- Date: March 13, 2020
- Updated: October 12, 2020
- Expansion: WoW Classic
The Druid is one of the most interesting and fun classes to play, whether you are Twinking or not. They can do a lot of things and fill a lot of roles. Make no mistake though; they cannot fill any of those roles as well as other classes designed to. You will never be as stealthy as the Rogue, as good at tanking as the Warrior, as good a healer as the Priest, or as good at DPS as the Mage, but you can still do all of those things, while none of those classes can do more than one of them.
- Races: Which races can play as Druids and what traits to they have that would be helpful to a Twink?
- Professions: Which professions are good for Twinking and which ones compliment a Druid well?
- Spells and Abilities: What spells and abilities doe Druids have at this level and how best can they be employed in PvP?
- Talents: What talents to Druids possess and what builds are the best for PvP?
- Gear: What is the Best in Slot (BiS) gear for PvP Druids at this level and where can it be found?
- Enchantments: Which enchantments are the best for a Druid Twink?
- Buffs: Which potions, scrolls, elixirs, food and other consumables are useful to a Druid Twink at this level?
The good and bad news for players wishing to endeavor upon a Druid Twink is that your choices for race are few and slim and will be completely dependent on your faction. This is actually great though, because it makes your choice simple and clear.
- Night Elf: Quickness and Nature Resistance are great for a bit of added, diverse protection and are useful to all classes, especially those that are going to run into a variety of situations like the Druid will. Wisp Spirit is actually very helpful in battlegrounds, as it allows you to get back to your body faster than everyone else, without any special spells. This means that if you were in the middle of a huge fight and died, you can get back to that fight and aid your allies long before your beaten enemies can. Shadowmeld is worth mentioning, because it is a non- shapeshifting stealth for Druids. An important difference between Shadowmeld and Stealth is that you can eat while shadowmelded, as long as you don’t move. This means that if you are out of mana and health, you can use a free racial ability and some food to not die.
- Tauren: Like the Night Elf, Tauren have Nature Resistance and it’s still as good in this entry as it was in theirs. War Stomp is a great ability that will keep pursuers off your back while you are running flags, or just trying to escape a situation. The real thing to write home about for the Tauren though, is Endurance. 5% might not seem like a lot of health, but rest assured, it is. It really is.
There are a lot of professions to choose from, which can make deciding which ones to go with hard. Fortunately, one of the coolest professions is also an absolute necessity for a Twink of any class. Engineering. There are a plethora of gadgets, devices and bombs that are extremely useful within Battlegrounds and you won’t want to miss out on them.
While Engineering is a necessity, you’re other Profession is also important. Which ones you’ll be interested in will largely depend on your class.
What follows is a description of each of the Professions that should be of interest to a level 39 Twink Druid and why.
For Twinks of any class, this profession is an absolute must-have. Along with all of the engineering gadgets and doodads you get before reaching 230 in engineering, there are some seriously fantastic items at this level that are of extreme use in PvP. Make sure you get all of them.
The Major Recombobulator is especially useful for countering the Crowd Control (CC) effects of Polymorph. In the hands of a Druid, it is even more annoying to Mages, as Druids, themselves being shape shifters, are virtually immune to the spell. So Mages will avoid wasting the cooldown on them. Other items of note are the Alarm-O-Bot, which can help in detecting Rogues and other Druids and the Dark Iron Bomb, which is the absolute best bomb in early Classic WoW, with the most damage and longest CC duration. There are also three energy reflectors; Gyrofreeze Ice Reflector, Hyper-Radiant Flame Reflector and Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector, which all reflect their type of damage for 5 seconds. This is extremely useful and can quickly turn the tables on any caster in the game. Finally, there is the Arcane Bomb, which absorbs mana and does half of what is absorbed as damage to anyone in range.
All of these items are incredibly useful in PvP and are the best engineering has to offer at this level. Not to mention all of the fun fireworks and pet companions you can make.
Enchanting is probably the best choice for players who are not supporting their Twink with another character. It has few expensive reagents that must be truly gathered, most being products of disenchanting items you are already likely to pick up. It also offers lucrative selling opportunities with the many materials you will acquire from breaking down all of the Green and Blue items you do not need. It can also offset the cost of getting your own enchantments some, as higher level enchanters are sometimes on the lookout for lower level materials.
If you are being supplied herbs and reagents by another character, then Alchemy can be an extremely useful Profession to endeavor upon. The ability to simply create the many potions and elixirs that offer decided advantages in PvP at this bracket, instead of having to go shop for them, almost pays for itself. Alchemy can also be a great way to make money, especially if the reagents and materials can be acquired cheaply.
Other Professions
The gathering Professions are not at all useful to a Twink Druid. Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning should be avoided entirely, unless you are hoping to compliment your Engineering with Mining and take some pressure off of the character supporting your Twink. Tailoring and Blacksmithing are both useless to a Druid as well, so that leaves only Leatherworking as a viable remaining option and it’s not a bad choice, as you can craft your own Pre BiS armor as well as some of your actual BiS armor.
Another use for for Alchemy, Leatherworking and Tailoring is to sell the various high level components and transmutes that only these Professions can craft. Alchemists can transmute metals with recipes like Recipe: Transmute Arcanite, Leatherworkers can craft the Cured Rugged Hide and Tailors can use Pattern: Mooncloth to purify Felcloth.
Secondary Skills
Cooking: Cooking has but one benefit to any Twink at any level bracket. The Well Fed Buff. There are many foods that offer the highest possible Well Fed bonus at this level. The easiest to acquire is Spider Sausage, the recipe for which can be purchased from virtually any standard Cooking trainer. Another fun and useful food the cooks can make at this level is Dragonbreath Chili, the recipe for which can be purchased from Helenia Olden (Alliance) or Ogg’marr (Horde) in Duskwallow Marsh. It can also be purchased from Super-Seller 680 in Desolace.
The Dragonbreath Chili is of particular help to Druids who use their animal forms a lot, as they do not benefit from weapon enchantment procs. The chili allows Feral Druids to add an elemental proc to their repertoire.
First Aid: The only thing to worry about here is to get your First Aid maxed as high as it will go, so that you can use the Heavy Runecloth Bandage, which can heal you almost completely full with just one bandage. To do this, you will need the three books Expert First Aid – Under Wraps, Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage and Manual: Mageweave Bandage. The only trouble is that, because you still can’t get your Secondary Skills up to 300 yet, you’ll have to find someone to craft the bandages for you. Alternatively, you could simply purchase them off of the AH.
Fishing: This skill is not as important at this level bracket, but it’s still a great way to increase your income, especially while you’re bored and waiting around near some water. Take any opportunity you can to fish, because each time you fish is a chance to catch a rare fish that can earn you some good money. It’s also not a bad way to get Cooking and Alchemy reagents to increase those skills.
Spells and Abilities
At level 39, the Druid has access to a lot of incredibly useful abilities, including some that work in ways that no similar abilities used by other classes do. Remember, if you’re playing a Druid Twink at this level, your advantage is adaptability and versatility, you will have to stick to whatever role you’ve chosen within a group, but don’t forget that you have other abilities. Use them.
The following is a description of all of the abilities available to a Druid at level 39 that are useful to a Twink and some tips on how to use them best. Druid abilities break down into three groups. Balance, Feral Combat and Restoration.
- Cat Form: Kind of the point of the whole build, right? You can turn into a cat and do neat cat things, like Prowl and run really fast. Also, as with all Druid Forms you break and are protected from Polymorph effects.
- Bear Form: You’re honestly going to want to spend most of your time in Cat Form in a Battleground, so there isn’t a lot of use for this, but it’s important to have it ready if you need more toughness than damage. It can also save your life if your health is low, as the Bear Form has increased health.
- With respect to all animal forms, don’t forget to carry around a Major Recombobulator, so that you can drive enemy Mages completely out of their minds when they realize that you can not only counter their Polymorph for yourself, but for allies too.
- Prowl: The Druid’s form of stealth. So overwhelmingly important, especially in this bracket. Interesting fact: Feline Swiftness works even while Prowling, so you will automatically still be moving around in stealth faster than any Rogue can. Oh and don’t forget that Dash works without breaking stealth too!
- Shred: Talk about a load of damage. This is probably your best way to start a fight in Cat Form, especially if you Tiger’s Fury up first.
- Claw: Your most basic combo builder. The damage is solid and you don’t have to think much about what it does.
- Frenzied Regeneration: This is an incredibly unique ability that is extremely useful when you are tanking and low on health, but don’t need be doing a lot of damage.
- Rip: A good DoT finisher.
- Pounce: Like Shred, but used from stealth only.
- Tiger’s Fury: Another great short term buff. Doesn’t break stealth either, so always use it right before you spring a surprise attack.
- Swipe: Doesn’t give a combo point, but is great for if your tank is overwhelmed and you need to hit a couple foes at once, or for when you are the tank and…need…to hit a couple foes at once.
- Rake: A good DoT combo builder. Works well in tandem with Claw
- Ferocious Bite: An incredibly powerful spell for when you’ve got a full load of combo points on a target and full energy.
- Demoralizing Roar: Even if you are not engaged in melee combat, if you are near to those that are, switch to bear form and throw up this spell.
- Ravage: Explosive damage. Really just the best way to start a fight from stealth.
- Track Humanoids: This is an absolutely fantastic little utility spell that will aid any Druid playing in a BG immensely.
- Faerie Fire (Feral): A balance spell you can cast in animal form. Use this against heavily armored targets with low health.
- Travel Form: The great equalizer! This ability makes Druids the absolute best at FC. Period.
- Bash: Can only be used in Bear Form, but still a solid short term CC, which should not go unmentioned.
- Dash: SO useful, especially because you’ll have taken Feline Swiftness and are already the fastest person in the Battleground. Use when you’re being chased by a bunch of people and really irritate the crap out of them. Oh yeah, and it doesn’t break Prowling. You’re welcome.
- Maul: Pretty basic short term buff. Can be used in conjunction with other Bear Form attacks to get a big damage increase.
- Healing Touch: Your most effective and mana efficient healing spell. A bit of a long cast time, but it’s worth it. Use when someone’s taken serious damage and looks like they’re going to take more.
- Regrowth: A good Heal over Time (HoT) that just got a solid upgrade at level 36. Really good If multiple allies need healing.
- Rejuvenation: Not your best healing spell, but great to top off a Tank or to throw down onto a damage dealer whose taken some serious damage, but is out of danger for the moment. Also, it’s an instant cast, so good if you need to dole out some flash healing right now.
- Insect Swarm: This is the only damaging spell in the Restoration category for the Druid. Probably better for the debuff than the damage. Still, it does good damage for a spell that lands a debuff to begin with.
- Rebirth: You can resurrect in the middle of combat. This is just so useful. You might not bring them back with the most health of any caster, but if the Priest dies in the middle of a big battle, you can bring them back and save your group, while also laying down some backup heals.
- Tranquility: One of the Druid’s most powerful healing abilities, though it requires concentration and is easy to spot. Really good for the end of a battle when everyone will need some healing.
- Mark of the Wild: The Druid class buff of awesomeness! Everyone wants this one, because it stacks with a lot of other buffs, which is why you should always have it on yourself, too. Always be Marking.
- Hibernate: This spell may not seem like one to use in PvP, but it does have some tactical value, as it works on both other Druids while they are in their animal forms, and on Hunter’s Pets.
- Nature’s Grasp: Easily your most useful ability aside from being able to shape shift, this spell gives you a buff that entangles attackers a percentage of the time. This percentage can be raised through other talents and it is advised that these talents be taken. Very effective in both tanking and FC roles.
- Entangling Roots: One of your more important abilities in PvP, where half of the Druid’s job is CC. Really fun to cast on someone right before you shift to Travel Form and bug out.
- Wrath: While not your most damaging spell, a 2 second casting time and a relatively low mana cost makes this a great choice to cast a lot, especially when you can’t cast anything else.
- Moonfire: Your most damaging spell and an instant, so it’s great for a sudden burst of damage. Really good to pop right at the end of Starfire.
- Starfire: Your minute to minute workhorse of DPS spells. Not the most damaging spell, or the fastest, but like the Druid’s that cast it, Starfire is a balance point. You will be using it more than most of your other spells.
- Thorns: Not the best buff in the world, but anything that does constant damage to an attacker, with no action on the recipient’s part is a good thing. Make sure your Tank gets this at the start of a fight, especially a long one and especially if the tank is you.
- Faerie Fire: Preventing other stealth classes from using stealth is an amazing ability and the lowered armor doesn’t hurt either. Also, at level 25 you gain the ability to cast this in any of your animal forms, allowing you to cast this on the fly as you race past in Cat Form.
- Teleport: Moonglade: This is an extremely useful spell, not only in it’s obvious practical utility, but also as a tactical retreat. Taking you out of a hairy situation and into a place of safety in just 10 seconds.
Remember that a Druid at this bracket is all about being versatile. Stick to your role for the most part, but know your abilities and use them when it’s appropriate, and when you are able, even and especially if it’s outside the box.
Talent builds at this bracket are going to be all about which role you are going for. Below are the talent builds for each Druid role, showing all of the appropriate talents that should be selected for a given role. Most roles have just one talent build provided, but the Tank/Flag Carrier role has two.

Feral: This spec focuses predominantly on taking damage and dealing it out. It’s a a pure feral tank build and less useful in CTF.

If you think you can get more out of the Druid by finding your own talent spec, then you might want to just check out the Druid Talent Calculator and create a build yourself.
BiS Gear
Gear is important for all classes and is usually one of the most difficult aspects of building a Twink of any level. For Druids, whether gearing for PvP or not, your gear choices are going to depend on your talent build. Tanks and Flag Carriers are going to want a lot of Stamina.
- Head
- What: Green Lens(of Healing) / Adventurer’s Pith Helmet / Goblin Rocket Helmet/ Gnomish Mind Control Cap
- Where: Buzzek Bracketswing – Engineering Trainer / Jadespine Basilisk Uldaman 0.1% / Goblin Rocket Helmet – Engineering / Gnomish Mind Control Cap – Engineering
- Neck
- What: Necklace of Calisea / Gazlowe’s Charm
- Where: Narillasanz, Alterac Mountain 0.0167% / Burgle Eye, Duskwallow Marsh 0.0056%
- Shoulders
- What: Fleshhide Shoulders / Wild Leather Shoulders (of the Eagle)
- Where: Glutton, Razorfen Downs 50% / Pattern: Wild Leather Shoulders
- Cloak
- What: Wing of the Whelpling / Silky Spider Cape / Bloodwoven Cloak (of the Eagle)
- Where: Broken Tooth, The Badlands 0.005% / Tuten’kash, Razorfen Downs 33% / Old Grizzlegut, Feralas 1.124%
- Chest
- What: Green Whelp Armor
- Where: Pattern: Green Whelp Armor – Leatherworking
- Bracers
- What: Unearthed Bands (of Stamina) / Tracker’s Wristguards (of the Eagle)
- Where: Stonevault Cave Hunter, Loch Modan 0.06% / Razortalon, The Hinterlands 0.641%
- Gloves
- What: Arachnid Gloves (of the Eagle) / Tracker’s Gloves (of the Eagle)
- Where: Tuten’kash, Razorfen Downs 33% / Rumbler, The Badlands 0.641%
- Belt
- What: Ogron’s Sash / Gnomish Harm Prevention Belt
- Where: Narillasanz, Alterac Mountains 0.0167% / Gnomish Harm Prevention Belt – Engineering
- Pants:
- What: Warden’s Woolies / Ranger Leggings (of the Eagle)
- Where: Snarler, Feralas 1.124% / Old Grizzlegut, Feralas 1.1236%
- Boots:
- What: Defiler’s Leather Boots / Highlander’s Leather Boots / Tracker’s Boots (of the Eagle) / Gnomish Rocket Boots / Goblin Rocket Boots
- Where: Sold By – Illiyana Moonblaze/Kelm Hargunth / Rumbler, The Badlands 0.641% / Gnomish Rocket Boots – Engineering /Goblin Rocket Boots – Engineering
- Ring 1
- What: Dragonclaw Ring / Charged Gear (of the Eagle)
- Where: Quest – Extinguishing the Idol / Mekgineer Thermaplugg, Gnomeregan 25%
- Ring 2
- What: Charged Gear (of the Eagle) / Iridium Circle (of the Eagle)
- Where: Mekgineer Thermaplugg, Gnomeregan 25% / Old Grizzlegut, Feralas 1.1236%
- Trinket 1
- What: Arena Grand Master / Arena Master/ Mark of the Chosen
- Where: Quest – Arena Grandmaster / Arena Treasure Chest 100% / Quest – The Pariah’s Instructions
- Trinket 2
- What: Tidal Charm / Nifty Stopwatch
- Where: Prince Nazjak, Arathi Highlands 45% / Quest – This Is Going to Be Hard
- Main Hand
- What: Ardent Custodian
- Where: Crushridge Warmonger, Alterac Mountains 0.0013% /
- Off-Hand
- What: Prophetic Cane / Skull of Impending Doom / Furbolg Medicine Pouch
- Where: Into The Scarlet Monastery / Quest – Forbidden Knowledge / Gorn One Eye (Requires honored with Timbermaw Hold)
- Two-Handed
- What: Advisor’s Gnarled Staff / Lorekeeper’s Staff
- Where: Sold By – Illiyana Moonblaze/Kelm Hargunth (Requires Honored with WSG)
- Head
- What: Green Lens(of Healing) /Whitemane’s Chapeau
- Where: Buzzek Bracketswing – Engineering Trainer / High Inquisitor Whitemane, Scarlet Monastery 33%
- Neck
- What: Necklace of Calisea / Triune Amulet
- Where: Narillasanz, Alterac Mountain 0.0167% / High Inquisitor Whitemane, Scarlet Monastery 33%
- Shoulders
- What: Berylline Pads
- Where: Quests – The Crone of the Kraul (Alliance) / A Vengeful Fate (Horde)
- Cloak
- What: Battle Healer’s Cloak / Caretaker’s Cape / Cabalist Cloak
- Where: Sold By – Illiyana Moonblaze/Kelm Hargunth (Requires Honored with WSG) / Anathemus, The Badlands 0.641%
- Chest
- What: Robe of the Magi / Robes of the Lich
- Where: Burgle Eye, Duskwallow Marsh 0.0056% / Amnennar the Coldbringer, Razorfen Downs 20%
- Bracers
- What: Unearthed Bands (of Healing) / Bloodband Bracers
- Where: Stonevault Cave Hunter, Loch Modan 0.06% / Quests – The Captain’s Chest (Alliance) and The Captain’s Chest (Horde)
- Gloves
- What: Arachnid Gloves (of Healing / of the Eagle) / Tracker’s Gloves (of the Eagle)
- Where: Tuten’kash, Razorfen Downs 33% / Rumbler, The Badlands 0.641%
- Belt
- What: Imposing Belt (of Healing) / Belt of Corruption
- Where: Old Grizzlegut, Feralas 1.124 / Quest – Zanzil’s Secret
- Pants:
- What: Ranger Leggings (of the Healer) / Warden’s Woolies
- Where: Old Grizzlegut, Feralas 1.1236% / Snarler, Feralas 1.124%
- Boots:
- What: Tracker’s Boots (of the Eagle) / Gnomish Rocket Boots / Goblin Rocket Boots
- Where: Rumbler, The Badlands 0.641% / Gnomish Rocket Boots – Engineering /Goblin Rocket Boots – Engineering
- Ring 1
- What: Charged Gear (of the Eagle) / Iridium Circle (of the Eagle)
- Where: Mekgineer Thermaplugg, Gnomeregan 25% / Old Grizzlegut, Feralas 1.1236%
- Ring 2
- What: Advisor’s Ring / Lorekeeper’s Ring
- Where: Sold By – Illiyana Moonblaze/Kelm Hargunth
- Trinket 1
- What: Arena Grand Master / Arena Master/ Mark of the Chosen
- Where: Quest – Arena Grandmaster / Arena Treasure Chest 100% / Quest – The Pariah’s Instructions
- Trinket 2
- What: Tidal Charm / Nifty Stopwatch
- Where: Prince Nazjak, Arathi Highlands 45% / Quest – This Is Going to Be Hard
- Main Hand
- What: Hand of Righteousness / Hypnotic Blade
- Where: High Inquisitor Whitemane, Scarlet Monastery 33% / Arcanist Doan, Scarlet Monastery 25%
- Off-Hand
- What: Beacon of Hope / Skull of Impending Doom
- Where: Stonevault Cave Hunter, Outside Uldaman 0.0619% / Quest – Forbidden Knowledge
- Two-Handed
- What: Staff of Jordan
- Where: Colonel Kurzen, Stranglethorn Vale 0.00013%
- Head
- What: Green Lens (of Arcane Wrath) / Whitemane’s Chapeau / Gnomish Mind Control Cap / Goblin Rocket Helmet
- Where: Buzzek Bracketswing – Engineering Trainer / High Inquisitor Whitemane, Scarlet Monastery 33% / Gnomish Mind Control Cap – Engineering / Goblin Rocket Helmet – Engineering
- Neck
- What: Necklace of Calisea / Triune Amulet
- Where: Narillasanz, Alterac Mountain 0.0167% / Burgle Eye, Duskwallow Marsh 0.0056%
- Shoulders
- What: Inquisitor’s Shawl / Berylline Pads
- Where: High Inquisitor Fairbanks, Scarlet Monastery 33% / Quests – The Crone of the Kraul (Alliance) / A Vengeful Fate (Horde)
- Cloak
- What: Bloodwoven Cloak (of the Eagle)
- Where: Old Grizzlegut, Feralas 1.124%
- Chest
- What: Robe of the Magi / Robes of the Lich
- Where: Burgle Eye, Duskwallow Marsh 0.0056% / Amnennar the Coldbringer, Razorfen Downs 20%
- Bracers
- What: Unearthed Bands (of Healing) / Bloodband Bracers
- Where: Stonevault Cave Hunter, Loch Modan 0.06% / Quests – The Captain’s Chest (Alliance) and The Captain’s Chest (Horde)
- Gloves
- What: Arachnid Gloves (of the Eagle) / Tracker’s Gloves (of the Eagle)
- Where: Tuten’kash, Razorfen Downs 33% / Rumbler, The Badlands 0.641%
- Belt
- What: Imposing Belt (of Arcane Wrath) / Deathmage Sash / Belt of Corruption
- Where: Old Grizzlegut, Feralas 1.124 / Mordresh Fire Eye, Razorfen Downs 33% / Quest – Zanzil’s Secret
- Pants:
- What: Red Mageweave Pants / Warden’s Woolies
- Where: Pattern: Red Mageweave Pants – Tailoring / Snarler, Feralas 1.124%
- Boots:
- What: Royal Boots (of Arcane Wrath) / Tracker’s Boots (of the Eagle) / Gnomish Rocket Boots / Goblin Rocket Boots
- Where: Rumbler, The Badlands 0.641% / Rumbler, The Badlands 0.641% / Gnomish Rocket Boots – Engineering /Goblin Rocket Boots – Engineering
- Ring 1
- What: Charged Gear (of the Eagle) / Iridium Circle (of the Eagle)
- Where: Mekgineer Thermaplugg, Gnomeregan 25% / Old Grizzlegut, Feralas 1.1236%
- Ring 2
- What: Advisor’s Ring / Lorekeeper’s Ring
- Where: Sold By – Illiyana Moonblaze/Kelm Hargunth
- Trinket 1
- What: Arena Grand Master / Arena Master/ Mark of the Chosen
- Where: Quest – Arena Grandmaster / Arena Treasure Chest 100% / Quest – The Pariah’s Instructions
- Trinket 2
- What: Tidal Charm / Nifty Stopwatch
- Where: Prince Nazjak, Arathi Highlands 45% / Quest – This Is Going to Be Hard
- Main Hand
- What: Hypnotic Blade
- Where: Arcanist Doan, Scarlet Monastery 25%
- Off-Hand
- What: Prophetic Cane / Skull of Impending Doom / Orb of the Forgotten Seer
- Where: Into The Scarlet Monastery / Quest – Forbidden Knowledge / Bloodmage Thalnos, Scarlet Monastery 50%
- Two-Handed
- What: Staff of Jordan
- Where: Colonel Kurzen, Stranglethorn Vale 0.00013%
- Head
- What: Nocturnal Cap (of the Tiger/Monkey) / Goblin Rocket Helmet/ Gnomish Mind Control Cap
- Where: Gilmorian, Swamp of Sorrows 1.124% / Goblin Rocket Helmet – Engineering / Gnomish Mind Control Cap – Engineering
- Neck
- What: Ethereal Talisman (Horde Only)/ Scout’s Medallion / Sentinel’s Medallion
- Where: Quest – The Crown of Will / Sold By – Illiyana Moonblaze/Kelm Hargunth (Requires Honored with WSG)
- Shoulders
- What: Fleshhide Shoulders
- Where: Glutton, Razorfen Downs 50%
- Cloak
- What: Tigerstrike Mantle / Dark Hooded Cape / Wing of the Whelpling / Cabalist Cloak (of the Tiger/Monkey)
- Where: Prince Raze, Ashenvale 0.005% / Nimar the Slayer, Arathi Highlands 10% / Broken Tooth, The Badlands 0.005% / Razortalon, The Hinterlands 0.641%
- Chest
- What: Quillward Harness / Wolffear Harness / Warden’s Wraps
- Where: Splinterbone Captain, Razorfen Downs 0.08% / Broken Tooth, Badlands 0.005% / Lord Angler, Duskwallow Marsh 0.641%
- Bracers
- What: Unearthed Bands (of Agility/the Monkey)
- Where: Stonevault Cave Hunter, Loch Modan 0.06%
- Gloves
- What: Arachnid Gloves (of the Tiger/Monkey) / Tracker’s Gloves (of the Tiget/Monkey)
- Where: Tuten’kash, Razorfen Downs 33% / Rumbler, The Badlands 0.641%
- Belt
- What: Ogron’s Sash
- Where: Narillasanz, Alterac Valley 0.0167%
- Pants:
- What: Basilisk Hide Pants / Tracker’s Leggings (of the Monkey)
- Where: Narillasanz, Alterac Valley 0.0167% / Brimgore, Duskwallow Marsh 0.885%
- Boots:
- What: Defiler’s Leather Boots / Highlander’s Leather Boots / Imperial Leather Boots /Gnomish Rocket Boots / Goblin Rocket Boots
- Where: Sold By – Illiyana Moonblaze/Kelm Hargunth / Snarler, Feralas 1.1236% / Gnomish Rocket Boots – Engineering / Goblin Rocket Boots – Engineering
- Ring 1
- What: Legionnaire’s Band/ Protector’s Band
- Where: Sold By – Illiyana Moonblaze/Kelm Hargunth
- Ring 2
- What: Ring of the Underwood / Ironspine’s Eye
- Where: Lost One Cook, Swamp of Sorrows 0.005% / Ironspine, Scarlet Monastery 33%
- Trinket 1
- What: Arena Grand Master / Arena Master/ Mark of the Chosen
- Where: Quest – Arena Grandmaster / Arena Treasure Chest 100% / Quest – The Pariah’s Instructions
- Trinket 2
- What: Tidal Charm / Nifty Stopwatch
- Where: Prince Nazjak, Arathi Highlands 45% / Quest – This Is Going to Be Hard
- Main Hand
- What: Stonevault Bonebreaker
- Where: Shadowforge Archaeologist, Uldaman 0.04%
- Off-Hand
- What: Skull of Impending Doom / Furbolg Medicine Pouch
- Where: Quest – Forbidden Knowledge / Gorn One Eye (Requires honored with Timbermaw Hold)
- Two-Handed
- What: Manual Crowd Pummeler / The Pacifier
- Where: Crowd Pummeler 9-60, Gnomeregan 50% / Lo’Grosh, Alterac Mountains 25%
The enchantments for your gear are almost as important as the gear itself. Make sure to get all of the best enchantments for each gear slot item that can be enchanted. If your Main is not an enchanter, then acquiring these enchantments will be expensive, so keep that in mind. Here are all of the best enchantments for a level 39 Twink Feral Druid Tank.
- Head: Lesser Arcanum of Constitution
- Shoulders: Fortitude of the Scourge
- Cloak: Formula: Enchant Cloak – Greater Resistance/Formula: Enchant Cloak – Superior Defense
- Chest: Enchant Chest – Greater Stats
- Bracers: Enchant Bracer – Superior Stamina
- Gloves: Enchant Gloves – Superior Agility
- Legs: Lesser Arcanum of Constitution
- Boots: Enchant Boots – Greater Stamina / Enchant Boots – Minor Speed
- Weapons: Enchant Weapon – Mighty Intellect
- Head: Arcanum of Focus / Lesser Arcanum of Constitution
- Shoulders: Resilience of the Scourge / Power of the Scourge
- Cloak: Formula: Enchant Cloak – Greater Resistance/Formula: Enchant Cloak – Superior Defense
- Chest: Enchant Chest – Major Health/ Enchant Chest – Greater Stats
- Bracers: Formula: Enchant Bracer – Healing / Enchant Bracer – Superior Stamina
- Gloves: Formula: Enchant Gloves – Healing Power / Rugged Armor Kit (applicable by higher level characters only) -or- Thick Armor Kit (Can use at level 30 and above)
- Legs: Arcanum of Focus / Lesser Arcanum of Constitution
- Boots: Enchant Boots – Minor Speed/Enchant Boots – Greater Stamina
- Weapons: Formula: Enchant Weapon – Healing Power / Enchant Weapon – Spell Power
- Head: Lesser Arcanum of Constitution / Arcanum of Focus
- Shoulders: Power of the Scourge
- Cloak: Formula: Enchant Cloak – Greater Resistance/Formula: Enchant Cloak – Superior Defense
- Chest: Enchant Chest – Major Health/ Enchant Chest – Greater Stats
- Bracers: Enchant Bracer – Greater Intellect
- Gloves: Rugged Armor Kit (applicable by higher level characters only) -or- Thick Armor Kit (Can use at level 30 and above)
- Legs:Lesser Arcanum of Constitution / Arcanum of Focus
- Boots: Enchant Boots – Minor Speed/Enchant Boots – Greater Stamina
- Weapons: Enchant Weapon – Spell Power
- Head: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity (Strength)
- Shoulders: Might of the Scourge
- Cloak: Enchant Cloak – Lesser Agility / Formula: Enchant Cloak – Greater Resistance/Formula: Enchant Cloak – Superior Defense
- Chest: Enchant Chest – Greater Stats
- Bracers: Formula: Enchant Bracer – Superior Strength / Formula: Enchant Bracer – Superior Stamina
- Gloves: Formula: Enchant Gloves – Greater Strength
- Legs: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity (agility)
- Boots: Enchant Boots – Lesser Agility / Enchant Boots – Minor Speed/Enchant Boots – Greater Stamina
- Weapons: Formula: Enchant Weapon – Strength
There are a plethora of buffs to be had at this level and some of them are incredibly useful. If you’ve taken Alchemy, you’ll be able to acquire most of these, fairly easily. Otherwise, you can get them through other players who are Alchemists, or simply from the AH. Some of them are often sold by vendors in a limited quantity as well.
The different specs for a Druid will find slightly different buffs useful, so the lists of the different bonuses and consumables are laid out for each one.
Remember that you can only have one Battle and one Guardian Elixir active at a time.
Battle Elixirs
- Elixir of Giants: There are not very many long term Strength buffs to be had, so make sure you get this one.
Guardian Elixirs
- Elixir of Fortitude: Not a single character in all of WoW has ever complained about having more health. You shouldn’t either.
- Mighty Troll’s Blood Potion: This one is great to pop right before a long fight. It helps mitigate damage to you and let’s your Healer take it a bit easier.
- Elixir of Greater Defense: More armor is always a good thing, especially in these quantities.
- Gift of Arthas: Hard to come by and somewhat situational with respect to the resistance, but definitely worth the defensive proc. Being able to disease opponents is very useful in PvP.
- Elixir of Water Walking This one might only be useful when running away from something, but when you can walk on water and your opponents can’t you’ll be glad you bought this.
- Lesser Stoneshield Potion: One thousand extra armor? Yes, you can easily find a situation where this is useful.
- Invisibility Potion: Makes you invisible. What’s not to love?
- Swiftness Potion: No matter what bracket you’re in, no matter what class you play, this potion will never not be useful in some way in PvP and in CTF it is invaluable.
- Restorative Potion: Expensive, but worth the price and extremely utilitarian. You can just keep this in your back pocket just in case and rest easy, knowing you have an answer for almost every debuff.
- Jungle Remedy: You might have to spend a lot of time farming these, or a bit of gold buying them, but they are worth it.
- Magic Resistance Potion: If 50 resistance in all schools of magic doesn’t seem like enough to you, you are wrong. This potion is perfect for when every caster on the field is flinging different colored light at each other.
- Dreamless Sleep Potion: Makes you vulnerable for a awhile but pretty much completely restores your health and mana. Good to use right after a some kind of mass CC has just occurred, like Psychic Scream, or Fear.
- Wildvine Potion: Kind of a gamble, but might be worth having for when things are really down and out.
- Superior Healing Potion: The healing potion is a staple of adventurers everywhere. Use it in good health. Heheh.
- Superior Healing Draught: Not as effective as the above, but plentiful and cheap. You can only use them in BGs though.
- Scroll of Protection III: Use this when you don’t have an Elixir of Defense.
- Scroll of Stamina III: Use this when you don’t have a Priest who can give you Power Word: Fortitude.
- Scroll of Strength II: Use this when you don’t have an Elixir of Giants.
Use all of them if you are alone, because they are cheap and why not?
Team Buffs
You gain a solid benefit from just about all of the long term team buffs out there. Arcane Intellect will increase your mana pool, while Power Word: Fortitude increases your health pool. Blessing of Kings is also a great buff that the Paladin gets access to at level 20. So if you are Alliance, get it. Mark of the Wild is your buff and as such should be active ALL the time, as it stacks with most other class buffs. It’s also the buff that most other classes want, because it helps everyone to have it active.
Other Consumables
- Rumsey Rum Black Label: Being a little tipsy is a small price to pay for an extra 15 Stamina.
- Dragonbreath Chili: As stated above, this is a great little added boon that you can get easily if you cooking skill is high enough.
- Spider Sausage: Again, make sure you have some of this sausage before heading out there. The well fed buff shouldn’t be ignored.
Remember that you can only have one Battle and one Guardian Elixir active at a time.
Battle Elixirs
- Elixir of Greater Agility: While this will do nothing for a Healer’s ability to restore health, it does increase your armor and your chance to dodge, so why not?
Guardian Elixirs
- Elixir of Greater Intellect: A very good choice if you can get it, as it offers an even higher bonus to Intellect than Arcane Intellect at this level.
- Elixir of Fortitude: Not a single character in all of WoW has ever complained about having more health. You shouldn’t either.
- Mighty Troll’s Blood Potion: This one is great to pop right before a long fight. It helps mitigate damage to you and let’s your Healer take it a bit easier.
- Elixir of Greater Defense: More armor is always a good thing, especially in these quantities.
- Gift of Arthas: Hard to come by and somewhat situational with respect to the resistance, but definitely worth the defensive proc. Being able to disease opponents is very useful in PvP.
- Elixir of Water Walking This one might only be useful when you are out of mana to cast Levitate, but if you can have it on you, why not?
- Lesser Stoneshield Potion: One thousand extra armor? Yes, you can easily find a situation where this is useful.
- Invisibility Potion: Makes you invisible. What’s not to love?
- Swiftness Potion: No matter what bracket you’re in, no matter what class you play, this potion will never not be useful in some way in PvP and in CTF it is invaluable.
- Restorative Potion: Expensive, but worth the price and extremely utilitarian. You can just keep this in your back pocket just in case and rest easy, knowing you have an answer for almost every debuff. Good to hold on to these to use yourself and save your spells for allies.
- Jungle Remedy: You might have to spend a lot of time farming these, or a bit of gold buying them, but they are worth it.
- Magic Resistance Potion: If 50 resistance in all schools of magic doesn’t seem like enough to you, you are wrong. This potion is perfect for when every caster on the field is flinging different colored light at each other.
- Dreamless Sleep Potion: Makes you vulnerable for awhile but pretty much completely restores your health and mana. Good to use right after some kind of mass CC has just occurred, like Psychic Scream, or Fear. Also, good for when everyone else is back to full health and you need to get back to 100%.
- Wildvine Potion: Kind of a gamble, but might be worth having for when things are really down and out.
- Superior Healing Potion: The healing potion is a staple of adventurers everywhere. Good for you, or and ally. Use it in good health. Heheh.
- Superior Healing Draught: Not as effective as the above, but plentiful and cheap. You can only use them in BGs though.
- Greater Mana Potion: An absolute must have for all casters. Make sure you have at least a couple of these before ever even heading out.
- Scroll of Protection III: Use this when you don’t have an Elixir of Defense.
- Scroll of Intellect III: Use this when you don’t have a Mage who can give you Arcane Intellect.
- Scroll of Spirit III: Use this when you don’t have a Priest who can give you Divine Spirit.
- Scroll of Stamina III: Use this when you don’t have a Priest who can give you Power Word: Fortitude.
Use all of them if you are alone, because they are cheap and why not?
Team Buffs
You gain a solid benefit from just about all of the long term team buffs out there. Arcane Intellect will increase your mana pool, while Power Word: Fortitude increases your health pool. Blessing of Kings is also a great buff that the Paladin gets access to at level 20. So if you are Alliance, get it. Mark of the Wild is your buff and as such should be active ALL the time, as it stacks with most other class buffs. It’s also the buff that most other classes want, because it helps everyone to have it active.
Other Consumables
- Rumsey Rum Black Label: Being a little tipsy is a small price to pay for an extra 15 Stamina.
- Dragonbreath Chili: As stated above, this is a great little added boon that you can get easily if you cooking skill is high enough.
- Spider Sausage: Again, make sure you have some of this sausage before heading out there. The well fed buff shouldn’t be ignored.
Remember that you can only have one Battle and one Guardian Elixir active at a time.
Battle Elixirs
- Arcane Elixir: Gives a massive boost in spell damage and finally there is a decent Battle Elixir for casters!
Guardian Elixirs
- Elixir of Greater Intellect: A very good choice if you can get it, as it offers an even higher bonus to Intellect than Arcane Intellect at this level.
- Elixir of Fortitude: Not a single character in all of WoW has ever complained about having more health. You shouldn’t either.
- Mighty Troll’s Blood Potion: This one is great to pop right before a long fight. It helps mitigate damage to you and let’s your Healer take it a bit easier.
- Elixir of Greater Defense: More armor is always a good thing, especially in these quantities.
- Gift of Arthas: Hard to come by and somewhat situational with respect to the resistance, but definitely worth the defensive proc. Being able to disease opponents is very useful in PvP.
- Elixir of Water Walking This one might only be useful when running away from something, but when you can walk on water and your opponents can’t you’ll be glad you bought this.
- Lesser Stoneshield Potion: One thousand extra armor? Yes, you can easily find a situation where this is useful.
- Invisibility Potion: Makes you invisible. What’s not to love?
- Swiftness Potion: No matter what bracket you’re in, no matter what class you play, this potion will never not be useful in some way in PvP and in CTF it is invaluable.
- Restorative Potion: Expensive, but worth the price and extremely utilitarian. You can just keep this in your back pocket just in case and rest easy, knowing you have an answer for almost every debuff.
- Jungle Remedy: You might have to spend a lot of time farming these, or a bit of gold buying them, but they are worth it.
- Magic Resistance Potion: If 50 resistance in all schools of magic doesn’t seem like enough to you, you are wrong. This potion is perfect for when every caster on the field is flinging different colored light at each other.
- Dreamless Sleep Potion: Makes you vulnerable for a awhile but pretty much completely restores your health and mana. Good to use right after a some kind of mass CC has just occurred, like Psychic Scream, or Fear.
- Wildvine Potion: Kind of a gamble, but might be worth having for when things are really down and out.
- Superior Healing Potion: The healing potion is a staple of adventurers everywhere. Use it in good health. Heheh.
- Superior Healing Draught: Not as effective as the above, but plentiful and cheap. You can only use them in BGs though.
- Greater Mana Potion: An absolute must have for all casters. Make sure you have at least a couple of these before ever even heading out.
- Scroll of Protection III: Use this when you don’t have an Elixir of Defense.
- Scroll of Intellect III: Use this when you don’t have a Mage who can give you Arcane Intellect.
- Scroll of Spirit III: Use this when you don’t have a Priest who can give you Divine Spirit.
- Scroll of Stamina III: Use this when you don’t have a Priest who can give you Power Word: Fortitude.
Use all of them if you are alone, because they are cheap and why not?
Team Buffs
You gain a solid benefit from just about all of the long term team buffs out there. Arcane Intellect will increase your mana pool, while Power Word: Fortitude increases your health pool. Blessing of Kings is also a great buff that the Paladin gets access to at level 20. So if you are Alliance, get it. Mark of the Wild is your buff and as such should be active ALL the time, as it stacks with most other class buffs. It’s also the buff that most other classes want, because it helps everyone to have it active.
Other Consumables
- Rumsey Rum Black Label: Being a little tipsy is a small price to pay for an extra 15 Stamina.
- Minor Wizard Oil: These things are great, because imbues will stack with weapon enchantments. So if you’re a caster, get this on your weapon.
- Dragonbreath Chili: As stated above, this is a great little added boon that you can get easily if you cooking skill is high enough.
- Spider Sausage: Again, make sure you have some of this sausage before heading out there. The well fed buff shouldn’t be ignored.
Remember that you can only have one Battle and one Guardian Elixir active at a time.
Battle Elixirs
- Elixir of Greater Agility: More agility means more damage.
- Elixir of Giants: So does more Strength.
Guardian Elixirs
- Elixir of Fortitude: Not a single character in all of WoW has ever complained about having more health. You shouldn’t either.
- Mighty Troll’s Blood Potion: This one is great to pop right before a long fight. It helps mitigate damage to you and let’s your Healer take it a bit easier.
- Elixir of Greater Defense: More armor is always a good thing, especially in these quantities.
- Gift of Arthas: Hard to come by and somewhat situational with respect to the resistance, but definitely worth the defensive proc. Being able to disease opponents is very useful in PvP.
- Elixir of Water Walking This one might only be useful when running away from something, but when you can walk on water and your opponents can’t you’ll be glad you bought this.
- Lesser Stoneshield Potion: One thousand extra armor? Yes, you can easily find a situation where this is useful.
- Invisibility Potion: Makes you invisible. What’s not to love?
- Swiftness Potion: No matter what bracket you’re in, no matter what class you play, this potion will never not be useful in some way in PvP and in CTF it is invaluable, as it stacks with many of your movement speed increasing abilities, including dash.
- Restorative Potion: Expensive, but worth the price and extremely utilitarian. You can just keep this in your back pocket just in case and rest easy, knowing you have an answer for almost every debuff.
- Jungle Remedy: You might have to spend a lot of time farming these, or a bit of gold buying them, but they are worth it.
- Magic Resistance Potion: If 50 resistance in all schools of magic doesn’t seem like enough to you, you are wrong. This potion is perfect for when every caster on the field is flinging different colored light at each other.
- Dreamless Sleep Potion: Makes you vulnerable for a awhile but pretty much completely restores your health and mana. Good to use right after a some kind of mass CC has just occurred, like Psychic Scream, or Fear.
- Wildvine Potion: Kind of a gamble, but might be worth having for when things are really down and out.
- Superior Healing Potion: The healing potion is a staple of adventurers everywhere. Use it in good health. Heheh.
- Superior Healing Draught: Not as effective as the above, but plentiful and cheap. You can only use them in BGs though.
- Greater Mana Potion: An absolute must have for all casters. Make sure you have at least a couple of these before ever even heading out. It will really help if you suddenly need to change forms.
- Scroll of Agility II: Use this when you don’t have an Elixir of Greater Agility, because agility buffs are hard to come by.
- Scroll of Protection III: Use this when you don’t have an Elixir of Defense.
- Scroll of Intellect III: Use this when you don’t have a Mage who can give you Arcane Intellect.
- Scroll of Spirit III: Use this when you don’t have a Priest who can give you Divine Spirit.
- Scroll of Stamina III: Use this when you don’t have a Priest who can give you Power Word: Fortitude.
Use all of them if you are alone, because they are cheap and why not?
Team Buffs
You gain a solid benefit from just about all of the long term team buffs out there. Arcane Intellect will increase your mana pool, while Power Word: Fortitude increases your health pool. Blessing of Kings is also a great buff that the Paladin gets access to at level 20. So if you are Alliance, get it. Mark of the Wild is your buff and as such should be active ALL the time, as it stacks with most other class buffs. It’s also the buff that most other classes want, because it helps everyone to have it active.
Other Consumables
- Rumsey Rum Black Label: Being a little tipsy is a small price to pay for an extra 15 Stamina.
- Minor Wizard Oil: These things are great, because imbues will stack with weapon enchantments. So if you’re a caster, get this on your weapon.
- Dragonbreath Chili: As stated above, this is a great little added boon that you can get easily if you cooking skill is high enough.
- Spider Sausage: Again, make sure you have some of this sausage before heading out there. The well fed buff shouldn’t be ignored.
Wow! That’s everything! you now have all you need to create, gear and play the perfect level 39 Druid Twink. Whether you choose to turn into a bear and take the enemy flag, use your restoration spells to support your allies, drive your enemies mad with your multiple CCs and surprisingly high ranged spell DPS, or stalk your prey from the shadows as a prowling night cat, you may now do so with impunity. Remember, the only thing that Druids do best, is to everything second best. Have fun!