- Author: Luxrah
- Date: November 23, 2024
- Updated: November 23, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Blackfathom Deeps is a sunken temple of Elune found in the Veiled Sea. The dungeon is fairly large, containing several naga, murlocs, and even a few hydras. You’ll slowly explore the temple ruins until you encounter Aku’mai, a pet of the Old Gods. A majority of the temple is found above water, but some of the ruins are only accessible underwater.
- Level Requirement: 15
- Recommended Level: 20-30
- Location: Ashenvale
- Boss Encounters: Ghamoo-ra, Baron Aquanis, Old Serra’kis, Lady Sarevess, Lorgus Jett, Twilight Lord Kelris, Gelihast, Aku’mai
- Loot Drops: Strike of the Hydra, Rod of the Sleepwalker, Tortoise Armor, Reef Axe, Naga Heartpiercer
Location & Map
The Blackfathom Deeps dungeon entrance is located in the northwest corner of the Ashenvale zone, inside some sunken night elf ruins at The Zoram Strand on the coast at about 14.5, 14.6. To reach the dungeon entrance, you’ll have to swim across the pool of water at the bottom and make your way through a narrow, winding cave that is full of elite nagas.

Blackfathom Deeps has 9 total quests:
Quest Name | Acquired From | Shareable |
Dawnwatcher Shaedlass (Darnassus) | Yes | |
Argent Guard Manados (Darnassus) | Yes | |
Gerrig Bonegrip (Ironforge) | Yes | |
Gershala Nightwhisper (Darkshore) | Yes | |
Je’neu Sancrea (Ashenvale) | No | |
Je’neu Sancrea (Ashenvale) | Yes | |
Je’neu Sancrea (Ashenvale) | Yes | |
Strange Water Globe (Blackfathom Deeps) | No | |
Argent Guard Thaelrid (Blackfathom Deeps) | Yes |
4 of these quests are exclusive to Horde and 3 are exclusive to Alliance, plus 1 quest that is technically Neutral but which must be picked up in Darnassus. Both factions are able to complete Blackfathom Villainy, which is obtained inside the dungeon. So each faction can complete a total of 5 quests in Blackfathom Deeps. (Horde could complete 6 if you are crazy enough to pick up In Search of Thaelrid in Darnassus.)

Alliance Quests
In Search of Thaelrid
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 20
- Start: Dawnwatcher Shaedlass at the Craftsmen’s Terrace in Darnassus
- Finish: Argent Guard Thaelrid inside Blackfathom Deeps
- Objectives: Find Argent Guard Thaelrid inside Blackfathom Deeps
- Rewards:
- 2400 experience
- 150 reputation with Argent Dawn
- 150 reputation with Darnassus (Alliance only)
This quest is technically available to Horde as well, but you would have to pick it up from deep inside Darnassus, an Alliance city.
Argent Guard Thaelrid can be found in an alcove of the room where you face Ghamoo-ra

Twilight Falls
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 20
- Start: Argent Guard Manados at the Craftsmen’s Terrace in Darnassus
- Finish: Argent Guard Manados at the Craftsmen’s Terrace in Darnassus
- Objectives: Collect 10 Twilight Pendant from the Twilight NPCs in Blackfathom Deeps
- Rewards:
- 2550 experience
- 150 reputation with Argent Dawn
- 150 reputation with Darnassus
- Pick one of:
Twilight Pendants can be looted from the following NPCs inside Blackfathom Deeps:
- Twilight Acolyte
- Twilight Aquamancer
- Twilight Elementalist
- Twilight Loreseeker
- Twilight Reaver
- Twilight Shadowmage

Knowledge in the Deeps
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 18
- Start: Gerrig Bonegrip at The Forlorn Caverns in Ironforge
- Finish: Gerrig Bonegrip at The Forlorn Caverns in Ironforge
- Objectives: Find Lorgalis Manuscript inside of Blackfathom Deeps
- Rewards:
- Sustaining Ring
- 2750 experience
- 50 reputation with Ironforge
The Lorgalis Manuscript can be found inside an alcove of the room where you face Ghamoo-ra.

Researching the Corruption
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 18
- Chain Start: Argos Nightwhisper in Stormwind (optional)
- Quest Start: Gershala Nightwhisper at Auberdine in Darkshore
- Finish: Gershala Nightwhisper at Auberdine in Darkshore
- Objectives: Collect 8 Corrupted Brain Stem from NPCs in and outside of Blackfathom Deeps
- Rewards:
- 35 silver
- 2400 experience
- 150 reputation with Darnassus
- Pick one of:
The breadcrumb quest that leads to this one, The Corruption Abroad, is optional, but worth picking up if you are able to visit Stormwind first. It awards 1450 experience and 75 reputation with Darnassus.
Corrupted Brain Stem drops from satyrs and naga inside and outside the dungeon. Here are all of the mobs that drop the item:
- Blackfathom Myrmidon
- Blackfathom Oracle
- Blackfathom Sea Witch
- Blackfathom Tide Priestess
- Fallenroot Hellcaller
- Fallenroot Rogue
- Fallenroot Satyr
- Fallenroot Shadowstalker
- Lady Sarevess

Horde Quests
Allegiance to the Old Gods
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 17
- Chain Start: Damp Note from a Blackfathom Tide Priestess outside of Blackfathom Deeps
- Quest Start: Je’neu Sancrea at Zoram’gar Outpost in Ashenvale
- Finish: Je’neu Sancrea at Zoram’gar Outpost in Ashenvale
- Objectives: Venture into Blackfathom Deeps and kill Lorgus Jett
- Rewards:
- 40 silver
- 2650 experience
- 150 reputation with Darkspear Trolls
- Pick one of:
To start this quest, you must first loot a Damp Note from a Blackfathom Tide Priestess in the area outside of Blackfathom Deeps. Take this note to Je’neu Sancrea at Zoram’gar Outpost, and she will give you the quest. To complete it, defeat Lorgus Jett inside the dungeon.
The Essence of Aku’mai
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 18
- Chain Start: Tsunaman at Sunrock Retreat in Stonetalon Mountains
- Quest Start: Je’neu Sancrea at Zoram’gar Outpost in Ashenvale
- Finish: Je’neu Sancrea at Zoram’gar Outpost in Ashenvale
- Objectives: Collect 20 Sapphire of Aku’Mai inside Blackfathom Deeps
- Rewards:
- 14 silver
- 1750 experience
- 100 reputation with Darkspear Trolls
Before you can pick up this quest, you must complete Trouble in the Deeps, which is offered by Tsunaman in Stonetalon Mountains and awards 440 experience plus 25 reputation with Darkspear Trolls.
This quest is completed right outside of the dungeon. Look for the Sapphire of Aku’Mai rystals crowing on the cavern walls that lead up to the dungeon entrance.

Amongst the Ruins
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 21
- Start: Je’neu Sancrea at Zoram’gar Outpost in Ashenvale
- Finish: Je’neu Sancrea at Zoram’gar Outpost in Ashenvale
- Objectives: Retrieve the Fathom Core underwater in Blackfathom Deeps
- Rewards:
- 45 silver
- 2750 experience
- 150 reputation with Darkspear Trolls
To get the Fathom Core, click on a standing stone underwater in the instance, which spawns Baron Aquanis. After you kill him, each party member must then click the stone to grab it.

Baron Aquanis
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 21
- Start: Strange Water Globe which drops from Baron Aquanis in Blackfathom Deeps
- Finish: Je’neu Sancrea at Zoram’gar Outpost in Ashenvale
- Objectives: Return the Strange Water Globe to Je’neu Sancrea
- Rewards:
- 3050 experience
- 150 reputation with Darkspear Trolls
- Pick one of:
To pick up this quest, you’ll first have to summon Baron Aquanis. See the quest above this one for how to do that. He drops a Strange Water Globe, which starts this quest. You simply need to hand it in to Je’neu Sancrea.

Neutral Quests
Blackfathom Villainy/
Blackfathom Villainy
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 18
- Start: Argent Guard Thaelrid inside Blackfathom Deeps
- Finish:
Dawnwatcher Selgorm in Darnassus or
Bashana Runetotem in Thunder Bluff
- Objectives: Loot the Head of Kelris from Twilight Lord Kelris inside Blackfathom Deeps
- Rewards:
- 65 silver
- 3300 experience
- 200 reputation with Argent Dawn
- 200 rep with Darnassus or Thunder Bluff
- Pick one of:
This quest begins with Argent Guard Thaelrid, who can be found in an alcove of the room where you face Ghamoo-ra (Alliance players will need to locate him for In Search of Thaelrid as well.) To complete the quest, defeat the boss Twilight Lord Kelris and loot his head. Then bring it to Darnassus if you’re Alliance or Thunder Bluff if you’re Horde.

There are eight bosses inside Blackfathom Deeps. Two of them, Lorgus Jett and Baron Aquanis, are required for Horde quests and do not drop any special loot.
- Ghamoo-ra
- Lady Sarevess
- Gelihast
- Lorgus Jett
- Baron Aquanis
- Twilight Lord Kelris
- Old Serra’kis
- Aku’mai
Ghamoo-ra is the first boss in Blackfathom Deeps. The boss has high armor, and will Trample a random party member.

- Tank: Face the boss away from the group and maintain threat. Reposition after Trample.
- Healer: Maintain healing on your tank from maximum range. Make sure keep all party members topped off as they may take damage from Trample at any moment.
- Damage Dealers: Tank and spank fight. Ghamoo-ra has only one ability, Trample. Ghamoo-ra can be stunned and feared.
Lady Sarevess
Lady Sarevess is the second boss encountered in Blackfathom Deeps, and is accompanied by two adds.

- Tank: Tank all three of the mobs as the encounter starts. To make the fight easiest, have one of the adds CC’d while tanking and burning down the other one.
- Healer: Spread out to avoid being hit with Forked Lightning. Maintain healing on the tank.
- Damage Dealers: Forked Lightning can be interrupted. Lady Sarevess casts Frost Nova if you interrupt her Forked Lightning. She will only cast Frost Nova if you are in her proximity. Forked Lightning is cast in a frontal cone and chains from target to target. Be sure to stay spread out to avoid chaining Forked Lightning. Lady Sarevess casts slow if you try to kite her. CC one of the guards and focus down the other before switching to Sarevess.
Gelihast is an optional Murloc boss located in Blackfathom Deeps who casts immobilizing Net against his enemies. Pull the adds in his room one at a time to clear it out, then try to pull the boss alone. Remember to click the stone behind him once you’ve defeated him for Blessing of Blackfathom.

- Tank: Pull the adds one at a time before pulling Gelihast. There is no good place to LOS pull the casters, so try to pulling them far back to get them a safe distance from the rest of the murlocs.
- Healer: Maintain healing on the tank.
- Damage Dealers: Gelihast casts Net on random targets. Targets that have been affected by Net receive reduced threat. Ranged DPS should stay close in order to get Net to mitigate threat generation.
Lorgus Jett
Lorgus Jett is a miniboss that is needed for a Horde quest. He drops no special loot but is a named mob.

- Tank: This is an easy tank and spank fight. Make sure to hold aggro.
- Healer: Heal the tank where needed. Watch melee DPS as Lorgus Jett casts Lightning Shield on himself.
- Damage Dealers: Lorgus Jett is a an easy tank and spank. Let the tank pull and don’t over aggro.
- None
Baron Aquanis
Baron Aquanis is another miniboss that is summoned when Horde party members loot the Fathom Stone for a dungeon quest.

- Tank: This is an easy tank and spank fight. Make sure to hold aggro.
- Healer: Make sure to keep the tank up. This is a simple fight so it should be straight forward.
- Damage Dealers: Baron Aquanis is a an easy tank and spank. Let the tank pull and don’t over aggro.
- None
Twilight Lord Kelris
Twilight Lord Kelris is an Orc Warlock located in the ceremonial chamber before the final room of the instance.

- Tank: Tank the boss away from the group, maintaining threat throughout the fight. If put to Sleep, be ready to use high threat abilities or taunt to regain aggro on the boss.
- Healer: Assign a DPS class with healing ability to help cover you in the event you are targeted by Sleep. If you have a magic dispel, be ready to quickly use it on your group members, especially the tank.
- Damage Dealers: Kelris casts Sleep and Mind Blast. They cannot be interrupted. Be careful if the tank is slept as you might be next on the threat table.
Old Serra’kis
Old Serra’kis is an optional boss in Blackfathom Deeps who will periodically heal himself when attacking. The notable aspect of this boss is that you fight him underwater.

- Tank: Maintain threat on the boss without running out of breath.
- Healer: Top off your party members and heal the tank without running out of breath.
- Damage Dealers: Maximize your DPS output without overthrowing the tank from the primary threat position, or running out of breath.
Aku’mai is the final Hydra boss of Blackfathom Deeps who uses Poison Cloud to damage the group.

- Tank: Tank the boss away from the healer and ranged DPS. Move out of Poison Cloud. Use defensive CDs when he casts Frenzied Rage.
- Healer: Don’t stand in Poison Cloud. Your tank will need additional healing during Frenzied Rage.
- Damage Dealers: Poison Cloud can be interrupted. Don’t stand in Poison Cloud. Aku’mai can be stunned. You should save your stuns and cc effects for his Frenzied Rage. While enraged, Aku’mai receives 75% increased attack speed for 5 seconds.
Quest Rewards & Loot
Quest Rewards
Twilight Falls
Knowledge in the Deeps
Researching the Corruption
Allegiance to the Old Gods
Baron Aquanis
Blackfathom Villainy/
Blackfathom Villainy

Boss Drops