- Author: Luxrah
- Date: January 3, 2025
- Updated: January 3, 2025
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Blackrock Depths is a massive dungeon unlike any other in World of Warcraft. This stronghold of the Dark Iron Dwarves houses dozens of bosses and encounters, and almost as many quests. One of these quests is required for attunement to the first raid in the game, Molten Core, which must otherwise be entered by passing through the dungeon itself.
This large and complex instance can be a challenge to navigate, but it offers some valuable endgame rewards. We’ll walk you through how to complete each of its quests below.
Quest Name | Acquired From | Shareable |
Oralius (Burning Steppes) | Yes | |
Jalinda Sprig (Burning Steppes) | Yes | |
Jalinda Sprig (Burning Steppes) | No | |
King Magni Bronzebeard (Ironforge) | No | |
Kharan Mighthammer (Blackrock Depths) | No | |
Kharan Mighthammer (Blackrock Depths) | No | |
King Magni Bronzebeard (Ironforge) | No | |
Princess Moira Bronzebeard (Blackrock Depths) | No | |
Ragnar Thunderbrew (Dun Morogh) | Yes | |
Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave (Badlands) | No | |
Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave (Badlands) | Yes | |
Thunderheart (Badlands) | Yes | |
Thunderheart (Badlands) | No | |
Galamav the Marksman (Badlands) | No | |
Commander Gor’shak (Blackrock Depths) | No | |
Commander Gor’shak (Blackrock Depths) | No | |
Thrall (Orgrimmar) | No | |
Thrall (Orgrimmar) | No | |
Princess Moira Bronzebeard (Blackrock Depths) | No | |
WANTED (Badlands) | Yes | |
KILL ON SIGHT (Badlands) | No | |
Warlord Goretooth (Badlands) | No | |
Lotwil Veriatus (Badlands) | No | |
Franclorn Forgewright (Blackrock Mountain) | Yes | |
Franclorn Forgewright (Blackrock Mountain) | No | |
Lothos Riftwaker (Blackrock Mountain) | Yes | |
Mistress Nagmara (Blackrock Depths) | No | |
Yuka Screwspigot (Burning Steppes) | No | |
Maxwort Uberglint (Burning Steppes) | Yes | |
Cyrus Therepentous (Burning Steppes) | No |
Alliance Quests
The Good Stuff
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 50
- Start: Oralius in Burning Steppes
- Finish: Oralius in Burning Steppes
- Objectives: Collect 20 Dark Iron Fanny Packs from the many Dark Iron Dwarves inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 5800 experience
- 85 silver
- 250 reputation with Ironforge
- A Dingy Fanny Pack containing some random uncommon gear
This fairly straightforward quest tasks you with looting 20 Dark Iron Fanny Packs from the many Dark Iron Dwarves inside Blackrock Depths.

Overmaster Pyron
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 48
- Start: Jalinda Sprig in Burning Steppes
- Finish: Jalinda Sprig in Burning Steppes
- Objectives: Defeat Overmaster Pyron just outside of Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 5100 experience
- 1 gold 55 silver
- 250 reputation with Gnomeregan Exiles
This quest is completed outside the dungeon, but you may as well knock it out with your dungeon group since it requires killing a level 52 elite, Overmaster Pyron. He can be found patrolling near the dungeon’s entrance. As a glowing fire elemental, he should be easy enough to spot. Once he’s dead, you can continue on to the next quest below, which is completed inside the dungeon itself.

- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 48
- Chain Start: Jalinda Sprig in Burning Steppes
- Quest Start: Jalinda Sprig in Burning Steppes
- Finish: Jalinda Sprig in Burning Steppes
- Objectives: Defeat Lord Incendius inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 5800 experience
- 85 silver
- 250 reputation with Gnomeregan Exiles
- Pick one of:
You’ll need to complete the quest Overmaster Pyron above in order to pick this one up. To complete it, head inside the Blackrock Depths dungeon and defeat the boss Lord Incendius.

Kharan Mighthammer
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 50
- Chain Start: Royal Historian Archesonus in Ironforge
- Quest Start: King Magni Bronzebeard in Ironforge
- Finish: Kharan Mighthammer in Blackrock Depths
- Objectives: Find Kharan Mighthammer inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 5800 experience
- 250 reputation with Ironforge
This quest chain begins with The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan, which you can pick up from Royal Historian Archesonus at The High Seat in Ironforge. Speak with her to hear the history of Thaurissan, and then she’ll ask you to head to the Ruins of Thaurissan in the Burning Steppes to gather information. Click on the Thaurissan Relics, small rectangular stones that are found on the ground throughout the area, to gather the information required. Bring the info back to Royal Historian Archesonus, and this quest will become available from King Magni Bronzebeard, who is right beside her. To complete the quest, you’ll need to locate Kharan Mighthammer inside Blackrock Depths. He is being held in a prison cell in a hallway fairly close to the dungeon entrance. You’ll need to loot the Prison Cell Key from High Interrogator Gerstahn in order to open the door.

Kharan’s Tale
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 50
- Start: Kharan Mighthammer in Blackrock Depths
- Finish: Kharan Mighthammer in Blackrock Depths
- Objectives: Listen to Kharan Mighthammer‘s tale
- Rewards:
- 1600 experience
This quest continues from the one above. To complete it, you just need to speak with Kharan Mighthammer and go through all of the dialogue options.
The Bearer of Bad News
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 50
- Chain Start: Royal Historian Archesonus in Ironforge
- Quest Start: Kharan Mighthammer in Blackrock Depths
- Finish: King Magni Bronzebeard in Ironforge
- Objectives: Speak with King Magni Bronzebeard in Ironforge
- Rewards:
- 6400 experience
- 20 reputation with Ironforge
This quest continues the chain above. Head back to Ironforge to speak with King Magni Bronzebeard at The High Seat.
The Fate of the Kingdom
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 50
- Chain Start: Royal Historian Archesonus in Ironforge
- Quest Start: King Magni Bronzebeard in Ironforge
- Finish: Princess Moira Bronzebeard in Blackrock Depths
- Objectives: Defeat Emperor Dagran Thaurissan without killing Princess Moira Bronzebeard inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 8050 experience
- 350 reputation with Ironforge
This quest continues from the chain above. To complete it, return to Blackrock Depths and defeat the final boss, Emperor Dagran Thaurissan, without killing Princess Moira Bronzebeard. She will be hostile until the boss is dead, so you will need to approach this carefully to succeed.

The Princess’s Surprise
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 50
- Chain Start: Royal Historian Archesonus in Ironforge
- Quest Start: Princess Moira Bronzebeard in Blackrock Depths
- Finish: King Magni Bronzebeard in Ironforge
- Objectives: Speak with King Magni Bronzebeard in Ironforge
- Rewards:
- 9650 experience
- 2 gold 65 silver
- Pick one of:
This is the final quest of the chain above. To complete it, simply head back to Ironforge and speak with King Magni Bronzebeard again.

Hurley Blackbreath
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 50
- Start: Ragnar Thunderbrew at Kharanos in Dun Morogh
- Finish: Ragnar Thunderbrew at Kharanos in Dun Morogh
- Objectives: Obtain the Lost Thunderbrew Recipe from Hurley Blackbreath inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 5650 experience
- 1 gold 65 silver
- 10x Dark Dwarven Lager
- Pick one of:
There is an optional breadcrumb quest that leads to this one – Ragnar Thunderbrew, which can be picked up from Enohar Thunderbrew at Nethergarde Keep in Blasted Lands. With or without the quest, speak with Ragnar Thunderbrew at Kharanos in Dun Morogh to start this quest. To complete it, kill the boss Hurley Blackbreath inside the Blackrock Depths dungeon and loot the Lost Thunderbrew Recipe, then return to Ragnar Thunderbrew for your reward. Hurley Blackbreath is an optional boss who must be summoned in The Grim Guzzler by breaking the Thunderbrew Lager Kegs in the storage room. When you’ve broken all three kegs, he’ll run into the room along with for Blackbreath Crony.

Horde Quests
Lost Thunderbrew Recipe
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 50
- Chain Start: Apothecary Zinge at The Apothecarium in Undercity
- Quest Start: Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave at Kargath in Badlands
- Finish: Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave at Kargath in Badlands
- Objectives: Retrieve the Lost Thunderbrew Recipe from Hurley Blackbreath in Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 5650 experience
- 85 silver
- 5x Greater Mana Potion
- 5x Superior Healing Potion
- Pick one of:
There is a pre-requisite for this quest, Vivian Lagrave, which can be acquired in Undercity from Apothecary Zinge. Once you’ve picked it up, head to Kargath in Badlands and locate Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave to pick up this quest. While you’re there, be sure to pick up The Last Element from there as well. To complete this quest, kill the boss Hurley Blackbreath inside the Blackrock Depths dungeon and loot the Lost Thunderbrew Recipe, then return to Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave for your reward. Hurley Blackbreath is an optional boss who must be summoned in The Grim Guzzler by breaking the Thunderbrew Lager Kegs in the storage room. When you’ve broken all three kegs, he’ll run into the room along with for Blackbreath Crony.

Disharmony of Flame
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 48
- Start: Thunderheart at Kargath in Badlands
- Finish: Thunderheart at Kargath in Badlands
- Objectives: Defeat Overmaster Pyron just outside of Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 5100 experience
- 1 gold 55 silver
- 250 reputation with Thunder Bluff
This quest is completed outside the dungeon, but you may as well knock it out with your dungeon group since it requires killing a level 52 elite, Overmaster Pyron. He can be found patrolling near the dungeon’s entrance. As a glowing fire elemental, he should be easy enough to spot. Once he’s dead, you can continue on to the next quest below, which is completed inside the dungeon itself.

Disharmony of Fire
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 48
- Chain Start: Thunderheart at Kargath in Badlands
- Quest Start: Thunderheart at Kargath in Badlands
- Finish: Thunderheart at Kargath in Badlands
- Objectives: Obtain the Tablet of Kurniya from Lord Incendius inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 7300 experience
- 2 gold 55 silver
- 350 reputation with Thunder Bluff
- Pick one of:
You’ll need to complete the quest Disharmony of Flame above in order to pick this one up. To complete it, head inside the Blackrock Depths dungeon and defeat the boss Lord Incendius to loot the Tablet of Kurniya.

The Last Element
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 48
- Chain Start: Thunderheart at Kargath in Badlands
- Quest Start: Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave at Kargath in Badlands
- Finish: Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave at Kargath in Badlands
- Objectives: Collect 10 Essence of the Elements from mobs inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 5450 experience
- 2 gold 45 silver
- 250 reputation with Undercity
- Lagrave’s Seal
This quest does not become available until Disharmony of Flame above has been completed. It requires looting 10 Essence of the Elements from elementals and constructs in Searing Gorge or inside the Blackrock Depths dungeon. Here are the mobs that can drop the items:
- Dungeon mobs:
- Dungeon bosses:
- Outside the dungeon:
- Overmaster Pyron (right outside the dungeon entrance in Blackrock Mountain)
- Scald (at The Cauldron in Searing Gorge)

Commander Gor’shak
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 48
- Chain Start: Thunderheart at Kargath in Badlands
- Quest Start: Galamav the Marksman at Kargath in Badlands
- Finish: Commander Gor’shak inside Blackrock Depths
- Objectives: Find Commander Gor’shak inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 5100 experience
- 250 reputation with Orgrimmar
You’ll need to complete the quest Disharmony of Flame above in order to pick this one up. This quest begins a lengthy chain within the dungeon. To proceed, you must locate Commander Gor’shak inside Blackrock Depths. He is being held in a prison cell in a hallway fairly close to the dungeon entrance. You’ll need to loot the Prison Cell Key from High Interrogator Gerstahn in order to open the door.

What Is Going On?
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 48
- Chain Start: Thunderheart at Kargath in Badlands
- Quest Start: Commander Gor’shak inside Blackrock Depths
- Finish: Commander Gor’shak inside Blackrock Depths
- Objectives: Defend Commander Gor’shak inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 4350 experience
- 250 reputation with Orgrimmar
This quest continues from the chain above. Before you start this quest, be sure that the rest of your party has turned in the one above. You should also be prepared for a fight. Starting the quest will spawn a group of 8 elites in the hallway outside the room. When they’ve been defeated, 4 more will appear. You must keep Commander Gor’shak alive, and since he has no weapons or armor, your best bet is to keep the mobs away from him altogether. Only one person needs to be inside the room to start the quest; the rest will be able to accept it from out in the hallway, where you can pick up the mobs as they appear. When you’ve completed the quest, speak with Gor’shak again to continue on.
What Is Going On?
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 48
- Chain Start: Thunderheart at Kargath in Badlands
- Start: Commander Gor’shak inside Blackrock Depths
- Finish: Thrall at The Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar
- Objectives: Defend Commander Gor’shak inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 550 experience
- 350 reputation with Orgrimmar
This quest continues from the chain above. Enter the cell across the hall from Commander Gor’shak to find Kharan Mighthammer. Exhaust his dialogue to complete the quest. Now you’ll need to leave the dungeon to speak with Thrall in Orgrimmar if you wish to pick up the next one.

The Eastern Kingdom
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 48
- Chain Start: Thunderheart at Kargath in Badlands
- Quest Start: Thrall at The Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar
- Finish: Thrall at The Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar
- Objectives: Speak with Thrall
- Rewards:
- None
This quest simply continues the chain above. Speak with Thrall again to move on to the next one.

The Royal Rescue
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 48
- Chain Start: Thunderheart at Kargath in Badlands
- Quest Start: Thrall at The Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar
- Finish: Princess Moira Bronzebeard inside Blackrock Depths
- Objectives: Defeat Emperor Dagran Thaurissan without killing Princess Moira Bronzebeard inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 8050 experience
This quest continues from the chain above. To complete it, head back inside Blackrock Depths and defeat the final boss, Emperor Dagran Thaurissan, without killing Princess Moira Bronzebeard. She will be hostile until the boss is dead, so you will need to approach this carefully to succeed.

The Princess Saved?
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 48
- Chain Start: Thunderheart at Kargath in Badlands
- Quest Start: Princess Moira Bronzebeard inside Blackrock Depths
- Finish: Thrall at The Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar
- Objectives: Return to Thrall in Orgrimmar
- Rewards:
- 9950 experience
- 2 gold 70 silver
- 500 reputation with Darkspear Trolls
- 500 reputation with Orgrimmar
- 500 reputation with Thunder Bluff
- 500 reputation with Undercity
- Pick one of:
This is the final quest of the chain above. To complete it, simply head back to Orgrimmar and speak with Thrall again.
KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron Dwarves
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 48
- Start: WANTED sign at Kargath in Badlands
- Finish: Warlord Goretooth at Kargath in Badlands
- Objectives: Defeat 10 Anvilrage Warden, 15 Anvilrage Guardsman, and 5 Anvilrage Footman inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 5100 experience
- 1 gold 55 silver
- 250 reputation with Orgrimmar
To complete this quest, kill 10 Anvilrage Warden, 15 Anvilrage Guardsman, and 5 Anvilrage Footman inside Blackrock Depths. These mobs can be found throughout the Detention Block at the beginning of the instance. You can then continue to the next quest, which requires killing different Anvilrage mobs inside the dungeon, but it must be picked up separately in Badlands.

KILL ON SIGHT: High Ranking Dark Iron Officials
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 50
- Chain Start: WANTED sign at Kargath in Badlands
- Quest Start: KILL ON SIGHT at Kargath in Badlands
- Finish: Warlord Goretooth at Kargath in Badlands
- Objectives: Defeat 10 Anvilrage Soldier, 10 Anvilrage Medic, and 10 Anvilrage Officer inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 5450 experience
- 1 gold 65 silver
- 250 reputation with Orgrimmar
To pick up this quest, you must first complete KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron Dwarves above. You’ll then need to leave the dungeon and visit Kargath to pick up this one from a different sign. Head back to the dungeon and kill 10 Anvilrage Soldier, 10 Anvilrage Medic, and 10 Anvilrage Officer to complete the short chain. These mobs can be found in large numbers in the Dark Iron Highway area beyond the Shadowforge Gate. You can then continue to the next quest chain, which involves killing the boss General Angerforge, but it must be picked up separately in Badlands.

Operation: Death to Angerforge
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 52
- Chain Start: WANTED sign at Kargath in Badlands
- Quest Start: Warlord Goretooth at Kargath in Badlands
- Finish: Warlord Goretooth at Kargath in Badlands
- Objectives: Defeat General Angerforge inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 7750 experience
- 2 gold 65 silver
- Conqueror’s Medallion
This quest is part of a chain that requires completing the two quests above. You’ll then be able pick up Grark Lorkrub from Lexlort at Kargath in Badlands. That quest will take you to Grark Lorkrub in Burning Steppes to pick up Precarious Predicament, requiring you to escort him through Blackrock Mountain and into Searing Gorge. This quest involves fighting groups of elite enemies, so you will need some assistance. Turn in that quest to Lexlort, and you’ll find this quest is now available from Warlord Goretooth at Kargath. To complete it, enter Blackrock Depths and kill General Angerforge, who is downstairs in the West Garrison.

The Rise of the Machines
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 52
- Chain Start: Heirophant Theodora Mulvadania at Kargath in Badlands.
- Quest Start: Lotwil Veriatus in Badlands
- Finish: Lotwil Veriatus in Badlands
- Objectives: Retrieve the Head of Argelmach and 10 Intact Elemental Cores from inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 6200 experience
- 2 gold 65 silver
- Pick one of:
This chain consists of three quests with the same name, beginning with The Rise of the Machines, which you can pick up from Heirophant Theodora Mulvadania at Kargath in Badlands. That quest requires you to loot10 Fractured Elemental Shards from rock elementals and constructs in Burning Steppes (Greater Obsidian Elemental, Malfunctioning Reaver, and War Reaver). Then the same NPC will offer the next version of The Rise of the Machines, which sends you to Lotwil Veriatus east of Kargath to pick up this final quest in the chain. To complete the chain, you must defeat Golem Lord Argelmach in The Manufactory and loot his head, as well as looting 10 Intact Elemental Cores from the constructs in his workshop (Molten War Golem, Ragereaver Golem, Warbringer Construct, and Wrath Hammer Construct). Killing the two golems who are with him should net you all 10 items.

Neutral Quests
Dark Iron Legacy
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 48
- Start: Franclorn Forgewright in Blackrock Mountain
- Finish: Franclorn Forgewright in Blackrock Mountain
- Objectives: Speak with Franclorn Forgewright
- Rewards:
- 500 experience
You must be a ghost to be able to see Franclorn Forgewright, whose ghost is found standing on top of the sarcophagus at the center of Blackrock Mountain, inside the structure that is hanging from the giant chains over The Molten Span. This quest simply requires speaking with him again to continue to the next quest below, which is needed to obtain the Shadowforge Key that unlocks part of the Blackrock Depths dungeon.

Dark Iron Legacy
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 48
- Start: Franclorn Forgewright in Blackrock Mountain
- Finish: Monument of Franclorn Forgewright inside Blackrock Depths
- Objectives: Obtain Ironfel from Fineous Darkvire inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 5100 experience
- 2 gold 30 silver
- Shadowforge Key
You must be a ghost to be able to see Franclorn Forgewright, whose ghost is found standing on top of the sarcophagus at the center of Blackrock Mountain. This quest follows the one above and awards the Shadowforge Key, which unlocks part of the Blackrock Depths dungeon. To complete this quest and get the key, you’ll need to defeat the boss Fineous Darkvire inside the dungeon and loot Ironfel, then bring this item to the Monument of Franclorn Forgewright, a large dwarf statue that is found behind Pyromancer Loregrain (still inside the dungeon).

Attunement to the Core
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 55
- Start: Lothos Riftwaker inside Blackrock Mountain
- Finish: Lothos Riftwaker inside Blackrock Mountain
- Objectives: Obtain the Core Fragment inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 6600 experience
This quest is required to be able to enter the Molten Core raid without first passing through Blackrock Depths. To complete it, you’ll need to pass through the dungeon and reach the raid entrance near the end of the dungeon. There you’ll be able to click on the Core Fragment next to the raid portal to pick it up.
While you can certainly complete this quest as part of a full Blackrock Depths dungeon run, you may prefer to do a “Lava Run” if you’re only looking to get attuned to the Molten Core. For help with completing the quest in this way, check out our Molten Core Attunement Guide.

The Love Potion
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 50
- Start: Mistress Nagmara inside Blackrock Depths
- Finish: Mistress Nagmara inside Blackrock Depths
- Objectives: Obtain 4 Gromsblood, 10 Giant Silver Vein, and Nagmara’s Filled Vial
- Rewards:
- 5450 experience
- 80 silver
- Pick one of:
This quest is picked up and turned in inside the dungeon, but the objectives are found elsewhere. You’ll need to collect 4 Gromsblood, 10 Giant Silver Vein, and Nagmara’s Filled Vial.
Gromsblood can be obtained with Herbalism or purchased from the Auction House. Nagmara’s Filled Vial is acquired by using Nagmara’s Vial at Golakka Crater in Un’Goro Crater (the pool of water at the top of the steep hill in Golakka Hot Springs). Giant Silver Vein can be looted from the giants of Azshara: Cliff Breaker, Cliff Thunderer, and Cliff Walker (they each drop 2-3).

Ribbly Screwspigot
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 48
- Chain Start: Yorba Screwspigot at Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris
- Quest Start: Yuka Screwspigot at Flame Crest in Burning Steppes
- Finish: Yuka Screwspigot at Flame Crest in Burning Steppes
- Objectives: Obtain Ribbly’s Head from Ribbly Screwspigot inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 2650 experience
- 60 silver
- Pick one of:
To pick up this quest, you’ll first need to pick up the quest Yuka Screwspigot from Yorba Screwspigot at Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris. Then locate Yuka Screwspigot at Flame Crest in Burning Steppes to proceed to this quest. To complete it, head inside Blackrock Depths and locate her unfortunate brother, Ribbly Screwspigot, inside The Grim Guzzler. You’ll have to use his dialogue option to make him attackable. Note that his cronies will come to his aid, so you’ll have to fight them too.

The Heart of the Mountain
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 50
- Start: Maxwort Uberglint at Flame Crest in Burning Steppes
- Finish: Maxwort Uberglint at Flame Crest in Burning Steppes
- Objectives: Retrieve The Heart of the Mountain from the vault inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 5650 experience
- 85 silver
To complete this quest, you will need to loot 12 Relic Coffer Keys from mobs inside Blackrock Depths. Take these keys to the Black Vault, where they will open the Relic Coffer Doors inside. You’ll need to open all of them. When you open the last one, the four golems will come to life and you’ll be fighting them along with Watchman Doomgrip. Then you can loot the red gem underneath the Dark Coffer door to obtain The Heart of the Mountain.

A Taste of Flame
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 52
- Chain Start: Cyrus Therepentous at Slither Rock in Burning Steppes
- Quest Start: Cyrus Therepentous at Slither Rock in Burning Steppes
- Finish: Cyrus Therepentous in Burning Steppes
- Objectives: Obtain Encased Fiery Essence from Bael’Gar inside Blackrock Depths
- Rewards:
- 6200 experience
- 2 gold 65 silver
- Pick one of:
This quest requires first completing either the lengthy quest chain that begins with Divine Retribution, or the quest A Taste of Flame. The latter, along with this follow-up quest, can be picked up from Cyrus Therepentous in a cave in the northeast corner of Burning Steppes. Start the prerequisite quest and speak with Cyrus to spawn a level 54 elite Frenzied Black Drake right outside the cave, which you must defeat to loot Black Dragonflight Molt. Then you can start this quest. Head into Blackrock Depths and defeat Bael’Gar at the Dark Iron Highway inside Blackrock Depths to use the Molt on his body and acquire the Encased Fiery Essence.