- Author: Luxrah
- Date: February 8, 2025
- Updated: February 8, 2025
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Blackrock Spire is the stronghold of the Dark Horde inside Blackrock Mountain. Although it is technically one large instance, the dungeon is split into two wings, with the lower portion being designed for 5 players and the upper portion as the only 10-player raid in the vanilla game.
- Level Requirement: 48
- Recommended Level: 55+
- Location: Searing Gorge
- Boss Encounters:
- Lower Blackrock Spire: Highlord Omokk, Shadow Hunter Vosh’gajin, Urok Doomhowl, Quartermaster Zigris, Halycon, Gizrul the Slavener, War Master Voone, Mother Smolderweb, Overlord Wyrmthalak, Burning Felguard (Rare), Spirestone Battle Lord (Rare), Spirestone Lord Magus (Rare), Bannok Grimaxe (Rare), Crystal Fang (Rare), Ghok Bashguud (Rare), Spirestone Butcher (Rare), Mor Grayhoof (Quest)
- Upper Blackrock Spire: Pyroguard Emberseer, Solakar Flamewreath, Goraluk Anvilcrack, Warchief Rend Blackhand, The Beast, General Drakkisath, Jed Runewatcher (Rare), Lord Valthalak (Quest)
- Loot Drops:
Location & Map
Both wings of Blackrock Spire are entered from the same dungeon portal on the east side of Blackrock Mountain. There are two ways to reach the portal from the main path through the mountain. One way is by entering the door that is next to the Blackrock Spire meeting stone and following the path upward. You’ll have to deal with some elite enemies via this route. The alternative is to climb the large chain and follow the wall toward the balcony where the gnome NPC Bodley is standing and jump onto it. This will put you directly in front of the dungeon portal without needing to deal with any mobs.

Blackrock Spire Wings
The two wings of the Blackrock Spire instance are treated as separate dungeons even though they are connected. The lower wing is designed for 5 players while the upper wing must be unlocked and is designed for 10 player groups.
Lower Blackrock Spire
- Level Requirement: 48
- Recommended Level: 55+
- Location: Searing Gorge
- Boss Encounters: Highlord Omokk, Shadow Hunter Vosh’gajin, Urok Doomhowl, Quartermaster Zigris, Halycon, Gizrul the Slavener, War Master Voone, Mother Smolderweb, Overlord Wyrmthalak, Burning Felguard (Rare), Spirestone Battle Lord (Rare), Spirestone Lord Magus (Rare), Bannok Grimaxe (Rare), Crystal Fang (Rare), Ghok Bashguud (Rare), Spirestone Butcher (Rare), Mor Grayhoof (Quest)
- Loot Drops:

Upper Blackrock Spire
- Level Requirement: 48
- Recommended Level: 55+
- Location: Searing Gorge
- Boss Encounters: Pyroguard Emberseer, Solakar Flamewreath, Goraluk Anvilcrack, Warchief Rend Blackhand, The Beast, General Drakkisath, Jed Runewatcher (Rare), Lord Valthalak (Quest)
- Loot Drops:
- Felstriker, Blackblade of Shahram, Blackhand Doomsaw, Dal’Rend’s Sacred Charge, Dal’Rend’s Tribal Guardian, Pip’s Skinner, Draconian Deflector, Truestrike Shoulders, Briarwood Reed
- All T0 Chests, Gauntlets of Elements, Devout Mantle, Pauldrons of Elements, Spaulders of Valor, Lightforge Spaulders
- Plans: Arcanite Champion, Pattern: Red Dragonscale Breastplate, Recipe: Flask of the Titans, Recipe: Flask of Chromatic Resistance, Chromatic Carapace, Pristine Hide of the Beast