- Author: fendor
- Date: February 1, 2019
- Updated: January 9, 2025
- Expansion: WoW Classic

In this guide, fendor shares his knowledge on the elaborate and far-ranging nature of becoming a master blacksmith in Classic WoW. This guide assumes you already have the knowledge to reach a high skill level in Blacksmithing and are now interested in different specializations such as weapon or armorsmithing, where to find special trainers, and how to hunt down unique and hard-to-find Plans to bolster your range of craftable goods.
Blacksmithing is non-optimal for warriors. You should choose alchemy+herbalism if you want something useful for raiding. Or even better, don’t learn any profession aside first aid, they will all be a time sink. A money sink. And you could also risk having fun and we don’t like you having fun.
When Classic releases you will hear a lot of people saying things like this. Blacksmithing is one of those professions that get always discarded because “it will slow you down!” or “there is no useful items for the end-game crafted with blacksmithing, so why bother?”.
In my opinion these arguments have one thing in common: they take it for granted that you have to be efficient in WoW; that you have to level fast, that you have to rush to the end-game, that you have to ‘beat’ it. Everyone will have their self-imposed objective at the end of the day, but even after killing Kel’Thuzad at the end of Naxxramas, there’s no game screen telling you “Congratulations, you won!” or anything like that.
You have to play in a way in which you will have fun: and I will show you why blacksmithing is one of the most enjoyable professions that Classic will have to offer. Blacksmithing is not a means to an end, it’s a journey in itself and will take you far across Azeroth searching for plans and resources to improve your trade. In vanilla, smithies were well known on their servers for their particular niche crafts and the profession goes well beyond reaching 300 skill level.

Trainers in Classic are scattered all over Azeroth, and not all of them have the same level of expertise – like a real RPG should be! Some cities are missing trainers, and some trainers can only be found out in the wilds. Some offer you standard Plans whilst others only offer particular ones you may be interested in.
Apprentices (up to 75)
Every capital city has an apprentice:
- Basil Frye for Undercity
- Thrag Stonehoof for Thunder Bluff
- Ug’thok for Orgrimmar
- Dane Lindgren for Stormwind
- Groum Stonebeard for Ironforge
Aside from these, there’s also one apprentice trainer in some of the starting zones, out in the wild:
- Guillaume Sorouy in Silverpine Forest
- Dwukk in Durotar
- Smith Argus in Elwynn Forest
- Tognus Flintfire in Dun Morogh
Bear in mind that there are no blacksmithing trainers in Teldrassil because… well I guess it’s a tree, there’s not much ore there or something. If you want to have your Night Elf learn blacksmithing, you will have to travel all the way to Darkshore to Delfrum Flintbeard
Journeyman (up to 150)
Again, aside from Darnassus, every capital city has a journeyman:
- James Van Brunt for Undercity
- Karn Stonehoof for Thunder Bluff
- Snarl for Orgrimmar
- Therum Deepforge for Stormwind
- Rotgath Stonebeard for Ironforge
Just a few of these are instead are scattered around the world space:
- Traugh in the Barrens for the Horde
- Clarise Gnarltree in Duskwood for Alliance
Expert (up to 225)
Now we start coming short of trainers that can teach skill caps and standard Plans:
- Saru Steelfury in Orgrimmar for the Horde
- Bengus Deepforge in Ironforge for the Alliance
- Galvan the Ancient in Stranglethorn Vale for both. This will be a pivotal NPC for a lot of quests, so keep his location in mind!
Artisan (up to 300)
Once you have reached Artisan things diverge a little bit:
- Brikk Keencraft in Booty Bay is a neutral trainer and the only one that will teach you recipes without needing a specialization. Unfortunately, he only teaches you up to skill 275. After that, you will need a specialization of your choice to proceed.
- Okothos Ironrager in Orgrimmar is the Armorsmith trainer for the Horde
- Borgosh Corebender in Orgrimmar is the Weaponsmith trainer for the Horde
- Grumnus Steelshaper in Ironforge is the Armorsmith trainer for the Alliance
- Ironus Coldsteel in Ironforge is the Weaponsmith trainer for the Alliance
Sticking only to these trainers will not benefit you much. In fact, even the most skilled trainer won’t teach you anything past 275 skill level if you don’t have a specialisation – so it’s time to take a look at your next step.
This is where the fun begins. There is no best path to choose so make a decision and stick to it! Before planning out what specialisation you want to take it might be worth jumping to the hunting for plans section to have a look at what items you want to eventually be able to craft. This section will describe the actual process of gaining a blacksmithing specialisation.
NB: As of 1.9 they did introduce a way of switching your smithing spec by spending a bunch of gold and finding Book “Soothsaying for Dummies” in North Eastern Tanaris. Just remember though that you will build yourself a reputation around what you can craft and it’s best to stick with one mastery branch from the beginning for that reason.

The quest that starts it all is The Way of the Weaponsmith for Alliance and The Way of the Weaponsmith for the horde. Completing this will grant you the weaponsmithing specialization (which is waaaaay easier than becoming an armorsmith by the way).
The quest requires level 40 and at least 200 blacksmithing skill and the following items to be turned in – you could simply buy them from AH, as per all the item in the following quests, but a real blacksmith would never do that 😉
- 4 x Moonsteel Broadsword. This is not taught by any trainer, you have to find Plans: Moonsteel Broadsword, that is on limited supply in Stranglethorn Vale from Zarena Cromwind
- 4 x Massive Iron Axe. This is not taught by any trainer, you have to find Plans: Massive Iron Axe, that is on limited supply in Stranglethorn Vale from Jaquilina Dramet or Vharr (this is Horde only)
- 2 x Heavy Mithril Axe. Thaught by Blacksmithing trainer at 210
- 2 x Big Black Mace. Thaught by Blacksmithing trainer at 230
Doing a little breakdown on materials (thanks to Wowwiki for this) you will need:
- 86 x Iron Bar
- 56 x Mithril Bar
- 32 x Coal
- 28 x Heavy Leather
- 16 x Gold Bar
- 16 x Heavy Grinding Stone
- 16 x Strong Flux
- 12 x Lesser Moonstone
- 8 x Shadowgem
- 4 x Citrine
- 4 x Solid Grinding Stone
- 2 x Thick Leather
- 2 x Black Pearl This will be probably the harder item to farm, they are pretty rare. I suggest you to farm them at the turtles in the shore north to Raventusk Village in the Hinterlands
Master Axesmithing

The quest to become Axesmith is acceptable only AFTER becoming a weaponsmith since this is a further specialization. Head to Kilram and accept Snakestone of the Shadow Huntress. Just head in LBRS, kill Shadow Hunter Vosh’gajin and loot Vosh’gajin’s Snakestone. Once completed you will receive your first axesmith recipe, Plans: Dawn’s Edge.
Master Hammersmithing

The quest to become Hammersmith is acceptable only AFTER becoming a weaponsmith since this is a further specialization. Head to Lilith the Lithe and accept Sweet Serenity. Head to Stratholme living side, and before arriving to Cannon Master Willey you will find Blacksmithing Plans on the ground: looting them will spawn Crimson Hammersmith that will drop the required Crimson Hammersmith’s Apron. Once completed you will receive your first hammersmith recipe, Plans: Enchanted Battlehammer.
Master Swordsmithing

The quest to become Swordsmith is acceptable only AFTER becoming a weaponsmith since this is a further specialization. Head to Seril Scourgebane and accept Corruption. Head to Stratholme undead side, and near the first ziggurat in the gauntlet, you will find Blacksmithing Plans on the ground: looting them will spawn Black Guard Swordsmith that will drop the required Insignia of the Black Guard. Once completed you will receive your first swordsmith recipe, Plans: Blazing Rapier.

This one will be a lot harder, more time-consuming and costly (if you decide to follow the dark AH path), and only real men will succeed! Everything, again, starts from a simple quest: The Art of the Armorsmith for Horde and The Art of the Armorsmith for Alliance. Completing the quest will reward you the Armorsmithing specialization, and it only requires:
That’s all. Just turn in these items and you are done…. Where do you train these recipes you said? Well, this is the hard part. You see, only one person in the whole Azeroth knows the secrets of the Ornate Mithril, and he will not teach them to the first person that he meets, right? If you want to learn the required recipes like a real blacksmith would do and not just run to the AH, bear with me a little longer:
- The first step is completing The Old Ways for Horde or The Origins of Smithing for Alliance
- You will be directed towards Stranglethorn Vale and, after a while, the quest The Mithril Order will bring you to your master, Galvan the Ancient
- He will offer you three quests – if you want to proceed until the end of the chain, you will need to complete ALL OF THEM, even if a follow-up is given after just completing one:
- Smelt On, Smelt Off requires 40 x Iron Bar and 40 x Mithril Bar, and will reward you with Plans: Ornate Mithril Pants
- The Great Silver Deceiver requires 40 x Mithril Bar and 5 x Truesilver Bar, and will reward you with Plans: Ornate Mithril Gloves
- The Art of the Imbue requires 40 x Mithril Bar and 4 x Citrine, and will reward you with Plans: Ornate Mithril Shoulder
- Yes, that’s a LOT of Mithril Bar (120 bars!) and, if you have been paying attention, you will see that NONE of them are items required for The Art of the Armorsmith. This is because Galvan the Ancient is a bit sadistic, and taught you half of his recipes and the other half to Galvan’s Finest Pupil, Trenton Lighthammer. He knows what you need!
- So, at this point, head to Gadgetzan. You will have three quests available, and every one of them will teach you one of the required items:
- A Good Head On Your Shoulders requires 2 x Mithril Coif and 1 x Ornate Mithril Shoulder, and will reward you with the ability to craft Ornate Mithril Helm
- The Mithril Kid requires 2 x Heavy Mithril Breastplate and 1 x Ornate Mithril Gloves, and will reward you with the ability to craft Ornate Mithril Breastplate
- The World At Your Feet requires 2 x Heavy Mithril Boots and 1 x Ornate Mithril Pants, and will reward you with the ability to craft Ornate Mithril Boots
- The whole Ornate Mithril set has no direct bonus, but it has some really cool effects: if you equip all of it you will have +4% dodge (!!!) +3% critical strike (!!!) and an awesome effect for PVP, that can remove many nasty effects. And all of them BEFORE level 45!
- After all of this work you can go back to the beginning, turn in the items, and it’s done! You are an armorsmith!
- One important note: all the quests, aside from The Art of the Armorsmith for Horde and The Art of the Armorsmith for Alliance, are doable from every blacksmith, EVEN A WEAPONSMITH! This could be useful for having extra recipes and because doing these quests also rewards you with two cool trinkets, Glimmering Mithril Insignia and Signet of Expertise
Whichever path you chose, now you are ready to hunt the appropriate Plans!
Plan Hunting
Here we are, to the juicy part. I will not list EVERY recipe you can find (it would be silly to even try) but instead highlight the ones that are most profitable/interesting/funny. Everything from here on is highly subjective, every comment/correction/addition is gladly welcome in the comments!
Notable drops

Finding plans from world drops feels great but it’s tough. The drop rates for these kind of plans are often below 0.1% and to find one means having immeasurable luck! For others you may need to band together with friends or dungeon groups to have a shot at finding them.
Plans: Steel Weapon Chain is a world drop from mob between levels 30-50. It’s an awesome “enchant” that can make you a lot of money, since applying this to a weapon will make it immune to disarm. The recipe can go for quite a lot of gold on the AH, since there’s not really a mob to aim for to get it.
Plans: Mithril Spurs is a world drop from mob between levels 40-50. It’s a great recipe for 2 reasons: it’s awesome to level up blacksmithing with a little number of Mithril Bar AND it’s always good to have a little speed boost when mounted 🙂
Plans: Thick Obsidian Breastplate dropped by The Prophet Skeram in AQ40 (so probably not available as soon as Classic release). It has a cool proc with a pop-up a spell-shield, very handy.
Plans: Black Grasp of the Destroyer dropped by Moam in AQ20 (so probably not available as soon as Classic release). A cool proc, useful probably for hunters, that steals mana from the enemy.
Plans: Sageblade is a world drop (world bosses, raid trash) that requires Master Swordsmith to be learned, and it’s a good sword for casters.
Plans: Invulnerable Mail is a world drop (world bosses, raid trash) that requires Armorsmithing to be learned, it’s really rare and a good money-maker for the cool proc.
Plans: Persuader is a world drop (world bosses, raid trash) that requires Master Hammersmith to be crafted.
Plans: Arcanite Reaper is the sole reason why a lot of people decide to go down the Axesmith path, since it’s needed to craft it. It’s probably one of the most iconic weapons of the game, and for a reason: in the first day of Vanilla it was one of the strongest weapons in the game! The plans are dropped by Bannok Grimaxe, a rare mob found in the lowest part of LBRS. Since it’s not always available AND the droprate is not very high, it can requires more than 50 runs to see one, so stick at it!
Plans: Stronghold Gauntlets is a world drop (world bosses, raid trash) that requires Armorsmithing to be learned, it’s really rare and a huge money-maker, since these gauntlets make you IMMUNE to disarm. I think there’s nothing more to say 🙂
Plans: Titanic Leggings is a world drop (world bosses, raid trash) that requires Armorsmithing to be learned, it’s really rare and a huge money-maker, since the stats on the leggings are awesome.
Plans: Lionheart Helm is a world drop (world bosses, raid trash) that requires Armorsmithing to be learned, it’s really rare and a huge money-maker, since it’s one of the best DPS plate helms in game.
I put this group at the end, since it has not really use (the stats of the items are not really anything) but being able to craft it was a sort of status quo because the recipes were damn rare! I’m talking about the Runic Plate “set” that is composed of:
- Plans: Runic Plate Leggings This is the only guaranteed drop, from the Scarlet Smith
- Plans: Runic Breastplate These are dropped by Strashaz Myrmidon (or Tidelord Rrurgaz) on Alcaz Island
- Plans: Runic Plate Helm These are dropped by Strashaz Warrior on Alcaz Island
- Plans: Runic Plate Shoulders These are dropped by Strashaz Serpent Guard on Alcaz Island
- Plans: Runic Plate Boots These are dropped by Scarlet Cavalier in Heartglen. There are only 6 of these mobs in the main fortress, so be prepared for a long grind (even longer than the others!)
- The mobs in Western Plaguelands are around 55-57 level elite, while on Alcaz Island they are 59-60 level elite, so you will probably need a group to effectively farm these recipes. Only for the true completionist!
Notable quests

Blacksmithing is a profession with a very high number of quests. Some of them take place in instances that aren’t guaranteed to be in Classic on release so bear that in mind. A nice bonus of quests is that you’re much more likely to find these Plans than you are with a world drop
Technically it’s a mining quest, but no blacksmith is complete without this one: after reaching 230 in mining, you must go to Gloom’rel in BRD, in the seven dwarves chamber. BEFORE starting the event you can complete The Spectral Chalice by just turning in 2 x Star Ruby, 20 x Gold Bar and 10 x Truesilver Bar. After that, you can talk to the spectral dwarf and he will teach you how to create Dark Iron Bar. These are used on a ton of high-end recipes, so make good use of it. Just one important note: every time you want to smelt Dark Iron Ore you will have to come back in BRD, at The Black Forge (before the bridge to Molten Core there’s a path on the left: the forge is at the end) and, to craft any item that has even a single Dark Iron Bar in it, you will need to go to The Black Anvil, near Lord Incendius. This is why you will quickly become acquainted with BRD 🙂
In LBRS there’s a secret quest, that will start once you find some human remains. They are in the lowest part of the instance: there will be an opening on the right that leads to a lava river: you will find the remains there.
Remember to take the gauntlets near the remains, or you will have to travel back later. After finding them you can head to Malyfous Darkhammer in Everlook: it will give you Plans: Fiery Plate Gauntlets and a pair of Fiery Plate Gauntlets in exchange for 6 x Enchanted Thorium Bar, 2 x Essence of Fire and 4 x Star Ruby
Lorax in Winterspring also has a cool quest for blacksmiths: after listening to his tale it will give you The Demon Forge. Head then to UBRS and look for Goraluk Anvilcrack. Kill him, use Blood Stained Pike on his corpse and get the nearby Unforged Rune Covered Breastplate. In exchange, you will receive Plans: Demon Forged Breastplate (and some greenies also)
Killing the Twilight Hammer NPCs in Silithus will often drop Encrypted Twilight Text. You can turn them in in Cenarion Hold for reputation with the Cenarion Circle OR you can go to Hermit Ortell and complete True Believers (the repeatable version is Still Believing). After 24 hours from completion you will receive a mail in-game: it will have some random goodies attached. If you are VERY lucky you can get one of these 3 plans. This is the ONLY way to get them:
With a minimum requirement of 265 in Blacksmithing, Derotain Mudsipper in Gadgetzan will offer you 7 quests; all of them requires you to turn in some Thorium Bar:
- At the moment of this writing the requirements in the tooltip are WRONG because they were nerfed in later expansions, stick with what I wrote
- Imperial Plate Belt for 20 x Thorium Bar will reward you with Plans: Imperial Plate Belt
- Imperial Plate Boots for 40 x Thorium Bar will reward you with Plans: Imperial Plate Boots
- Imperial Plate Bracer for 20 x Thorium Bar will reward you with Plans: Imperial Plate Bracers
- Imperial Plate Chest for 60 x Thorium Bar will reward you with Plans: Imperial Plate Chest
- Imperial Plate Helm for 50 x Thorium Bar will reward you with Plans: Imperial Plate Helm
- Imperial Plate Leggings for 60 x Thorium Bar will reward you with Plans: Imperial Plate Leggings
- Imperial Plate Shoulders for 20 x Thorium Bar will reward you with Plans: Imperial Plate Shoulders
- So in total you will need 270 Thorium Bar, and to craft the whole set you will need an additional:
- 218 x Thorium Bar
- 8 x Star Ruby
- 2 x Citrine
- 12 x Rugged Leather
- 2 x Aquamarine
- This is a good tanking set for starter, and one that requires no skill except farming a lot of Thorium! Also, it wears really cool on Alliance.
Only for Armorsmiths – During various dungeon run you could be lucky and get a drop of a piece of one of the volumes of Advanced Armorsmithing. There are three of them and each one is split into two parts, so you have a total of six halves to find:
- All the halves are NOT a guaranteed drop, so don’t worry if you don’t find them at your first try.
- Bottom Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume I, dropped by Goraluk Anvilcrack in UBRS, and Top Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume I, dropped by King Gordok in Dire Maul, will compose Enchanted Thorium Platemail. Once created the volume it will start Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume I that will end at Lorekeeper Lydros at Dire Maul library. You will be rewarded with Plans: Enchanted Thorium Breastplate
- Bottom Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume II, dropped by Crimson Hammersmith in Stratholme (to spanw him you will have to collect the Blacksmithing Plans before Cannon Master Willey in the living side of the instance), and Top Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume II, dropped by Rattlegore in Scholomance, will compose Enchanted Thorium Platemail. Once created the volume will start Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume II that will end at Lorekeeper Lydros at Dire Maul library. You will be rewarded with Plans: Enchanted Thorium Leggings
- Bottom Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume III, dropped by Black Guard Swordsmith in Stratholme (to spawn him you will have to collect the Blacksmithing Plans before the first ziggurat on the undead side of the instance), and Top Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume III, dropped by Urok Doomhowl in LBRS (to spawn him you will need a Roughshod Pike and Omokk’s Head then, after the spider section, you will have to put them on top of Urok’s Tribute Pile), will compose Enchanted Thorium Platemail. Once created the volume will start Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume III that will end at Lorekeeper Lydros at Dire Maul library. You will be rewarded with Plans: Enchanted Thorium Helm
- To create all the pieces you will need a grand total of:
- 24 x Arcanite Bar. These will require the help of an alchemist. You can provide him 1x Thorium Bar and 1 x Arcane Crystal and he can generate the bar. Unfortunately, this transmute is on a daily cooldown, so alchemists tend to make you pay for this
- 60 x Enchanted Thorium Bar. For these, an enchanter is required: with 1x Thorium Bar and 3 x 1x Dream Dust (provided by him) you can generate one bar. Again, it will be costly (not as costly as the Arcanite Bar, but still costly)
- 10 x Essence of Earth. These are best farmed from the Stone Elementals in north-western Silithus
- 10 x Essence of Water. A good place to farm these are the lakes in Eastern Plaguelands
- 3 x Huge Emerald
- 3 x Azerothian Diamond
- 2 x Large Opal
- 2 x Blue Sapphire
- These are great pieces for tanking since they start to stack some defense(+26 in total) and you can make good money selling them, since usually not too many people bother grindings the volumes.
There’s also a sort of legendary quest: if you talk to Lokhtos Darkbargainer in the Grim Guzzler in BRD while having a Sulfuron Ingot in your inventory (these are only dropped by Golemagg the Incinerator in Molten Core) it will offer you A Binding Contract. In exchange for that ingot, you will earn Plans: Sulfuron Hammer. After many Molten Core run you will be able to craft your Sulfuron Hammer, an exceptional weapon. But to make it legendary it will probably require you a ton of Ragnaros kills…
Notable vendors

Another aspect of blacksmithing mastery is farming reputation with often obscure and less well known factions. If you dedicate your time to levelling up rep with these guys they can reward you with some truly wonderful stuff and reside inside instances like Blackrock Depths.
Every respectable Blacksmith should increase his reputation with The Thorium Brotherhood to access Lokhtos Darkbargainer. He resides in the Grim Guzzler in BRD, and when talking to him you will be able to see only the items you can buy with your current level of reputation. He has a ton of recipes for blacksmiths:
- Plans: Dark Iron Bracers – Requires Armorsmithing
- Plans: Dark Iron Destroyer – Requires Master Axesmithing
- Plans: Dark Iron Leggings – Requires Armorsmithing
- Plans: Dark Iron Reaver – Requires Master Swordsmithing
- Plans: Fiery Chain Girdle – Requires Armorsmithing
- Plans: Fiery Chain Shoulders – Requires Armorsmithing
- Plans: Black Amnesty – Requires Weaponsmithing
- Plans: Blackfury – Requires Weaponsmithing
- Plans: Blackguard – Requires Master Swordsmithing
- Plans: Dark Iron Boots – Requires Armorsmithing
- Plans: Dark Iron Gauntlets – Requires Armorsmithing
- Plans: Dark Iron Helm – Requires Armorsmithing
- Plans: Ebon Hand – Requires Master Hammersmithing
- Plans: Nightfall – Requires Master Axesmithing
- As you see all of this require certain kind of specialization!
Vargus in Cenarion Hold, Silithus. It will be probably added only when AQ releases, and he will have 5 recipes to sell:
- Plans: Heavy Obsidian Belt
- Plans: Ironvine Belt
- Plans: Ironvine Breastplate
- Plans: Ironvine Gloves
- Plans: Light Obsidian Belt
- Some of these requires raid material (Bloodvine from Zul’Gurub and Small Obsidian Shard, that are mined from Small Obsidian Chunk and Large Obsidian Chunk, that appears when you kill Anubishat and other mobs in AQ). All of them requires a certain level of reputation with Cenarion Circle, so even if the vendor is not available, it could be good to start farming the reputation (at least up to revered).
Lieutenant General Andorov. This will also be added with AQ, and it’s a vendor you will have to earn! In fact, it’s found inside AQ 20, but you can’t buy anything from him as soon as he appears. He will come, with some guards, to help you before the fight with General Rajaxx. IF HE SURVIVES the whole fight, he will be available for some minutes as a vendor, and you will be able to access 2 recipes (in limited supply, so one blacksmith per run):
- Plans: Jagged Obsidian Shield, the only craftable shield by a blacksmith in the whole game, and with a great proc: it has a 5% (!!!) chance of silence the enemy that attacks you with a spell for 3 second
- Plans: Obsidian Mail Tunic
Rin’wosho the Trader in Yojamba Isle, North-Western STV. Will be added only when ZG releases, and he will have 6 recipes to sell:
- Plans: Bloodsoul Breastplate
- Plans: Bloodsoul Gauntlets
- Plans: Bloodsoul Shoulders
- Plans: Darksoul Breastplate
- Plans: Darksoul Leggings
- Plans: Darksoul Shoulders
- All of them requires a certain level of reputation with Zandalar Tribe and materials that are found only inside ZG (Souldarite and Bloodvine).
Meilosh is found in Timbermaw Hold, and you can farm Timbermaw Hold reputation to buy the 2 recipes he sells:
There are 3 Argent Dawn Quartermaster that sell blacksmithing recipes, and they are Argent Quartermaster Hasana, Argent Quartermaster Lightspark and Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock; they will sell 2 of them, and they will require reputation with Argent Dawn:
Magnus Frostwake is another vendor you will have to unlock in order to buy these recipes:
This vendor is actually a ghost, so you will need a special trinket to see him (he resides in Caer Darrow, in the blacksmith near Scholomance). In order to obtain the trinket you will need to start Doctor Theolen Krastinov, the Butcher. Finishing the whole chain will let you have Spectral Essence. Equipping it will let you see all the ghosts in Caer Darrow.
And that’s it! I hope this guide was informative for you and that you choose blacksmithing as one your professions in Classic. I’m convinced it will be your favourite. Any comments, ideas, feedback etc. just reply to this thread!
You need 4 thick leather for the list of mats. 2 are enough for only one Big Black Mace.
Bookmarked for my endgame hunter 🙂 Great job on this fendor.
I think that I will be taking Armorsmithing personally so that I can make some nice mail pieces and explore the world a bit which goes along with the hunter playstyle.
I already crafted Sulfuras back in late WOTLK by solo farming MC on my paladin so I’ve experienced that already (even if it wasn’t as epic and didn’t require huge amounts of cooperation etc).
This is awesome! I swear if I wasn’t playing a Warlock I’d be excited about trying out Blacksmithing.
This is awesome! I swear if I wasn’t playing a Warlock I’d be excited about trying out Blacksmithing.
That was the whole point 🙂 Thank you very much!
Dammit fendor, this does not help my doubts about levelling professions! AAAAIII wanna do everything!
Maybe I should level TWO warriors? :biggrin:
Excellently written!
Thanks for this — I hadn’t planned on going blacksmithing when Classic hits, but now you’ve got my heart set on armorsmithing.
This is simply the best and most comprehensive guide on vanilla blacksmithing. BIG thanks for the great work!
This excellent guide is the reason why I’ve decided to play a warrior blacksmith in classic.
Thank you for your exceptional contribution to the classic community!
Awesome Work my dude!
Thanks you’re The Man 😀
What a brilliant guide, very timely reading for my main. Thank you.