WoW Classic Cooking Guide 1 – 300

WoW Classic Cooking Guide 1 - 300

Cooking is a secondary profession within WoW Classic. As the name might suggest, you’ll use raw materials found from monsters and fishing to create food that can heal you and even give combat bonuses! Because cooking can create valuable consumables at max level, it becomes an important skill with high demand. Check out the rest of this guide to level your cooking from 1-300, regardless of your faction and whether or not you want to fish!

Because the cooking skill is a secondary profession, it won’t take up one of your two main profession slots, meaning any character, race, or class can learn cooking. To level your cooking skill, you’ll need raw meat that you can find on the corpses of specific beasts.

Cooking is an excellent skill for casual or serious players. Questing, especially alone, is often difficult and requires the frequent use of food to continue fighting. Unless you’re a mage, this means you’ll need to buy food from a vendor to keep yourself sustained.

With cooking, you can make yourself free food with meat you’ll pick up just by leveling. At max skill level, cooking is excellent for providing food with combat bonuses. These recipes require materials that are harder to obtain and the resulting foods are generally much more expensive.

When it comes to leveling methods, there are two traditional routes. You can level your cooking using the standard method, which entails collecting meat from beasts all across Azeroth. Alternatively, you can also choose the pescatarian route by taking the fishing route. We’ll cover both strategies in this guide, as well as noting key differences for Alliance and Horde players.

WoW Classic Cooking Guide

Trainer Locations

Training plays a huge role in leveling your cooking, as you’ll need new recipes learned from trainers and vendors both to reach even higher levels. For any specific recipes you’ll need to find, we’ll tell you where to find them in the section where you need them. For general cooking trainers that offer you level cap increases, you can find them at these locations:

  • Apprentice (1-75) – Like most other professions, simply ask a guard in any major city where you can find the Cooking Trainer.
    • For Wow Alliance Crest Alliance, that means Stormwind, Ironforge, or Darnassus.
    • For the Horde, you can go to Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, or Undercity.
  • Journeyman (75-150) – Return to the same city you originally learned Cooking in. This is the last time you’ll visit this trainer!
  • Expert (150-225) – To learn Expert Cooking, you’ll actually need to learn it from a cookbook! How fitting.
    • For Wow Alliance Crest Alliance players, you can purchase Expert Cookbook from Shandrina in Mystral Lake, Ashenvale, or find it on the Auction House.
    • Horde players can purchase Expert Cookbook from Wulan in Shadowprey Village, Desolace or from the Auction House.
  • Artisan (225-300) – Things take a different twist for Artisan Cooking, which you’ll need to complete a quest to unlock.

Important Notes

Before you start cooking, there are a few key things to keep in mind! Depending on what faction you play and how you want to tackle leveling, you’ll have a very different experience!


Although both Wow Alliance Crest Alliance and Horde players have fairly similar leveling routes to reach 300 cooking, there are several instances where a different recipe is used. The first and last 75 levels are identical for both factions, but the middle levels are where the route differs.

The exception to this is Night Elves who do not have wolves or boars in their starting zone. Instead they learn to craft Kaldorei Spider Kabob from a quest of the same name in their starting zone.

For those sections, each faction will have their own instructions.


One of the easier ways of leveling Cooking is by simultaneously leveling your Fishing skill. You can entirely source your way to 225 Cooking from Fishing alone, but this will require several hours of fishing in order to reach a high enough level to catch the fish you’ll need to cook.

If you already plan on leveling your Fishing skill, this is a perfect opportunity for you to freely level your Cooking skill at the same time. It is important to note that there is also a fishing quest required to learn Artisan Fishing, which you’ll need to catch the fish required to cap your cooking.

Because fishing drastically changes the recipes you’ll use, there is an entirely separate section in this guide for if you want to fish rather than kill beasts.

WoW Classic Cooking - Fishing Guide


WoW Classic Quest Icon

Throughout the guide, you’ll notice there are a few quests that you’ll need to do. These quests are required to learn the recipe you’ll use, but fortunately most quests are as simple as collecting a set amount of ingredients and handing them in.

For anything more advanced, we’ll illustrate how to complete the quest. Additionally, we’ll mention when you need to purchase a specific recipe from a vendor!

Materials Needed

Depending upon your method and faction, your material needs will differ. Keep in mind totals will vary based upon your RNG, but these should serve as a good guideline of what to expect. Here are the totals for each leveling method:

Wow Alliance Crest Alliance Cooking Materials (Without Fishing)

Horde Cooking Materials (Without Fishing)

Cooking Materials from Fishing (Both Factions)

Leveling Cooking Without Fishing

1-75: Apprentice Cooking

Welcome to the wonderful world of cooking! Where flavor is king and quality is never an afterthought! Just kidding, you’ll use any old cut of meat you can find!

To get started, learn the Apprentice Cooking skill from any Cooking Trainer. While you’re there, train the first recipe below.

1-40: Charred Wolf Meat, Roasted Boar Meat, or Kaldorei Spider Kabob x 40

For your first cooking recipe, make any combination of the above to reach 40 Cooking. You can kill boars and wolves found around Elwynn Forest, Dun Morogh, Durotar, or Mulgore for their meat. If you are playing as a Night Elf, wolves and boars are not an option, so hunt spiders all over Teldrassil to get the legs you need for a Kaldorei favorite!

40-75: Smoked Bear Meat x35

You’ll need to purchase the next recipe from a vendor. Then kill bears from the surrounding zones. Smoke enough bear meat to reach at least 75 Cooking. Then train and keep going to 90.

75-150: Journeyman Cooking

Head to any Cooking Trainer to learn Journeyman Cooking. For Wow Alliance Crest Alliance, pick up the next recipe while you’re there. The next few recipes will vary based on your faction.

75-85 (Wow Alliance Crest Alliance): Crab Cake x10

Now things start to get a little different! Learn Journeyman Cooking while also picking up this nifty little recipe for some delectable crab cake. Make just 10 of them, but don’t eat them all at once! Don’t forget to buy the Mild Spices from a cooking vendor near your trainer. You can find some pinchy crawlers over in Westfall near the coast.

75-90 ( Horde): Smoked Bear Meat x20

Continue killing and cooking bears until you’ve reached 90 in Cooking. You can still get the bear meat easily enough in Silverpine Forest and you’ll already be there so it is convenient.  If you are looking for a higher drop rate and are high enough level (at least 28), the Giant Ashenvale Bear drops meat at a 71% rate, which is the highest.

85-100 (Wow Alliance Crest Alliance): Cooked Crab Claw x15

Crabfest continues, but now you’re cooking whole crab claws. Pick up this recipe in Stormwind. Cook crab claws until you reach triple digits for your Cooking level! These also drop from crawlers, so keep farming them in Westfall.

90-130 ( Horde): Dig Rat Stew x40

While the Alliance gets to make some tasty crab dishes, the Horde gets the pleasure of the delicacy that is dig rat stew. This requires you to complete a quest of the same name from Grub, who you’ll find in one of the towers that hug the mountain north of the road between Ratchet and The Crossroads. Once you have the quest, head south to the Bael’dun Excavation site in The Barrens and collect Dig Rats in Bael Modan to fulfill the quest requirements and reach 125 in Cooking.

100-130 (Wow Alliance Crest Alliance): Seasoned Wolf Kabob x30

Yes, wolf is actually quite a versatile meat. You’re going to turn it into a kabob now, which requires you to complete a quest in Duskwood to learn the recipe. You’ll need to collect 10 Lean Wolf Flanks from the wolves in the zone and then pick up the herbs from Felicia Gump in a flower shop in the Canal District of Stormwind City.

130-150: Curiously Tasty Omelet x20

For this next part, you’ll actually need to head to a few spots. First you’ll need to purchase another recipe if you haven’t already. The easiest way for Horde players to get the recipe for this one is to take the zeppelin from Orgrimmar to Grom’gol Base Camp in Stranglethorn Vale and purchase it from Nerrist. You can also get it from Keena at Hammerfall in Arathi Highlands and may want to, as hunting raptors for the eggs for this recipe can be done from the Arathi Highlands.

Alliance can pick up the recipe from Kendor Kabonka in Stormwind. To make these omelets, you’ll need (surprise!) eggs, but more specifically, raptor eggs! You can get them from raptors around Arathi Highlands, but might have more luck with the raptors in the Wetlands just north of Grim Batol. Don’t forget to buy Hot Spices from a cooking vendor!

150-225: Expert Cooking

Upon reaching 150 skill, you’ll need to purchase an Expert Cookbook to unlock Expert Cooking. Wow Alliance Crest Alliance can buy it at Mystral Lake in Ashenvale from a vendor named Shandrina (or on the Auction House). Horde can make their way to Shadowprey Village in Desolace to purchase an Expert Cookbook from Wulan (or buy it from the Auction House).

150-175: Curiously Tasty Omelet x20

Nothing new here, you made 20 of these to get to 150. Continue farming raptor eggs from Arathi Highlands all the way to 175!

175-200 (Wow Alliance Crest Alliance): Soothing Turtle Bisque x25

Once you reach 175 Cooking, you’ll encounter another recipe quest! This one requires collecting meat from turtles along the river in Hillsbrad Foothills.

175-200 ( Horde): Roast Raptor x25

Have you ever thought about what a raptor would taste like? Now’s your chance to find out! Head to Grom’gol Base Camp in Stranglethorn Vale to purchase this recipe if you haven’t already, and don’t forget some spices! Roast up some raptor from the surrounding jungle until you’ve reached 200 in Cooking.

200-225: Spider Sausage x25

Do spiders even have any meat to make a sausage? Don’t try to understand it, but make 25 of these. The spiders in Dustwallow Marsh are a great source for this.

225-300: Artisan Cooking

Upon reaching 225 skill, you’ll need to complete a quest to unlock Artisan Cooking.

Artisan Cooking Quest

If you’ve made it this far, great work! But you’ve also probably noticed there isn’t an obvious way of unlocking Artisan Cooking. This is because you need to complete a quest to do so! Both Wow Alliance Crest Alliance and Horde players will need to be at least level 35 and head to Gadgetzan, Tanaris and pick up Clamlette Surprise from Dirge Quikcleave. As a side note, don’t forget to purchase the recipe for Tender Wolf Steak from him as well.

The quest itself is simple, but requires you to acquire ingredients that may consume your time. You’ll need to collect 20 Alterac Swiss, 12 Giant Egg, and 10 Zesty Clam Meat.

Once you have all items, head back to Dirge to unlock Artisan Cooking! If you didn’t do so earlier, purchase the Tender Wolf Steak recipe as well. The rest of your Cooking leveling journey is fairly straightforward, although will take a lot of time for you to grind out the materials.

225-275: Monster Omelet or Tender Wolf Steak x100

While you do need only 50 skill points to reach 275 Cooking, you won’t get a skill up for every piece of food you cook. You’ll need to cook a combination of around 100 Monster Omelets or Tender Wolf Steaks. You can stop at 275 skill. Giant Eggs and Tender Wolf Meat can both be found in Felwood. Wolves drop the meat while owlbeasts drop the eggs.

275-300: Smoked Desert Dumplings x25

You’ve finally made it to the last recipe! But if you thought it was that simple, think again! You’ll need to complete another quest, this time a short chain of three quests. Once you finish, simply cook around 25 Smoked Desert Dumplings, using the Dredge Worms around Silithus to reach max Cooking. Congratulations on your freshly maxed Cooking skill!

To complete Kitchen Assistance, first head to Cenarion Hold, Silithus to speak to Calandrath. Accept the first quest: Desert Recipe. To complete this quest, simply head west to the Twilight’s Hammer Camp.

Accept the second quest: Sharing the Knowledge. Head back to Calandrath in Cenarion Hold to hand in the Torn Recipe Page. Accept the third and final quest: Kitchen Assistance. For this one, you’ll need to collect 10 Sandworm Meat and turn it into Smoked Desert Dumplings to finish the quest!

Leveling Cooking With Fishing

WoW Classic Cooking with Fishing Guide

1-75: Apprentice Cooking

To get started, learn the Cooking and Fishing skills from any Cooking Trainer and Fishing Trainer.

1-50: Brilliant Smallfish x50

This recipe is available from many Fishing Supplies vendors. You can buy Recipe: Longjaw Mud Snapper at the same time. Fish and cook these until 50 Cooking. The best spots to catch these are in Elwynn Forest for Wow Alliance Crest Alliance players and Mulgore for Horde players, close to the Fishing trainer in each zone.

50-75: Longjaw Mud Snapper x25

Once you reach 50 in Cooking, you can start cooking those pesky mud snappers! You should have bought this recipe from the same spot you purchased Recipe: Brilliant Smallfish. Keep fishing in the same place to catch these.

75-150: Journeyman Cooking

Train Journeyman Fishing and Cooking before you continue on.

75-100: Longjaw Mud Snapper x25

The mud snappers are back! They won’t go away until you’re at least 100 in Cooking, so keep catching and cooking until you get there! No need to switch up fishing spots unless you want a change of scenery.

100-150: Bristle Whisker Catfish x50

Both factions will now converge in Hillsbrad Foothills and look to fish out of the river, picking up the next recipe from a vendor in their quest hub.

150-225: Expert Cooking

Once you reach 150, don’t forget to unlock Expert Cooking! For Wow Alliance Crest Alliance, purchase your cookbook from Shandrina at Mystral Lake in Ashenvale. Horde players can seek out Wulan at Shadowprey Village in Desolace. You can also buy your Expert Cookbook off the Auction House.

150-175: Bristle Whisker Catfish x50

Continue fishing and cooking those catfish. Once you reach 175, you’re ready for the next recipe!

175-225: Mithril Head Trout x80

At this point, Wow Alliance Crest Alliance and Horde players will split once again.

  • Wow Alliance Crest Alliance players can pick up the next recipe before leaving Hillsbrad Foothills, and head to Arathi Highlands to fish.
  • Horde players need to pick up this recipe at Shadowprey Village in Desolace, which is also a great spot to fish.

This step will take a while, so don’t be surprised if it takes upwards of 100 fish. When you’re done, you’ll be ready for the home stretch!

225-300: Artisan Cooking

Upon reaching 225 skill, you’ll need to complete a quest to unlock Artisan Cooking.

Artisan Cooking Quest

If you’ve made it this far, great work! But you’ve also probably noticed there isn’t an obvious way of unlocking Artisan Cooking. This is because you need to complete a quest to do so! Both Wow Alliance Crest Alliance and Horde players will need to be at least level 35 and head to Gadgetzan, Tanaris and pick up Clamlette Surprise from Dirge Quikcleave. As a side note, don’t forget to purchase the recipe for Tender Wolf Steak from him as well.

The quest itself is simple, but requires you to acquire ingredients that may consume your time. You’ll need to collect 20 Alterac Swiss, 12 Giant Egg, and 10 Zesty Clam Meat.

Once you have all items, head back to Dirge to unlock Artisan Cooking! If you didn’t do so earlier, purchase the Tender Wolf Steak recipe as well. The rest of your Cooking leveling journey is fairly straightforward, although will take a lot of time for you to grind out the materials.

225-250: Spotted Yellowtail x30

Both factions converge once again, this time in the sunny desert of Tanaris. Make your way to Steamwheedle Port, and purchase the recipe for Spotted Yellowtail and Poached Sunscale Salmon from Gikkix. You can easily catch Spotted Yellowtail right off the dock. Continue cooking them until you reach 250 in Cooking!

250-275: Poached Sunscale Salmon x30

Wow Alliance Crest Alliance and Horde players will both now migrate to Bloodvenom Falls in Felwood. You should’ve already purchased the Poached Sunscale Salmon recipe from Gikkix in Steamwheedle Port. Cook up some salmon until you’ve reached at least 275 in Cooking! One recipe to go!

275-300: Mightfish Steak x30

This last one is a bit of a doozy, but it is absolutely worth it. Wow Alliance Crest Alliance players will need to go to The Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas to purchase the Mightfish Steak recipe from Vivianna. Horde players must head to Camp Mojache in Feralas to buy it from Sheendra Tallgrass. This is also a great time to stock up on Hot and Soothing Spices!

Once you’ve got the recipe, you can catch Mightfish in Scalebeard’s Cave, Azshara. Because Azshara requires a minimum of 250 fishing, lures might be a good idea for faster farming. Either way, after about 30 Mightfish, you should reach max Cooking. Congratulations!


About the Author


If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.
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5 years ago

Once hitting 300 cooking, what are the best end game recipes?

Last edited by Ryan
Reply to  Ryan
3 years ago

In Kharanos beer basted boar ribs. Best recipe, to have. 🙂

4 years ago

Just wanted to say, of all the guides I’ve looked at so far, the ones I’ve found on your site has been by far the most helpful, detailed, and logically structured. Awesome work. Appreciate it.

Last edited by Ragnola
3 years ago

everything that you have put on here is fantastic , the only part that you may need to update is the smoked desert dumplings quest . You need to be cooking lvl 285 before you can get the quest .

Reply to  Tuskudo
3 years ago

This is very true, I’ve just traveled to Calandrath with 275 skill (all my recipes from this guide are grey now) and quest does not show. Looking on wowhead, you need to be 285 – but obviously missing those 10 levels somewhere

5 years ago

zargh is NOT in Razor Hill, hes in Crossroads.

Last edited by cheeky
5 years ago

Not seeing Grub at level 15 with 91 in cooking, am I missing something?

Last edited by Lenvaldier
5 years ago

How about elves, that start in Darnassus where there are no wolf or boar /bear meats?

Last edited by kartin
Reply to  kartin
5 years ago

You’re absolutely right, Nightelves have to make Kaldorei Spider Kabob. Thanks so much for catching that. It’s been updated and you should find it much more helpful now.

Last edited by OrinDac
5 years ago

Why didnt you write the level requirement for cooking quest? Now im in gadgetzan at lvl 37… for no reason lol.

Last edited by Redbone
Reply to  Furious
5 years ago

I Just went there and that person doesnt have a quest for me.

Last edited by Redbone
Reply to  Furious
5 years ago

No it was at 223. I didnt think I had to be maxed 🙁 I got the flight path so I’ll go again

Last edited by Redbone
Reply to  Redbone
5 years ago

I think it was a bug…I made 37 went back and I see the quest now. 225 cooking

Last edited by Kalialla
5 years ago

Bears around Hillsbrad Foothills do not drop Bear meat (or scarcely) but Big bear meat, rendering the Horde guide at that point completely misleading…

Last edited by Kuntz
Reply to  Kuntz
5 years ago

Well, it’s not completely misleading, but your point is taken. The guide has been fixed to direct Horde players to stay in Silverpine Forest, where they were already hunting bears as directed earlier in the guide. We’ve also added a note letting players know about where to find the highest drop rate for the bear meat. Hope that helps and thank you for bringing this to our attention Kuntz.

Last edited by OrinDac
5 years ago

You can buy the recipe for Curiously Tasty Omelet from Keena in the inn in Hammerfall, Arathi Highlands. The raptor eggs are MUCH easier to grind than Lion Meat. There’s also a quest in Tarren Mill to get Soothing Turtle Bisque. So Horde/Alliance doesn’t need to be split at 125.

Last edited by Snoberry
Reply to  Snoberry
5 years ago

Hey Snoberry, you’re absolutely correct. Thanks so much for bringing this to our attention! Not only has the guide been fixed to reflect your input, but we discovered another over point of improvement with respect to where to get the raptor eggs. The raptors in the Wetlands just north of Grim Batol, actually have a much higher drop rate for the eggs than the ones in the Arathi Highlands. So thanks again for the catch and for helping us discover another way to make the guide better!

Last edited by OrinDac
3 years ago

For horde, why not just get raptor eggs to cook curiously tasting omelet while getting raptor flesh. You can get both in arathi highlands, no need to do hot lion chops

3 years ago


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