- Author: Passion
- Date: January 12, 2024
- Updated: December 7, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Dark Leather Shoulders are one of the best Shoulder items available for lower-level Agility characters. Druids, Hunters, Shamans, and Rogues should all keep an eye out for these while they gear up. There are better options available, such as Bristlebark Amice and Mantle of Thieves, but as neither of those are craftable, they tend to cost significantly more. Dark Leather Shoulders are craftable by Leatherworking at 140 Skill. The recipe is taught by using Pattern: Dark Leather Shoulders.
Obtaining the Pattern

This recipe is not soulbound and can be purchased from the Auction House, but as it is fairly rare, the recipe might cost a pretty penny. Unfortunately, it is a world drop, meaning there is no reliable spot to farm it. The highest chance for it to drop is from Leech Widow, a 24 Rare in the Wetlands. Unfortunately, this is not a farmable method as Leech Widow takes several hours to respawn.

Mages might have a decent time AoE farming the item from Bael’dun Officers in the south of The Barrens. Unfortunately, the item is still a roughly 1 in 500 drop at best. This means that target farming for it is very unreliable. That time would be better spent farming something for gold and using that to purchase the recipe from someone lucky enough to have it drop.
Crafting the Shoulders
The materials for Dark Leather Shoulders are mostly easily obtainable. You will need 12 Medium Leather, 1 Gray Dye, 2 Fine Thread, and 1 Elixir of Lesser Agility.
Medium Leather
Medium Leather is easily obtainable by skinning Beasts around level 20. As a Leatherworker you can also craft it by combining 4 Light Leather into 1 Medium Leather. Medium Leather is typically cheap from the Auction House if you’d prefer to get it from there.
Gray Dye & Fine Thread
Both of these ingredients can be purchased from any Trade Supplies, Leatherworking Supplies, or Tailoring Supplies vendor found throughout Azeroth.
Elixir of Lesser Agility
This is the most expensive part of crafting Dark Leather Shoulders. Elixir of Lesser Agility is created through Alchemy and requires 1 Wild Steelbloom, 1 Swiftthistle, and 1 Leaded Vial. None of these ingredients are particularly rare or expensive, but Recipe: Elixir of Lesser Agility is similar to Pattern: Dark Leather Shoulders in that it is a world drop that cannot be reliably target farmed.