- Author: Luxrah
- Date: November 22, 2024
- Updated: November 22, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
The Deadmines can be found in Westfall, meaning Alliance players have a much easier time accessing it. The dungeon is set within an expansive mineshaft, ultimately opening up into a large cavern and vessel towards the end. You’ll find humans all over The Deadmines, but you’ll also encounter a few ogres too. At the end you’ll find the sneaky Edwin VanCleef, head bandit of all the thieves you’ve seen so far.
- Level Requirement: 10
- Recommended Level: 18-24
- Location: Westfall
- Boss Encounters: Rhahk’zor, Miner Johnson, Sneed’s Shredder, Gilnid, Mr. Smite, Captain Greenskin, Edwin VanCleef, Cookie
- Loot Drops: Smite’s Mighty Hammer, Cruel Barb, Emberstone Staff, Cookie’s Tenderizer
Location & Map
The Deadmines dungeon entrance is located in Westfall. To get to the dungeon entrance, you must enter the Defias Hideout, the large building in the southwest corner of Moonbrook around 42, 72. Then you’ll need to navigate the maze of caves to find the entrance at the bottom.

The Deadmines has 6 quests available:
Quest Name | Acquired From | Shareable |
Wilder Thistlenettle (Stormwind) | Yes | |
Wilder Thistlenettle (Stormwind) | Yes | |
Shoni the Shilent (Stormwind) | Yes | |
Scout Riell (Westfall) | No | |
Gryan Stoutmantle (Westfall) | No | |
An Unsent Letter (The Deadmines) | No |
The Deadmines dungeon features a handful of quests, with all of them being Alliance-only quests. Almost all of the quests can be instantly picked up except two which require you to complete a rather long chain to acquire them.

Alliance Quests
Collecting Memories
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 14
- Start: Wilder Thistlenettle in the Dwarven District of Stormwind
- Finish: Wilder Thistlenettle in the Dwarven District of Stormwind
- Objectives: Collect 4 Miners’ Union Card from Undead enemies outside of The Deadmines
- Rewards:
- 1350 experience
- 100 reputation with Ironforge
- Pick one of:
This quest can be completed outside the Deadmines dungeon, in the undead-infested part of the mine. To complete this quest you need to collect 4 Miners’ Union Cards that can be collected from the undead. Beware that each undead is an Elite, meaning that you will most likely need a group to complete this quest. The Miner’s Union Cards can drop from any mob, including Undead Excavator, Skeletal Miner, and Undead Dynamiter. The cards won’t drop from Foreman Thistlenettle.

Once you pick up the items you can return them to Wilder Thistlenettle to complete the quest.

Oh Brother…
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 15
- Start: Wilder Thistlenettle in the Dwarven District of Stormwind
- Finish: Wilder Thistlenettle in the Dwarven District of Stormwind
- Objectives: Retrieve Thistlenettle’s Badge from Foreman Thistlenettle outside of The Deadmines
- Rewards:
- Miner’s Revenge
- 1550 experience
- 100 reputation with Ironforge
This quest can be completed outside the Deadmines dungeon, in the undead-infested part of the mine. To complete this quest you need to collect Thistlenettle’s Badge from Foreman Thistlenettle. You can find him at the end of the undead-infested area of the mine, surrounded by other unfortunate trapped souls. Beware that Foreman Thislenettle is a level 20 Elite that is surrounded by other elites, meaning that you will most likely need a group to finish this quest.

Once you pick up the item you can return it to Wilder Thistlenettle to complete the quest.

Underground Assault
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 15
- Chain Start: Gnoarn at Tinker Town in Ironforge
- Quest Start: Shoni the Shilent in the Dwarven District of Stormwind
- Finish: Shoni the Shilent in the Dwarven District of Stormwind
- Objectives: Retrieve Gnoam Sprecklesprocket from Sneed’s Shredder
- Rewards:
- 1550 experience
- 100 reputation with Stormwind
- 100 reputation with Gnomeregan Exiles
- Pick one of:
This quest can be completed inside the Deadmines dungeon by looting the Gnoam Sprecklesprocket. You can find this item by killing Sneed’s Shredder inside the lumber camp section of the dungeon. Once you pick up the item you can return to Shoni the Shilent to complete the quest.

Red Silk Bandanas
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 15
- Chain Start: Scout Galiaan at Sentinel Hill in Westfall
- Quest Start: Scout Riell at Sentinel Hill in Westfall
- Finish: Scout Riell at Sentinel Hill in Westfall
- Objectives: Collect 10 Red Silk Bandana from Elite Humanoids inside The Deadmines
- Rewards:
- 1250 experience
- 100 reputation with Stormwind
- Pick one of:
To complete this quest you will need to head into the Deadmines and collect the Red Silk Bandanas from any mobs that have the “Defias” tag. This includes Defias Miners, however, the Bandanas have a nigh-guaranteed drop chance from the elite mobs. The patrols formed of Defias Evokers, Defias Henchmen, Defias Overseers, and all the pirates such as Defias Pirates and Defias Squalshappers that can be found in the deeper parts of the dungeon are great sources of Red Silk Bandanas.

This quest can be completed both inside and outside the dungeon, as you will find plenty of elites outside that drop the item as well. Once you pick up the items you can return them to Scout Riel to complete the quest.

The Defias Brotherhood
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 14
- Chain Start: Gryan Stoutmantle at Sentinel Hill in Westfall
- Quest Start: Gryan Stoutmantle at Sentinel Hill in Westfall
- Finish: Gryan Stoutmantle at Sentinel Hill in Westfall
- Objectives: Kill Edwin VanCleef in The Deadmines
- Rewards:
- 2600 experience
- 200 reputation with Stormwind
- Pick one of:
This quest can only be picked up after completing a long chain comprised of 6 quests. To be eligible for The Defias Brotherhood you need to complete:
- The Defias Brotherhood
- The Defias Brotherhood
- The Defias Brotherhood
- The Defias Brotherhood
- The Defias Brotherhood
- The Defias Brotherhood
Once you finish the chain and pick up the quest from Gryan Stoutmantle, you will need to head inside the Deadmines dungeon and kill Edwin VanCleef to collect his head.Once you decapitate him, you will need to return his head to Gryan Stoutmantle to complete this quest.

The Unsent Letter
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 16
- Start: An Unsent Letter which drops from Edwin VanCleef in The Deadmines
- Finish: Baros Alexston at Cathedral Square in Stormwind
- Objectives: Return An Unsent Letter to Baros Alexston in Stormwind
- Rewards:
- 7 silver
- 870 experience
- 50 reputation with Stormwind
This quest can be picked up from Edwin VanCleef after killing him inside the Deadmines dungeon, starting with level 16. The quest can be accessed by using An Unsent Letter that can be looted from his corpse.
To complete this quest you will need to deliver the letter to Baros Alexston in Stormwind City. He can be found inside Cathedral Square, in the City Hall building. There is not much more to add about this quest since it’s a simple delivery mission. The only worthwhile point to be mentioned is that this quest is the first in a long chain quest that ends in a very powerful reward.

There are eight bosses in The Deadmines, including one rare boss who does not always appear.
- Rhahk’zor
- Miner Johnson (Rare)
- Sneed’s Shredder
- Gilnid
- Mr. Smite
- Captain Greenskin
- Edwin VanCleef
- Cookie
Rhak’zor is the first boss you will encounter in the Deadmines. He is a level 19 elite ogre. He is accompanied by 2 level 17 elite Defias Watchmen who will attack from range.

- Tank: Focus on doing as much threat as possible on the boss, so the DPS can go all-out. Maintain high threat and beware of Rhahk’Zor Slam. Mark Defias Watchmen with Skull and X so you don’t have to threat everything at once.
- Healer: This fight is a tank and spank so you should focus your healing on the tank. Be sure to watch your healing aggro early on, while the tank picks up the adds.
- Damage Dealers: Focus Defias Watchman before targeting Rhahk’zor.
Miner Johnson (Rare)
Miner Johnson is an optional rare boss that players can fight after defeating Rhahk’zor. He is located past the door that Rhahk’zor was guarding and on the left-hand side of the junction. He is a level 19 elite humanoid. Being a rare mob, however, he will not always spawn, so if you don’t see him there, you got unlucky.

- Tank: This fight is a tank and spank so you should focus on doing as much threat as possible on the boss, so the DPS can go all-out.
- Healer: This fight is a tank and spank so you should focus your healing on the tank.
- Damage Dealers: This fight is a tank and spank so you should do as much damage as possible while watching your threat.
Sneed’s Shredder
Sneed’s Shredder is the second boss you will encounter in the Deadmines. It is a level 20 mechanical shredder, piloted by Sneed, a level 20 elite goblin who is ejected from his shredder after it is defeated. His room is filled with Goblin Woodcarver mobs, which should be cleared before you pull Sneed’s Shredder.

- Tank: Focus on doing as much threat as possible on the boss, so the DPS can go all-out. Maintain threat to avoid Distracting Pain debuff from being applied to other party members. Note that after Sneed’s Shredder crumbles, Sneed will appear and have a new threat table. Taunt Sneed and get as much threat as you can on him. Sneed casts Disarm, so be ready to use abilities that don’t require a weapon in order to maintain threat.
- Healer: This fight is a tank and spank so you should focus your healing on the tank.
- Damage Dealers: After Sneed’s Shredder crumbles, focus on dealing as much damage as possible to Sneed.
Gilnid is the third boss you will encounter in the Deadmines. He is a level 20 elite goblin. He is accompanied by a level 19 elite Goblin Craftsman and a level 19 elite Goblin Engineer. His room is filled with Goblin Craftsmen and Engineers. You should clear out at least one side so you have enough room to fight the boss.

- Tank: Beware of the Molten Metal debuff, while afflicted by it you will generate significantly less threat. Players should clear the room of adds first, before engaging Gilnid.
- Healer: Beware of Molten Metal debuff on the tank, provide overhealing when the tank is afflicted by this debuff. Watch healing aggro at the start of the fight while the tank picks up the adds.
- Damage Dealers: Focus on the adds before engaging Gilnid, beware of generating too much threat. Often the room is crowded so it is critical for DPS to not aggro other mobs.
Mr. Smite
Mr. Smite is the fourth boss you will encounter in the Deadmines, and one of the most iconic bosses in the dungeon. He is a level 20 elite Tauren pirate. He is accompanied by 2 level 19 elite Defias Blackguards, who are stealthed by his side.

- Tank: Focus on doing as much threat as possible on the boss, so the DPS can go all-out. Mark Mr. Smite’s bodyguards with Skull and X, so you aren’t forced to threat all three. The encounter has three phases, each of them having Smite Stomp as a transition window. Keep your defensive cooldowns for the second phase, as Mr. Smite deals significantly increased damage while dual-wielding.
- Healer: Manage your mana pool while damage dealers fight off the Defias Blackguard. Note that the tank will take significantly more damage in the second phase of the fight, when Mr. Smite switches to dual wield.
- Damage Dealers: Focus on both Defias Blackguard before engaging Mr. Smite.
Captain Greenskin
Captain Greenskin is the fifth boss you will encounter in the Deadmines. He is a level 20 elite goblin pirate and is accompanied by a level 20 elite Defias Squallshaper, a level 20 elite Defias Pirate, and a level 15 non-elite Defias Companion. You should be careful when approaching Captain Greenskin’s location, as it is very easy to pull him accidentally, likely resulting in a wipe.

- Tank: Focus on doing as much threat as possible, so the DPS can go all-out. Mark the two adds Skull and X, so you don’t need to threat all three mobs at the same time.
- Healer: Manage your mana pool while damage dealers fight off the adds.
- Damage Dealers: Focus on the two adds before dealing damage to Captain Greenskin.
Edwin VanCleef
Edwin VanCleef is the sixth and final boss you will encounter in the Deadmines and one of the most iconic bosses of any dungeon. He is a level 21 elite human pirate. He is accompanied by two level 20 elite Defias Blackguards, who are stealthed by his side, similar to Mr. Smite. During the fight, two more Blackguards will appear adding to the difficulty. Make sure that Captain Greenskin has been defeated before engaging VanCleef as pulling both by accident will likely be fatal.

- Tank: The last boss encounter of the dungeon, tanks should beware of his high damage. The fight lasts longer than your typical encounter and VanCleef spawns four total adds during the duration of the fight. Taunt the first set of two adds and maintain aggro while damage dealers kill them. The second set of adds should be crowd controlled or ignored, while the group focuses on burning VanCleef.
- Healer: Healers should try to manage their mana, since the fight is quite long.
- Damage Dealers: The last boss of the dungeon, damage dealers should focus on killing the first set of adds that he spawns when he is engaged. When Edwin VanCleef reaches half health, he will cast VanCleef’s Allies to spawn a new set of adds that should be crowd controlled or ignored. Burn the boss instead of the adds.
Cookie is an optional boss that players can fight after defeating Mr. Smite but usually after players defeat VanCleef on the way out of the dungeon. To find him, after Mr. Smite, turn left when aboard the ship. After VanCleef, drop down to the lower deck toward the gangplank. His Cookie’s Stirring Rod wand drop makes him a very desired boss to kill for casters.

- Tank: Focus on doing as much threat as possible on the boss, so the DPS can go all-out. Look out for the cast Cookie’s Cooking and try to interrupt it.
- Healer: This fight is a tank and spank so you should focus your healing on the tank.
- Damage Dealers: Damage dealers should take into consideration the fact that they can interrupt Cookie’s Cooking in order to prevent him from healing.
Quest Rewards & Loot
Quest Rewards

Boss Drops
- Rhahk’zor
- Miner Johnson (Rare)
- Sneed’s Shredder
- Gilnid
- Mr. Smite
- Captain Greenskin
- Edwin VanCleef
- Cookie