WoW Classic Dire Maul Dungeons Overview

Dire Maul Dungeon Overview
  • Author: Luxrah
  • Date: January 6, 2025
  • Updated: January 6, 2025
  • Expansion: WoW Classic

Dire Maul is the remains of Eldre’Thalas, the Highborne city that held all of Queen Azshara’s most valuable secrets on the arcane arts. The massive dungeon is split into three wings, although only the East Wing is accessible without a key.

The Dire Maul instances are the only dungeons that are not available in Classic WoW at launch. They are added in Phase 2, the only phase that does not include a raid. They bring with them several additional features which we’ll cover in this guide.

Location & Map

The entrance to Dire Maul is in central Feralas. The exterior fortress is guarded by level 52-54 elite ogres. To reach the dungeons, you’ll need to pass through Eldreth Row, the large hallway on the south side.

dire maul exterior map

The main entrances to the dungeons are each located on a different side of the large inner courtyard. The Dire Maul East portal is the only one that can be entered without the Crescent Key. This dungeon can also be entered through a hallway on the east side of Eldreth Row or through a “back entrance” that lies slightly northeast of Camp Mojache at Lariss Pavillion, but the Crescent Key is required to enter that door.

The doors to Dire Maul West and Dire Maul North require the Crescent Key to open. Players who have already gone through the doors will be able to use the Torch on the wall just inside to open the doors for other players.

There is an arena in the center of the courtyard, The Maul, which is a PvP area. The doorway on the west side of the arena leads through a long tunnel that exits back in the courtyard near the entrance to Dire Maul West.

Dusty Tomes

There are several spots where A Dusty Tome can spawn on the ground throughout all three Dire Maul dungeons. These objects appear as books with red covers, and they can be looted for a chance to receive any of the books in the table below. Most often you’ll just get some Pocket Lint or perhaps A Thoroughly Read Copy of “Nat Pagle’s Extreme’ Anglin.”

The books can also be looted from enemies inside the dungeons. They can be traded or sold, and each one starts a quest that awards either a special class trinket, or in the case of Nostro’s Compendium of Dragon Slaying, the epic sword Quel’Serrar. We have a Quel’Serrar Guide that covers the additional steps required to complete the sword. The quests are turned in to one of the Lorekeeper NPCs at the Athanaeum inside Dire Maul.


Dusty Tome Spawn Locations

Librams & Arcanums

Enemies in all three Dire Maul dungeons have a chance to drop Librams which can be turned in along with other materials to obtain Arcanums, special enchantments that can be applied to the Head or Leg slot. In order to turn these in, you’ll first need to unlock the Athanaeum by completing the quest Wow Alliance Crest Elven Legends/ Elven Legends. The items can then be turned in to Lorekeeper Lydros.

Here are the three enchantments you can get and their requirements.

Arcanum of Focus

Arcanum of Protection

Arcanum of Rapidity

Enchanted Thorium Platemail

In addition to the enchantments above, Lorekeeper Lydros also offers a set of three Blacksmithing plans. To get them, you’ll need to acquire the Top Half and the Bottom Half of the appropriate Armorsmithing Volume. Combining them will give you an item that gives a quest, and turning in the quest will get you the plans.

Plans: Enchanted Thorium Breastplate

Plans: Enchanted Thorium Leggings

Plans: Enchanted Thorium Helm

Class Quests

There are a few important class quests that can be completed inside the Dire Maul dungeons.

Paladins and Warlocks are both able to obtain a special epic mount by completing a quest chain that leads into Dire Maul. We have walkthroughs for both in our Paladin Epic Mount Guide and our Warlock Epic Mount Guide.

Mages are also able to learn Rank 7 Conjure Water by completing the quest Arcane Refreshment. This quest is covered in our Dire Maul East Guide.

Dire Maul Tribute Buffs

Dire Maul brings a new set of World Buffs to the game for players who complete a Tribute Run in Dire Maul North. Often you’ll find other players looking to sell these buffs by allowing you to enter their already-cleared instance and pick them up without having to complete the entire run yourself.

There are three buffs that can be picked up this way: Mol’dar’s MoxieFengus’ Ferocity, and Slip’kik’s Savvy.

A completed Tribute Run will also allow you to purchase Gordok Green Grog and Kreeg’s Stout Beatdown from Stomper Kreeg inside the instance. These consumables are bind-on-pickup and offer a small stat boost that stacks with other consumable buffs.

Tribute Runs are covered in detail in our Dire Maul North Guide.

Dire Maul Dungeons

Dire Maul is divided into three wings, which are each accessed separately through their own dungeon portals.

Dire Maul East

Dire Maul West

Dire Maul North


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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