Dream Eater is a dagger that is available for Rogues in Phase 5 of Season of Discovery. This guide will walk you through how to get your hands on this epic class weapon, which offers powerful stats and effects for all three Rogue specializations: Combat, Assassination, and Subtlety.
This item starts the quest The Dark Hoard, which directs you to the Lower Blackrock Spire dungeon. Much like you did for some of the Rogue Runes, you will need to enter alone, and it may be beneficial to put some points into Master of Deception or otherwise boost your Stealth.
Inside the dungeon, you’ll need to use Pick Pocket on Rage Talon Quartermaster to loot his Storehouse Key. Use this key to enter the storehouse, and look for a chest inside. Open it and a Syndicate Infiltrator will attack you. Defeat them and then speak to them to get a new quest.
This quest directs you to Fahrad at Ravenholdt Manor in the Alterac Mountains (84.6, 80.2).
Location of Fahrad at (84.6, 80.2)
The next quest points you to the Shadow Hold at Jaedenar in Felwood. Sneak through the tunnels and look for Caius Blackwood near a glowing blue ritual circle. Kill him and loot Caius’ Dream Eater. Take this item back to Fahrad at Ravenholdt Manor. Turn in the quest to receive your Dream Eater!
About the Author
I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.