- Author: Oxykitten
- Date: November 19, 2021
- Updated: March 26, 2022
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Welcome to our Phase 1 BiS guide for Feral Tanks in WoW Classic: Season of Mastery. The purpose of this guide is to present the very best items available in Phase 1 of Season of Mastery.
This guide will be divided into chapters for Pre-raid and Raid/PvP gear. Each chapter will present multiple sets depending on the amount of PvP gear available to the player. PvP gear is very strong, but requires a significant time investment to attain which may be unrealistic for a lot of players. Please use the Contents tab in the top right of the guide to navigate to the chapter that suits the gear you have available to you.
Each section will be further divided into tabs, showing different sets: “Threat-focused,” which skews gear to be less tanky but generate more threat; “Mitigation-focused,” which skews gear to be more tanky but generate less threat; and “Balanced,” which uses a good mix of threat and mitigation for general use. You should use the appropriate set depending on how hard a boss hits and how much threat your DPS generate. It should be noted that a threat-focused set is almost never appropriate for Alliance tanks, as Blessing of Salvation massively reduces threat requirement.
Finally, each set will have sections for every item slot detailing the alternative options, rationale for each choice, and best enchants available for those slots.
I am also working on a complete guide for other facets of Feral gameplay; this will be published in due course, so stay tuned!
Pre-raid BiS
The tabs below will show and discuss BiS items for each slot in balanced, mitigation-focused, and threat-focused sets. The first section of each tab will show the complete BiS set; each following section shows enchants, alternative options, and the rationale for each choice in every slot. The “Balanced” tab will show all slots; the other tabs will only show slots which are different from that in the balanced set.
- Head: Mask of the Unforgiven
- Neck: Beads of Ogre Might
- Shoulders: Truestrike Shoulders
- Back: Phantasmal Cloak
- Chest: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
- Wrists: Blackmist Armguards
- Hands: Devilsaur Gauntlets
- Waist: Cloudrunner Girdle
- Legs: Devilsaur Leggings
- Feet: Boots of Ferocity
- Ring: Myrmidon’s Signet
- Ring: Blackstone Ring
- Trinket: Blackhand’s Breadth
- Trinket: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Weapon: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Idol: Idol of Brutality
- BiS: Mask of the Unforgiven
- Alternative: Shadowcraft Cap
- Alternative: Tattered Leather Hood
- Alternative: Eye of Rend
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Mask of the Unforgiven is the Best in Slot pre-raid head option for all sets. The hit chance on it is very strong, and puts it significantly ahead of all three listed alternatives. The alternatives are very close in value to each other. Keep in mind that, for any encounter where you will DPS for a portion of a fight (such as after the add you are tanking has died), you should wear Wolfshead Helm instead. Also, Shadowcraft Cap is extremely strong for Rogues wanting to build their dungeon set; I would recommend passing on it if there is a Rogue in your dungeon group.
Arcanum of Rapidity is extremely strong for Feral Tanks and should be used on your helm and legs in all sets.
- BiS: Beads of Ogre Might
- Alternative: Pendant of Celerity
- Alternative: Mark of Fordring
- Alternative: Will of the Martyr
Beads of Ogre Might is the Best in Slot pre-raid neck option for all sets. They are earned as part of the Dungeon set questline (starting with Just Compensation) and therefore take some gold and effort to get; the listed alternatives are good options until then.
- BiS: Truestrike Shoulders
- Alternative: Atal’ai Spaulders of the Bear
- Alternative: Flamescarred Shoulders
- Easier Alternative: Dark Warder’s Pauldrons
- Much Easier Alternative: Wyrmhide Spaulders
- Enchant: Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn
Truestrike Shoulders are the Best in Slot pre-raid shoulder option for balanced and threat-focused sets. They are rare and highly contested, but are definitely worth trying to get. Atal’ai Spaulders of the Bear can be solo farmed by Druids in the Sunken Temple, but the “of the Bear” variety have a 0.42% drop chance. The “of the Monkey” variety are comparable to Flamescarred Shoulders, and have a slightly better 1.68% drop chance. Dark Warder’s Pauldrons can be farmed with two druids, or a druid and a rogue. Wyrmhide Spaulders are an easily accessible quest reward.
- BiS: Phantasmal Cloak
- Alternative: Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape
- Alternative: Sergeant’s Cape
- Enchant: Lesser Agility / Superior Defense
Phantasmal Cloak is the Best in Slot pre-raid back option for all sets. It can be hard to attain as many Scholomance groups will skip Jandice Barov, but it is a very strong cloak and worth pushing your group for. Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape is a decent alternative, and though it drops off a rare spawn in Stratholme, I (anectodally) saw it many times in Classic WoW. Sergeant’s Cape is comparable to both these cloaks, and is extremely easy to get; a single week of PvP can bring you straight to Sergeant rank.
The two cloak enchants listed are roughly equal in value, with Agility being slightly better threat and Feral DPS value, and Defense being slightly better mitigation. The choice is yours, and quite inconsequential.
- BiS: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
- Alternative: Tombstone Breastplate
- Alternative: Mixologist’s Tunic
- Alternative: Cadaverous Armor
- Enchant: Greater Stats (or Stats as an affordable alternative)
Breastplate of Bloodthirst is the Best in Slot pre-raid chest option for all sets. In fact, if not using PvP gear it is the best chest option in Phase 1! Naturally, it is not easy to get; it requires several expensive materials including Pristine Hide of the Beast, a rare skinning drop from The Beast in Upper Blackrock Spire. Tombstone Breastplate and Cadaverous Armor are good alternatives from Scholomance, and Mixologist’s Tunic can be solo farmed from Blackrock Depths; I’d recommend getting this first.
- BiS: Blackmist Armguards
- Alternative: Bracers of the Eclipse
- Alternative: Wristguards of Renown
- Enchant: Superior Stamina / Superior Strength
Blackmist Armguards are the Best in Slot pre-raid bracer option for all sets. Throughout Phase 1, these are equalled only by Forest Stalker’s Bracers, which require Exalted with your faction’s Warsong Gulch reputation. Bracers of the Eclipse and Wristguards of Renown are suitable alternatives.
For your wrist enchant, Stamina and Strength are equal, with Stamina being more tanky and Strength giving more threat. Note that Strength is also good for Feral DPS, so if you intend to use the item in both sets (Bracers of the Eclipse are also DPS BiS) I would recommend enchanting Strength.
- BiS: Devilsaur Gauntlets
- Alternative: Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear
- Alternative: Gargoyle Slashers
- Enchant: Minor Haste
Devilsaur Gauntlets are the Best in Slot pre-raid hand option for balanced and threat-focused sets. Although the alternatives listed are, in a vacuum, better than Devilsaur Gloves, the set bonus when worn with Devilsaur Leggings makes the Devilsaur set the best option.
- BiS: Cloudrunner Girdle
- Alternative: Serpentine Sash
- Alternative: Frostbite Girdle
Cloudrunner Girdle is the Best in Slot waist pre-raid option for all sets. However, it is quite rare, with an 8% drop chance off Quartermaster Zigris in Lower Blackrock Spire. Serpentine Sash and Frostbite Girdle are fairly easy alternatives until Molten Belt, which can be bought on the Auction House but is excluded from this guide as it requires materials found in Molten Core to craft.
- BiS: Devilsaur Leggings
- Alternative: Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking
- Alternative: Plaguehound Leggings
- Alternative: Cadaverous Leggings
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Devilsaur Leggings are the Best in Slot pre-raid leg option for Balanced and Threat-focused sets. This is because of the strong set bonus when paired with Devilsaur Gauntlets. Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking are BiS if using a different item in the hand slot. The 3 best leg items are all bind on equip and can be bought on the Auction House.
- BiS: Boots of Ferocity
- Alternative: Pads of the Dread Wolf
- Alternative: Feralheart Boots
- Easier Alternative: Shadefiend Boots
- Enchant: Minor Speed
Boots of Ferocity are the Best in Slot pre-raid boot option for all sets. They depend on a player in the group doing or having done the dungeon set questline – Pads of the Dread Wolf or Shadefiend Boots may be easier to pick up early on.
The Minor Speed boot enchant is incredibly important for a tank, and far more impactful than other enchants.
- BiS: Myrmidon’s Signet
- BiS: Blackstone Ring
- Alternative: Ring of Protection
- Alternative: Band of the Ogre King
- Alternative: Tarnished Elven Ring
Myrmidon’s Signet and Blackstone Ring are the Best in Slot pre-raid ring options for Balanced and Threat sets. Myrmidon’s Signet can be very expensive, so any of the alternative rings are good and easily attained.
- BiS: Mark of Tyranny
- BiS: Blackhand’s Breadth
- BiS: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Special: Gnomish Battle Chicken
- Alternative: Rune of the Guard Captain – Horde only
- Alternative: Mark of the Chosen
- Alternative: Hand of Justice
Mark of Tyranny and Blackhand’s Breadth would be the best in slot trinkets for all sets. Unfortunately, they are both quest rewards from the same quest! Therefore, the Best in Slot trinkets are Mark of Tyranny or Blackhand’s Breadth alongside Smoking Heart of the Mountain. Which to choose is up to you; in a balanced set, they are equal. Mark of Tyranny is better for mitigation, Blackhand’s Breadth is better for threat. Because Blackhand’s Breadth is also BiS for Feral DPS, I recommend picking Blackhand’s Breadth.
Mark of the Chosen is a very strong trinket when activated, but keeping the proc active, especially as an offtank, can be unreliable. Hand of Justice is not a bad trinket, but with the spell batching changes implemented at the end of Classic, it is far weaker for Feral Tanks than it used to be.
Gnomish Battle Chicken is a trinket made by Gnomish engineers that, when used correctly, increases the melee haste of all party members by 5%. This is an absolutely massive buff, making it by far the best trinket in the game when used. I do not list it as BiS because it has a 30 minute cooldown (meaning you’ll want other trinkets while it is on cooldown), but it is absolutely worth leveling engineering for and using as often as possible. Note that while you can craft Smoking Heart of the Mountain and then drop enchanting, but continue using the trinket, you must be an engineer to use Gnomish Battle Chicken.
- BiS: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Non-MCP BiS: Unyielding Maul
- Non-MCP Alternative: Bonecrusher
- Non-MCP Alternative: Impervious Giant
- Enchant: Iron Counterweight
Manual Crowd Pummeler (MCP) is the best weapon in the game for Feral Druids. Its on-use effect increases haste by 50%, which increases the Druid’s threat by around 45%! There is no alternative to it, as not even Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian comes remotely close to the threat provided by MCPs. Unfortunately, MCPs only have 3 charges, and therefore many must be farmed from Gnomeregan to use in raids. Because of this, it is not feasible for a druid to use MCPs in every dungeon and raid trash mob.
Unyielding Maul is the best pre-raid Non-MCP weapon option for balanced and mitigation sets. It is easily attained from a Dire Maul: Tribute chest, which can either be earned as a group or solo farmed by a Hunter (in SoM, you need to be in the instance when the King is killed to be eligible for loot). It is far better than Warden Staff as it can be enchanted with an Iron Counterweight; this enchant applies to the Druid’s swing timer and provides a lot of value. Iron Counterweights can and should be applied to MCPs too, but you’ll need a new one for each Pummeler so it’s quite a commitment!
A note on Impervious Giant and hit cap: While it is better than Bonecrusher, a decent proportion of its value comes from the 1% increased hit chance it gives. You will find that the full BiS set suggested here already reaches 9% hit (which is the cap). Wearing Impervious Giant when already hit capped would make it quite weak, which is why it is listed below Bonecrusher. This set reaches the hit cap because the items with hit on them happen to be good enough to do so; there is no need to be hit capped, as even if you are capped, your Mauls have a 20.5% chance to be dodged or parried, and your DPS players need to be prepared for that possibility. You should think of hit cap as a limit, not a goal; like we see with Impervious Giant, hit cap is simply something that can limit your gearing choices since there is no value to hit above the 9% cap.
BiS: Idol of Brutality
Idol of Brutality is the only idol available in the game for Feral Tanks. Luckily, it is very powerful and worth getting as soon as possible.
- Head: Mask of the Unforgiven
- Neck: Beads of Ogre Might
- Shoulders: Atal’ai Spaulders of the Bear
- Back: Phantasmal Cloak
- Chest: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
- Wrists: Blackmist Armguards
- Hands: Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear
- Waist: Cloudrunner Girdle
- Legs: Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking
- Feet: Boots of Ferocity
- Ring: Myrmidon’s Signet
- Ring: Ring of Protection
- Trinket: Mark of Tyranny
- Trinket: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Weapon: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Idol: Idol of Brutality
- BiS: Atal’ai Spaulders of the Bear (or of the Monkey)
- Alternative: Truestrike Shoulders
- Alternative: Flamescarred Shoulders
- Easier Alternative: Dark Warder’s Pauldrons
Atal’ai Spaulders of the Bear are the best in slot option for a mitigation-focused set. They can be solo farmed by Druids in the Sunken Temple, but the “of the Bear” variety have a 0.42% drop chance. The “of the Monkey” variety are also strong, and have a slightly better 1.68% drop chance. The threat generated with Truestrike Shoulders is good enough that they remain a good alternative in a Mitigation-leaning set. Dark Warder’s Pauldrons can be farmed with two druids, or a druid and a rogue.
- BiS: Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear
- Alternative: Slaghide Gauntlets of the Monkey
- Alternative: Devilsaur Gloves
- Alternative: Gargoyle Slashers
- Enchant: Minor Haste
Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear are the Best in Slot pre-raid hand option in a mitigation-focused set. They are a rare drop (2.3% drop chance) off Urok Doomhowl in Lower Blackrock Spire; an optional and difficult boss that is not often killed. The “of the Monkey” variety are nearly as good, and considerably more common at 15.5% drop chance. Otherwise, sticking to the Devilsaur set is likely your best bet.
- BiS: Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking
- Alternative: Devilsaur Leggings
- Alternative: Plaguehound Leggings
- Alternative: Cadaverous Leggings
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking are the Best in Slot pre-raid leg option for mitigation sets when paired with Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear/Monkey. Without these gloves, you should stick to Devilsaur in all sets because of the strong set bonus when paired with Devilsaur Gloves.
- BiS: Myrmidon’s Signet
- BiS: Ring of Protection
- Alternative: Blackstone Ring
- Alternative: Band of the Ogre King
- Alternative: Tarnished Elven Ring
Myrmidon’s Signet and Ring of Protection are the Best in Slot pre-raid ring options for Mitigation sets. Myrmidon’s Signet can be very expensive, so any of the alternative rings are good and easily attained.
- Head: Mask of the Unforgiven
- Neck: Beads of Ogre Might
- Shoulders: Truestrike Shoulders
- Back: Phantasmal Cloak
- Chest: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
- Wrists: Blackmist Armguards
- Hands: Devilsaur Gauntlets
- Waist: Cloudrunner Girdle
- Legs: Devilsaur Leggings
- Feet: Boots of Ferocity
- Ring: Myrmidon’s Signet
- Ring: Blackstone Ring
- Trinket: Blackhand’s Breadth
- Trinket: Rune of the Guard Captain (Horde) / Hand of Justice (Alliance)
- Weapon: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Idol: Idol of Brutality
- BiS: Blackhand’s Breadth
- BiS: Rune of the Guard Captain – Horde only
- BiS: Hand of Justice
- Special: Gnomish Battle Chicken
- Alternative: Mark of Tyranny
- Alternative: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
Blackhand’s Breadth and Rune of the Guard Captain are the Best in Slot trinket options for a threat-focused set. Rune of the Guard Captain is only available for Horde players, so Alliance can rely on Hand of Justice – which is rare and desired by all melee players – as a second threat trinket. Hand of Justice is not a bad trinket, but with the spell batching changes implemented at the end of Classic, it is far weaker for Feral Tanks than it used to be. Considering this, I would recommend Alliance players use Blackhand’s Breadth and Smoking Heart of the Mountain in all sets.
Gnomish Battle Chicken is a trinket made by Gnomish engineers that, when used correctly, increases the melee haste of all party members by 5%. This is an absolutely massive buff, making it by far the best trinket in the game when used. I do not list it as BiS because it has a 30 minute cooldown (meaning you’ll want other trinkets while it is on cooldown), but it is absolutely worth leveling engineering for and using as often as possible. Note that while you can craft Smoking Heart of the Mountain and then drop enchanting, but continue using the trinket, you must be an engineer to use Gnomish Battle Chicken.
- BiS: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Non-MCP BiS: Bonecrusher
- Non-MCP Alternative: Unyielding Maul
- Non-MCP Alternative: Impervious Giant
- Enchant: Iron Counterweight
Manual Crowd Pummeler (MCP) is the best weapon in the game for Feral Druids. Its on-use effect increases haste by 50%, which increases the Druid’s threat by around 45%! There is no alternative to it, as not even Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian comes remotely close to the threat provided by MCPs. Unfortunately, MCPs only have 3 charges, and therefore many must be farmed from Gnomeregan to use in raids. Because of this, it is not feasible for a druid to use MCPs in every dungeon and raid trash mob.
Bonecrusher is the best pre-raid Non-MCP weapon option for a threat-focused set. It is easily attained from a quest in Dire Maul. It and other maces are far better than Warden Staff as they can be enchanted with an Iron Counterweight; this enchant applies to the Druid’s swing timer and provides a lot of value. Iron Counterweights can and should be applied to MCPs too, but you’ll need a new one for each Pummeler so it’s quite a commitment!
A note on Impervious Giant and hit cap: While it is better than Bonecrusher, a decent proportion of its value comes from the 1% increased hit chance it gives. You will find that the full BiS set suggested here already reaches 9% hit (which is the cap). Wearing Impervious Giant when already hit capped would make it quite weak, which is why it is listed below Bonecrusher. This set reaches the hit cap because the items with hit on them happen to be good enough to do so; there is no need to be hit capped, as even if you are capped, your Mauls have a 20.5% chance to be dodged or parried, and your DPS players need to be prepared for that possibility. You should think of hit cap as a limit, not a goal; like we see with Impervious Giant, hit cap is simply something that can limit your gearing choices since there is no value to hit above the 9% cap.
Phase 1 BiS
The tabs below will show and discuss BiS items for each slot in balanced, mitigation-focused, and threat-focused sets. The first section of each tab will show the complete BiS set; each following section shows enchants, alternative options, and the rationale for each choice in every slot.
- Head: Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Helmet
- Neck: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Shoulders: Highlander’s Leather Shoulders
- Back: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Chest: Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Breastplate
- Wrists: Forest Stalker’s Bracers
- Hands: Marshal’s Dragonhide Gauntlets
- Waist: Highlander’s Leather Girdle
- Legs: Marshal’s Dragonhide Legguards
- Feet: Highlander’s Leather Boots
- Ring: Band of Accuria
- Ring: Don Julio’s Band
- Trinket: Blackhand’s Breadth
- Trinket: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Weapon: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Idol: Idol of Brutality
- BiS: Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Helmet
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Helmet is the Best in Slot head option for all sets. If you have Rank 13, you don’t need to worry about alternatives; otherwise check the sets in the other chapters.
Arcanum of Rapidity is extremely strong for Feral Tanks and should be used on your helm and legs in all sets.
- BiS: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Alternative: Beads of Ogre Might
- Alternative: Eskhandar’s Collar
Onyxia Tooth Pendant is the Best in Slot neck option for all sets. It is received as a reward from the Head of Onyxia, which is a guaranteed drop off Onyxia. However, it is very contested and may take a while to receive. Until then, the listed alternatives are suitable, though a lot worse.
- BiS: Highlander’s Leather Shoulders
- Alternative: Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Spaulders
- Enchant: Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn
Highlander’s Leather Shoulders are the Best in Slot shoulder options for all sets. They are a reward from reaching Exalted with your Arathi Basin faction: The League of Arathor for Alliance and The Defilers for Horde. If you have not reached this in your climb to Rank 13+, Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Spaulders are your best option, though they are significantly worse.
- BiS: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Alternative: Cloak of the Shrouded Mists
- Alternative: Phantasmal Cloak
- Alternative: Cloak of the Honour Guard
- Enchant: Lesser Agility / Superior Defense
Dragon’s Blood Cape is the Best in Slot back option for all sets. It drops off of Ragnaros in Molten Core, and is a relatively uncontested piece. Feral Tanks should have no trouble getting this, but the alternatives listed are suitable as well.
The two cloak enchants listed are roughly equal in value, with Agility being slightly better threat and Feral DPS value, and Defense being slightly better mitigation. The choice is yours, and quite inconsequential.
- BiS: Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Breastplate
- Enchant: Greater Stats (or Stats as an affordable alternative)
Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Breastplate the Best in Slot chest option for all sets. If you have Rank 13, you don’t need to worry about alternatives; otherwise check the sets in the other chapters.
- BiS: Forest Stalker’s Bracers
- Alternative: Blackmist Armguards
- Alternative: Wristguards of Stability
- Enchant: Superior Stamina / Superior Strength
Forest Stalker’s Bracers are the Best in Slot wrist option for all sets. They are a reward from reaching Exalted reputation with the Warsong Gulch faction: Silverwing Sentinels on Alliance and Warsong Outriders on Horde. Blackmist Armguards remain a good piece throughout Phase 1. Wristguards of Stability are a decent alternative from Molten Core, but are quite contested.
For your wrist enchant, Stamina and Strength are equal, with Stamina being more tanky and Strength giving more threat. Note that Strength is also good for Feral DPS, so if you intend to use the item in both sets (Forest Stalker’s Bracers are also DPS BiS) I would recommend enchanting Strength.
Marshal’s Dragonhide Gauntlets are the Best in Slot hand options for Feral DPS. If you have Rank 12, you don’t need to worry about alternatives; otherwise check the sets in the other tabs above.
Note that the best hand enchant for DPS is Enchant Gloves – Greater Agility, whereas the best enchant for tanks is Enchant Gloves – Minor Haste. These are close in value for DPS, so I suggest using Haste if you are using the same gloves for both roles.
- BiS: Highlander’s Leather Girdle
- Alternative: Molten Belt
- Alternative: Cloudrunner Girdle
Highlander’s Leather Girdle is the Best in Slot waist option for all sets. They are a reward from reaching Honoured with your Arathi Basin faction: The League of Arathor for Alliance or The Defilers for Horde. Although Molten Belt is better under balanced and mitigation-focused stat weights, the set bonus from the Highlander pieces pulls the belt ahead.
- BiS: Marshal’s Dragonhide Legguards
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Marshal’s Dragonhide Legguards are the Best in Slot leg option for Feral DPS. If you have Rank 12, you don’t need to worry about alternatives; otherwise check the sets in the other chapters.
- BiS: Highlander’s Leather Boots
- Alternative: Marshal’s Dragonhide Boots
- Enchant: Greater Stamina
Highlander’s Leather Boots are the Best in Slot feet option for all sets. They are a reward from reaching Revered with your Arathi Basin faction: The League of Arathor for Alliance or The Defilers for Horde. Although they are worse than Marshal’s Dragonhide Boots, the movement speed bonus on them means that you can enchant them with 7 Stamina. This, along with the set bonus when paired with other Highlander pieces, makes them BiS.
The Minor Speed boot enchant is incredibly important for a tank, and far more impactful than other enchants. However, Highlander’s Leather Boots already increase your movement speed by the same amount, and these effects do not stack. Therefore, you should enchant these with Greater Stamina.
- BiS: Band of Accuria
- BiS: Don Julio’s Band
- Alternative: Heavy Dark Iron Ring
- Alternative: Quick Strike Ring
- Alternative: Myrmidon’s Signet
Band of Accuria is by far the Best in Slot ring. It is a rare and contested drop from Ragnaros, the last boss of Molten Core. As it is unique, Don Julio’s Band is the Best in Slot option for the other ring slot in balanced and threat-focused sets, though it is far worse. The alternatives listed are quite strong, but do note that Quick Strike Ring is extremely good for Warriors and should go to them instead.
- BiS: Mark of Tyranny
- BiS: Blackhand’s Breadth
- BiS: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Special: Gnomish Battle Chicken
- Alternative: Rune of the Guard Captain – Horde only
- Alternative: Mark of the Chosen
- Alternative: Hand of Justice
Mark of Tyranny and Blackhand’s Breadth would be the best in slot trinkets for all sets. Unfortunately, they are both quest rewards from the same quest! Therefore, the Best in Slot trinkets are Mark of Tyranny or Blackhand’s Breadth alongside Smoking Heart of the Mountain. Which to choose is up to you; in a balanced set, they are equal. Mark of Tyranny is better for mitigation, Blackhand’s Breadth is better for threat. Because Blackhand’s Breadth is also BiS for Feral DPS, I recommend picking Blackhand’s Breadth.
Mark of the Chosen is a very strong trinket when activated, but keeping the proc active, especially as an offtank, can be unreliable. Hand of Justice is not a bad trinket, but with the spell batching changes implemented at the end of Classic, it is far weaker for Feral Tanks than it used to be.
Gnomish Battle Chicken is a trinket made by Gnomish engineers that, when used correctly, increases the melee haste of all party members by 5%. This is an absolutely massive buff, making it by far the best trinket in the game when used. I do not list it as BiS because it has a 30 minute cooldown (meaning you’ll want other trinkets while it is on cooldown), but it is absolutely worth leveling engineering for and using as often as possible. Note that while you can craft Smoking Heart of the Mountain and then drop enchanting, but continue using the trinket, you must be an engineer to use Gnomish Battle Chicken.
- BiS: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Non-MCP BiS: Grand Marshal’s Battle Hammer
- Non-MCP Alternative: The Unstoppable Force
- Non-MCP Alternative: Unyielding Maul
- Enchant: Iron Counterweight
Manual Crowd Pummeler (MCP) is the best weapon in the game for Feral Druids. Its on-use effect increases haste by 50%, which increases the Druid’s threat by around 45%! There is no alternative to it, as not even Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian comes remotely close to the threat provided by MCPs. Unfortunately, MCPs only have 3 charges, and therefore many must be farmed from Gnomeregan to use in raids. Because of this, it is not feasible for a druid to use MCPs in every dungeon and raid trash mob.
Grand Marshal’s Battle Hammer is the best non-MCP weapon option for all sets. If you have not reached Rank 14, The Unstoppable Force is a reward for reaching Exalted reputation with your Alterac Valley faction: Stormpike Guard for Alliance and Frostwolf Clan for Horde. Otherwise, Unyielding Maul is easily attained from a Dire Maul: Tribute chest, which can either be earned as a group or bought from a Hunter (Hunters can solo clear Tribute runs, and sell the loot that drops in the chest).
Note that Unyielding Maul is far better than Warden Staff as it can be enchanted with an Iron Counterweight; this enchant applies to the Druid’s swing timer and provides a lot of value. Iron Counterweights can and should be applied to MCPs too, but you’ll need a new one for each Pummeler so it’s quite a commitment!
BiS: Idol of Brutality
Idol of Brutality is the only idol available in the game for Feral Tanks. Luckily, it is very powerful and worth getting as soon as possible.
- Head: Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Helmet
- Neck: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Shoulders: Highlander’s Leather Shoulders
- Back: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Chest: Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Breastplate
- Wrists: Forest Stalker’s Bracers
- Hands: Marshal’s Dragonhide Gauntlets
- Waist: Highlander’s Leather Girdle
- Legs: Sentinel’s Leather Pants
- Feet: Highlander’s Leather Boots
- Ring: Band of Accuria
- Ring: Heavy Dark Iron Ring
- Trinket: Mark of Tyranny
- Trinket: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Weapon: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Idol: Idol of Brutality
- BiS: Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Helmet
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Helmet is the Best in Slot head option for all sets. If you have Rank 13, you don’t need to worry about alternatives; otherwise check the sets in the other chapters.
Arcanum of Rapidity is extremely strong for Feral Tanks and should be used on your helm and legs in all sets.
- BiS: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Alternative: Eskhandar’s Collar
- Alternative: Beads of Ogre Might
Onyxia Tooth Pendant is the Best in Slot neck option for all sets. It is received as a reward from the Head of Onyxia, which is a guaranteed drop off Onyxia. However, it is very contested and may take a while to receive. Until then, the listed alternatives are suitable, though a lot worse.
- BiS: Highlander’s Leather Shoulders
- Alternative: Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Spaulders
- Enchant: Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn
Highlander’s Leather Shoulders are the Best in Slot shoulder options for all sets. They are a reward from reaching Exalted with your Arathi Basin faction: The League of Arathor for Alliance and The Defilers for Horde. If you have not reached this in your climb to Rank 13+, Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Spaulders are your best option, though they are significantly worse.
- BiS: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Alternative: Cloak of the Shrouded Mists
- Alternative: Phantasmal Cloak
- Alternative: Cloak of the Honour Guard
- Enchant: Lesser Agility / Superior Defense
Dragon’s Blood Cape is the Best in Slot back option for all sets. It drops off of Ragnaros in Molten Core, and is a relatively uncontested piece. Feral Tanks should have no trouble getting this, but the alternatives listed are suitable as well.
The two cloak enchants listed are roughly equal in value, with Agility being slightly better threat and Feral DPS value, and Defense being slightly better mitigation. The choice is yours, and quite inconsequential.
- BiS: Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Breastplate
- Enchant: Greater Stats (or Stats as an affordable alternative)
Field Marshal’s Dragonhide Breastplate the Best in Slot chest option for all sets. If you have Rank 13, you don’t need to worry about alternatives; otherwise check the sets in the other chapters.
- BiS: Forest Stalker’s Bracers
- Alternative: Blackmist Armguards
- Alternative: Wristguards of Stability
- Enchant: Superior Stamina
Forest Stalker’s Bracers are the Best in Slot wrist option for all sets. They are a reward from reaching Exalted reputation with the Warsong Gulch faction: Silverwing Sentinels on Alliance and Warsong Outriders on Horde. Blackmist Armguards remain a good piece throughout Phase 1. Wristguards of Stability are a decent alternative from Molten Core, but are quite contested.
For your wrist enchant, Stamina and Strength are equal, with Stamina being more tanky and Strength giving more threat. Note that Strength is also good for Feral DPS, so if you intend to use the item in both sets (Forest Stalker’s Bracers are also DPS BiS) I would recommend enchanting Strength.
Marshal’s Dragonhide Gauntlets are the Best in Slot hand options for Feral DPS. If you have Rank 12, you don’t need to worry about alternatives; otherwise check the sets in the other tabs above.
Note that the best hand enchant for DPS is Enchant Gloves – Greater Agility, whereas the best enchant for tanks is Enchant Gloves – Minor Haste. These are close in value for DPS, so I suggest using Haste if you are using the same gloves for both roles.
- BiS: Highlander’s Leather Girdle
- Alternative: Molten Belt
- Alternative: Cloudrunner Girdle
Highlander’s Leather Girdle is the Best in Slot waist option for all sets. They are a reward from reaching Honoured with your Arathi Basin faction: The League of Arathor for Alliance or The Defilers for Horde. Although Molten Belt is better under balanced and mitigation-focused stat weights, the set bonus from the Highlander pieces pulls the belt ahead.
- BiS: Sentinel’s Leather Pants
- BiS: Marshal’s Dragonhide Legguards
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Sentinel’s Leather Pants are the Best in Slot leg option for mitigation-focused sets. They are a reward from reaching Exalted reputation with the Warsong Gulch faction: Silverwing Sentinels on Alliance and Warsong Outriders on Horde. Marshal’s Dragonhide Legguards are otherwise suitable for all sets.
- BiS: Highlander’s Leather Boots
- Alternative: Marshal’s Dragonhide Boots
- Enchant: Greater Stamina
Highlander’s Leather Boots are the Best in Slot feet option for all sets. They are a reward from reaching Revered with your Arathi Basin faction: The League of Arathor for Alliance or The Defilers for Horde. Although they are worse than Marshal’s Dragonhide Boots, the movement speed bonus on them means that you can enchant them with 7 Stamina. This, along with the set bonus when paired with other Highlander pieces, makes them BiS.
The Minor Speed boot enchant is incredibly important for a tank, and far more impactful than other enchants. However, Highlander’s Leather Boots already increase your movement speed by the same amount, and these effects do not stack. Therefore, you should enchant these with Greater Stamina.
- BiS: Band of Accuria
- BiS: Heavy Dark Iron Ring
- Alternative: Don Julio’s Band
- Alternative: Quick Strike Ring
- Alternative: Myrmidon’s Signet
Band of Accuria is by far the Best in Slot ring. It is a rare and contested drop from Ragnaros, the last boss of Molten Core. As Accuria is unique, Heavy Dark Iron Ring is the Best in Slot option for the other ring slot in mitigation-focused sets, though it is far worse. The alternatives listed are quite strong, but do note that Quick Strike Ring is extremely good for Warriors and should go to them instead.
- BiS: Mark of Tyranny
- BiS: Blackhand’s Breadth
- BiS: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Special: Gnomish Battle Chicken
- Alternative: Rune of the Guard Captain – Horde only
- Alternative: Mark of the Chosen
- Alternative: Hand of Justice
Mark of Tyranny and Blackhand’s Breadth would be the best in slot trinkets for all sets. Unfortunately, they are both quest rewards from the same quest! Therefore, the Best in Slot trinkets are Mark of Tyranny or Blackhand’s Breadth alongside Smoking Heart of the Mountain. Which to choose is up to you; in a balanced set, they are equal. Mark of Tyranny is better for mitigation, Blackhand’s Breadth is better for threat. Because Blackhand’s Breadth is also BiS for Feral DPS, I recommend picking Blackhand’s Breadth.
Mark of the Chosen is a very strong trinket when activated, but keeping the proc active, especially as an offtank, can be unreliable. Hand of Justice is not a bad trinket, but with the spell batching changes implemented at the end of Classic, it is far weaker for Feral Tanks than it used to be.
Gnomish Battle Chicken is a trinket made by Gnomish engineers that, when used correctly, increases the melee haste of all party members by 5%. This is an absolutely massive buff, making it by far the best trinket in the game when used. I do not list it as BiS because it has a 30 minute cooldown (meaning you’ll want other trinkets while it is on cooldown), but it is absolutely worth leveling engineering for and using as often as possible. Note that while you can craft Smoking Heart of the Mountain and then drop enchanting, but continue using the trinket, you must be an engineer to use Gnomish Battle Chicken.
- BiS: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Non-MCP BiS: Grand Marshal’s Battle Hammer
- Non-MCP Alternative: The Unstoppable Force
- Non-MCP Alternative: Unyielding Maul
- Enchant: Iron Counterweight
Manual Crowd Pummeler (MCP) is the best weapon in the game for Feral Druids. Its on-use effect increases haste by 50%, which increases the Druid’s threat by around 45%! There is no alternative to it, as not even Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian comes remotely close to the threat provided by MCPs. Unfortunately, MCPs only have 3 charges, and therefore many must be farmed from Gnomeregan to use in raids. Because of this, it is not feasible for a druid to use MCPs in every dungeon and raid trash mob.
Grand Marshal’s Battle Hammer is the best non-MCP weapon option for all sets. If you have not reached Rank 14, The Unstoppable Force is a reward for reaching Exalted reputation with your Alterac Valley faction: Stormpike Guard for Alliance and Frostwolf Clan for Horde. Otherwise, Unyielding Maul is easily attained from a Dire Maul: Tribute chest, which can either be earned as a group or bought from a Hunter (Hunters can solo clear Tribute runs, and sell the loot that drops in the chest).
Note that Unyielding Maul is far better than Warden Staff as it can be enchanted with an Iron Counterweight; this enchant applies to the Druid’s swing timer and provides a lot of value. Iron Counterweights can and should be applied to MCPs too, but you’ll need a new one for each Pummeler so it’s quite a commitment!
BiS: Idol of Brutality
Idol of Brutality is the only idol available in the game for Feral Tanks. Luckily, it is very powerful and worth getting as soon as possible.
Threat-focused stat weights make no difference to the gear choices in the balanced set.
The tabs below will show and discuss BiS items for each slot in balanced, mitigation-focused, and threat-focused sets. This chapter will omit all epic-quality PvP pieces, including any piece requiring Rank 12 or above and any piece requiring Exalted reputation with a PvP faction. The first section of each tab will show the complete BiS set; each following section shows enchants, alternative options, and the rationale for each choice in every slot.
- Head: Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Headguard
- Neck: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Shoulders: Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Shoulders
- Back: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Chest: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
- Wrists: Blackmist Armguards
- Hands: Devilsaur Gauntlets
- Waist: Highlander’s Leather Girdle
- Legs: Devilsaur Leggings
- Feet: Highlander’s Leather Boots
- Ring: Band of Accuria
- Ring: Heavy Dark Iron Ring
- Trinket: Blackhand’s Breadth
- Trinket: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Weapon: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Idol: Idol of Brutality
- BiS: Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Headguard
- Alternative: Mask of the Unforgiven
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Headguard is the Best in Slot helm option for balanced and mitigation sets without epic PvP gear. This is due to the strong 2 piece set bonus when paired with another item from the rare PvP set.
Arcanum of Rapidity is extremely strong for Feral Tanks and should be used on your helm and legs in all sets.
- BiS: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Alternative: Beads of Ogre Might
- Alternative: Eskhandar’s Collar
Onyxia Tooth Pendant is the Best in Slot neck option for all sets. It is received as a reward from the Head of Onyxia, which is a guaranteed drop off Onyxia. However, it is very contested and may take a while to receive. Until then, the listed alternatives are suitable, though a lot worse.
- BiS: Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Shoulders
- Alternative: Truestrike Shoulders
- Enchant: Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn
Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Shoulders are the Best in Slot shoulder option for all sets without epic PvP gear. This is due to the strong 2 piece set bonus when paired with another item from the rare PvP set.
- BiS: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Alternative: Cloak of the Shrouded Mists
- Alternative: Phantasmal Cloak
- Enchant: Lesser Agility / Superior Defense
Dragon’s Blood Cape is the Best in Slot back option for all sets. It drops off of Ragnaros in Molten Core, and is a relatively uncontested piece. Feral Tanks should have no trouble getting this, but the alternatives listed are suitable as well.
The two cloak enchants listed are roughly equal in value, with Agility being slightly better threat and Feral DPS value, and Defense being slightly better mitigation. The choice is yours, and quite inconsequential.
- BiS: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
- Alternative: Knight-Captain’s Dragonhide Chestpiece
- Enchant: Greater Stats (or Stats as an affordable alternative)
Breastplate of Bloodthirst is the Best in Slot chest option for balanced and mitigation-leaning sets without epic PvP gear. It is not easy to get; it requires several expensive materials including Pristine Hide of the Beast, a rare skinning drop from The Beast in Upper Blackrock Spire. Knight-Captain’s Dragonhide Chestpiece is a close alternative; if using this, you should swap either your head slot or your shoulder slot to the listed alternative while maintaining the 2 piece set bonus.
- BiS: Blackmist Armguards
- Alternative: Wristguards of Stability
- Enchant: Superior Stamina / Superior Strength
Blackmist Armguards are the Best in Slot wrist option for balanced and mitigation-focused sets without epic PvP gear. Wristguards of Stability are a decent piece from Molten Core, but are quite contested.
For your wrist enchant, Stamina and Strength are equal, with Stamina being more tanky and Strength giving more threat. Note that Strength is also good for Feral DPS, so if you intend to use the item in both sets I would recommend enchanting Strength.
- BiS: Devilsaur Gauntlets
- Alternative: Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear
- Alternative: Gargoyle Slashers
- Enchant: Minor Haste
Devilsaur Gauntlets are the Best in Slot hand option for balanced and threat-focused sets without epic PvP gear. Although the alternatives listed are, in a vacuum, better than Devilsaur Gauntlets, the set bonus when worn with Devilsaur Leggings makes the Devilsaur set the best option.
Note that the best hand enchant for DPS is Agility, whereas the best enchant for tanks is Haste. These are close in value for DPS, so I suggest using Haste if you are using the same gloves for both roles.
- BiS: Highlander’s Leather Girdle
- Alternative: Molten Belt
- Alternative: Cloudrunner Girdle
Highlander’s Leather Girdle is the Best in Slot waist option for all sets. They are a reward from reaching Honoured with your Arathi Basin faction: The League of Arathor for Alliance or The Defilers for Horde. Although Molten Belt is better under balanced and mitigation-focused stat weights, the set bonus from the Highlander pieces pulls the belt ahead.
- BiS: Devilsaur Leggings
- Alternative: Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking
- Alternative: Plaguehound Leggings
- Alternative: Cadaverous Leggings
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Devilsaur Leggings are the Best in Slot leg option for Balanced and Threat-focused sets without epic PvP gear. This is because of the strong set bonus when paired with Devilsaur Gauntlets. Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking are BiS if using a different item in the hand slot. The 3 best leg items are all bind on equip and can be bought on the Auction House.
- BiS: Highlander’s Leather Boots
- Alternative: Boots of Ferocity
- Enchant: Greater Stamina
Highlander’s Leather Boots are the Best in Slot feet option for all sets. They are a reward from reaching Revered with your Arathi Basin faction: The League of Arathor for Alliance or The Defilers for Horde.
The Minor Speed boot enchant is incredibly important for a tank, and far more impactful than other enchants. However, Highlander’s Leather Boots already increase your movement speed by the same amount, and these effects do not stack. Therefore, you should enchant these with Greater Stamina.
- BiS: Band of Accuria
- BiS: Heavy Dark Iron Ring
- Alternative: Quick Strike Ring
- Alternative: Myrmidon’s Signet
Band of Accuria is by far the Best in Slot ring. It is a rare and contested drop from Ragnaros, the last boss of Molten Core. As Accuria is unique, Heavy Dark Iron Ring is the Best in Slot option for the other ring slot in balanced and mitigation-focused sets, though it is far worse. The alternatives listed are quite strong, but do note that Quick Strike Ring is extremely good for Warriors and should go to them instead.
- BiS: Mark of Tyranny
- BiS: Blackhand’s Breadth
- BiS: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Special: Gnomish Battle Chicken
- Alternative: Rune of the Guard Captain – Horde only
- Alternative: Mark of the Chosen
- Alternative: Hand of Justice
Mark of Tyranny and Blackhand’s Breadth would be the best in slot trinkets for all sets. Unfortunately, they are both quest rewards from the same quest! Therefore, the Best in Slot trinkets are Mark of Tyranny or Blackhand’s Breadth alongside Smoking Heart of the Mountain. Which to choose is up to you; in a balanced set, they are equal. Mark of Tyranny is better for mitigation, Blackhand’s Breadth is better for threat. Because Blackhand’s Breadth is also BiS for Feral DPS, I recommend picking Blackhand’s Breadth.
Mark of the Chosen is a very strong trinket when activated, but keeping the proc active, especially as an offtank, can be unreliable. Hand of Justice is not a bad trinket, but with the spell batching changes implemented at the end of Classic, it is far weaker for Feral Tanks than it used to be.
Gnomish Battle Chicken is a trinket made by Gnomish engineers that, when used correctly, increases the melee haste of all party members by 5%. This is an absolutely massive buff, making it by far the best trinket in the game when used. I do not list it as BiS because it has a 30 minute cooldown (meaning you’ll want other trinkets while it is on cooldown), but it is absolutely worth leveling engineering for and using as often as possible. Note that while you can craft Smoking Heart of the Mountain and then drop enchanting, but continue using the trinket, you must be an engineer to use Gnomish Battle Chicken.
- BiS: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Non-MCP BiS: Unyielding Maul
- Non-MCP Alternative: Impervious Giant
- Enchant: Iron Counterweight
Manual Crowd Pummeler (MCP) is the best weapon in the game for Feral Druids. Its on-use effect increases haste by 50%, which increases the Druid’s threat by around 45%! There is no alternative to it, as not even Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian comes remotely close to the threat provided by MCPs. Unfortunately, MCPs only have 3 charges, and therefore many must be farmed from Gnomeregan to use in raids. Because of this, it is not feasible for a druid to use MCPs in every dungeon and raid trash mob.
Unyielding Maul is the best pre-raid Non-MCP weapon option for balanced and mitigation sets. It is easily attained from a Dire Maul: Tribute chest, which can either be earned as a group or solo farmed by a Hunter (in SoM, you need to be in the instance when the King is killed to be eligible for loot). It is far better than Warden Staff as it can be enchanted with an Iron Counterweight; this enchant applies to the Druid’s swing timer and provides a lot of value. Iron Counterweights can and should be applied to MCPs too, but you’ll need a new one for each Pummeler so it’s quite a commitment!
Note that Unyielding Maul is far better than Warden Staff as it can be enchanted with an Iron Counterweight; this enchant applies to the Druid’s swing timer and provides a lot of value. Iron Counterweights can and should be applied to MCPs too, but you’ll need a new one for each Pummeler so it’s quite a commitment!
BiS: Idol of Brutality
Idol of Brutality is the only idol available in the game for Feral Tanks. Luckily, it is very powerful and worth getting as soon as possible.
- Head: Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Headguard
- Neck: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Shoulders: Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Shoulders
- Back: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Chest: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
- Wrists: Blackmist Armguards
- Hands: Devilsaur Gauntlets
- Waist: Highlander’s Leather Girdle
- Legs: Devilsaur Leggings
- Feet: Highlander’s Leather Boots
- Ring: Band of Accuria
- Ring: Heavy Dark Iron Ring
- Trinket: Mark of Tyranny
- Trinket: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Weapon: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Idol: Idol of Brutality
- BiS: Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Headguard
- Alternative: Mask of the Unforgiven
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Headguard is the Best in Slot helm option for balanced and mitigation sets without epic PvP gear. This is due to the strong 2 piece set bonus when paired with another item from the rare PvP set.
Arcanum of Rapidity is extremely strong for Feral Tanks and should be used on your helm and legs in all sets.
- BiS: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Alternative: Beads of Ogre Might
- Alternative: Eskhandar’s Collar
Onyxia Tooth Pendant is the Best in Slot neck option for all sets. It is received as a reward from the Head of Onyxia, which is a guaranteed drop off Onyxia. However, it is very contested and may take a while to receive. Until then, the listed alternatives are suitable, though a lot worse.
- BiS: Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Shoulders
- Alternative: Truestrike Shoulders
- Enchant: Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn
Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Shoulders are the Best in Slot shoulder option for all sets without epic PvP gear. This is due to the strong 2 piece set bonus when paired with another item from the rare PvP set.
- BiS: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Alternative: Cloak of the Shrouded Mists
- Alternative: Phantasmal Cloak
- Enchant: Lesser Agility / Superior Defense
Dragon’s Blood Cape is the Best in Slot back option for all sets. It drops off of Ragnaros in Molten Core, and is a relatively uncontested piece. Feral Tanks should have no trouble getting this, but the alternatives listed are suitable as well.
The two cloak enchants listed are roughly equal in value, with Agility being slightly better threat and Feral DPS value, and Defense being slightly better mitigation. The choice is yours, and quite inconsequential.
- BiS: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
- Alternative: Knight-Captain’s Dragonhide Chestpiece
- Enchant: Greater Stats (or Stats as an affordable alternative)
Breastplate of Bloodthirst is the Best in Slot chest option for balanced and mitigation-leaning sets without epic PvP gear. It is not easy to get; it requires several expensive materials including Pristine Hide of the Beast, a rare skinning drop from The Beast in Upper Blackrock Spire. Knight-Captain’s Dragonhide Chestpiece is a close alternative.
- BiS: Blackmist Armguards
- Alternative: Wristguards of Stability
- Enchant: Superior Stamina
Blackmist Armguards are the Best in Slot wrist option for balanced and mitigation-focused sets without epic PvP gear. Wristguards of Stability are a decent piece from Molten Core, but are quite contested.
For your wrist enchant, Stamina and Strength are equal, with Stamina being more tanky and Strength giving more threat. Note that Strength is also good for Feral DPS, so if you intend to use the item in both sets I would recommend enchanting Strength.
- BiS: Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear
- Alternative: Slaghide Gauntlets of the Monkey
- Alternative: Devilsaur Gloves
- Alternative: Gargoyle Slashers
- Enchant: Minor Haste
Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear are the Best in Slot hand option in a mitigation-focused set without epic PvP gear. They are a rare drop (2.3% drop chance) off Urok Doomhowl in Lower Blackrock Spire; an optional and difficult boss that is not often killed. The “of the Monkey” variety are nearly as good, and considerably more common at 15.5% drop chance. Otherwise, sticking to the Devilsaur set is likely your best bet.
Note that the best hand enchant for DPS is Agility, whereas the best enchant for tanks is Haste. These are close in value for DPS, so I suggest using Haste if you are using the same gloves for both roles.
- BiS: Highlander’s Leather Girdle
- Alternative: Molten Belt
- Alternative: Cloudrunner Girdle
Highlander’s Leather Girdle is the Best in Slot waist option for all sets. They are a reward from reaching Honoured with your Arathi Basin faction: The League of Arathor for Alliance or The Defilers for Horde. Although Molten Belt is better under balanced and mitigation-focused stat weights, the set bonus from the Highlander pieces pulls the belt ahead.
- BiS: Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking
- Alternative: Devilsaur Leggings
- Alternative: Plaguehound Leggings
- Alternative: Cadaverous Leggings
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking are the Best in Slot leg option for mitigation sets without epic PvP gear when paired with Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear/Monkey. Without these gloves, you should stick to Devilsaur in all sets because of the strong set bonus when paired with Devilsaur Gauntlets.
- BiS: Highlander’s Leather Boots
- Alternative: Boots of Ferocity
- Enchant: Greater Stamina
Highlander’s Leather Boots are the Best in Slot feet option for all sets. They are a reward from reaching Revered with your Arathi Basin faction: The League of Arathor for Alliance or The Defilers for Horde.
The Minor Speed boot enchant is incredibly important for a tank, and far more impactful than other enchants. However, Highlander’s Leather Boots already increase your movement speed by the same amount, and these effects do not stack. Therefore, you should enchant these with Greater Stamina.
- BiS: Band of Accuria
- BiS: Heavy Dark Iron Ring
- Alternative: Quick Strike Ring
- Alternative: Myrmidon’s Signet
Band of Accuria is by far the Best in Slot ring. It is a rare and contested drop from Ragnaros, the last boss of Molten Core. As Accuria is unique, Heavy Dark Iron Ring is the Best in Slot option for the other ring slot in balanced and mitigation-focused sets, though it is far worse. The alternatives listed are quite strong, but do note that Quick Strike Ring is extremely good for Warriors and should go to them instead.
- BiS: Mark of Tyranny
- BiS: Blackhand’s Breadth
- BiS: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Special: Gnomish Battle Chicken
- Alternative: Rune of the Guard Captain – Horde only
- Alternative: Mark of the Chosen
- Alternative: Hand of Justice
Mark of Tyranny and Blackhand’s Breadth would be the best in slot trinkets for all sets. Unfortunately, they are both quest rewards from the same quest! Therefore, the Best in Slot trinkets are Mark of Tyranny or Blackhand’s Breadth alongside Smoking Heart of the Mountain. Which to choose is up to you; in a balanced set, they are equal. Mark of Tyranny is better for mitigation, Blackhand’s Breadth is better for threat. Because Blackhand’s Breadth is also BiS for Feral DPS, I recommend picking Blackhand’s Breadth.
Mark of the Chosen is a very strong trinket when activated, but keeping the proc active, especially as an offtank, can be unreliable. Hand of Justice is not a bad trinket, but with the spell batching changes implemented at the end of Classic, it is far weaker for Feral Tanks than it used to be.
Gnomish Battle Chicken is a trinket made by Gnomish engineers that, when used correctly, increases the melee haste of all party members by 5%. This is an absolutely massive buff, making it by far the best trinket in the game when used. I do not list it as BiS because it has a 30 minute cooldown (meaning you’ll want other trinkets while it is on cooldown), but it is absolutely worth leveling engineering for and using as often as possible. Note that while you can craft Smoking Heart of the Mountain and then drop enchanting, but continue using the trinket, you must be an engineer to use Gnomish Battle Chicken.
- BiS: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Non-MCP BiS: Unyielding Maul
- Non-MCP Alternative: Impervious Giant
- Enchant: Iron Counterweight
Manual Crowd Pummeler (MCP) is the best weapon in the game for Feral Druids. Its on-use effect increases haste by 50%, which increases the Druid’s threat by around 45%! There is no alternative to it, as not even Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian comes remotely close to the threat provided by MCPs. Unfortunately, MCPs only have 3 charges, and therefore many must be farmed from Gnomeregan to use in raids. Because of this, it is not feasible for a druid to use MCPs in every dungeon and raid trash mob.
Unyielding Maul is the best pre-raid Non-MCP weapon option for balanced and mitigation sets. It is easily attained from a Dire Maul: Tribute chest, which can either be earned as a group or solo farmed by a Hunter (in SoM, you need to be in the instance when the King is killed to be eligible for loot). It is far better than Warden Staff as it can be enchanted with an Iron Counterweight; this enchant applies to the Druid’s swing timer and provides a lot of value. Iron Counterweights can and should be applied to MCPs too, but you’ll need a new one for each Pummeler so it’s quite a commitment!
Note that Unyielding Maul is far better than Warden Staff as it can be enchanted with an Iron Counterweight; this enchant applies to the Druid’s swing timer and provides a lot of value. Iron Counterweights can and should be applied to MCPs too, but you’ll need a new one for each Pummeler so it’s quite a commitment!
BiS: Idol of Brutality
Idol of Brutality is the only idol available in the game for Feral Tanks. Luckily, it is very powerful and worth getting as soon as possible.
- Head: Mask of the Unforgiven
- Neck: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Shoulders: Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Shoulders
- Back: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Chest: Knight-Captain’s Dragonhide Chestpiece
- Wrists: Wristguards of Stability
- Hands: Devilsaur Gauntlets
- Waist: Highlander’s Leather Girdle
- Legs: Devilsaur Leggings
- Feet: Highlander’s Leather Boots
- Ring: Band of Accuria
- Ring: Quick Strike Ring
- Trinket: Blackhand’s Breadth
- Trinket: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Weapon: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Idol: Idol of Brutality
- BiS: Mask of the Unforgiven
- Alternative: Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Headguard
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Mask of the Unforgiven is the Best in Slot head option for threat-focused sets without epic PvP gear. The hit chance on it is very strong, meaning if you want to focus on threat, you should get your rare PvP 2 piece set bonus from your shoulders and chest instead of your head slot. Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Headguard is still a strong alternative, especially when used for the set bonus.
Arcanum of Rapidity is extremely strong for Feral Tanks and should be used on your helm and legs in all sets.
- BiS: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Alternative: Eskhandar’s Collar
- Alternative: Beads of Ogre Might
Onyxia Tooth Pendant is the Best in Slot neck option for all sets. It is received as a reward from the Head of Onyxia, which is a guaranteed drop off Onyxia. However, it is very contested and may take a while to receive. Until then, the listed alternatives are suitable, though a lot worse.
- BiS: Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Shoulders
- Alternative: Truestrike Shoulders
- Enchant: Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn
Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Shoulders are the Best in Slot shoulder option for all sets without epic PvP gear. This is due to the strong 2 piece set bonus when paired with another item from the rare PvP set.
- BiS: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Alternative: Cloak of the Shrouded Mists
- Alternative: Phantasmal Cloak
- Enchant: Lesser Agility / Superior Defense
Dragon’s Blood Cape is the Best in Slot back option for all sets. It drops off of Ragnaros in Molten Core, and is a relatively uncontested piece. Feral Tanks should have no trouble getting this, but the alternatives listed are suitable as well.
The two cloak enchants listed are roughly equal in value, with Agility being slightly better threat and Feral DPS value, and Defense being slightly better mitigation. The choice is yours, and quite inconsequential.
- BiS: Knight-Captain’s Dragonhide Chestpiece
- Alternative: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
- Enchant: Greater Stats (or Stats as an affordable alternative)
Knight-Captain’s Dragonhide Chestpiece is the Best in Slot chest option for threat-focused sets without epic PvP gear. This is because of the strong 2-piece set bonus when paired with Lieutenant Commander’s Dragonhide Shoulders. Breastplate of Bloodthirst is very strong, but it is not easy to get; it requires several expensive materials including Pristine Hide of the Beast, a rare skinning drop from The Beast in Upper Blackrock Spire.
- BiS: Wristguards of Stability
- Alternative: Blackmist Armguards
- Enchant: Superior Strength
Wristguards of Stability are the Best in Slot wrist option for threat-focused sets. However, they are a contested drop from Molten Core. Blackmist Armguards are very strong, and better in other sets; I recommend sticking to these.
For your wrist enchant, Stamina and Strength are equal, with Stamina being more tanky and Strength giving more threat. Note that Strength is also good for Feral DPS, so if you intend to use the item in both sets I would recommend enchanting Strength.
- BiS: Devilsaur Gauntlets
- Alternative: Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear
- Alternative: Gargoyle Slashers
- Enchant: Minor Haste
Devilsaur Gauntlets are the Best in Slot hand option for balanced and threat-focused sets without epic PvP gear. Although the alternatives listed are, in a vacuum, better than Devilsaur Gauntlets, the set bonus when worn with Devilsaur Leggings makes the Devilsaur set the best option.
Note that the best hand enchant for DPS is Agility, whereas the best enchant for tanks is Haste. These are close in value for DPS, so I suggest using Haste if you are using the same gloves for both roles.
- BiS: Highlander’s Leather Girdle
- Alternative: Molten Belt
- Alternative: Cloudrunner Girdle
Highlander’s Leather Girdle is the Best in Slot waist option for all sets. They are a reward from reaching Honoured with your Arathi Basin faction: The League of Arathor for Alliance or The Defilers for Horde. Although Molten Belt is better under balanced and mitigation-focused stat weights, the set bonus from the Highlander pieces pulls the belt ahead.
- BiS: Devilsaur Leggings
- Alternative: Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking
- Alternative: Plaguehound Leggings
- Alternative: Cadaverous Leggings
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Devilsaur Leggings are the Best in Slot leg option for balanced and threat-focused sets without epic PvP gear. This is because of the strong set bonus when paired with Devilsaur Gauntlets. Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking are BiS if using a different item in the hand slot. The 3 best leg items are all bind on equip and can be bought on the Auction House.
- BiS: Highlander’s Leather Boots
- Alternative: Boots of Ferocity
- Enchant: Greater Stamina
Highlander’s Leather Boots are the Best in Slot feet option for all sets. They are a reward from reaching Revered with your Arathi Basin faction: The League of Arathor for Alliance or The Defilers for Horde.
The Minor Speed boot enchant is incredibly important for a tank, and far more impactful than other enchants. However, Highlander’s Leather Boots already increase your movement speed by the same amount, and these effects do not stack. Therefore, you should enchant these with Greater Stamina.
- BiS: Band of Accuria
- BiS: Quick Strike Ring
- Alternative: Heavy Dark Iron Ring
- Alternative: Myrmidon’s Signet
Band of Accuria is by far the Best in Slot ring. It is a rare and contested drop from Ragnaros, the last boss of Molten Core. As Accuria is unique, Quick Strike Ring is the Best in Slot second ring option for threat-focused sets without PvP gear, though it is a lot worse. Keep in mind this ring is extremely good for Warriors; I recommend sticking to the alternatives.
- BiS: Mark of Tyranny
- BiS: Blackhand’s Breadth
- BiS: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Special: Gnomish Battle Chicken
- Alternative: Rune of the Guard Captain – Horde only
- Alternative: Mark of the Chosen
- Alternative: Hand of Justice
Mark of Tyranny and Blackhand’s Breadth would be the best in slot trinkets for all sets. Unfortunately, they are both quest rewards from the same quest! Therefore, the Best in Slot trinkets are Mark of Tyranny or Blackhand’s Breadth alongside Smoking Heart of the Mountain. Which to choose is up to you; in a balanced set, they are equal. Mark of Tyranny is better for mitigation, Blackhand’s Breadth is better for threat. Because Blackhand’s Breadth is also BiS for Feral DPS, I recommend picking Blackhand’s Breadth.
Mark of the Chosen is a very strong trinket when activated, but keeping the proc active, especially as an offtank, can be unreliable. Hand of Justice is not a bad trinket, but with the spell batching changes implemented at the end of Classic, it is far weaker for Feral Tanks than it used to be.
Gnomish Battle Chicken is a trinket made by Gnomish engineers that, when used correctly, increases the melee haste of all party members by 5%. This is an absolutely massive buff, making it by far the best trinket in the game when used. I do not list it as BiS because it has a 30 minute cooldown (meaning you’ll want other trinkets while it is on cooldown), but it is absolutely worth leveling engineering for and using as often as possible. Note that while you can craft Smoking Heart of the Mountain and then drop enchanting, but continue using the trinket, you must be an engineer to use Gnomish Battle Chicken.
- BiS: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Non-MCP BiS: Unyielding Maul
- Non-MCP Alternative: Impervious Giant
- Enchant: Iron Counterweight
Manual Crowd Pummeler (MCP) is the best weapon in the game for Feral Druids. Its on-use effect increases haste by 50%, which increases the Druid’s threat by around 45%! There is no alternative to it, as not even Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian comes remotely close to the threat provided by MCPs. Unfortunately, MCPs only have 3 charges, and therefore many must be farmed from Gnomeregan to use in raids. Because of this, it is not feasible for a druid to use MCPs in every dungeon and raid trash mob.
Unyielding Maul is the best pre-raid Non-MCP weapon option for balanced and mitigation sets. It is easily attained from a Dire Maul: Tribute chest, which can either be earned as a group or solo farmed by a Hunter (in SoM, you need to be in the instance when the King is killed to be eligible for loot). It is far better than Warden Staff as it can be enchanted with an Iron Counterweight; this enchant applies to the Druid’s swing timer and provides a lot of value. Iron Counterweights can and should be applied to MCPs too, but you’ll need a new one for each Pummeler so it’s quite a commitment!
Note that Unyielding Maul is far better than Warden Staff as it can be enchanted with an Iron Counterweight; this enchant applies to the Druid’s swing timer and provides a lot of value. Iron Counterweights can and should be applied to MCPs too, but you’ll need a new one for each Pummeler so it’s quite a commitment!
BiS: Idol of Brutality
Idol of Brutality is the only idol available in the game for Feral Tanks. Luckily, it is very powerful and worth getting as soon as possible.
The tabs below will show and discuss BiS items for each slot in balanced, mitigation-focused, and threat-focused sets. This chapter will omit all PvP pieces, including any reputation rewards from PvP factions. The first section of each tab will show the complete BiS set; each following section shows enchants, alternative options, and the rationale for each choice in every slot.
- Head: Mask of the Unforgiven
- Neck: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Shoulders: Truestrike Shoulders
- Back: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Chest: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
- Wrists: Wristguards of Stability
- Hands: Devilsaur Gauntlets
- Waist: Molten Belt
- Legs: Devilsaur Leggings
- Feet: Boots of Ferocity
- Ring: Band of Accuria
- Ring: Heavy Dark Iron Ring
- Trinket: Blackhand’s Breadth
- Trinket: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Weapon: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Idol: Idol of Brutality
- BiS: Mask of the Unforgiven
- Alternative: Shadowcraft Cap
- Alternative: Tattered Leather Hood
- Alternative: Eye of Rend
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Mask of the Unforgiven is the Best in Slot head option for all sets without PvP gear. The hit chance on it is very strong, and puts it significantly ahead of all three listed alternatives. The alternatives are very close in value to each other. Keep in mind that, for any encounter where you will DPS for a portion of a fight (such as after the add you are tanking has died), you should wear Wolfshead Helm instead. Also, Shadowcraft Cap is extremely strong for Rogues wanting to build their dungeon set; I would recommend passing on it if there is a Rogue in your dungeon group.
Arcanum of Rapidity is extremely strong for Feral Tanks and should be used on your helm and legs in all sets.
- BiS: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Alternative: Beads of Ogre Might
- Alternative: Eskhandar’s Collar
Onyxia Tooth Pendant is the Best in Slot neck option for all sets. It is received as a reward from the Head of Onyxia, which is a guaranteed drop off Onyxia. However, it is very contested and may take a while to receive. Until then, the listed alternatives are suitable, though a lot worse.
- BiS: Truestrike Shoulders
- Alternative: Atal’ai Spaulders of the Bear
- Alternative: Flamescarred Shoulders
- Alternative: Fireguard Shoulders
- Enchant: Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn
Truestrike Shoulders are the Best in Slot shoulder option for balanced and threat-focused sets without PvP gear. They are rare and highly contested, but are definitely worth trying to get. Atal’ai Spaulders of the Bear can be solo farmed by Druids in the Sunken Temple, but the “of the Bear” variety have a 0.42% drop chance. The “of the Monkey” variety are comparable to Fireguard Shoulders and Flamescarred Shoulders, and have a slightly better 1.68% drop chance.
- BiS: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Alternative: Cloak of the Shrouded Mists
- Alternative: Phantasmal Cloak
- Enchant: Lesser Agility / Superior Defense
Dragon’s Blood Cape is the Best in Slot back option for all sets. It drops off of Ragnaros in Molten Core, and is a relatively uncontested piece. Feral Tanks should have no trouble getting this, but the alternatives listed are suitable as well.
The two cloak enchants listed are roughly equal in value, with Agility being slightly better threat and Feral DPS value, and Defense being slightly better mitigation. The choice is yours, and quite inconsequential.
- BiS: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
- Alternative: Tombstone Breastplate
- Alternative: Mixologist’s Tunic
- Enchant: Greater Stats (or Stats as an affordable alternative)
Breastplate of Bloodthirst is the Best in Slot chest option for all sets without PvP gear. Naturally, it is not easy to get; it requires several expensive materials including Pristine Hide of the Beast, a rare skinning drop from The Beast in Upper Blackrock Spire. Tombstone Breastplate is a decent alternative from Scholomance, and Mixologist’s Tunic can be solo farmed from Blackrock Depths.
- BiS: Wristguards of Stability
- Alternative: Blackmist Armguards
- Enchant: Superior Stamina / Superior Strength
Wristguards of Stability are the Best in Slot wrist option for balanced and threat-focused sets without PvP gear. This is because, although Blackmist Armguards are better, the set is already hit capped and therefore cannot make full use of them. However, Stability are a contested drop from Molten Core, and are simply worse if you in your gear are below 9% hit chance. Blackmist Armguards are very strong, and better in other sets; I recommend sticking to these and only considering Stability if you have all the other gear on this list.
For your wrist enchant, Stamina and Strength are equal, with Stamina being more tanky and Strength giving more threat. Note that Strength is also good for Feral DPS, so if you intend to use the item in both sets I would recommend enchanting Strength.
- BiS: Devilsaur Gauntlets
- Alternative: Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear
- Alternative: Gargoyle Slashers
- Enchant: Minor Haste
Devilsaur Gauntlets are the Best in Slot hand option for balanced and threat-focused sets without PvP gear. Although the alternatives listed are, in a vacuum, better than Devilsaur Gauntlets, the set bonus when worn with Devilsaur Leggings makes the Devilsaur set the best option.
- BiS: Molten Belt
- Alternative: Cloudrunner Girdle
- Alternative: Serpentine Sash
Molten Belt is the Best in Slot waist option for all sets without PvP gear. It can be crafted by Elemental Leatherworkers using materials found in Molten Core. It will likely be available to buy on the Auction House. Cloudrunner Girdle is a strong alternative, though it is quite rare; it has an 8% drop chance off Quartermaster Zigris in Lower Blackrock Spire. Serpentine Sash is a lot easier to get, but also considerably worse.
- BiS: Devilsaur Leggings
- Alternative: Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking
- Alternative: Plaguehound Leggings
- Alternative: Cadaverous Leggings
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Devilsaur Leggings are the Best in Slot leg option for Balanced and Threat-focused sets without epic PvP gear. This is because of the strong set bonus when paired with Devilsaur Gauntlets. Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking are BiS if using a different item in the hand slot. The 3 best leg items are all bind on equip and can be bought on the Auction House.
- BiS: Boots of Ferocity
- Alternative: Pads of the Dread Wolf
- Easier Alternative: Shadefiend Boots
- Enchant: Minor Speed
Boots of Ferocity are the Best in Slot pre-raid boot option for all sets without PvP gear. They depend on a player in the group doing or having done the dungeon set questline – Pads of the Dread Wolf or Shadefiend Boots may be easier to pick up early on.
The Minor Speed boot enchant is incredibly important for a tank, and far more impactful than other enchants.
- BiS: Band of Accuria
- BiS: Heavy Dark Iron Ring
- Alternative: Quick Strike Ring
- Alternative: Myrmidon’s Signet
Band of Accuria is by far the Best in Slot ring. It is a rare and contested drop from Ragnaros, the last boss of Molten Core. As Accuria is unique, Heavy Dark Iron Ring is the Best in Slot option for the other ring slot in balanced and mitigation-focused sets, though it is far worse. The alternatives listed are quite strong, but do note that Quick Strike Ring is extremely good for Warriors and should go to them instead.
- BiS: Mark of Tyranny
- BiS: Blackhand’s Breadth
- BiS: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Special: Gnomish Battle Chicken
- Alternative: Rune of the Guard Captain – Horde only
- Alternative: Mark of the Chosen
- Alternative: Hand of Justice
Mark of Tyranny and Blackhand’s Breadth would be the best in slot trinkets for all sets. Unfortunately, they are both quest rewards from the same quest! Therefore, the Best in Slot trinkets are Mark of Tyranny or Blackhand’s Breadth alongside Smoking Heart of the Mountain. Which to choose is up to you; in a balanced set, they are equal. Mark of Tyranny is better for mitigation, Blackhand’s Breadth is better for threat. Because Blackhand’s Breadth is also BiS for Feral DPS, I recommend picking Blackhand’s Breadth.
Mark of the Chosen is a very strong trinket when activated, but keeping the proc active, especially as an offtank, can be unreliable. Hand of Justice is not a bad trinket, but with the spell batching changes implemented at the end of Classic, it is far weaker for Feral Tanks than it used to be.
Gnomish Battle Chicken is a trinket made by Gnomish engineers that, when used correctly, increases the melee haste of all party members by 5%. This is an absolutely massive buff, making it by far the best trinket in the game when used. I do not list it as BiS because it has a 30 minute cooldown (meaning you’ll want other trinkets while it is on cooldown), but it is absolutely worth leveling engineering for and using as often as possible. Note that while you can craft Smoking Heart of the Mountain and then drop enchanting, but continue using the trinket, you must be an engineer to use Gnomish Battle Chicken.
- BiS: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Non-MCP BiS: Unyielding Maul
- Non-MCP Alternative: Impervious Giant
- Enchant: Iron Counterweight
Manual Crowd Pummeler (MCP) is the best weapon in the game for Feral Druids. Its on-use effect increases haste by 50%, which increases the Druid’s threat by around 45%! There is no alternative to it, as not even Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian comes remotely close to the threat provided by MCPs. Unfortunately, MCPs only have 3 charges, and therefore many must be farmed from Gnomeregan to use in raids. Because of this, it is not feasible for a druid to use MCPs in every dungeon and raid trash mob.
Unyielding Maul is the best pre-raid Non-MCP weapon option for balanced and mitigation sets. It is easily attained from a Dire Maul: Tribute chest, which can either be earned as a group or solo farmed by a Hunter (in SoM, you need to be in the instance when the King is killed to be eligible for loot). It is far better than Warden Staff as it can be enchanted with an Iron Counterweight; this enchant applies to the Druid’s swing timer and provides a lot of value. Iron Counterweights can and should be applied to MCPs too, but you’ll need a new one for each Pummeler so it’s quite a commitment!
A note on Impervious Giant and hit cap: While it is better than Bonecrusher, a decent proportion of its value comes from the 1% increased hit chance it gives. You will find that the full BiS set suggested here already reaches 9% hit (which is the cap). Wearing Impervious Giant when already hit capped would make it quite weak, which is why it is listed below Bonecrusher. This set reaches the hit cap because the items with hit on them happen to be good enough to do so; there is no need to be hit capped, as even if you are capped, your Mauls have a 20.5% chance to be dodged or parried, and your DPS players need to be prepared for that possibility. You should think of hit cap as a limit, not a goal; like we see with Impervious Giant and Blackmist Armguards, hit cap is simply something that can limit your gearing choices since there is no value to hit above the 9% cap.
BiS: Idol of Brutality
Idol of Brutality is the only idol available in the game for Feral Tanks. Luckily, it is very powerful and worth getting as soon as possible.
- Head: Mask of the Unforgiven
- Neck: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Shoulders: Fireguard Shoulders
- Back: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Chest: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
- Wrists: Blackmist Armguards
- Hands: Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear
- Waist: Molten Belt
- Legs: Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking
- Feet: Boots of Ferocity
- Ring: Band of Accuria
- Ring: Heavy Dark Iron Ring
- Trinket: Mark of Tyranny
- Trinket: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Weapon: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Idol: Idol of Brutality
- BiS: Mask of the Unforgiven
- Alternative: Shadowcraft Cap
- Alternative: Tattered Leather Hood
- Alternative: Eye of Rend
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Mask of the Unforgiven is the Best in Slot head option for all sets without PvP gear. The hit chance on it is very strong, and puts it significantly ahead of all three listed alternatives. The alternatives are very close in value to each other. Keep in mind that, for any encounter where you will DPS for a portion of a fight (such as after the add you are tanking has died), you should wear Wolfshead Helm instead. Also, Shadowcraft Cap is extremely strong for Rogues wanting to build their dungeon set; I would recommend passing on it if there is a Rogue in your dungeon group.
Arcanum of Rapidity is extremely strong for Feral Tanks and should be used on your helm and legs in all sets.
- BiS: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Alternative: Beads of Ogre Might
- Alternative: Eskhandar’s Collar
Onyxia Tooth Pendant is the Best in Slot neck option for all sets. It is received as a reward from the Head of Onyxia, which is a guaranteed drop off Onyxia. However, it is very contested and may take a while to receive. Until then, the listed alternatives are suitable, though a lot worse.
- BiS: Fireguard Shoulders
- Alternative: Atal’ai Spaulders of the Bear
- Alternative: Truestrike Shoulders
- Alternative: Flamescarred Shoulders
- Enchant: Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn
Fireguard Shoulders are the Best in Slot shoulder option for mitigation-focused sets without PvP gear. They are an uncontested drop from Molten Core and should be fairly easy to pick up. The listed alternatives are close in value, providing less mitigation and more threat.
- BiS: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Alternative: Cloak of the Shrouded Mists
- Alternative: Phantasmal Cloak
- Enchant: Lesser Agility / Superior Defense
Dragon’s Blood Cape is the Best in Slot back option for all sets. It drops off of Ragnaros in Molten Core, and is a relatively uncontested piece. Feral Tanks should have no trouble getting this, but the alternatives listed are suitable as well.
The two cloak enchants listed are roughly equal in value, with Agility being slightly better threat and Feral DPS value, and Defense being slightly better mitigation. The choice is yours, and quite inconsequential.
- BiS: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
- Alternative: Tombstone Breastplate
- Alternative: Mixologist’s Tunic
- Enchant: Greater Stats (or Stats as an affordable alternative)
Breastplate of Bloodthirst is the Best in Slot chest option for all sets without PvP gear. Naturally, it is not easy to get; it requires several expensive materials including Pristine Hide of the Beast, a rare skinning drop from The Beast in Upper Blackrock Spire. Tombstone Breastplate is a decent alternative from Scholomance, and Mixologist’s Tunic can be solo farmed from Blackrock Depths.
- BiS: Blackmist Armguards
- Alternative: Wristguards of Stability
- Enchant: Superior Stamina
Blackmist Armguards are the Best in Slot wrist option for mitigation-focused sets without PvP gear. Wristguards of Stability are a decent piece from Molten Core, but are quite contested. Note that, because this mitigation-focused set is below 9% hit, you get full use out of Blackmist Armguards, making them BiS.
For your wrist enchant, Stamina and Strength are equal, with Stamina being more tanky and Strength giving more threat. Note that Strength is also good for Feral DPS, so if you intend to use the item in both sets I would recommend enchanting Strength.
- BiS: Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear
- Alternative: Slaghide Gauntlets of the Monkey
- Alternative: Devilsaur Gloves
- Alternative: Gargoyle Slashers
- Enchant: Minor Haste
Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear are the Best in Slot hand option in a mitigation-focused set without PvP gear. They are a rare drop (2.3% drop chance) off Urok Doomhowl in Lower Blackrock Spire; an optional and difficult boss that is not often killed. The “of the Monkey” variety are nearly as good, and considerably more common at 15.5% drop chance. Otherwise, sticking to the Devilsaur set is likely your best bet.
- BiS: Molten Belt
- Alternative: Lava Belt
- Alternative: Cloudrunner Girdle
- Alternative: Serpentine Sash
Molten Belt is the Best in Slot waist option for all sets without PvP gear. It can be crafted by Elemental Leatherworkers using materials found in Molten Core. It will likely be available to buy on the Auction House. Lava Belt is slightly cheaper, but crafted with similar materials and far worse in balanced or threat-focused sets. Cloudrunner Girdle is a strong alternative, though it is quite rare; it has an 8% drop chance off Quartermaster Zigris in Lower Blackrock Spire. Serpentine Sash is a lot easier to get, but also considerably worse.
- BiS: Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking
- Alternative: Devilsaur Leggings
- Alternative: Plaguehound Leggings
- Alternative: Cadaverous Leggings
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking are the Best in Slot pre-raid leg option for mitigation sets when paired with Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear/Monkey. Without these gloves, you should stick to Devilsaur in all sets because of the strong set bonus when paired with Devilsaur Gauntlets.
- BiS: Boots of Ferocity
- Alternative: Pads of the Dread Wolf
- Easier Alternative: Shadefiend Boots
- Enchant: Minor Speed
Boots of Ferocity are the Best in Slot pre-raid boot option for all sets without PvP gear. They depend on a player in the group doing or having done the dungeon set questline – Pads of the Dread Wolf or Shadefiend Boots may be easier to pick up early on.
The Minor Speed boot enchant is incredibly important for a tank, and far more impactful than other enchants.
- BiS: Band of Accuria
- BiS: Heavy Dark Iron Ring
- Alternative: Quick Strike Ring
- Alternative: Myrmidon’s Signet
Band of Accuria is by far the Best in Slot ring. It is a rare and contested drop from Ragnaros, the last boss of Molten Core. As Accuria is unique, Heavy Dark Iron Ring is the Best in Slot option for the other ring slot in balanced and mitigation-focused sets, though it is far worse. The alternatives listed are quite strong, but do note that Quick Strike Ring is extremely good for Warriors and should go to them instead.
- BiS: Mark of Tyranny
- BiS: Blackhand’s Breadth
- BiS: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Special: Gnomish Battle Chicken
- Alternative: Rune of the Guard Captain – Horde only
- Alternative: Mark of the Chosen
- Alternative: Hand of Justice
Mark of Tyranny and Blackhand’s Breadth would be the best in slot trinkets for all sets. Unfortunately, they are both quest rewards from the same quest! Therefore, the Best in Slot trinkets are Mark of Tyranny or Blackhand’s Breadth alongside Smoking Heart of the Mountain. Which to choose is up to you; in a balanced set, they are equal. Mark of Tyranny is better for mitigation, Blackhand’s Breadth is better for threat. Because Blackhand’s Breadth is also BiS for Feral DPS, I recommend picking Blackhand’s Breadth.
Mark of the Chosen is a very strong trinket when activated, but keeping the proc active, especially as an offtank, can be unreliable. Hand of Justice is not a bad trinket, but with the spell batching changes implemented at the end of Classic, it is far weaker for Feral Tanks than it used to be.
Gnomish Battle Chicken is a trinket made by Gnomish engineers that, when used correctly, increases the melee haste of all party members by 5%. This is an absolutely massive buff, making it by far the best trinket in the game when used. I do not list it as BiS because it has a 30 minute cooldown (meaning you’ll want other trinkets while it is on cooldown), but it is absolutely worth leveling engineering for and using as often as possible. Note that while you can craft Smoking Heart of the Mountain and then drop enchanting, but continue using the trinket, you must be an engineer to use Gnomish Battle Chicken.
- BiS: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Non-MCP BiS: Unyielding Maul
- Non-MCP Alternative: Impervious Giant
- Enchant: Iron Counterweight
Manual Crowd Pummeler (MCP) is the best weapon in the game for Feral Druids. Its on-use effect increases haste by 50%, which increases the Druid’s threat by around 45%! There is no alternative to it, as not even Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian comes remotely close to the threat provided by MCPs. Unfortunately, MCPs only have 3 charges, and therefore many must be farmed from Gnomeregan to use in raids. Because of this, it is not feasible for a druid to use MCPs in every dungeon and raid trash mob.
Unyielding Maul is the best pre-raid Non-MCP weapon option for balanced and mitigation sets. It is easily attained from a Dire Maul: Tribute chest, which can either be earned as a group or solo farmed by a Hunter (in SoM, you need to be in the instance when the King is killed to be eligible for loot). It is far better than Warden Staff as it can be enchanted with an Iron Counterweight; this enchant applies to the Druid’s swing timer and provides a lot of value. Iron Counterweights can and should be applied to MCPs too, but you’ll need a new one for each Pummeler so it’s quite a commitment!
BiS: Idol of Brutality
Idol of Brutality is the only idol available in the game for Feral Tanks. Luckily, it is very powerful and worth getting as soon as possible.
- Head: Mask of the Unforgiven
- Neck: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Shoulders: Truestrike Shoulders
- Back: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Chest: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
- Wrists: Wristguards of Stability
- Hands: Devilsaur Gauntlets
- Waist: Molten Belt
- Legs: Devilsaur Leggings
- Feet: Boots of Ferocity
- Ring: Band of Accuria
- Ring: Quick Strike Ring
- Trinket: Blackhand’s Breadth
- Trinket: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Weapon: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Idol: Idol of Brutality
- BiS: Mask of the Unforgiven
- Alternative: Shadowcraft Cap
- Alternative: Tattered Leather Hood
- Alternative: Eye of Rend
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Mask of the Unforgiven is the Best in Slot head option for all sets without PvP gear. The hit chance on it is very strong, and puts it significantly ahead of all three listed alternatives. The alternatives are very close in value to each other. Keep in mind that, for any encounter where you will DPS for a portion of a fight (such as after the add you are tanking has died), you should wear Wolfshead Helm instead. Also, Shadowcraft Cap is extremely strong for Rogues wanting to build their dungeon set; I would recommend passing on it if there is a Rogue in your dungeon group.
Arcanum of Rapidity is extremely strong for Feral Tanks and should be used on your helm and legs in all sets.
- BiS: Onyxia Tooth Pendant
- Alternative: Beads of Ogre Might
- Alternative: Eskhandar’s Collar
Onyxia Tooth Pendant is the Best in Slot neck option for all sets. It is received as a reward from the Head of Onyxia, which is a guaranteed drop off Onyxia. However, it is very contested and may take a while to receive. Until then, the listed alternatives are suitable, though a lot worse.
- BiS: Truestrike Shoulders
- Alternative: Atal’ai Spaulders of the Bear
- Alternative: Flamescarred Shoulders
- Alternative: Fireguard Shoulders
- Enchant: Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn
Truestrike Shoulders are the Best in Slot shoulder option for balanced and threat-focused sets without PvP gear. They are rare and highly contested, but are definitely worth trying to get. Atal’ai Spaulders of the Bear can be solo farmed by Druids in the Sunken Temple, but the “of the Bear” variety have a 0.42% drop chance. The “of the Monkey” variety are comparable to Fireguard Shoulders and Flamescarred Shoulders, and have a slightly better 1.68% drop chance.
- BiS: Dragon’s Blood Cape
- Alternative: Cloak of the Shrouded Mists
- Alternative: Phantasmal Cloak
- Enchant: Lesser Agility / Superior Defense
Dragon’s Blood Cape is the Best in Slot back option for all sets. It drops off of Ragnaros in Molten Core, and is a relatively uncontested piece. Feral Tanks should have no trouble getting this, but the alternatives listed are suitable as well.
The two cloak enchants listed are roughly equal in value, with Agility being slightly better threat and Feral DPS value, and Defense being slightly better mitigation. The choice is yours, and quite inconsequential.
- BiS: Breastplate of Bloodthirst
- Alternative: Tombstone Breastplate
- Alternative: Mixologist’s Tunic
- Enchant: Greater Stats (or Stats as an affordable alternative)
Breastplate of Bloodthirst is the Best in Slot chest option for all sets without PvP gear. Naturally, it is not easy to get; it requires several expensive materials including Pristine Hide of the Beast, a rare skinning drop from The Beast in Upper Blackrock Spire. Tombstone Breastplate is a decent alternative from Scholomance, and Mixologist’s Tunic can be solo farmed from Blackrock Depths.
- BiS: Wristguards of Stability
- Alternative: Blackmist Armguards
- Enchant: Superior Stamina / Superior Strength
Wristguards of Stability are the Best in Slot wrist option for balanced and threat-focused sets without PvP gear. This is because, although Blackmist Armguards are better, the set is already hit capped and therefore cannot make full use of them. However, Stability are a contested drop from Molten Core, and are simply worse if you in your gear are below 9% hit chance. Blackmist Armguards are very strong, and better in other sets; I recommend sticking to these and only considering Stability if you have all the other gear on this list.
For your wrist enchant, Stamina and Strength are equal, with Stamina being more tanky and Strength giving more threat. Note that Strength is also good for Feral DPS, so if you intend to use the item in both sets I would recommend enchanting Strength.
- BiS: Devilsaur Gauntlets
- Alternative: Slaghide Gauntlets of the Bear
- Alternative: Gargoyle Slashers
- Enchant: Minor Haste
Devilsaur Gauntlets are the Best in Slot hand option for balanced and threat-focused sets without PvP gear. Although the alternatives listed are, in a vacuum, better than Devilsaur Gauntlets, the set bonus when worn with Devilsaur Leggings makes the Devilsaur set the best option.
- BiS: Molten Belt
- Alternative: Cloudrunner Girdle
- Alternative: Serpentine Sash
Molten Belt is the Best in Slot waist option for all sets without PvP gear. It can be crafted by Elemental Leatherworkers using materials found in Molten Core. It will likely be available to buy on the Auction House. Cloudrunner Girdle is a strong alternative, though it is quite rare; it has an 8% drop chance off Quartermaster Zigris in Lower Blackrock Spire. Serpentine Sash is a lot easier to get, but also considerably worse.
- BiS: Devilsaur Leggings
- Alternative: Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking
- Alternative: Plaguehound Leggings
- Alternative: Cadaverous Leggings
- Enchant: Arcanum of Rapidity
Devilsaur Leggings are the Best in Slot leg option for Balanced and Threat-focused sets without epic PvP gear. This is because of the strong set bonus when paired with Devilsaur Gauntlets. Abyssal Leather Leggings of Striking are BiS if using a different item in the hand slot. The 3 best leg items are all bind on equip and can be bought on the Auction House.
- BiS: Boots of Ferocity
- Alternative: Pads of the Dread Wolf
- Easier Alternative: Shadefiend Boots
- Enchant: Minor Speed
Boots of Ferocity are the Best in Slot pre-raid boot option for all sets without PvP gear. They depend on a player in the group doing or having done the dungeon set questline – Pads of the Dread Wolf or Shadefiend Boots may be easier to pick up early on.
The Minor Speed boot enchant is incredibly important for a tank, and far more impactful than other enchants.
- BiS: Band of Accuria
- BiS: Quick Strike Ring
- Alternative: Heavy Dark Iron Ring
- Alternative: Myrmidon’s Signet
Band of Accuria is by far the Best in Slot ring. It is a rare and contested drop from Ragnaros, the last boss of Molten Core. As Accuria is unique, Quick Strike Ring is the Best in Slot second ring option for threat-focused sets without PvP gear, though it is a lot worse. Keep in mind this ring is extremely good for Warriors; I recommend sticking to the alternatives.
- BiS: Mark of Tyranny
- BiS: Blackhand’s Breadth
- BiS: Smoking Heart of the Mountain
- Special: Gnomish Battle Chicken
- Alternative: Rune of the Guard Captain – Horde only
- Alternative: Mark of the Chosen
- Alternative: Hand of Justice
Mark of Tyranny and Blackhand’s Breadth would be the best in slot trinkets for all sets. Unfortunately, they are both quest rewards from the same quest! Therefore, the Best in Slot trinkets are Mark of Tyranny or Blackhand’s Breadth alongside Smoking Heart of the Mountain. Which to choose is up to you; in a balanced set, they are equal. Mark of Tyranny is better for mitigation, Blackhand’s Breadth is better for threat. Because Blackhand’s Breadth is also BiS for Feral DPS, I recommend picking Blackhand’s Breadth.
Mark of the Chosen is a very strong trinket when activated, but keeping the proc active, especially as an offtank, can be unreliable. Hand of Justice is not a bad trinket, but with the spell batching changes implemented at the end of Classic, it is far weaker for Feral Tanks than it used to be.
Gnomish Battle Chicken is a trinket made by Gnomish engineers that, when used correctly, increases the melee haste of all party members by 5%. This is an absolutely massive buff, making it by far the best trinket in the game when used. I do not list it as BiS because it has a 30 minute cooldown (meaning you’ll want other trinkets while it is on cooldown), but it is absolutely worth leveling engineering for and using as often as possible. Note that while you can craft Smoking Heart of the Mountain and then drop enchanting, but continue using the trinket, you must be an engineer to use Gnomish Battle Chicken.
- BiS: Manual Crowd Pummeler
- Non-MCP BiS: Unyielding Maul
- Non-MCP Alternative: Impervious Giant
- Enchant: Iron Counterweight
Manual Crowd Pummeler (MCP) is the best weapon in the game for Feral Druids. Its on-use effect increases haste by 50%, which increases the Druid’s threat by around 45%! There is no alternative to it, as not even Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian comes remotely close to the threat provided by MCPs. Unfortunately, MCPs only have 3 charges, and therefore many must be farmed from Gnomeregan to use in raids. Because of this, it is not feasible for a druid to use MCPs in every dungeon and raid trash mob.
Unyielding Maul is the best pre-raid Non-MCP weapon option for balanced and mitigation sets. It is easily attained from a Dire Maul: Tribute chest, which can either be earned as a group or solo farmed by a Hunter (in SoM, you need to be in the instance when the King is killed to be eligible for loot). It is far better than Warden Staff as it can be enchanted with an Iron Counterweight; this enchant applies to the Druid’s swing timer and provides a lot of value. Iron Counterweights can and should be applied to MCPs too, but you’ll need a new one for each Pummeler so it’s quite a commitment!
A note on Impervious Giant and hit cap: While it is better than Bonecrusher, a decent proportion of its value comes from the 1% increased hit chance it gives. You will find that the full BiS set suggested here already reaches 9% hit (which is the cap). Wearing Impervious Giant when already hit capped would make it quite weak, which is why it is listed below Bonecrusher. This set reaches the hit cap because the items with hit on them happen to be good enough to do so; there is no need to be hit capped, as even if you are capped, your Mauls have a 20.5% chance to be dodged or parried, and your DPS players need to be prepared for that possibility. You should think of hit cap as a limit, not a goal; like we see with Impervious Giant and Blackmist Armguards, hit cap is simply something that can limit your gearing choices since there is no value to hit above the 9% cap.
BiS: Idol of Brutality
Idol of Brutality is the only idol available in the game for Feral Tanks. Luckily, it is very powerful and worth getting as soon as possible.
Thank you for taking the time to read our Feral Tank Phase 1 BiS guide for Season of Mastery. I hope it was helpful, and if you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to leave a comment below, or find me as Oxy on the Druid Classic discord.
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