Fire Nova Rune – Season of Discovery (SoD)

Fire Nova Rune – Season of Discovery (SoD)
  • Author: Luxrah
  • Date: November 5, 2024
  • Updated: December 20, 2024
  • Expansion: WoW Classic

This guide will cover how to get the Fire Nova rune for Shamans in Season of Discovery. We’ll go over all of the locations and requirements in the walkthrough below as well as any useful tips and tricks.

How to Get the Fire Nova Rune

As of Phase 6, all runes and skill books can be purchased from Rune Brokers in starting zones and major cities for 1 copper a piece. Each of these vendors is simply named “Rune Broker” and can be easily spotted by their purple glow, lurking very close to where new characters enter the game. You can see all of their locations in our guide below.

Original Discovery Method

To get your hands on Fire Nova, go to the hut outside Thunderaxe Fortress in Desolace (57, 21) and kill a level 35 elite orc named Flameseer Dubelen to loot a Corrupted Fire Totem.

Travel to Orgrimmar and talk to Zor Lonetree, an Elder Far Seer in the Valley of Wisdom near the Shaman Trainer.

Go to Maraudon. Leave Shadowprey village and walk on the path leaving the village until you can see a break in the mountains to the north. You’ll find a spear-fence flanked archway in a small mountain pass surrounded by centaur. Follow the twisting path into the Valley of Spears and enter Maraudon at (38, 58).

The crystals can be found on the lower floors of both the purple and orange sides of the cave. They’re called Tear of Theradras and can be found as blue crystals attached to the outside of two larger crystal structures. The purple-side crystal is found at the very bottom of one of the pits on the purple side, whereas the orange-side crystal can be found in the same cave where the Spirit of Magra stands.

Mobs like The Nameless Prophet, Shadowshard Rumblers and Rock Borers abound in large amounts down here; these are level 41 to 43 elites who will make your day miserable. They’re tough, respawn quickly, and the area is too tight and small to avoid all of them. Plan to either corpse run alone or bring a party; we tried it with healer and tank and died multiple times after a few missteps.

You could follow some convoluted pathway and try to finesse your way down, but we found success by strategically corpse running. Since the area is so vertical, you can just spawn on a lower or higher platform when you revive. Because of the quick respawns and little space to work with, you’re better off trying this method than running and gunning. Crucially important is the fact that retrieving the crystal takes a few seconds and can be interrupted by mobs. Consider using Stoneclaw Totem to provide cover while you grab the crystal.

  • Purple side crystal at 27, 57
  • Orange side crystal at 39, 57

Take these crystals back to Zor Lonetree in Orgrimmar; he’ll forward you to Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem, who can be found in Thunder Bluff on the Elder Rise (78.6, 28.6). He’ll explain that to cleanse the corrupted totem, you’ll need to mix pure crystal waters with your crystals to make a salve. After that, he sends you to the Flight Master in Thunder Bluff to fly to Moonglade to find that water.

In Moonglade, speak with Keeper Remulos at the Shrine of Remulos (36.2, 41.8). Travel south and then east along the road abutting the south side of the lake until you cross over a bridge. On the other side of the bridge you’ll see a small basin called the Crystal Waters of Lake Elune’ara (55, 65). Right clicking on this will give you the Vial of Crystal Water. Mixing this with your crystals makes an Elemental Salve which you can use to cleanse your Corrupted Fire Totem. Congratulations on your new rune!


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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1 year ago

why do none of these guides show where to go in the place… a over view is not vary helpful..

1 year ago

Do we have to run where the elites are… or can we stay outside or do we have to go through the gate…underground

Reply to  FailBolt
1 year ago

Both crystals are behind elites on either side of the cave. The best method is getting a group together to help you or there are some death skips posted in the Classic Shaman discord that work as well.

Reply to  Draktol
11 months ago

the best way is to die on right position outside maraudon, there’s videos of it

1 year ago

You don’t have to talk to the npc in org. He doesn’t give a quest just text instructions. I repeat YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TRAVEL BACK TO ORG AFTER GETTING THE TOTEM. You can gather the crystals then go to TB from Desolace.

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