WoW Classic First Aid Guide – 1 to 300

WoW Classic First Aid Guide – 1 to 300

A power leveling first aid guide from level 1 to 300 for World of Warcraft Classic. This guide covers both alliance and horde.


Horde Guide

Minimum materials needed

Levels 1 – 125

Levels 126 – 225

Make sure that you are at least level 35 prior to completing the next step.

Speak to Arnok in The Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar. He will send you to Doctor Gregory Victor in Hammerfall, Arathi Highlands and he will give you a quest called Triage. You can go straight to Doctor Gregory Victor without first speaking to Arnok in Orgimmar.

Before you go to Hammerfall, it’s best to have at least 75 Mageweave cloth and 70 Runecloth as this will save you coming back to see the Doctor.

Triage Quest

For this quest you have to save 15 patients before 6 of them die. You will be in a room with 6 cots, stand in the middle so you are close to all of them. You might need to change the camera angle and zoom out to see them all.

Use (“V”) to show all the patients status on screen. You will have special triage bandages (add them to your action bar/hot key) which should be applied to Critically injured, then Badly injured, and then injured. Once you started treating a patient do not interupt, just finish treating that patient before moving on to another patient. You should select your next patient before your are finished with the first one, then all you have to do is hit you hot key to start the next one.

You MUST use the special bandages you are given or you WILL FAIL.

Levels 226 – 300

You can now work on getting honored with Argent Dawn and then buy Powerful Anti-Venom from the quartermaster which cures level 60 poisons.

Alliance Guide

Minimum materials needed

Levels 1 – 125

Levels 126 – 225

Make sure that you are at least level 35 prior to completing the next step.
Now speak to Nissa Firestone in Ironforge. She will send you to Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen in Theramore, Dustwallow Marsh and the Doctor will give you a quest called Triage. Note that you can go straight to Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen without first speaking to Nissa Firestone

Before you go to Theramore, make sure you have at least 75 x Mageweave and 70 x Runecloth as this will save you coming back to see the Doctor.

Triage Quest

For this quest you have to save 15 patients before 6 of them die. You will be in a room with 6 cots, stand in the middle so you are close to all of them. You might need to change the camera angle and zoom out to see them all.

Use (“V”) to show all the patients status on screen. You will have special triage bandages (add them to your action bar/hot key) which should be applied to Critically injured, then Badly injured, and then injured. Once you started treating a patient do not interupt, just finish treating that patient before moving on to another patient. You should select your next patient before your are finished with the first one, then all you have to do is hit you hot key to start the next one.

You MUST use the special bandages you are given or you WILL FAIL.

Levels 226 – 300

You can now work on getting honored with Argent Dawn and then buy Powerful Anti-Venom from the quartermaster which cures level 60 poisons.

*If your having trouble getting Runecloth because your only level 35ish, then just continue to make Heavy Mageweave Bandages all the way to 300. I’m not sure how much extra Mageweave you’ll need for that, but I’m guessing its going to be about 140-150 extra.


What Each Bandage Heals


About the Author


If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.
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11 months ago

Gee whiz, the detailed information about where all the trainers are is just great. >L<

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