- Author: Furious
- Date: December 1, 2018
- Updated: January 12, 2025
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Of all the professions in WoW Classic, Fishing is surely the most relaxing and laid-back of them all. All you need is a fishing pole and a level-appropriate body of water. Simply equip the pole, throw your line out, and wait for a bite – how much easier can it get?
Fishing is one of the three secondary professions, meaning that you can pick it up on any character regardless of your primary professions. The skill of fishing is great for collecting raw fish, most of which can be cooked for useful food. Some cooked fish can also provide combat bonuses, which makes the skill a good source of making gold at higher fishing levels.
Fishing will definitely take you a long time to max, which makes it nice to use as a break in between leveling your character. Where you can fish is dependent on your fishing level, so skilling it up so that it is on par with the zones you’ll be questing in will save you time later on. We’ll cover zone Fishing levels and give you a walkthrough for leveling your Fishing skill in this guide.
Note that it’s advisable to level your Cooking alongside your Fishing skill. We have a special section for leveling both together in our Cooking Leveling Guide.
Starting Your Fishing Journey
Learning the fishing skill is very easy. You can visit the Fishing Trainer near your starting zone or a major city to pick up Apprentice Fishing. It’s a lot easier to just go to a major city and ask a guard to point you towards the Fishing Trainer. For Alliance this would include Darnassus, Ironforge, and Stormwind. Horde players can visit Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, or Undercity. There will be a list of all the Fishing Trainers later in the guide.

Once you’ve learned the skill for Fishing, you should trade with the nearby Fishing Supplier vendor. You’ll at least need to buy a Fishing Pole to start with, but also consider buying some Shiny Baubles just to make your life a little easier. These will increase your Fishing skill by 25 for 10 minutes.
After you have a fishing pole, equip it, face a nearby body of water, and use the Fishing ability to cast your line. Wait until your bobber jumps out of the water, and immediately right-click it to catch your fish. Try to time your click for when the bobber splashes a second time (as it’s hitting the water). If you aren’t quick enough, your catch will get away and you’ll need to try again.
Many zones in the game have a minimum Fishing skill requirement to cast in. You can use a lure to bypass this, but this isn’t recommended because these zones will make it more likely for fish to escape. At the same time, these zones also have a Fishing level at which fish will not escape, which we will try to make the most of throughout the guide for quicker leveling.
Gaining Fishing Skill
Fishing Level | Catches for Skillup |
1 – 100 | 1 |
100 – 115 | 2 |
115 – 140 | 3 |
140 – 165 | 4 |
165 – 190 | 5 |
190 – 215 | 6 |
215 – 240 | 7 |
240 – 265 | 8 |
265 – 290 | 9 |
290 – 300 | 10 |
Fishing can be difficult to level because there is very little feedback while you do it to tell you if you are doing it correctly or not. This becomes harder the higher level you get to because the amount of fish caught per skill point continues to increase. While you get skill points for almost every fish caught early on, the amount of fish needed at max level, even when doing everything right, can still be 10 or even more fish needed per point. You can see this in the table to the right, which approximates the number of fish needed per skill-up based on Fishing level.
This process is made more difficult as Fishing works the same as all other skills. Fishing in a low level area will give points when the skill level matches the zone’s level, however just like professions where making items eventually turns their skill chance from orange to yellow to green and then gray, low level fishing areas act as if the skill were green, and you will gain skill points more slowly by fishing these areas.
But remember that difficult-to-fish areas frequently mean that you will have fish that get away, which can be a huge waste of time when trying to level up Fishing. Fishing skill modifiers added by fishing poles and lures don’t change how you will skill up, so their use significantly helps boost your effectiveness. So using lures allows you to still fish challenging areas to maximize skill while minimizing fish getting away. You want to try to stay in the sweet spot by fishing in areas that you can imagine are the orange to yellow skill equivalent. Use a fishing pole and lures to boost your Fishing skill and choose areas where this translates to only once in a while losing fish. If you are never missing fish you may be out-leveling the area and will be gaining skill points slower than optimally. If you constantly miss fish you are in a challenging area, and all the missed fish is also not optimal.
Suggested Fishing Leveling Progression
Fishing Level | Zone |
1 – 50 | Starting Zones |
50 – 100 | Secondary Zones |
100 – 175 | Horde: do Snapjaws, Mon! for Nat Pagle’s Extreme Angler FC-5000 and fish Stranglethorn Coast |
100 – 175 | Alliance: Invest in the Big Iron Fishing Pole and fish Stranglethorn Coast |
175 – 300 | Tanaris |
Fishing Zones by Level
The tiers below list zones according to their minimum Fishing level. If you want to fish reliably, higher skill is recommended. To fish without ever losing a fish requires a skill differential of 95 above the minimum listed.
Tier 1
Minimum skill to cast: 1
Minimum skill to never miss a catch: 96
- Cities:
- Zones:
- Dungeons:
Tier 2
Minimum skill to cast : 55
Minimum skill to never miss a catch: 150
Tier 3
Minimum skill to cast: 130
Minimum skill to never miss a catch: 225
- Zones:
- Dungeons:
Tier 4
Minimum skill to cast: 205
Minimum skill to never miss a catch: 300
- Zones:
- Azshara
- Felwood
- Feralas
- Moonglade
- Stranglethorn Vale (Jaguero Isle only)
- Tanaris
- The Hinterlands
- Un’Goro Crater
- Western Plaguelands
- Dungeons:
Tier 5
Minimum skill to cast: 330
Minimum skill to never miss a catch: 425
- Zones:
- Azshara (Bay of Storms)
- Burning Steppes
- Deadwind Pass
- Eastern Plaguelands
- Feralas (Jademir Lake)
- Silithus
- Winterspring
- Dungeons:
- Raids:
Fishing Trainers
You’ll find a list of Fishing Trainers for each faction below. Only the Apprentice and Journeyman skill levels can be learned from these trainers. Expert Fishing requires the book Expert Fishing – The Bass and You, which is sold by Old Man Heming at Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale. T learn Artisan Fishing, you must complete the quest Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme from Nat Pagle in Dustwallow Marsh. We cover this quest later in the guide.
Alliance (Apprentice & Journeyman)
- Darnassus: Astaia on a dock in Temple Gardens (47.9, 56.7)
- Dun Morogh: Paxton Ganter in the middle of the lake near Brewnall Village 35.5, 40.2)
- Elwynn Forest: Lee Brown at the shore of the lake near Goldshire (47.6, 62.3)
- Feralas: Brannock at Feathermoon Stronghold (32.3, 41.6)
- Hillsbrad Foothills: Donald Rabonne beside the river near Southshore (50.8, 61.0)
- Ironforge: Grimnur Stonebrand in the Forlorn Cavern (48.4, 6.4)
- Loch Modan: Warg Deepwater at the shore of The Loch near Thelsamar (40.6, 39.7)
- Redridge Mountains: Matthew Hooper on the shore of the lake in Lakeshire (27.0, 51.1)
- Stormwind City: Arnold Leland in the Canal District (45.6, 58.4)
- Teldrassil: Androl Oakhand near the dock in Rut’theran Village (55.9, 93.5)
- Wetlands: Harold Riggs on the dock at Methil Harbor (8.1, 58.6)
Horde (Apprentice & Journeyman)
- Durotar: Lau’Tiki on the coast south of Sen’Jin Village (53.2, 81.6)
- Mulgore: Uthan Stillwater at the lake near Bloodhoof Village (44.5, 60.7)
- Tirisfal Glades: Clyde Kellen at Brightwater Lake (67.2, 51.0)
- Orgrimmar: Lumak on the dock in the Valley of Honor (69.8, 29.2)
- Thunder Bluff: Kah Mistrunner on the Middle Rise (56.1, 46.4)
- Undercity: Armand Cromwell on the dock in The Magic Quarter (81.6, 30.8)
- Silverpine Forest: Killian Sanatha at the northwest coast at North Tide’s Run (33.0, 17.9)
- Ashenvale: Kil’Hiwana on the beach at Zoram’gar Outpost (10.8, 33.7)
- Stranglethorn Vale: Myizz Luckycatch in Booty Bay (26.5, 77.1)
- Desolace: Lui’Mala by the dock in Shadowprey Village (22.7, 72.4)
- The Hinterlands: Katoom the Angler on the dock at Revantusk Village (80.3, 81.5)
Fishing Leveling Walkthrough
Alliance Guide 1-300
Here is a guide for Alliance players that you can use to reach 300 in fishing. Below we have some recommended fishing zones that will aim to make the fishing journey as quick as possible. You can check out the full list of fishing zones above if you want some variety, but fishing in a higher level zone will mean that more fish get away.
Apprentice Fishing (1-50)
Any starting zone will work for your first 50 levels. The rest of the guide will be easier if you stick to the waters of Stormwind City. Don’t forget to use your Shiny Baubles!
Once you get to 50 skill in Fishing, learn Journeyman Fishing from Arnold Leland just northwest of The Trade District. You should also trade with the fishing vendor nearby and purchase 5-10 Nightcrawlers to replace your baubles.
Journeyman Fishing (50-125)
Make your way to Westfall and start fishing there off the coast. Use your Nightcrawlers to make catches easier. Stay here until you reach at least 125 skill in Fishing.
Next, you’ll need to reach Booty Bay at the southern end of Stranglethorn Vale. You’ll need to run all the way along the main road to reach it if you don’t yet have the flight path. There you should find The Happy Bobber fishing shop and trade with Old Man Heming. Purchase Expert Fishing – The Bass and You from Old Man Heming for a gold. Use this book to learn Expert Fishing.
Now take the boat from Booty Bay to Ratchet in The Barrens to make your way to Kalimdor. There you should find the fishing vendor, Zizzek. Purchase Aquadynamic Fish Attractors if available, and a stack of Bright Baubles.

Expert Fishing (125-225)
Unfortunately for the Alliance, you cannot acquire Nat Pagle’s Extreme Angler FC-5000 because it is a reward from a Horde-only quest. You’ll need to go to Desolace instead. This will require a long run taking you north to Ashenvale, then east to Stonetalon Mountains, and finally south to Desolace.
Go near Shadowprey Village in the southwest of the zone and swim into the water (avoiding the village itself, which will be hostile). Head for the bottom and open any Shellfish Traps you see. Continue doing so until you find a Big Iron Fishing Pole. It’s not as good as the FC-5000, but it’s the best you can get outside of the fishing tournament. This fishing pole is not soulbound, so you can also just buy one on the Auction House to save some time.
With your shiny new fishing pole in hand, head back north to Ashenvale and fish here until you reach 205 skill in Fishing. Now return to The Barrens and take the road leading out southeast of the zone to access Dustwallow Marsh. Fish in the inland waters (not the ocean) here until you reach 225 skill in Fishing. Remember to use your Bright Baubles.

Artisan Fishing (225-300)
With 225 Fishing skill, locate Nat Pagle, who can be found on a small island southwest of Theramore Isle. Accept his quest: Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme. Head to all 4 of the required zones and collect the special fish you need there. You will only be able to catch these special fish if you are standing in the correct location while fishing – your minimap should say the name that is shown in bold below. It shouldn’t take too many casts to catch each fish, so if you find you haven’t succeeded after several casts, check your location.
- The Feralas Ahi can be caught southeast of Dire Maul in the Verdantis River in Feralas.
- The Misty Reed Mahi Mahi can be caught southeast of Temple of Atal’Hakkar at the Misty Reed Strand in Swamp of Sorrows.
- For the Sar’theris Striker, go south of Shadowprey Village and fish at Sar’theris Strand in Desolace.
- Finally, the Savage Coast Blue Sailfin can be found south of Grom’gol Base Camp at the Savage Coast in Stranglethorn Vale.
Once finished, head back to Nat with all 4 fish and learn Artisan Fishing as a reward.
Before leaving, continue fishing next to Nat until you reach 226 in fishing. Now you have the option of either staying here for quicker leveling (because no fish will get away) or you can head to Feralas/Tanaris for better fish (but slower leveling) and fish all the way to 300! You can also fish in any of the other zones listed in the 205-300 range earlier in this guide, but you will have more casts wasted by fish escaping. Don’t forget to use any lures you have!

Horde Guide 1-300
Assuming you have the right Fishing level, you can fish in just about every zone in the game. There are multiple good areas to raise your fishing skill up to 300, but we’ll include some recommended zones to make life easier. Alternatively, there is a list of all zones and their Fishing requirement mentioned earlier in the guide if you want some variety.
Apprentice Fishing (1-50)
You can fish in any starting zone for the first 50 levels. To make the rest of the guide easier, you should go to Orgrimmar and fish in the Valley of Honor. Use your Shiny Baubles to make this easier.
Once you reach at least 50 skill in Fishing, learn Journeyman Fishing from Lumak nearby. Trade with the fishing vendor next to him and pick up 5-10 Nightcrawlers to replace your baubles.
Journeyman Fishing (50-125)
Now head west to The Barrens and make your way to the Wailing Caverns dungeon found southwest of The Crossroads. Make your way through the area until you reach the entrance portal. Apply your Nightcrawlers and fish in the nearby pool.
Save any Deviate Fish you catch to sell for a nice profit on the Auction House. Once you have at least 125 skill in Fishing, you’ll need to make your way to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale. You can do this by heading east from The Crossroads to Ratchet and taking the boat to Booty Bay. On the lower level, go to The Happy Bobber fishing shop and trade with Old Man Heming.
Purchase Expert Fishing – The Bass and You from Old Man Heming for a gold. Use this book to learn the Expert Fishing skill. Head back to Booty Bay and find the fishing vendor, Zizzek. Purchase Aquadynamic Fish Attractors if available, and a stack of Bright Baubles.

Expert Fishing (125-225)
Before you even start fishing, you should focus on getting a better pole. If you’re level 44 or higher, you should head to Revantusk Village in The Hinterlands to complete the quest Snapjaws, Mon! This will reward you with Nat Pagle’s Extreme Angler FC-5000, one of the best fishing poles in the game.
You can access Revantusk Village by taking the zeppelin from Durotar to Tirisfal Glades. Now you have a long run south through Silverpine Forest, east through Hillsbrad Foothills, north through Arathi Highlands, and all the way east through The Hinterlands.
If you aren’t high enough level yet, you should head for Shadowprey Village in Desolace. You can access the zone by heading north from The Barrens, east through Ashenvale, then south through Stonetalon Mountains. Head for the southwest of the zone and jump into the water. Open all of the Shellfish Traps underwater until you find a Big Iron Fishing Pole. This pole is not soulbound, so you could also save some time and purchase one on the Auction House.
Regardless of where you went first, your best option now is to go to Ashenvale, found north of The Barrens. At 150 skill, no casts will escape, so this is the quickest option. Stay here until your Fishing level is at least 205.
With at least 205 Fishing, you should head to Dustwallow Marsh, found southeast of The Barrens. You’ll need to talk to an NPC in the zone later, so this will save you some time if you fish here now. Starting fishing in the inland waters (not the ocean) with your new pole and Bright Baubles until you cap out at 225 fishing.

Artisan Fishing (225-300)
Once you have 225 Fishing skill, you’ll need to talk to Nat Pagle found southwest of Theramore Isle. Pick up the quest: Nat Pagle, Angler Extreme. Head to all 4 of the required zones and collect the special fish you need there. You will only be able to catch these special fish if you are standing in the correct location while fishing – your minimap should say the name that is shown in bold below. It shouldn’t take too many casts to catch each fish, so if you find you haven’t succeeded after several casts, check your location.
- The Feralas Ahi can be caught southeast of Dire Maul in the Verdantis River in Feralas.
- The Misty Reed Mahi Mahi can be caught southeast of Temple of Atal’Hakkar at the Misty Reed Strand in Swamp of Sorrows.
- For the Sar’theris Striker, go south of Shadowprey Village and fish at Sar’theris Strand in Desolace.
- Finally, the Savage Coast Blue Sailfin can be found south of Grom’gol Base Camp at the Savage Coast in Stranglethorn Vale.
Once finished, head back to Nat with all 4 fish and learn Artisan Fishing as a reward.
Before you leave, fish next to Nat until you skill up to 226. Now you should keep fishing here all the way to 300 for the fastest leveling (fish won’t escape), or you can head to either Feralas or Tanaris for better fish (but slower leveling). (Or take a look at the zones between the 205-300 range found earlier in the guide). Use any lures you have and keep at it until you reach 300!

Head back to Zizzek and purchase an Old Man Heming? I think there’s a mistake there.