- Author: Luxrah
- Date: January 12, 2025
- Updated: January 12, 2025
- Expansion: WoW Classic
There are a lot of things you can catch with the Fishing skill in WoW Classic. Along with actual fish, you can also catch everything from crafting materials to consumables to locked boxes. This guide will list it all along with how and where you can fish it up.
Crates, Trunks, and Chests
When you fish in certain places, especially from pools, you have a chance of catching a container that can contain all sorts of valuable loot and materials.
Message in a Bottle
Note that this item is not related to the quest Message in a Bottle, which instead begins with a Half-Buried Bottle found along the beach in Stranglethorn Vale.
Item | Can Contain | Where to Catch |
Item Level 11-31 BoE Crafting Recipes Low level buff scrolls (I & II) |
Venture Company Supply Crates
Venture Company supply crates can generally be fished up in areas where you find Venture Co. mobs. These crates mostly contain Engineering materials.
Crate | Can Contain | Where to Catch |
There are a couple of small containers that can be caught by Fishing in lower level zones. These chests mostly contain gray items, but they can also have some leather or cloth or even a green piece of gear.
Chest | Can Contain | Where to Catch |
Trunks are caught by fishing in pools, and can contain some really nice items, including bags, cloth, leather, gems, health or mana potions, crafting recipes, or uncommon gear items.
Trunk | Can Contain | Where to Catch |
Item Level 11-20 crafting recipes Item Level 11-20 Uncommon BoE gear Blue Leather Bag Green Leather Bag Red Leather Bag White Leather Bag Bolt of Linen Cloth Bolt of Woolen Cloth Light Leather Medium Leather Lesser Healing Potion Minor Mana Potion | ||
Item Level 21-30 crafting recipes Item Level 21-30 Uncommon BoE gear Large Blue Sack Large Brown Sack Large Green Sack Large Red Sack Bolt of Silk Cloth Bolt of Woolen Cloth Heavy Leather Medium Leather Healing Potion Lesser Mana Potion | ||
Item Level 31-40 crafting recipes Item Level 31-40 Uncommon BoE gear Large Knapsack Bolt of Mageweave Bolt of Silk Cloth Heavy Leather Thick Leather Greater Healing Potion Mana Potion | ||
Item Level 41-50 crafting recipes Item Level 41-50 Uncommon BoE gear Journeyman’s Backpack Troll-hide Bag Bolt of Mageweave Bolt of Runecloth Rugged Leather Thick Leather Greater Mana Potion Superior Healing Potion Aquamarine Citrine Star Ruby |
Locked Chests
Locked chests must be opened with Lockpicking. Like trunks, they can contain some pretty nice items and materials.
Chest | Skill | Can Contain | Where to Catch |
1 | |||
70 | Item Level 31-40 Uncommon BoE gear Large Knapsack Bolt of Silk Cloth Bolt of Woolen Cloth Heavy Leather Medium Leather | ||
175 | |||
250 | Item Level 51-60 Uncommon BoE gear Journeyman’s Backpack Traveler’s Backpack Bolt of Mageweave Rugged Leather Thick Leather Star Ruby | Azshara (Bay of Storms) |
Bloated Fish
You can sometimes catch fish that act as containers as well. These fish are rare catches, so you won’t really be able to farm them. Instead you may catch them once in a while when fishing in areas that drop their non-bloated counterparts. They often contain a level-appropriate gem or even a BoE ring or amulet.
Fish | Counterpart | Can Contain |
Big-mouth Clams
As well as the bloated fish, you can also catch these clams that act as containers. Opening them will reveal up to 10 pieces of meat and possibly a pearl.
Item | Can Contain | Where to Catch |
You can sometimes catch scrolls or potions while fishing, either as a random catch or from one of the containers above.
- Scroll of Agility
- Scroll of Intellect
- Scroll of Protection
- Scroll of Protection II
- Scroll of Spirit
- Scroll of Spirit II
- Scroll of Stamina
- Scroll of Strength
Health Potions
- Minor Healing Potion
- Lesser Healing Potion
- Healing Potion
- Greater Healing Potion
- Superior Healing Potion
- Major Healing Potion
Mana Potions
Note that Major Mana Potions can’t be caught via Fishing.
Rumsey Rum
There is one special type of consumable that is only obtainable through fishing (or by buying it from someone with Fishing). Rumsey Rum offers a Stamina buff that stacks with other consumable and buff effects, making it particularly useful for tanks or in PvP.
Rumsey Rum must generally be caught from Fishing Pools and not in open water.
Item | Buff | Where to Catch |
+5 Stamina | ||
+10 Stamina | ||
+15 Stamina |
Bags have a chance to be caught in level-appropriate zones where they can also drop from mobs. They can also sometimes be found in the containers listed earlier in this guide.
- 6 slots:
- 8 slots:
- 10 slots:
- 12 slots:
- 14 slots:
- 16 slots:
Uncommon BoE Gear
You have a chance to catch or loot a piece of uncommon (green) bind-on-equip gear from fishing or from the containers listed earlier in this guide. These will generally be world drop items of the appropriate level for the zone – items you could also loot from nearby mobs.
There are hundreds of possible items that you can catch, and all of them have a very low chance of dropping, so it’s not worth listing them or attempting to farm gear via this route.
Crafting Recipes
Some world drop crafting recipes can be obtained through Fishing. These are very rare and can’t really be farmed. They have a chance to be caught in level-appropriate zones where the recipe might also drop from mobs, similar to BoE gear.
Crafting Materials
There are a number of crafting materials that can be acquired while fishing, either by catching them directly or by opening one of the containers listed earlier in this guide.
Various elemental water materials can be obtained by fishing from Fishing Pools called Patch of Elemental Water in the Bay of Storms of Azshara. There are only a few places where these pools can spawn and they are often farmed due to the value of these items, so you may have some competition.
Stranglekelp is frequently caught while fishing, which makes sense since the herb nodes are found underwater. It’s mainly caught while fishing from Fishing Pools that contain fish that are used in Alchemy (Firefin Snapper, Oily Blackmouth, and Stonescale Eel) or from junk pools.
Bolts of Cloth
You’ll find bolts of cloth (the kind used for Tailoring, not the raw cloth that can also be used by First Aid) by opening containers and rarely as a random catch.
Leather can also be found in many of the chests and trunks and rarely as a random catch.
Gems and Pearls
Pearls are primarily looted from Big-mouth Clam while gems are usually obtained from other containers listed earlier in this guide. Many different professions use these items for one or two particular recipes. Golden Pearls are particularly valuable as they are found almost nowhere else and are used to craft some endgame recipes.
- Aquamarine
- Azerothian Diamond
- Black Pearl
- Blue Sapphire
- Citrine
- Golden Pearl
- Huge Emerald
- Iridescent Pearl
- Jade
- Large Opal
- Lesser Moonstone
- Malachite
- Moss Agate
- Shadowgem
- Small Lustrous Pearl
- Star Ruby
- Tigerseye
Engineering Materials
There are a bunch of Engineering materials that you can catch while fishing, primarily by opening some of the containers listed earlier in this guide – particularly the Venture Company Supply chests. Some of the other materials listed above, such as gems, can also be used in Engineering.
- Bronze Framework
- Bronze Tube
- Coarse Blasting Powder
- Copper Modulator
- Copper Tube
- Goblin Rocket Fuel
- Gyrochronatom
- Handful of Copper Bolts
- Heavy Blasting Powder
- Goblin Rocket Fuel
- Iron Strut
- Mithril Casing
- Solid Blasting Powder
Now we’ll cover all of the actual fish you can catch!
Special Fish
There are a few fish you can catch that either aren’t used for crafting or that have some unusual effects of their own.
Deviate Fish have some fun effects as well as being used in a Cooking recipe. We have an entire guide for this special fish here – Deviate Fish Guide. The guide covers how to catch them and all of their effects as well as the Cooking recipe they are used for. We’ll also mention them in the Fish Used in Cooking section below.
Sickly Looking Fish are not used in any crafting recipes and do not appear to serve any purpose other than to provide some low-level health regeneration. These fish are caught in Undead territory: Undercity, Tirisfal Glades, and Silverpine Forest.
Oil Covered Fish are similarly not used in any recipes and appear to serve no purpose other than to offer some health regeneration. They can be caught at the Sludge Fen in Northern Barrens or Windshear Crag in Stonetalon Mountains, or looted from Gahz’ranka in the Zul’Gurub raid.
Zulian Mudskunks are only caught inside the Zul’Gurub raid and are used exclusively to create a Mudskunk Lure to summon the boss Gahz’ranka. They can only be fished up from pools of Muddy Churning Waters.
Quest Fish
There are a few fish and other items that are only caught for quests and have no other purpose.
Alliance Quests
Note that Darkshore Grouper is not marked as a Quest Item and can be caught in the zone even if you don’t have the quest.
Item | Quest | Where to Catch |
Artisan Fishing Quest
These fish are quest items that are caught while completing Nat Pagle‘s quest to learn the Artisan Fishing skill.
Fish | Quest | Where to Catch |
Feralas (Verdantis River) | ||
Swamp of Sorrows (Misty Reed Strand) | ||
Desolace (Sar’theris Strand) | ||
Stranglethorn Vale (Savage Coast) |
Zulian Mudskunk are caught inside the Zul’Gurub raid and used exclusively to summon the boss Gahz’ranka.
Argent Dawn Quests
There are also two fish that are used only in Argent Dawn reputation quests:
Fish | Quest | Where to Catch |
Stranglethorn Vale Fishing Extravaganza
There’s another set of fish that are only used in the Stranglethorn Vale Fishing Extravaganza:
Fish | Ques | Where to Catch |
Stranglethorn Vale during the fishing tournament | ||
Stranglethorn Vale during the fishing tournament | ||
Stranglethorn Vale during the fishing tournament | ||
Stranglethorn Vale during the fishing tournament |
Trophy Fish
These fish are randomly caught in place of their standard counterparts. They serve no purpose other than to sell to a vendor.
Fish | Counterpart |
Held In Off-hand
Like the trophy fish above, these fish can be caught randomly anywhere you can fish up their regular-sized counterparts. These, however, can be equipped as Held In Off-hand items, so if you’ve ever wanted to wield a fish, here’s your chance.
Note that most of these fish also have a Bloated counterpart in the containers section at the top of this guide.
Fish | Counterpart |
Fish Used in Alchemy
There are three fish you can catch which are used to create oils for Alchemy. These are mainly caught while fishing in the appropriate Fishing Pools.
You’ll also catch plenty of Stranglekelp while fishing in these same pools – an herb that is also used in many Alchemy recipes.
Deviate Fish are also used in Elixir of Giant Growth.
Fish | Used in | Where to Catch |
Fish Used in Cooking
Most of the fish that you catch are used for Cooking recipes.
Fish | Used in | Where to Catch |
Azshara (Bay of Storms) | ||
Azshara (Bay of Storms) | ||
Between 6PM & noon server time Freshwater: Azshara Deadwind Pass Eastern Plaguelands Felwood Feralas Moonglade The Hinterlands Un’Goro Crater Western Plaguelands Winterspring | ||
From Sagefish School Freshwater: Ashenvale Hillsbrad Foothills Loch Modan Silverpine Forest Stonetalon Mountains (Mirkfallon Lake only) | ||
Seasonal: March 20-September 22 Saltwater: Azshara Feralas Stranglethorn Vale (Jaguero Isle only) Tanaris The Hinterlands | ||
Between 6AM & midnight server time Freshwater: Azshara Deadwind Pass Eastern Plaguelands Felwood Feralas Moonglade The Hinterlands Un’Goro Crater Western Plaguelands Winterspring | ||
Seasonal: September 23-March 19 Saltwater: Azshara Feralas Stranglethorn Vale (Jaguero Isle only) Tanaris The Hinterlands | ||
What a lovely guide! Thank you so much. Long time wow-player, first time artisan fisher here.