- Author: Luxrah
- Date: January 11, 2025
- Updated: January 12, 2025
- Expansion: WoW Classic
You can find fishing pools all over Azeroth, especially in higher level zones. These pools always include items or fish that are in demand and worth more than what would be caught on average when not fishing from a pool. You can even catch items other than fish from them, making it possible to farm materials for other professions through Fishing.
Fishing from Pools
It can be tricky to know exactly when you’re fishing from a pool. You need to make sure your bobber appears inside the boundaries of the pool. To adjust this, you need to gauge your distance away from the pool and then to cast straight towards it. Casts will randomly go in different directions. If the cast doesn’t land in the pool then you need to recast until it does. Keep casting until the bobber is within the edge of the pool’s circle.

Fishing Pools and Locations
Pools will spawn randomly at fixed locations around zones. Only so many pools will be active at any one time so finding a pool can require moving around a bit to keep fishing in pools at a maximum.
Here are all of the fishing pools in the game, their locations, and what you can catch from them. Salt Water locations can be found along the coast while Fresh Water consists of inland lakes and rivers. If neither is specified, the schools can be found in any body of water. Junk pools are listed separately in their own section below.
Fishing Pool | Pool Contents | Location |
Floating Wreckage
In addition to the contents of the pools listed above, other items can be found routinely in “junk pools.” All pools except Patch of Elemental Water, Muddy Churning Waters, or School of Tastyfish can also spawn as Floating Debris or Floating Wreckage depending on the zone.
Wreckage Pool | Pool Contents | Location |
Trunk Contents
The trunks you can fish from junk pools contain various trade goods at the respective levels of the area where the trunks were fished from. Trunks all contain money as well as:
Tightly Sealed Trunk
- Light Leather and/or Medium Leather
- Bolt of Linen Cloth and/or Bolt of Woolen Cloth
- Lesser Healing Potion and/or Minor Mana Potion
Watertight Trunk
- Medium Leather and/or Heavy Leather
- Bolt of Woolen Cloth and/or Bolt of Silk Cloth
- Healing Potion and/or Lesser Mana Potion
Iron Bound Trunk
- Heavy Leather and/or Thick Leather
- Bolt of Silk Cloth and/or Bolt of Mageweave
- Greater Healing Potion and/or Mana Potion
Mithril Bound Trunk
- Thick Leather and/or Rugged Leather
- Bolt of Mageweave and/or Bolt of Runecloth
- Superior Healing Potion and/or Greater Mana Potion
Trunks can also contain general uncommon BoE items and crafting recipes at the trunk’s appropriate level.