How to Breathe Underwater in WoW Classic

Underwater Breathing in WoW Classic
  • Author: Passion
  • Date: December 18, 2023
  • Updated: December 6, 2024
  • Expansion: WoW Classic

There are a surprising number of reasons to be underwater in WoW Classic, whether you’re questing, farming, or fighting enemies in Blackfathom Deeps. This guide will help you take advantage of all the best tools, consumables, and abilities at your disposal so you can stay underwater longer without fear of having to make a long run back from the nearest graveyard.


The easiest way to breathe underwater is with your character’s own abilities! Shamans will need to carry around a reagent for this while Druids have the added advantage of a faster swim speed.

Learnable by Shamans at level 22
Costs 1x Shiny Fish Scales
Learnable by Warlocks at level 16
Learnable by Druids at level 16
Undead Racial
Triples Breath Timer


If you don’t have access to your own on-demand water breathing ability, there are a few consumables you can use to get the same effect.

Crafted by Alchemy (90) – Taught by Trainer
1x Stranglekelp, 2x Blackmouth Oil, 1x Empty Vial
Crafted by Alchemy (215) – Taught by Trainer
1x Ichor of Undeath, 2x Purple Lotus, 1x Crystal Vial
Sold by Marin Noggenfogger in Tanaris after completing Noggenfogger ElixirNoggenfogger Elixir


There are also a few items you can get that can be used to get a water breathing effect on demand, as long as you have one in your inventory.

Awarded by completing Master AnglerMaster Angler and winning the Stranglethorn Vale Fishing Extravaganza


About the Author


I love MMOs of all shades, especially the nitty gritty numbers parts of them. You might recognize me from the Shadow Priest discord, otherwise I play a little bit of everything, especially games with support roles available.
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