- Author: Luxrah
- Date: December 8, 2024
- Updated: December 8, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
There’s a lot of running around required in WoW Classic, and you’ll want to be able to get around on the back of the fastest possible mount. This guide will detail where to go to learn the Riding skill, how to buy a mount, and the cost of both, as well as all of the mounts that are available in the game. But first we’ll cover the two lucky exceptions who don’t have to buy a mount at all: Paladins and Warlocks!
Paladin and Warlock Class Mounts
Paladins and Warlocks are each able to learn a spell to summon a special class mount by completing a quest when they reach level 40, so they do not need to train the skill or buy a mount.
The quest for Paladins is The Tome of Nobility, which can be picked up from Duthorian Rall inside the Cathedral in Stormwind City (39.8, 29.8). This will teach you the Summon Warhorse spell.
The quest for Warlocks is Summon Felsteed, which can be obtained from Strahad Farsan at Ratchet in The Barrens (62.6, 35.5). This will teach you the Summon Felsteed spell.
At level 60, the epic Charger and Dreadsteed both require you to collect a sizeable amount of gold and mats and complete a quest chain. However, we have individual guides for those, which you can find below.
If you want to use a different mount as a Paladin or Warlock, you’ll need to train the appropriate Riding skill and purchase or acquire the mount the same as any other class.
Riding and Mount Costs
At Level 40, the total cost to obtain a mount in WoW Classic is 100 gold without any discounts. That’s 20 gold for training and 80 gold for the mount. There are two ways to get discounts, which will reduce the price by 10% each:
- Earning Honored reputation with your race’s faction (or the faction of the race you’re buying from)
- Reaching PvP Rank 3
That means that you can reduce the cost of getting a mount to 90 or even 80 gold total.
At Level 60 and with both discounts in place, you’ll still be paying a whopping 800 gold for an epic riding mount. With that said, you won’t need to get a new version of the Riding skill unless you want to use a different type of mount.
Mount Cost in Season of Discovery
At Level 40, the total cost to obtain a mount in Season of Discovery is 50 gold without any discounts. That’s 10 gold for training and 40 gold for the mount. This is a 50% reduction from the original Classic WoW costs. With discounts, you can reduce the cost of getting a mount to 45 or even 40 gold total.
There is no discount for epic mounts in Season of Discovery.
Riding Gear
There are a few items in Vanilla WoW that can increase your mounted movement speed. While the increase may seem small, you will notice the difference immediately when riding alongside other players. These items can help you cut down your travel time and can be particularly useful in PvP.
These effects do stack. Not only that, but they are multiplicative, so combining them will actually increase your total movement speed by more than 9%. Many players like to have a “riding set” that they equip when mounted with a separate enchanted pair of boots and gloves that they pair with their trinket.
Item/Enchant | Increase | Slot | Source |
3% | Trinket | Gahz’rilla quest from Wizzle Brassbolts in Thousand Needles (requires clearing the Zul’Farrak dungeon) | |
2% | Gloves | Enchanting (250 skill) | |
4% | Boots | Blacksmithing (235 skill) |
Where and How to Get a Mount
Most mounts in Vanilla WoW have specific Riding skill requirements based on their type, so you must train the correct Riding skill for the mount you plan to buy. To train a particular Riding skill, you’ll either need to be a member of the associated race, or you’ll need to reach exalted with that race’s faction.
There are also three new mounts that have been added to the game in Season of Discovery, which we’ll cover in the next section. These mounts can be used if you have any Riding skill trained. At level 60, these new mounts can be exchanged for an epic version for 800 gold.
To train the Horse Riding skill, visit Randal Hunter at the Eastvale Logging Camp in Elwynn Forest (84.3, 64.9). He will only train you if you are a human or you have earned Exalted with the Stormwind faction.
The following mounts are sold by Katie Hunter, who is also located at the Eastvale Logging Camp in Elwynn Forest (84.2, 65.5):
- Level 40
- Level 60
These mounts are sold by Unger Statforth at Menethil in Wetlands (8.6, 54.3):
PvP Mounts
Both Horde and Alliance have unique epic riding mounts reserved for those ranked 11 or above in PvP. The cost is 90 gold, and you only need rank 11 to initially purchase the mount; the rank is not required to ride it.
These mounts can be purchased from Lieutenant Karter at the Champions Hall in Stormwind City, more specifically in Old Town (72.4, 50.8). Each requires a particular type of Riding skill to use.
- Black War Steed Bridle (Horse Riding)
- Black War Ram (Ram Riding)
- Reins of the Black War Tiger (Tiger Riding)
- Black Battlestrider (Mechanostrider Piloting)
At Exalted reputation with the Stormpike Guard, you’ll be able to obtain the Stormpike Battle Charger for 800 gold. You can buy this from two locations: from Thanthaldis Snowgleam, who you can find outside of the Alterac Valley battleground in the zone itself (39.4, 81.7), and from Gaelden Hammersmith, who is inside the Alterac Valley battleground (44.3, 18.2). This mount does not require any particular Riding skill to use.
These mounts can be purchased from Raider Bork at the Hall of Legends in Orgrimmar, more specifically near The Valley of Spirits (40.2, 69.7). Each requires a particular type of Riding skill to use.
- Horn of the Black War Wolf (Wolf Riding)
- Red Skeletal Warhorse (Undead Horsemanship)
- Black War Kodo (Kodo Riding)
- Whistle of the Black War Raptor (Raptor Riding)
At Exalted reputation with the Frostwolf Clan, you’ll also be able to obtain the Horn of the Frostwolf Howler for 800 gold. You can buy this from two locations: from Jekyll Flandring, who you can find outside of the Alterac Valley battleground in the zone itself (62.8, 59.3) — the easiest way to find him is to take a flight path to Hillsbrad and walk due north — and then from Grunnda Wolfheart, who is inside the Alterac Valley battleground (49.3, 82.5). This mount does not require any particular Riding skill to use.
Winterspring Frostsaber
At level 60 you can begin building reputation with the Wintersaber Trainers faction for the eventual goal of buying the Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber, an Alliance-only epic mount. Check out our in-depth Winterspring Frostsaber Reputation Guide for a full walkthrough. Note that this mount requires the Tiger Riding skill to use.
Deathcharger’s Reins
If you’re truly lucky, and maybe a little insane, you can get your hands on Deathcharger’s Reins, which drops off Baron Rivendare in Stratholme. That would be exceptionally rare, however, as the drop rate has been cited to be as low as 1/5000, or .02%. The item is technically a 100% mount, but only rare quality, and is the only undead horse model mount that Alliance players have access to. It does not require any particular Riding skill to use.
Zul’Gurub Mounts
There are two mounts that can be obtained as rare drops in the Zul’Gurub raid. Both are among the rarest items in the game and are highly coveted. Neither of these mounts requires a particular Riding skill to use.
- Swift Razzashi Raptor drops from Bloodlord Mandokir
- Swift Zulian Tiger drops from High Priest Thekal
Ahn’Qiraj Mounts
There are four special mounts that can only be used inside the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ40) raid. These mounts drop from trash inside the raid, with the red version being rarer than the others. They do not require any particular Riding skill to use.
- Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal
- Green Qiraji Resonating Crystal
- Red Qiraji Resonating Crystal
- Yellow Qiraji Resonating Crystal
There is also one exclusive Legendary mount in the game, the Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal. This highly prized item is obtainable only by a few as part of the Scepter of the Shifting Sands quest chain that precedes the opening of the gates of Ahn’Qiraj.
New Mounts in Season of Discovery
There are currently four brand-new types of mounts that have been added specifically for Season of Discovery. Two can be earned through the new PvP event and two drop inside raids.
The Fluorescent Green Mechanostrider
A new mount is available from the Gnomeregan Raid. Fluorescent Green Mechanostrider has a chance to drop from Mekgineer Thermaplugg, the last boss of the raid.
This mount was famously not available in the game until now, despite its existence in the game files since the original launch of Vanilla WoW. Only one player had ever owned it due to a mix-up when a GM restored their mount. Now it’s there for anyone who is lucky enough to see it drop and win the roll!
At level 60, the epic version of the Fluorescent Green Mechanostrider can be purchased from Ziri “The Wrench” Littlesprocket in Gnomeregan. Before doing so, you’ll need to finish her questline.
The Blood Moon Mounts
There are two new mounts available through The Blood Moon PvP Event: Reins of the Golden Sabercat and Whistle of the Mottled Blood Raptor. These mounts can be purchased from the event vendor for one Gold Blood Coin each. There are no faction or racial restrictions for either mount.
At level 60, the epic versions of these two mounts — which look exactly the same — can be purchased from Mai’Zin in the Gurubashi Arena for 800 gold and the rare version of the mount.
Battle for Ashenvale Mounts
There are also two special mounts available through the Battle for Ashenvale PvP Event from Phase 1. Alliance are able to earn a Trainee’s Sentinel Nightsaber and Horde can earn a Trainee’s Outrider Wolf. These mounts are only usable in the Ashenvale zone and do not require Riding skill to use.
New Ahn’Qiraj Mounts
In addition to the old mounts that dropped inside Temple of Ahn’Qiraj, there are several new versions that can be earned through the raid’s new challenge mode. These mounts can be used outside the raid and do not require any particular Riding skill.
- Dark Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal
- Light Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal
- Light Green Qiraji Resonating Crystal
- Orange Qiraji Resonating Crystal
- Twilight Qiraji Resonating Crystal
- Flawless Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal
- Flawless Green Qiraji Resonating Crystal
- Flawless Red Qiraji Resonating Crystal
- Flawless Yellow Qiraji Resonating Crystal