Cozy Sleeping Bag Guide for Season of Discovery (SoD)

How to Get the Cozy Sleeping Bag in Season of Discovery (SoD)
  • Author: Strong
  • Date: February 22, 2024
  • Updated: February 27, 2024
  • Expansion: WoW Classic

The Cozy Sleeping Bag lets you rest wherever you are in the world, providing a bonus to experience earned, stacking up to 3 times; that is, if you can find it. Read on in this guide for a walkthrough and tips so you can curl up in your very own SoD sleeping bag! This quest line will also get you some Student Fodder, another item that grants a rested experience buff. Check out our Student Fodder Guide for more details about how it works!

Here’s the order of zones you’ll need to visit so you can plan your route and maybe pick up some Rune Engravings along the way:

Wow Alliance Crest Alliance:

  • Westfall
  • The Barrens
  • Stonetalon Mountains
  • Loch Modan
  • Hillsbrad Foothills


  • The Barrens
  • Westfall
  • Stonetalon Mountains
  • Loch Modan
  • Hillsbrad Foothills

How to Get the Cozy Sleeping Bag

Below is our guide to completing the Cozy Sleeping Bag quests in Season of Discovery. Horde will start in The Barrens and then go to Westfall while Wow Alliance Crest Alliance will start in Westfall and go to The Barrens second.

  • Head to the Alexston Farmstead in eastern Westfall and look for a Nailed Plank at 37, 50. Interact with it to start the quest …and that note you found, which will send you to The Barrens.

The Barrens

Stonetalon Mountains

While you’re here, you can use the Flint and Tinder and Simple Wood you just got to complete the optional quest Rekindle. Just click on the campfire nearby.

Loch Modan
  • Travel to the Stonewrought Dam in the north of Loch Modan and look for a Carved Figurine at 49, 12. You’ll have to jump down onto a ledge on the dam. Turn in your quest here to receive:
  • You’ll then be able to pick up the quest Eagle’s Fist.

Hillsbrad Foothills
  • You’re almost done! Go to the Thoradin Wall that marks the eastern border of Hillsbrad Foothills. Look for a cart that is leaning against a gap in the northern part of the wall. Jump up the cart using your sick parkour skills and proceed to continue up the topside of the wall until you get to a platform containing a Messenger Bag hanging from the wall. Click on the bag to complete your current quest. Then click on the Hastily Rolled-Up Satchel underneath it to complete the quest This Must Be the Place and receive:

The Barrens
  • Head to the south of The Barrens, where you’ll find Burned-Out Remains at 46, 74. Interact with it to start the quest …and that note you found, which will send you to Westfall.


Stonetalon Mountains

While you’re here, you can use the Flint and Tinder and Simple Wood you just got to complete the optional quest Rekindle. Just click on the campfire nearby.

Loch Modan
  • Travel to the Stonewrought Dam in the north of Loch Modan and look for a Carved Figurine at 49, 12. You’ll have to jump down onto a ledge on the dam. This part of the questline will be the most difficult for Horde players as you’ll have to travel a long distance and deal with some level 30 guards in the area. Turn in your quest here to receive:
  • You’ll then be able to pick up the quest Eagle’s Fist.

Hillsbrad Foothills
  • You’re almost done! Go to the Thoradin Wall that marks the eastern border of Hillsbrad Foothills. Look for a cart that is leaning against a gap in the northern part of the wall. Jump up the cart using your sick parkour skills and proceed to continue up the topside of the wall until you get to a platform containing a Messenger Bag hanging from the wall. Click on the bag to complete your current quest. Then click on the Hastily Rolled-Up Satchel underneath it to complete the quest This Must Be the Place and receive:

How the Cozy Sleeping Bag Works

Your Cozy Sleeping Bag can be used anywhere in the world that is not a rested zone (so not in cities or inns). It can be used by anyone in your party, so you can snuggle up with a buddy if your sleeping bag is on cooldown. The cooldown is two hours and 45 minutes.

When you use the sleeping bag, it will be placed on the ground. You’ll need to move over it so that your character lays down on top of it. For every minute your character sleeps on it, you’ll gain one stack of the Well-Rested buff. This buff increases your experience gains by 1% and can stack up to three times, meaning that if you sleep on the bag for three minutes, you will gain 3% increased experience gains.

SoD Sleeping Bag
Sweet dreams!

Your sleeping bag will remain on the ground while you stay close by, but it will disappear if you move away from it (about 100 yards or so). You won’t be able to use it again until the cooldown is up, so be sure to get your full three stacks before you leave it behind. PVP flagged players will be unable to use a sleeping bag that is placed by a character who is not flagged and vice-versa.

The Well-Rested buff lasts for two hours and now persists through death (this was hotfixed a few days after Phase 2 launched).


About the Author


Thrall is the best Warcraft character; tell me I'm wrong. Long-time Blizzard fan who thinks that gnomes are the worst type of people and rogues don't tip (except into your spine). Flying mounts should never have been added to the game, and playing 12 hours of WoW a day just makes you "dedicated."
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1 year ago


1 year ago

thanks a lot!

1 year ago

Very helpful. Thank you <3

1 year ago

Gracias, muy útil.

1 year ago

Much Love thanks bro i just know about it today

9 months ago

In contrast to WoWHead this guide is actually helpful

1 year ago

when i got to the camp it wouldnt let me click the quest objective

Reply to  drake
11 months ago

same issues? what to do

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