Kestrel & Peregrine – Epic Weapons for Hunters in Season of Discovery (SoD)

Kestrel & Peregrine - Epic Weapons for Hunters in Season of Discovery (SoD)
  • Author: Luxrah
  • Date: September 26, 2024
  • Updated: September 27, 2024
  • Expansion: WoW Classic

Kestrel and Peregrine are a pair of swords that are available for Hunters in Phase 5 of Season of Discovery. This guide will walk you through how to get your hands on this set of epic class weapons, which offer powerful stats and effects for Survival Hunters in particular (with ranged Hunters already able to obtain Rhok’delar & Lok’delar).

How to Get Kestrel & Peregrine

To start the quest to obtain Kestrel and Peregrine, you must first loot a Suppression Device Receipt from Broodlord Lashlayer, the third boss in the Blackwing Lair raid. This item is not rolled on by the group, but must instead be looted directly by the Hunter.

The item starts the quest Tracking the Trapper, which sends you to find Estelenn, a night elf on the western edge of the Burning Steppes (15.0, 45.0). She will give you the next quest, The Beast Master of Moonglade.

where to find kestrel and peregrine epic hunter weapons burning steppes step 1
Location of Estelenn in Burning Steppes at (15.0, 45.0)

Locate Banteazo, a troll at Nighthaven in Moonglade (56.2, 32.4). She’ll give you the quest Dive! Dive!

This quest points you to an area near the Timbermaw tunnel in the south of the zone where you’ll find three Wild Windtwister elementals (41, 72). You will need to use your pet’s Dive skill on the Air Elemental Fragments on the ground to loot them. You do not need to fight the elementals. If you don’t have a pet who can Dive, Banteazo will loan you her bat, Zotl.

where to find kestrel and peregrine epic hunter weapons moonglade step 2 and 3
Locations of Banteazo at (56.2, 32.4) and Wild Windtwister elementals at (41, 72)

Return to Banteazo at Nighthaven and she’ll give you a new quest, Prowler. This quest points you toward the Stormrage Barrow Dens in the east of the zone, to the southernmost den that is marked on the map. Head down into the den and take a left in the main chamber. Use a pet in Prowl to attack the Earth Elemental Fragments on the ground to loot them.

Visit Banteazo in Nighthaven again to pick up the quest Tracks in the Snow. This time you’ll be heading to Winterspring to look for Estelenn north of Everlook (58, 21). At the Old Campsite there, you’ll be able to pick up the quest Out in the Cold. Use the Survival Supplies provided to set up a tent. The tent will give you the quest One Night in Winterspring. You’ll need to collect 3 items for this quest. Dry Wood can be found lying around on the ground near trees while Shardtooth Meat can be looted from Shardtooth bears nearby and and Warm Fur can be looted from Chillwind Ravagers. Turn in this quest and Estelenn will spawn and offer the quest Bug Hunt.

where to find kestrel and peregrine epic hunter weapons winterspring step 4
Location of Estelenn in Winterspring at (58, 21)

Now you’ll be heading to Cenarion Hold in Silithus to meet with Commander Mar’alith (49.2, 34.2). He’ll give you the quest The Only Good Bug is a Dead Bug. You’ll need to head north to Hive’Ashi and kill four Silithid Darters. You should be able to find them around the outskirts of the hive.

where to find kestrel and peregrine epic hunter weapons winterspring step 5
Location of Commander Mar’alith at (49.2, 34.2)

Return to Commander Mar’alith at Cenarion Hold and he’ll now give you Everyone Knows that Bugs Can’t Fly. You’ll be fighting a Silithid Darter again, but this time you’ll use Concussive Shot and then Tranquilizing Shot on the Darter when it gets to low health. Then you’ll be able to click on it to bring it back to Cenarion Hold, where you can click on the hitching post outside Commander Mar’alith’s building to turn it in and return to Commander Mar’alith to pick up the next quest, Meeting the Menagerie.

For this quest, head to northwest Un’Goro Crater and look for Estelenn, who is stealthed (23, 33). Here you’ll progress to the quest Showdown at Un’Goro Crater. You’ll need to kill Van Amburgh at his camp in Un’goro by first defeating his three pets and then clicking on them. They will kill him for you. All you need to do now is hand in the quest and loot the grave to get your swords.

where to find kestrel and peregrine epic hunter weapons winterspring step 6
Location of Estelenn in Un’Goro Crater at (23, 33)


About the Author


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since vanilla, usually as a healer or caster and often as a guild leader. I play both retail and classic. I also love RPGs, sandboxes, and sims.
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5 months ago

Just to clarifiy- the silithid darters cannot be tracked as they are not classified as anything. They do spawn around the edges of the hive and aren’t hard to find.

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