- Author: Nevermore
- Date: January 3, 2025
- Updated: January 4, 2025
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Linen Cloth is the first Cloth encountered by players in WoW Classic, obtainable from the low-level mobs and even some higher-level range mobs.
- Drops from Humanoid (Demons, Gnolls, Troggs, etc) and Undead mobs.
- Mainly used for Tailoring and First Aid.
- Used occasionally in Blacksmithing and Engineering for some low-level items.
- Players may also occasionally find some in low-level chests.
Best Zones to Farm Linen Cloth
Zone | Level Range |
Elwynn Forest | 5-11 |
Durotar | 5-11 |
Tirisfal Glades | 5-11 |
Mulgore | 5-11 |
Teldrassil | 5-11 |
Dun Morogh | 5-11 |
The Barrens | 11-20 |
Silverpine Forest | 11-20 |
Westfall | 11-20 |
Loch Modan | 11-20 |
Darkshore | 11-20 |
Ragefire Chasm | 14-18 |
The Deadmines | 16-22 |
Each starting zone has widely available spots for farming Linen Cloth while the follow-up areas have dedicated zones, with some having better respawn rates and clusters of mobs that can drop the item.
All starting zones are decent farming locations for higher-level characters, but some such as Elwynn Forest and Tirisfal Glades have a higher number of mob packs near each other. Higher-level zones such as Silverpine Forest, Westfall, Loch Modan, and The Barrens also apply the same logic where the downtime between mob packs is severely reduced due to high mob density and high drop chance when compared to Darkshore, Mulgore, Teldrassil, and Durotar, and Dun Morogh.
Humanoid and Undead mobs have a chance to drop Linen Cloth until level 15, with level ranges 11-15 being the best for farming en mass. After level 16, the drop chance starts overlapping with Wool Cloth, dropping either just one or both.
Elwynn Forest
Elwynn Forest is the best place to farm Linen Cloth cloth early for Humans. The area has many spots packed with Humanoids that can drop an Linen Cloth, being a decent farming spot for higher-level characters as well. Players should beware of the Gnoll camps that are difficult to complete if under-leveled, as mobs usually pull in groups of 3 or 4.
The best spots for farming Linen Cloth in Elwynn Forest are:
- Kobolds in Fargodeep Mine & Jasperlode Mine
- The Riverpaw Gnolls camps south of Westbrook Garrison and north of Stonecairn Lake
- Defias Rogue Wizards in Stonecairn Lake & Mirror Lake
- Defias Bandits south of Eastvale Logging Camp, at the Brackwell Pumpkin Patch, and around Jerod’s Landing

Durotar is the best farming spot for Orcs and Trolls. Similar to Elwynn Forest, there are many packed spots with mobs that have a high respawn rate. The only issue with the area is that the high density of mobs can easily overwhelm low-level characters, so caution is advised, especially in places such as Skull Rock and Tiragarde Keep.
Durotar is not recommended for higher-level characters due to the large downtime between mob packs, as they are scattered across the map. A lot of the mobs also tend to be casters, making it much more difficult to kill fast.
The best spots for farming Linen Cloth in Durotar are:
- Burning Blade Orcs at Skull Rock & Dustwind Cave
- Dustwind Harpies at Drygulch Ravine
- Razormane Quillboars at Razormane Grounds
- Kul Tiras Marines & Sailors at Tiragarde Keep
- Kolkar Centaurs at Kolkar Crag
- Trolls at Echo Isles

Tirisfal Glades
Tirisfal Glades is the best zone for Undead players to farm Linen Cloth, the area is filled with both Undead and Scarlet Crusade Humanoids with many viable spots. Some areas such as the Agamand Mills can be difficult yet very rewarding while the easiest spots can be considered the Cold Hearth Manor and Solliden Farmstead.
The best spots for farming Linen Cloth in Tirisfal Glades are:
- Scarlet Warriors and Tirisfal Farmers at Solliden Farmstead
- Ravaged Corpse & Rotting Dead at Cold Hearth Manor
- Scarlet Missionary & Scarlet Zealot south of Cold Hearth Manor
- Wandering Spirits & Bleeding Horror at Balnir Farmstead
- Rot Hide Gnolls at Garren’s Haunt and north of Brill
- All Undead mobs at Agamand Mills
- Scarlet Friar & Scarlet Zealot at Crusader Outpost

Mulgore is a rather isolated Linen Cloth farming spot, mainly reserved for low level Tauren. The area is filled with more Beasts than Humanoids, having dedicated clusters of the latter for specific farming spots. Mulgore is not recommended for high level characters.
The best spots for farming Linen Cloth in Mulgore are:
- Windfury Harpies at the Rolling Plains & Windfury Ridge
- Venture Co. Humanoids at The Venture Co. Mine & Wildmane Water Well
- Bristleback Quillboars at the Red Rocks
- Bael’dun Diggers at Bael’dun Digsite
- Palemane Gnolls at Palemane Rock

Teldrasil is the recommended location for farming Linen Cloth for low-level Night Elf players.
The best spots for farming Linen Cloth in Teldrassil are:
- Bloodfeather Harpies at The Oracle Glade
- Shadow Sprite & Rascal Sprite at Fel Rock cavern
- Gnarlpine Furbolg mobs at Starbreeze Village & Gnarlpine Hold/Pools of Arlithrien
- Gnarpile Furbolg inside Ban’ethil Hollow & Ban’ethil Barrow Den

Dun Morogh
Dun Morogh has multiple spots of Humanoid mobs that can drop Linen Cloth, however they low-level players should be careful due to the large number of stacked mobs. Dun Morogh is a decent spot for higher-level characters to farm, however Elwynn Forest is a better option.
The best spots for farming Linen Cloth in Dun Morogh are:
- Rockjaw Troggs at Gol’Bolar Quarry Mine
- Rockjaw Troggs & Dark Iron Dwarves at Ironband’s Compound
- Frostmane Trolls at Frostmane Hold
- Leper Gnomes next to Gnomeregan
- Frostmane Trolls at Shimmer Ridge

The Barrens
The Barrens is one of the better locations with five areas for farming. The Quillboars are the best mobs to farm although the Kolkar Centaurs also have a high drop chance. Higher-level players will find The Barrens to be one of the fastest spots if they don’t wish to venture to Silverpine Forest.
As the zone also has level 16+ mobs that can also drop Wool Cloth, the best spots are found in the northern and middle parts of the zone.
The best spots for farming Linen Cloth in The Barrens are:
- Witchwing Harpies at The Dry Hills
- Kolkar Centaurs at The Forgotten Pools & Lushwater Oasis/The Stagnant Oasis
- Razormane Quillboar at Thorn Hill
- Southsea Pirates south of Ratchet
- Theramore Marines at Northwatch Hold

Silverpine Forest
Silverpine Forest is the best zone to farm Linen Cloth for higher-level characters due to the abundance of Undead and Humanoid mobs. Low level characters should be careful fo chain pulls due to the large number of mobs.
The best spots for farming Linen Cloth in Silverpine Forest are:
- Ravenclaw Slave at The Ivar Patch
- Ravenclaw Slave & Raider at Olsen’s Farthing
- Dalaran Protector & Mage at Ambermill
- Dalaran Apprentice close to Shadowfang Keep
- Hand of Ravenclaw & Ravenclaw Champion at The Decrepit Ferry
- Rot Hide Gnolls at The Dead Field

Westfall is a good location for higher-level characters, as it’s filled with Humanoids including Defias members and Gnolls spread throughout the entire region.
The best spots for farming Linen Cloth in Westfall are:
- Defias Trapper & Smuggler at The Molsen Farm
- Defias Trapper & Smuggler at Jangolode Mine
- Kobold Digger at Jangolode Mine
- Riverpaw Gnolls near The Jansen Stead & Furlbrow’s Pumpkin Farm
- Defias Humanoids & Riverpaw Gnolls at the Gold Coast Quarry
- Riverpaw Gnolls west of Alexston Farmstead
- Defias Looter & Defias Pillager at Alexston Farmstead
- Riverpaw Gnolls south of Sentinel Hill

Loch Modan
Loch Modan has many weak mobs that can be AoE farmed by higher-level characters resulting in easy farming sessions, with plenty of mob camps having a fast respawn rate.
The best spots for farming Linen Cloth in Loch Modan are:
- Tunnel Rat Kobolds at Silver Stream Mine
- Tunnel Rat Kobolds south of Algaz Station
- Stonesplinter Troggs west of Thelsamar
- Stonesplinter Troggs at Stonesplinter Valley
- Stonesplinter Troggs south of the Stonewrought Dam

Darkshore has a few locations with a high spawn rate. Compared to the other areas, Darkshore has tougher mobs and less mob packs making the farming process a bit more difficult and overall slower, even with the fast respawn rates.
The best spots for farming Linen Cloth in Darkshore are:
- Writhing Highborne & Wailing Highborne at Ameth’Aran
- Vile Sprite & Deth’ryll Satyr at Bashal’Aran
- Blackwood Furbolgs at the Grove of the Ancients
- Blackwood Furbolgs west of Ameth’Aran (Twilight Vale)
- Dark Strand Humanoids at the Tower of Althalaxx
- Twilight Thugs & Disciples at The Master’s Glaive

Ragefire Chasm
Ragefire Chasm is the lowest-level dungeon in WoW Classic, mainly available for Horde. The dungeon has low-level mobs with a moderately high drop chance for Linen Cloth, making it very easy to spam farm runs.

The Deadmines
Deadmines is a viable option for both Horde and Alliance when it comes to farming Linen Cloth. The drop chance is not as high as in Ragefire Chasm but the large number of mobs make up for the low drop chance. The later parts of the dungeon mix the Linen Cloth drops with Wool Cloth.