- Author: Luxrah
- Date: December 4, 2024
- Updated: December 4, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Maraudon is a huge dungeon found in Desolace, serving as the final resting place for Zaetar, son of Cenarius, the demigod. Zaetar and Theradras, the princess of the earth elementals, created the centaurs, who now protect the sacred burial grounds. Now Princess Theradras grieves deep within the cavern, filled with several noxious elementals that will make the journey a long one.
- Level Requirement: 30
- Recommended Level: 46-55
- Location: Desolace
- Boss Encounters:
- Purple Side: Tinkerer Gizlock, Lord Vyletongue
- Orange Side: Noxxion, Razorlash
- Poison Falls: Celebras the Cursed, Meshlok the Harvester (rare)
- Earth Song Falls: Landslide, Rotgrip, Princess Theradras
- Loot Drops: Blade of Eternal Darkness, Princess Theradras’ Scepter, Fist of Stone, Claw of Celebras, Satyr’s Lash, Noxious Shooter, Gizlock’s Hypertech Buckler, Elemental Rockridge Leggings, Heart of Noxxion, Blackstone Ring
Location & Map
The Maraudon dungeon entrance is located in the Valley of Spears in Desolace. You’ll need to pass through a Stone Door on the west side of the valley, around 38, 58, to enter the exterior caverns. From there, you’ll have to wind your way through a maze of tunnels and caves to reach one of the dungeon portals. Note that this area is filled with level 40+ elites.

Maraudon Dungeon Portals
There are three ways to enter the instance. Following the path down from where you enter the caves, you’ll come upon a fork in the road.
- On your right is a path lined with orange crystals. Following this path will eventually lead you to the orange side dungeon portal.
- On your left is a path lined with purple crystals. Following this path will eventually lead you to the purple side dungeon portal. Stay on the upper level at all times to reach the portal – don’t jump down or take any downward ramps.
- In the middle is a gate that leads to the place where you can use the Scepter of Celebras to teleport inside the dungeon to the Earth Song Falls area. (On the map below, the portal spot itself is located directly underneath where the path “To Purple” is marked.)

The Scepter of Celebras
The Scepter of Celebras is a very useful item to have if you’re going to be farming Maraudon, as it allows you to teleport directly to the Earth Song Falls part of the instance and skip the earlier bosses. To get it, you must complete the quest The Scepter of Celebras.
The scepter can only be used in a certain place right outside of the dungeon. To find the right place, take the middle path between the statues where the path diverts to the purple and orange sides. Follow this path around until you reach Spirit of Kolk. Right behind him you’ll see a small room with four braziers. That’s where you can use the scepter.

There are several quests available in Maraudon for both factions.
Quest Name | Acquired From | Shareable |
Archmage Tervosh (Dustwallow Marsh) | Yes | |
Keeper Marandis (Desolace) | Yes | |
Talendria (Desolace) | No | |
Uthel’nay (Orgrimmar) | Yes | |
Vark Battlescar (Desolace) | No | |
Selendra (Desolace) | Yes | |
Willow (Desolace) | Yes | |
Cavindra (Maraudon) | Yes | |
Celebras the Redeemed (Maraudon) | No | |
Centaur Pariah (Desolace) | No |
Alliance Quests
Shadowshard Fragments
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 38
- Start: Archmage Tervosh at Theramore in Dustwallow Marsh
- Finish: Archmage Tervosh at Theramore in Dustwallow Marsh
- Objectives: Collect 10 Shadowshard Fragments from Shadowshard Rumblers and Shadowshard Smashers just outside Maraudon
- Rewards:
- 3450 experience
- 150 reputation with Stormwind
- Pick one of:
The Shadowshard Fragments you need can be looted from Shadowshard Rumblers and Shadowshard Smashers, elite elementals outside the entrance to Maraudon.
Corruption of Earth and Seed
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 45
- Start: Keeper Marandis at Nijel’s Point in Desolace
- Finish: Keeper Marandis at Nijel’s Point in Desolace
- Objectives: Defeat Princess Theradras, the last boss of Maraudon
- Rewards:
- 7350 experience
- 500 reputation with Cenarion Circle
- Pick one of:
Vyletongue Corruption
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 41
- Start: Talendria at Nijel’s Point in Desolace
- Finish: Talendria at Nijel’s Point in Desolace
- Objectives: Fill the Coated Cerulean Vial inside Maraudon and use it to heal 8 plants
- Rewards:
- 6300 experience
- Pick one of:
You’ll be given a Coated Cerulean Vial, which you can fill in any of the pools of water with orange crystals in the caves leading to Maraudon. These pools can be found outside the orange dungeon entrance, which you can reach by taking the right side path where it splits. The blue water that Cavindra is standing in doesn’t count – the water must be orange.
Doing this will give you a Filled Cerulean Vial which you will use inside the instance. Look for Vylestem Vines, small flowers on the orange side of the dungeon. Use the vial near them to spawn Noxxious Scions, level 46 elementals. Defeat these enemies to heal the plant. Note that the elementals are immune to Nature damage.
Horde Quests
Shadowshard Fragments
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 38
- Start: Uthel’nay at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar
- Finish: Uthel’nay at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar
- Objectives: Collect 10 Shadowshard Fragments from Shadowshard Rumblers and Shadowshard Smashers just outside Maraudon
- Rewards:
- 3450 experience
- 150 reputation with Darkspear Trolls
- Pick one of:
The Shadowshard Fragments you need can be looted from Shadowshard Rumblers and Shadowshard Smashers, elite elementals outside the entrance to Maraudon.
Vyletongue Corruption
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 41
- Start: Vark Battlescar at Shadowprey Village in Desolace
- Finish: Vark Battlescar at Shadowprey Village in Desolace
- Objectives: Fill the Coated Cerulean Vial inside Maraudon and use it to heal 8 plants
- Rewards:
- 6300 experience
- Pick one of:
You’ll be given a Coated Cerulean Vial, which you can fill in any of the pools of water with orange crystals outside Maraudon. These pools can be found outside the orange dungeon entrance, which you can reach by taking the right side path where it splits.
Doing this will give you a Filled Cerulean Vial which you will use inside the instance. Look for Vylestem Vines, small flowers on the orange side of the dungeon. Use the vial near them to spawn Noxxious Scions, level 46 elementals. Defeat these enemies to heal the plant. Note that the elementals are immune to Nature damage.
Corruption of Earth and Seed
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 45
- Start: Selendra at Shadowprey Village in Desolace
- Finish: Selendra at Shadowprey Village in Desolace
- Objectives: Defeat Princess Theradras, the last boss of Maraudon
- Rewards:
- 7350 experience
- 500 reputation with Cenarion Circle
- Pick one of:
Neutral Quests
Twisted Evils
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 41
- Start: Willow at Kormek’s Hut near Thunderaxe Fortress in Desolace
- Finish: Willow at Kormek’s Hut near Thunderaxe Fortress in Desolace
- Objectives: Collect 15 Theradric Crystal Carvings from enemies inside Maraudon
- Rewards:
- 6300 experience
- Pick one of:
There are numerous enemies inside Maraudon who can drop Theradric Crystal Carvings. They also have a 100% chance to drop from The Nameless Prophet outside the instance, who instantly respawns.
Legends of Maraudon
- Shareable: Yes
- Level Required: 41
- Start: Cavindra in the caves outside Maraudon
- Finish: Celebras the Redeemed who appears when Celebras the Cursed is defeated inside Maraudon
- Objectives: Recover the Celebrian Rod and the Celebrian Diamond inside Maraudon and then speak with Celebras the Cursed
- Rewards:
- 3400 experience
First you will need to loot the Celebrian Rod from Noxxion and the Celebrian Diamond from Lord Vyletongue. Then defeat Celebras the Cursed to spawn Celebras the Redeemed, and speak to him to continue to the next quest below.
The Scepter of Celebras
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 41
- Chain Start: Cavindra in the caves outside Maraudon
- Quest Start: Celebras the Redeemed who appears when Celebras the Cursed is defeated inside Maraudon
- Finish: Celebras the Redeemed inside Maraudon
- Objectives: Follow Celebras the Redeemed and wait for him to finish the ritual
- Rewards:
- Scepter of Celebras
- 5700 experience
This quest is the follow-up to the quest above. You just need to wait for Celebras the Redeemed to tell his story and you will be able to turn in the quest and receive the Scepter of Celebras.
The Pariah’s Instructions
- Shareable: No
- Level Required: 39
- Start: Centaur Pariah patrols along the road south of Mannoroc Coven in Desolace
- Finish: Centaur Pariah patrols along the road south of Mannoroc Coven in Desolace
- Objectives:
- Rewards:
- Amulet of Spirits
- Mark of the Chosen
- 1 gold 40 silver
- 5450 experience
There are 9 bosses in Maraudon, split across 4 zones within the dungeon. One of these bosses is Rare and will not always be present.
- Purple Side:
- Orange Side
- Poison Falls
- Earth Song Falls
Tinkerer Gizlock
Gizlock is a level 50 elite, who takes after an Engineering Physical DPS class. The boss is found at the bottom of the ramp and following chamber before Princess Theradras, the same area where Landslide can be found at the top of the ramp. Tinkerer Gizlock can also be approached after Rotgrip by swimming to the area of the pool opposite from the Princess, and following the ramp onto the ledge and into Gizlock’s chamber. The boss’ loot table isn’t too large, but two of the three blue drops are Pre-Raid BiS. Gizlock’s Hypertech Buckler is pre-raid BiS for Restoration Shamans. Inventor’s Focal Sword is pre-raid BiS for Warlocks.

- Tank: Tanking this fight is not incredibly complicated. Face the boss away from the group, and maintain a steady lead on the threat table.
- Healer: Healers should stack up with Ranged and Melee DPS on the back of Gizlock, in Melee range. This prevents the boss from using his Shoot ability to target you. The Tank will take consistent damage from Gizlock’s attacks and Goblin Dragon Gun, but be aware of when the boss uses Bomb to damage the other members of the group.
- Damage Dealers: During this encounter, both Melee and Ranged DPS players should stack up behind the boss, to avoid taking damage form Goblin Dragon Gun, and to keep Gizlock from turning around and using his ranged Shoot ability. Focus your DPS output on the boss without overcoming your Tank’s threat for a smooth kill.
Lord Vyletongue
Lord Vyletongue is the First boss on the Shadowshard (Purple) side of Maraudon. The boss is a demon level 47 elite, who has two elite adds with him as well. The boss uses ranged attacks where possible. He will use Smoke Bomb to stun the group for a few seconds, and Blink away from the group to use his ranged abilities.

- Tank: Tank the boss and adds with the rest of the group stacked on top of you. If Vyletongue Blink away, stack right back up on him. Maintain threat on the adds while the group focuses down the boss, then switch to the adds.
- Healer: The Healer should stack up with the rest of the group and focus their output on the tank. There will be some raid damage taken from Multi-Shot and the adds, so stay aware of the party’s health while focusing the tank.
- Damage Dealers: Typically, the main DPS focus in the fight is to handle Vyletongue first, and his two adds afterwards. If you have a Hunter or Warlock, utilize CC on the adds until the boss dies. Stack up on the tank so that the boss does not use his Multi-Shot ability. When Vyletongue uses Blink to get away, stack up on the tank again.
The first boss in the Ambershard (Orange) side of Maraudon, Noxxion is a level 48 elite elemental. The boss is a popular kill for acquiring nature resistance gear, especially the trinket Heart of Noxxion. The boss will split into multiple versions of itself during the encounter that need to be defeated.

- Tank: Tanking this boss, it is recommended to pull Noxxion out of the water and onto the land so that AoE attacks (particularly from casters) can land easily. When Noxxion splits into multiple versions, try to keep them from attacking your healer primarily, as well as other party members.
- Healer: The mechanics in this fight should simply be healed through.
- Damage Dealers: Damage dealers should simply focus their damage output on Noxxion. When the boss splits into multiple smaller versions, kill them one at a time then return to the boss.
Razorlash is the second boss on the Orange side of Maraudon and is a straight forward fight.

- Tank: While tanking the boss, face it away from the other players. This is a simple tank and spank encounter.
- Healer: While healing, pay careful attention to who is being affected by Puncture. It should be the tank, but if the 10 second bleed lands on another player, they will need to be your focus until the effect wears off. Stand at maximum range to avoid being affected by Puncture or Cleave.
- Damage Dealers: Melee DPS should be sure to stand behind the boss while maximizing their damage output, to avoid Cleave. Ranged DPS should stand at maximum range to avoid being affected by Puncture or Cleave.
Celebras the Cursed
This level 49 elite is the last boss in the front section of Maraudon. Celebras will summon adds during the fight. After defeating Celebras the Cursed, you can complete your quest for the Sceptar of Celebras. This item is invaluable by allowing you to teleport to this location, bypassing the Orange, Purple, and Poison Falls parts of the instance without having to clear them.

- Tank: Celebras and his adds should be tanked where they stand. Use your interrupts in coordination with DPS. Try to keep threat on the boss as well as all of the adds.
- Healer: This fight requires the healer to focus on the tank while remaining aware of which players are being affected by other mechanics like Entangling Roots. Try to maximize AoE healing and rotating your healing target during Twisted Tranquility.
- Damage Dealers: This fight requires DPS to focus their output and interrupts on Celebras the Cursed himself. If DPS kill one of the adds instead, the boss will summon another add.
Meshlok the Harvester (Rare)
Meshlok is a rare level 48 elite mob at the top of Poison Falls in Maraudon, accessible directly from either the Ambershard or Shadowshard (Orange or Purple) sides of the instance. The boss looks similar to other mobs in the area, so be careful not to bypass it on the way by! Meshlok patrols a small area at the top of the falls.

- Tank: Tank the boss facing away from the group. You do not need to reposition for any mechanics.
- Healer: Healing this fight is relatively easy; stand a maximum range and focus healing on the tank.
- Damage Dealers: Simply maximize your damage output to make quick work of the boss. Ranged DPS should spread out and be at maximum range to avoid the effects of War Stomp.
Landslide is a level 50 elite behemoth in the Earth Song Falls region of Maraudon, resembling the Primordial Behemoth Trash in the area. The boss is at the top of a spiral ramp which is a right turn where you would turn left to go to Princess Theradras. The boss hits hard and has high armor, but is nonetheless manageable. Landslide will additionally summon some Theradrim Shardling throughout the encounter.

- Tank: The tank in this fight should engage Landslide where he stands, with their back to a wall. Try to establish threat on the adds when they spawn to keep them off your healer.
- Healer: Heal this fight from maximum distance to avoid any knockback. While healing the tank, avoid being swarmed with Theradrim Shardlings.
- Damage Dealers: All DPS should focus their damage output on Landslide, not on the adds he summons because they despawn when he dies. Ranged DPS should stay at maximum range to avoid knockback and stuns.
Dwelling in the waters beneath Princess Theradras’ platform, the albino crocolisk Rotgrip awaits the group. Sharing these waters are a number of hydra which your group will need to clear to provide space for you to engage Rotgrip. Rotgrip does hit pretty hard compared to other bosses and mobs at this level, so be sure that DPS do not rip threat off of the tank or they will be met with a swift demise.

- Tank: Use a ranged pull to engage the boss and bring him up to the surface of the water if possible. Face the boss away from the group. Use defensive cooldowns when you receive Fatal Bite, or are coming close to the end of the encounter to secure Rotgrip’s defeat.
- Healer: While healing, focus on keeping the tank topped off. Rotgrip can deal large amounts of damage at a time, and the Fatal Bite bleed DoT paired with strong melee attacks will require strong heals to counteract.
- Damage Dealers: Priority should be to maximize damage output while ensuring that no player overcomes the tank on the threat table. Rotgrip will likely make quick work of DPS classes, especially cloth wearers. Warlocks or Shaman should buff the group with Unending Breath or Water Breathing, to allow for ease in fighting Rotgrip without having to track your breath or stay on top of the water.
Princess Theradras
Princess Theradras is the last boss of Maraudon, and is highly sought after for her Blackstone Ring drop which serves as pre-raid BiS for nearly all physical classes.

- Tank: Tank the Princess at the back of her platform to provide the rest of the group with plenty of room to spread out. Berserker Rage can be used to break the fear effect from Repulsive Gaze.
- Healer: Focus healing the tank from a position which is maximum range from Theradras to avoid Dust Field, but are still able to reach the rest of the group with your healing spells as well. Use Fear Ward or Tremor Totem if available to negate the effects of Repulsive Gaze. Keep an eye out for Boulder that Princess Theradras may throw in your direction, as well!
- Damage Dealers: Ranged DPS should stay at maximum range to not be caught up in Dust Field. Keep an eye out for the Boulder that Theradras will be throwing around the platform. Melee DPS will not be able to avoid the damaging pushback of Dust Field. So, use movement increasing abilities if possible to help you quickly outrange it and run back in. Maximize your damage output while ensuring that the Tank remains at the top of the threat table. Fear Ward, Tremor Totem, and Berserker Rage can be used to break the fear effect from Repulsive Gaze.
- Blackstone Ring
- Blade of Eternal Darkness
- Bracers of the Stone Princess
- Charstone Dirk
- Elemental Rockridge Leggings
- Eye of Theradras
- Gemshard Heart
- Princess Theradras’ Scepter
Quest Rewards & Loot
Quest Rewards
Shadowshard Fragments/
Shadowshard Fragments
Corruption of Earth and Seed/
Corruption of Earth and Seed
Vyletongue Corruption/
Vyletongue Corruption
- Twisted Evils
- The Scepter of Celebras
- The Pariah’s Instructions
Boss Drops