- Author: lettara
- Date: February 16, 2024
- Updated: February 16, 2024
- Expansion: WoW Classic
The Mechanical Menagerie, a chaotic mix of gears and mayhem deep within Gnomeregan. While dodging fire and avoiding a deceptively cute sheep, you’ll need to bring the entire quartet of bosses down simultaneously to achieve victory.
This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to deal with the Mechanical Menagerie encounter in the revamped 10-player Gnomeregan raid.
- Don’t get near the Sheep boss or you’ll be silenced and take heavy nature damage.
- Keep an eye on the Dragon boss and avoid his fire Sprocketfire Breath.
- Kill Explosive Eggs left by the Chicken boss.
- Interrupt the Squirrel boss’s Widget Volley.
- If you are a healer, be ready for heavy tank damage after the Chicken boss casts Cluck! and heavy raid damage after the Dragon casts Overheat.
Chicken (STX-37/CN)
Squirrel (STX-25/NB)
Dragon (STX-04/BD)
Sheep (STX-13/LL)
Raid Composition & Preparation
Two to three tanks are recommended, but daring groups could attempt it with a single tank.
Two to three healers are recommended. Even if all mechanics are dealt with properly, you can expect extremely heavy tank damage.
A balanced DPS composition is ideal for this encounter, but at least a couple ranged DPS are necessary to kill the Sheep boss, since melee can’t get close to him without taking heavy nature damage from Binary Bleat.
Two interrupters are ideal to kick casts of Widget Volley.
The Pull
A synchronized pull is necessary to prevent a single tank from taking aggro on all bosses and dying instantly. If your raid team is struggling with this, have a ranged DPS start the fight at maximum range. The tanks will then have several seconds to take control of their respective bosses as they pursue the distant ranged DPS.
The Fight

You’ll be fighting all four bosses (Chicken, Squirrel, Dragon & Sheep) simultaneously. All four bosses should be taken down as evenly as possible, and players should stop attacking a boss if their health gets too low relative to the others. This is due to their self healing mechanic: if one boss’s health hits zero before the others, after 30 seconds they will heal back up to 30% health.
The positioning in this encounter is determined entirely by STX-13/LL, or the Sheep boss. It’s impossible to actually tank the Sheep, because if you get too close to it, you’ll be silenced from Frayed Wiring and take a big hit of nature damage from Binary Bleat. So instead of tanking it like the other 3 bosses in this encounter, simply let it wander around slowly toward the raid. Keep the Sheep a healthy distance away from players by kiting it as a team; moving the other three bosses in a circle around it, shifting whenever the Sheep gets too close. By doing this you also handle the fire left by the Dragon’s Slag Embers without too much trouble. The other three bosses (Chicken, Squirrel & Dragon) should stay relatively stacked to facilitate cleave damage.
Before the encounter begins, work out who is responsible for killing Explosive Eggs and interrupting Widget Volley. Both of these mechanics are trivial, but can wipe the raid if left unchecked. It may also be a good idea to create DPS assignments for each boss to ensure that they are killed as evenly as possible. The sheep boss should be focused by most, if not all, of the ranged DPS, since melee DPS will be unable to get close to him. Beyond that, split the remainder of the DPS evenly between the other three bosses, slightly prioritizing the Squirrel boss as he takes reduced damage.