PvE Balance Druid Best Professions – WoW Classic

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Professions are a crucial part of your World of Warcraft character, with the potential to give you a large boost to your damage, healing, or survivability, while also allowing you to generate some gold. This guide will cover your best options for professions as a Balance Druid.

Best Professions

  • Engineering is known as the best PvE and PvP profession in WoW Classic, providing players with the ability to create Bombs, Gadgets, Grenades, and special Gear pieces that severely enhance the performance of any character. Balance Druids can use Engineering to supplement their damage with Goblin Sapper Charge, Dark Iron Bomb, and Thorium Grenades, especially since they are known as some of the weakest DPS specializations. The only downside of Engineering is that the profession is extremely hard to level up and maintain, requiring a large amount of materials that can drain your gold instantly if not paired with Mining.
  • Alchemy is one of the best professions for gold generation and overall resources during any PvE encounter. When paired with Herbalism or a large reserve of gold, having Alchemy will make sure that you won’t lack any elixir, potion, or flask that you may require during combat.
  • Herbalism is an extremely good gold generation tool for any player as it allows them to gather herbs from across the world which can either be solved or used with Alchemy. Balance Druids have an extended bonus when using this profession as they can gather herbs without needing to shapeshift, meaning they can use Travel Form to gather plants quickly without much competition.
  • Mining is a great profession if you choose to pair it with Engineering, not only for the leveling process but for the creation of any bomb or grenade consumable after reaching 300. Since Engineering is so expensive to use, players will always want to pair it with Mining to be able to get a steady supply of ore and bars for their gadgets and consumables.

Useful Professions

  • Leatherworking is a great profession that can land you some awesome gear pieces, both throughout your leveling journey and at level 60. The profession falls out as you start farming dungeons and grinding your Pre-BiS set, but it offers great items until you actually manage to gain the Pre-Raid BiS. Later on, the profession can be used to craft Fire Resistance Gear and some interesting Epic Items, although most can be bought since they are BoE. Similar to other crafting professions, Leatherworking can become expensive to level up or create high-end items without pairing it with Skinning.
  • Tailoring works similarly to Leatherworking, providing many caster options for Balance Druids. Unlike other crafting professions, Tailoring is self-sufficient as it requires Cloth that can be directly farmed from Humanoids and Undead in the game without requiring any other profession. However, the items granted by Tailoring will only be useful for a set amount of time, as all the best items are Leather and can be acquired from Dungeons and Raids.
  • Skinning is a useful profession for any Balance Druid who picks up Leatherworking. The profession allows players to skin beasts and gather their hides, creating Leather pieces in the process. The profession is only useful as a way to easily use Leatherworking without spending a large amount of gold.

Sub-Par Professions

  • Blacksmithing is a sub-optimal profession for Balance Druids, providing no real value other than the ability to create keys that can unlock lockboxes and rods for enchanters to use. Since Druids can’t use any Mail or Plate items, the profession is useless to them besides keys and any other Trade Goods items that they may create.
  • Enchanting is sub-optimal for any Balance Druids besides its role in gold generation through Disenchanting and providing Enchanting services. Since any player can simply buy the enchants from another player, the profession doesn’t grant any specific PvE use besides gold generation.


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Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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