PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Best Professions – WoW Classic

wow classic beast mastery hunter best professions

Beast Mastery Hunters can use professions to enhance their overall performance and gain an edge in PvE, whether through special consumables or gold generation. We’ll showcase the best professions that they can use, alongside any other useful ones, and even the sub-par professions that players should avoid.

Best Professions

  • Engineering is seen as one of the best professions in WoW Classic for Beast Mastery Hunters! It allows players to create a variety of bombs and ammo, including some special gadgets and gear pieces that can enhance PvE performance. Players can get their hands on Goblin Sapper ChargeDark Iron BombThorium Grenade, and Thorium Shells, among many other goodies. The main issue of Engineering is that the profession is extremely expensive to upkeep, requiring a large amount of materials that can drain your gold instantly if not paired with Mining or another very good gold-generation profession.
  • Mining is a great profession if you choose to pair it with Engineering, not only for the leveling process but for the creation of any bomb or grenade consumable after reaching 300. Without Mining, it is extremely hard to keep up with creating Engineering items without a very hefty amount of gold.
  • Leatherworking is a great profession that can land you some awesome gear pieces, throughout your journey as a Beast Mastery Hunter. Similar to other crafting professions, Leatherworking can become expensive for creating high-end items without pairing it with Skinning or another very good gold-generation profession. It is often better to simply buy the BoE items instead of picking up Leatherworking without Skinning.
  • Skinning is a great profession for Marksmanship Hunters who pick up Leatherworking. The profession allows players to skin beasts and gather their hides, creating Leather. The profession is great at gold generation as well, but it is mainly used to funnel Leatherworking when compared to Alchemy/Herbalism.

Useful Professions

  • Alchemy is known as the very best profession for gold generation! When paired with Herbalism, having Alchemy will make sure that you won’t lack any elixir, potion, or flask that you may require during combat. Sadly, besides gold generation, Alchemy underperforms when compared to the on-use consumables crafted with Engineering.
  • Herbalism is mainly used to funnel Alchemy but it is known as the second-best gold generation tool for any player as it allows them to gather herbs from across the world. Since potions, flasks, and elixirs are always in high demand, Herbalism will always generate one of the highest gold returns in the game.

Sub-Par Professions

  • Blacksmithing is a sub-optimal profession for Beast Mastery Hunters, providing only a few items of real value. The only valuable items are the keys that can unlock lockboxes, rods for enchanters to use, and a very few Mail craftable items. The issue with all the craftable gear is that it can easily be replaced by Dungeon gear or Leatherworking gear.
  • Enchanting is sub-optimal for any Beast Mastery Hunters besides its role in gold generation. Since enchants can be bought from someone else, the profession doesn’t grant any specific PvE use that couldn’t easily be acquired from another source.
  • Tailoring is yet another sub-par profession since the profession is mainly used to create Cloth. The only good part about this profession is the creation of bags and BoEs, effectively being just yet another gold-generation tool.


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Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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