PvE Beast Mastery Hunter Talents & Builds – WoW Classic

wow classic pve beast mastery hunter talents builds

Here we’ll showcase the best builds for Beast Mastery Hunter in PvE, ranging from the standard build that can be used in both Dungeons and Raids to one starter build that is more suitable for characters missing Hit Chance!

Standard Talent Build (Beast Mastery/Marksmanship)

wow classic pve beast mastery hunter standard talent build

This is the standard Beast Mastery build that works perfectly for almost any PvE environment! The build features a mix of the Beast Mastery and Marksmanship Talent Trees, emphasizing several key talents to ensure that both you and your pet deal as much damage as possible. The key talents of the build are Improved Aspect of the Hawk, Unleashed Fury, Ferocity, Frenzy, Bestial Wrath, Lethal Shots, Mortal Shots, and Aimed Shot.

Almost all the other talents are interchangeable, but some stand out more than others. You will want to acquire Bestial Swiftness for any outdoor PvE content. You can choose to get Improved Mend Pet if you know for certain that you will face encounters with debuffs but you may swap it with Pathfinding for more movement speed in raids.

In addition, Improved Hunter’s Mark is also optional if you have another Hunter in your group who will bring it. You can change it with 3/3 in Hawk Eye and just keep one point in Improved Hunter’s Mark. Sadly, you won’t have enough talent points to also get points in Monster Slaying or Humanoid Slaying without sacrificing points from the Marksmanship Tree. Since Critical Strike Chance is so important, it would be a bad choice to give up on Mortal Shots for a few extra damage percentages.

Talent Build Variation (Beast Mastery/Survival)

wow classic pve beast mastery hunter standard build variation

This version of the build is similar to what the other specializations use, specifically going to the Survival Tree to gain the Surefooted talent for increased Hit Chance. Players use this build in the early gearing stages when Hit Chance is scarce. The build has the exact same specific talents in the Beast Mastery Talent Tree, emphasizing talents such as Improved Aspect of the Hawk, Unleashed Fury, Ferocity, Frenzy, and Bestial Wrath.

The talents used to reach Surefooted are mostly subjective, but Monster Slaying or Humanoid Slaying are necessary to make up for the lost damage from Lethal Shots, Mortal Shots, and Aimed Shot. Deterrence is the only talent that is not subjective, as it provides a strong defensive ability, especially for early-on or new players. The rest of the talents are dependent on your playstyle, Clever Traps are amazing if you weave in traps while the Savage Strikes talent is amazing if you Melee weave.


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Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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