- Author: Nevermore
- Date: January 7, 2025
- Updated: January 8, 2025
- Expansion: WoW Classic
A guide to the best talents & builds for dps Feral Druids in WoW Classic. Feral Druids have one standard build that is specifically designed for Powershifting. The act is defined as constantly getting out of Cat Form and back in Cat Form to generate Energy and spam abilities. However, players may also choose a different build that is specifically made to provide Off-Tanking services whilst still mainly remaining a DPS if their guild requires them to.
Standard (Powershifting Build)

This is the standard Powershifting build that aims to enhance the act as much as possible, through talents such as Omen of Clarity and Furor. In addition, the build features important talents such as Blood Frenzy, Improved Shred, Faerie Fire (Feral), Heart of the Wild, and Leader of the Pack.
The main difference to this build compared to any other DPS/Off-Tank build is the lack of points in Feral Instinct, which means no increased Threat and a higher chance to be detected while in Prowl. This build should not be used in any circumstance for any type of tanking and should only be taken for a pure DPS role. In case you wish to alter the build and maintain most of the talents, simply swap Ferocity for Feral Instinct. However, this change also dampens the performance by increasing Maul‘s Rage Cost.
Off-Tanking Build

The Off-Tanking build is very similar to the Standard Build, however, the focus is on reducing Maul‘s Rage Cost as much as possible while having 5/5 points in Feral Instinct to have maximum Threat Generation. The downside of this build is that it has fewer points in Feral Aggression, meaning lower damage generated by Ferocious Bite.
The rest of the build stays the same with talents such as Omen of Clarity, Furor, Blood Frenzy, Improved Shred, Faerie Fire (Feral), Heart of the Wild, and Leader of the Pack.