- Author: Nevermore
- Date: January 9, 2025
- Updated: January 10, 2025
- Expansion: WoW Classic
Feral Druid Tank has two main talent builds, one for the main tank role and one for the off-tank role. Both builds have varying degrees of flexibility, meaning players may choose to play around with certain talents, depending on the raid encounter and overall raid composition.
Main Tank Build

This is the standard build for any Feral Druid that wishes to be a Main Tank. The build avoids the main Cat Form talents such as Improved Shred and Blood Frenzy in favor of Feral Instinct and Thick Hide. While Thick Hide is generally thought of as an extremely useless talent by the community, it can stack with effects from healers such as Improved Lay on Hands, Ancestral Healing, and Inspiration. Moreover, since Thick Hide scales with Dire Bear Form, it will be invaluable for all fights where heavy Physical Damage is involved, especially since Feral Druid Tanks can’t parry or block attacks.
Alternatively, there is some degree of flexibility with the build, allowing you to forsake Thick Hide and in favor of 5 points in Feral Aggression for the improved Demoralizing Roar. You may also swap around talents to get some of the Cat Form talents such as Improved Shred, Blood Frenzy, and Natural Shapeshifter, although it is simply better to choose the Off-Tank build if you plan on DPSing/Off-Tanking as well.
Off-Tank Build

The Off-Tank build is a mix of Bear Form talents and Cat Form talents, allowing Feral Druids to both efficiently tank and DPS in Cat Form as well. With this variation of the build, you won’t get the maximum Rage Generation or the highest defensive stats but talents such as Improved Shred, Blood Frenzy, and Natural Shapeshifter ensure that you can safely Powershift and generate a decently high Damage Output as an Off-Tank. The issues with this variation are that you will only have 2 points in Feral Aggression, meaning that Ferocious Bite won’t deal as much damage while you also have lower Rage Generation since you won’t have Improved Enrage or Primal Fury.
The Build is however solid for tanking, as key Bear Form talents such as Savage Fury, Feral Instinct, and Ferocity are kept. The only downside is the lack of armor from Thick Hide.