PvE Holy Paladin Healer Talents & Builds – WoW Classic

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Find the best raid and dungeon talent builds for Holy Paladins in WoW Classic. Holy Paladins generally have only one viable standard build that comes with a few variations, depending on what utility effects they desire to bring for their group.

Standard Talent Build

standard holy paladin pve talent build

This is the Standard Talent Build for Holy Paladins in PvE, being viable throughout WoW Classic, including the late parts such as Ahn’Qiraj and Naxxramas! The build features several important talents, having a perfect mix of utility, healing-empowerment, and defensive effects.

Almost all effects are important in the Holy Tree, but some stand out more than others. Divine Intellect, Healing Light, Improved Lay on Hands, Illumination, Holy Power, and Holy Shock are the most impressive ones when compared to the others. Divine Intellect grants much-needed Intellect resulting in Mana and Spell Critical Strike Chance. Healing Light and Holy Power increase overall healing while Illumination grants Holy Paladins a way of keeping their Mana Pool healthy whenever they land a Spell Critical Strike. Improved Lay on Hands is one of the talents that make them the greatest Tank Healers besides their overall large Single-Target Healing while Holy Shock is simply an iconic instant-cast that can save just about any target in dire moments.

Unyielding Faith and Spiritual Focus act as your self-defensive effects, increasing your chance of resisting Fear and Disorient effects and Spell Pushback. Talents such as Improved Blessing of Wisdom and Lasting Judgement act as utility tools, with the latter being especially useful for fights where you can’t reapply Judgement often.

Meanwhile, the talents from the Protection Tree are mostly Utility-based such as Improved Devotion Aura, Guardian’s Favor, and Blessing of Kings. While Precision might sound like a weird talent for a Healer, it is required for Judgement since the spell is actually tagged as a Ranged (Weapon) Attack.

Lastly, Improved Blessing of Might is also taken from the Retribution Talent Tree to provide further utility for any Physical Damage Dealer. The buff is also great for tanks if anyone else is already placing Blessing of Kings on them.

Standard Build Variation

holy paladin pve talent build variation wow classic

This is a variation of the Standard Build, bringing almost the same effects! The main difference with this variation is that you’ll aim to get Improved Concentration Aura, meaning that some talents have to be forfeited to reach it. You will not longer have 5/5 in Improved Blessing of Might and 3/3 in Lasting Judgement, instead taking 5/5 in Toughness and the desired 3/3 in Improved Concentration Aura.

This variation is much more situational as not all fights require Concentration Aura, but the build is extremely good if you are always placed in the main caster group.


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Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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