PvE Marksmanship Hunter Stat Priority – WoW Classic

wow classic pve marksmanship hunter stat priority

In WoW Classic, Marksmanship Hunters have a very similar stat priority to their fellow brethren Survival and Beast Mastery Hunters! In this section, we’ll display each stat in terms of importance and offer in-depth explanations.

Stat Priority

  1. Hit Chance
  2. Critical Strike Chance
  3. Agility
  4. Attack Power
  5. Intellect
  6. Haste
  7. Stamina
  8. Strength
  9. Spirit

Hit Chance is the most important stat for almost any character in WoW Classic, including Marksmanship Hunters! The cap for Hit Chance in WoW Classic is 9% but Hunters can function with 6% Hit Chance. Marksmanship Hunters have the option to spec into the Survival Tree to acquire the Surefooted talent for an extra 3% Hit Chance, but only in the beginning as the build is not optimal long term. The Hit Chance you will acquire will be mainly from gear, including special enchantments such as the Biznicks 247×128 Accurascope. In addition, certain races such as Trolls and Dwarves also have innate Hit Chance when using certain weapons through their Gun Specialization and Bow Specialization racials.

Critical Strike Chance is an extremely important stat for Hunters in general, with Marksmanship Hunters making extraordinary use of it! It increases the overall chance of all your Auto-Attacks and Abilities to deal Critical Strikes! Hunters have talents that improve Critical Strike Chance, benefiting from Mortal Shots and Lethal Shots, meaning that players should aim to stack as much of this stat as possible. There is a hard cap for Critical Strike Chance, however, in WoW Classic it is so hard to achieve the cap, that players shouldn’t bother worrying about it.

Agility is one of the primary stats for Marksmanship Hunters, increasing their overall Critical Strike Chance, Attack Power with both Melee and Ranged Weapons, Armor, and Dodge Chance. This is the primary stat you will want to stack as much as possible besides Intellect, to increase your Attack Power and Critical Strike Chance as much as possible! Since every bit of Attack Power increases your damage while Critical Strike Chance simply scales amazingly, you will want to grab as much Agility as possible.

Attack Power, just as mentioned previously, is a stat that increases the entirety of your Damage Output, boosting both your Auto-Shots and your Abilities. You should never aim to get items that directly grant raw Attack Power unless there is no other better option or if the item itself grants a mix of stats among which you can find both Agility and Attack Power. Ideally, You should get Ranged Attack Power from special items such as your Quiver or Enchants only. Some Ranged Weapons in the game also provide raw Attack Power being a great pick until you can get something better (Agility/Critical Strike Chance).

Intellect is a primary stat that increases the overall Mana Pool of Marksmanship Hunters along with the chance to score a Critical Strike Chance with spells. You will want to stack a considerable amount of Intellect to acquire a large Mana Pool since you won’t use any Spell that can benefit from Intellect. The only ability that realistically benefits from Spell Critical Strike Chance is Arcane Shot, which is not in your rotation.

Haste (Attack Speed) is a stat that increases the frequency of your attacks! This stat is somewhat rare, being available only from a few sources such as specific enchants or quivers. Hunters can also gain this stat from the Improved Aspect of the Hawk talent and from the Rapid Fire ability for burst sequences.

Stamina is a stat that increases the overall Health Pool of a Marksmanship Hunter! The stat is mainly found on your core items so you shouldn’t go out of your way to acquire it. You will basically want it to avoid becoming a Glass Cannon.

Strength is a stat that increases Melee Attack Power for Hunters. This stat is absolutely useless for you if you don’t plan on consistently Melee Weaving in combat, which is often sub-optimal in terms of Damage Output.

Spirit is a stat that increases Health and Manar regeneration. Sadly, Marksmanship Hunters have no access to in-combat regeneration, meaning that Spirit will only help while out of combat. Some of your BiS items will have Spirit on them but you should not proactively attempt to get any Spirit!


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Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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