PvE Restoration Druid Stat Priority – WoW Classic

wow classic restoration druid stat priority

In WoW Classic, Restoration Druids share a similar stat priority with all the other Healing Specializations, with the only difference being based on the build they are playing. The standard Swiftmend build will have the typical stat priority for healers while the Nature’s Grace build will rely more on Spell Critical Strike Chance, stacking it as much as possible to buff Regrowth! Here you can find a complete list of all the required stats in order of importance, alongside a detailed explanation for each stat.

Stat Priority

  1. Raw Spell Power/Healing Power
  2. Intellect
  3. Spirit
  4. MP5
  5. Spell Critical Strike Chance (Higher if you play Nature's Grace)
  6. Stamina

Spell Power is the most important stat for Restoration Druids, empowering all their Healing spells (Direct Healing & Heal-over-Time). This stat comes in two main variants, Raw Spell Power & Healing Power, with the former being the preferred form. You should aim to acquire as much Spell Power as possible as there is no effective cap for it. However, you should not dampen your other stats such as Intellect or Spirit.

Intellect is a primary stat for Restoration Druids that increases overall Mana Pool and Spell Critical Strike Chance. Stacking Intellect is especially recommended on Restoration Druids, as their kit is Mana Cost-heavy. Having a high amount of Intellect will allow you to cast max-rank spells more often, resulting in less downranking.

Spirit is a primary stat that increases Health and Mana Regeneration while out of combat. Restoration Druids want to get as much Spirit as possible, pilling it up together with Intellect. This is because of the

Reflection talent, allowing Restoration Druids to keep up 15% of their total regeneration while in combat. While stacking Intellect together with Spirit doesn’t increase the regeneration itself, you will want healthy amounts of both. Alternatively, depending on the encounter and its duration, you may want to stack more Intellect than Spirit, especially if the encounter is very short.

MP5 is a secondary stat that works similarly to Spirit, directly increasing the regeneration of Mana both in combat and outside combat. The distinction is that MP5’s regeneration continues even while casting in combat, with each tick happening every 2 seconds. This stat should not be given special importance, especially over Spirit and Intellect due to the

Reflection talent. It’s great if you can get it but it should not be a priority by any means.

Spell Critical Strike Chance is a secondary stat that is a bit controversial for Restoration Druids. Normally, the stat is not strong since it can only affect Direct Healing, having no effect on HoTs. However, when playing a specific build (

Nature's Grace), this stat is overwhelmingly important, especially due to the Improved Regrowth talent which gives it a 50% base chance to land a Critical Heal. When playing the Nature's Grace build, Spell Critical Strike Chance is considerably higher on the priority list, landing itself next to Intellect in terms of importance. Since many encounters can have a short duration, it is often more important to stack Spell Critical Strike Chance and Intellect for maximum performance when playing the Nature's Grace build.

Stamina is a stat that increases your overall Health Pool! While Restoration Druids don’t gain anything specific from this stat, they should ensure that they acquire relatively high amounts of Stamina to avoid dying fast. Nobody wants a glass cannon-type of healer, so make sure that you stack some Stamina besides your Spell Power, Intellect, Spirit, MP5, and Spell Critical Strike Chance!


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Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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